DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY WIIICIICORD WILLIAMS J DICTIONARY , OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY EDITED BY SIDNEY LEE VOL. LXI. WHICHCORD WILLIAMS LONDON SMITH, ELDER, & CO, 15 WATERLOO PLACE 1900 [All rights reserved] ZS LIST OF WRITERS IN THE SIXTY-FIRST VOLUME. J. B. A. . . J. B. ATLAV. B. B-L. . . . RICHARD BAGWELL. M. B Miss BATESON. R. B THE REV. RONALD BAYNE. T. B THOMAS BAYNE. M. B-L.. . . MACKENZIE BELL. C. B PROFESSOR CECIL BENDALL. T. G. B. . . THE REV. PROFESSOR BONNEY, F.R.S. G. S. B. . . G. S. BOULOER. E. I. C. . . . E. IRVING CARLYLE. W. C-R. . . WILLIAM CARR. J. L. C. . . J. L. CAW. A. M. C. . . Miss A. M. CLERKE. A. M. C-E. . Miss A. M. COOKE. T. C THOMPSON COOPER, F.S.A. W. P. C. . . W. P. COURTNEY. L. C LIONEL Cusx, F.S.A. H. D HENRY DAVEY. A. D AUSTIN DOBSON. R. D ROBERT DUNLOP. C. L. F. . . C. LITTON FALKINER. C. H. F. . . C. H. FIRTH. W. G. D. F. THE REV. W. G. D. FLETCHER. S. R. G. . . S. R. GARDINER, LL.D., D.C.L. JI. G RICHARD GARNETT, LL.D., C.B. i A. G. . . . THE REV. ALEXANDER GORDON. J. C. H. . . J. CUTHBERT HADDEN. J. A. H. . . J. A. HAMILTON. C. A. H. . . C. ALEXANDER HARRIS. P. J. H. . . P. J. HARTOG. J. A. H-T. . J. A. HERBERT. W. H THE REV. WILLIAM HUNT. J. H JOHN HUTCHINSON. W. H. H. . THE REV. W. H. HUTTON, D.D. A. J THE REV. AUGUSTUS JESSOPP, D.D. J. K JOSEPH KNIGHT, F.S.A. J. K. L. . . PROFESSOR J. K. LAUGHTON. S. L SIDNEY LEE. F. L FRANCIS LEGGE. E. M. L. . . COLONEL E. M. LLOYD, R.E. J. E. L. . . J. E. LLOYD. J. H. L. . . THE REV. J. H. LUPTON, B.D. M. MACD.. . MICHAEL MACDONAGH. J. R. M. . . J. R. MACDONALD. ^E. M. ... SHERIFF MACKAY. D. S. M. . . THE REV. PROFESSOR D. S. MARGOLIOUTH. H. E. M. . . THE RIGHT HON. SIR HERBERT MAXWELL, BART., M.P., F.R.S. L. M. M. . . Miss MIDDLETOX. VI List of Writers. N. M J. B. M. . A. N-x. . . G. LE G. N, K. N. . . . D. J. O'D. . F. M. O'D. , A. F. P. . . B. P D'A. P. . . F. B. . . . W. E. R. . , J. M. B. . H. B. . . . F. S. ... T. S P. A. S. . C. F. S. L. S. , NORMAN MOORE, M.D. J. BASS MULLINOER. PROFESSOR ALFRED NEWTON, F.B.S. G. LE GRYS NOROATE. Miss KATE NOROATE. D. J. O'DONOOHUE. F. M. O'DONOOHUE, F.S.A. A. F. POLLARD. Miss BERTHA PORTER. D'ARCY POWER, F.B.C.S. FRASER BAE. W. E. BHODES. J. M. BIGG. HERBERT BIX. THE BEV. F. SANDERS. THOMAS SECCOMBE. P. A. SILLARD. Miss C. FELL SMITH. LESLIE STEPHEN. G. S-H. . . C. W. S. . J. T-T. . . E. L. T. . H. B. T. . D. LL. T. M. T. . . . T. F. T. B. H. V. . A. V. . . . A. W. W. P. W. . . . M. G. W. W. W. W. M. H. W. J. F. W. . E. W-s. . W. B. W. B. B. W. . . GEORGE STRONACH. . C. W. SUTTON. . JAMES TAIT. . THE BEV. ETHELRED TACXTOX. . H. B. TEDDER, F.S.A. . D. LLEUFER THOMAS. . MRS. TOUT. PROFESSOR T. F. TOUT. . COLONEL B. H. VETCH, B.E., C.B. . ALSAGER VIAN. . A. W. WARD, LL.D., LITT.D. . PAUL WATERHOUSE. . THE BEV. M. G. WATKIXS. . CAPTAIN W. W. WEBB, M.D. F.S.A. . MARTIN H. WILKIN. . THE REV. J. FROME WILKINSON. . MRS. ROWLAND WILLIAMS. . W. R. WILLIAMS. . B. B. WOODWARD. »• In vol. Ix. (p. 83, col. 1. 11.4-2 fmm cml) emit He WM father of the antiquary and historian, Mr. William Henry James Wcale ; (p. 212, col. 2, 1. 8) for Lahore r'ad Indore. DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY Whichcord Whichcote WHICHCORD, JOHN (1823-1885), architect, born at Maidstone on 11 Nov. 1823, was the son of John Whichcord (1790-1860), an architect who designed two churches (St. Philip and Holy Trinity) in Maidstone, the Corn Exchange and Kent fire office in the same town, and various churches, parson- ages, and institutions in the county of Kent (Builder, I860, xviii. 383 ; Arch. Publ. Soc. Diet.) The son, after education at Maidstone and at King's College, London, became in 1840 assistant to his father, and in 1844 a student at the Royal Academy. After prolonged travel in Italy, Greece, Asiatic Turkey, Syria, Egypt, and the Holy Land (1846-1850), and a tour in France, Germany, and Denmark (1850), he took a partnership (till 1858) with Arthur Ashpitel [q. v.] With him he carried out additions (1852) to Lord Abergavenny's house, Birling, Kent, and in 1858 built four- teen houses on the Mount Elliott estate at Lee in the same county. His subsequent work consisted largely of office premises in the city of London, such as 9 Mincing Lane, 24 Lombard Street, 8 Old Jewry, Mansion House Chambers, the New Zealand Bank and the National Safe Deposit, all in Vic- toria Street, and Brown Janson & Co.'s bank, Abchurch Lane. He built the Grand Hotel at Brighton and the Clarence Hotel at Dover, as well as St. Mary's Church and parsonage at Shortlands, near Bromley, Kent, where he also laid out the estate for building. One of Whichcord's best known works is the St. Stephen's Club (1874), a classical building with boldly corbelled projections, facing Westminster bridge (Builder, xxxii. 308). He designed the internal fittings for the house of parliament at Cape Town. Whichcord was often employed as arbitrator in government VOL. LXI. matters, and he was one of the surveyors to the railway department of the board of trade. From 1854 he held the post of district sur- veyor for Deptford, and from 1879 to 1881 was president of the Royal Institute of British Architects, where he delivered various addresses and papers, and was largely instru- mental in the establishment of the examina- tion system (vide Transactions R.I.B.A., 1845-80). In 1865 Whichcord unsuccessfully con- tested the constituency of Barnstaple in the conservative interest ; he was an ardent volunteer, and became in 1869 captain in the 1st Middlesex artillery volunteers, for which he raised a battery mainly composed of young architects and lawyers. He was elected in 1848 a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. He died on 9 Jan. 1885, and was buried at Kensal Green. Whichcord published * History and Anti- quities of the Collegiate Church of All Saints, Maidstone,' with illustrations, in Weale's 'Quarterly Papers/ vol. iv. 1854, and various pamphlets. [Builder, 1885, xlviii. 98; Archit. Publ. Soc. Dictionary.] P. W. WHICHCOTE or WHITCHCOTE, BENJAMIN (1609-1683), provost of King's College, Cambridge, was the sixth son of ChristopherWhichcote of Whichcote Hall in the parish of Stoke in Shropshire, where he was born on 4 May 1609 (Baker MS. vi. 82 b). His mother, whose name was Elizabeth, was the daughter of Edward Fox of Greet in the same county (SALTEB, Pref. to Eight Letters, &c.,p.xvi). On 25 Oct. 1626 he was admitted a pensioner at Emmanuel College, Cambridge, on which occasion his name in the entry in the register is spelt ' Whitchcote.' His college Whichcote Whichcote tutor was Anthony Tuckney [q. v.], a divine with whose subsequent career his own became closely interwoven. In 1629-30 he was ad- mitted B. A., proceeded M.A. in 1633, in which year also he was elected a fellow of his col- lege. According to his biographer, he was ordained by John Williams Tq. v.l, bishop of Lincoln, on 5 March 1636, 'both deacon and priest ; ' ' which irregularity,' says Salter, ' I know not how to account* for in a prelate so obnoxious to the ruling powers both in church and state ' (tb. p. xvii). In the same year he was appointed to the important post of Sunday afternoon lecturer at Trinity Church in Cambridge, a post which he con- tinued to fill for nearly twenty years. About this time he received also his licence as uni- versity preacher. His discourses at Trinity Church, which were largely attended by the university, survive only in the form of notes, but it was through these that he attained his chief contemporary celebrity. It was his aim * to turn men's minds away from polemical argumentation to the great moral and spiri- tual realities lying at the basis of all re- ligion— from the " forms of words " to " the inwards of things" and "the reason of them " ' (Letters, p. 108). In 1634 he succeeded to the office of col- lege tutor, in which capacity ' he was famous for the number, rank, and character of his pupils, and the care he took of them.' Among those who afterwards attained to distinction were John Smith (1618-1652) Pq. v.l of Queens', JohnWorthington [q. v.], iTohn Vallis (1616-1703) Tq. v.], the mathe- matician, and Samuel Cradock. In 1640 he proceeded B.D. ; in 1641 he was a candidate for the divinity chair at Gresham College, but was defeated by Thomas Horton (WABD, Gresham Professors, p. 65) ; and in 1643 was presented by his college to the rectory of North Cadbury in Somerset. He thereupon married (the name of his wife is not recorded) and retired to his living. In the following year, however, he was summoned back to the university by the Earl of Manchester, to be installed as provost of King's College in the place of the ejected Dr. Samuel Collins [q. v?] His honourable character and scrupulous nature were shown by the reluctance with which he at length, under considerable pressure, consented to supplant one whom he highly respected, as well as by the generosity which led him to stipulate that his predecessor should continue to receive a moiety of the stipend attaching to the provostship (Pref. &c. pp. xviii, xix). The arguments pro and con by which he ultimately arrived at the conclusion that duty required his acceptance of the post were committed by him to writing and are printed in Hey wood (King's College Statutes, p. 290) from Baker MS. vi. 90. Alone among the newly installed heads of colleges at Cambridge he refused to take the cove- nant ; he is even said to have * prevailed to have the greatest part of the fellows of King's College exempted from that imposition, and preserved them in their places ' (TILLOTSON, Sermon, p. 23). In July 1649 he was created D.D. bj mandate ; about this time he resigned his Somerset living, but was soon afterwards pre- sented by his college to the rectory of Mil- ton in Cambridgeshire, which he continued to hold as long as he lived (Pref. p. xxii). In November 1650 he was elected vice- chancellor of the university, and while filling this office preached at the Cambridge com- mencement (July 1651) a sermon which was the occasion of a notable correspondence between himself and his former tutor, Tuck- ney (now master of Emmanuel). These letters, eight in number, were edited and published in 1753 by Dr. Salter, a grandson of Dr. Jeffery, Whichcote's nephew and editor ; and an analysis and criticism of the same will be found in Tulloch's ' Rational Theology' (ii.' 59-84). Generally speaking, they represent the main points at issue be- tween a staunch and able upholder of the puritan orthodoxy as formulated in the Westminster confession, and one whose aim it was to bring about a fuller recognition of the claims of private judgment and of ' the rationality of Chfistian doctrine.' Rudely challenged at the outset, Whichcote's views eventually resulted in a movement repre- sented by the body known as the Cambridge Platonists and, in a wider circle, as the Lati- tudinarians, a remarkable school of writers and thinkers for whom Burnet claims the high credit of having saved the church from losing her esteem throughout the kingdom. In 1654, on the occasion of the peace with Holland, Whichcote appears as one of the contributors to the volume of verses (' Oliva Pacis ') composed by members of the uni- versity to celebrate the event, and dedicated to Cromwell. In December 1655 he was invited by Cromwell to advise him, in con- junction with Cudworth and others, on the question of tolerating the Jews (Crossley's note to WORTHINGTON'S Diary, i. 79). In 1659 he combined with Cudworth, Tuckney, and other Cambridge divines, in supporting Matthew Poole's scheme for the maintaining of students of ' choice ability at the univer- sity, and principally in order to the mini- Whichcote Whichcote stry' (see POOLE, MATTHEW; Autobiogr. of Matthew Robinson, ed. Mayor, p. 193). At the Restoration Whichcote shared the fate of the other heads of colleges who had been installed under puritan influences, and was ejected, not without resistance on his part, from his provostship, his successor being James Fleetwood [q. v.] of Edgehill cele- brity. According to a letter written by Whichcote himself to Lauderdale, one of the objections urged against him had been that he had never been a fellow of the society (Daw- son Turner MS. No. 648). Among those whom he befriended about the time of this crisis was Samuel Hartlibfq. v.], with whom he frequently corresponded (WORTHINGTON, Diary, Chetham Soc., vols. i. ii. passim). His compliance with the Act of Uniformity restored him to court favour, and in No- vember 1662 he was appointed to the cure of St. Anne's, Blackfriars. When the church was burnt down in the great fire he retired to his living at Milton, and continued to re- side there for some years ; he ' preached con- stantly, relieved the poor, had their children taught to reade at his own charge, and made up differences among the neighbours ' (TILLOTSON, Sermon, p. '24). In 16C8 his friend Dr. John Wilkins [q. v.] was appointed to the bishopric of Chester, thereby vacat- ing the vicarage of St. Lawrence Jewry, to which, by his interest, Whichcote was now appointed. The church, however, had to be rebuilt, and during the work, which occu- pied some seven years, he preached regularly before the corporation at Guildhall Chapel. Inji letter written to Sancroft on 24 Dec. 1670 he gives an account of his services both to literature and to the church. In 1674, along with Tillotson and Stillingfleet, he co-operated with certain nonconformists in furthering Thomas Gouge's efforts to extend education in Wales. In 1683 Whichcote was at Cambridge on a visit to Cudworth at Christ's College, when he took cold and eventually died. He was interred in St. Lawrence Church, where his funeral sermon was preached by Tillotson on 24 May. His epitaph is printed in Strype's 'Stow' (iii. 47-8). There are portraits of him in the provost's lodge at King's College and in the gallery and hall of Emmanuel, the last being noted by Dr. Westcott as especially ' characteristic.' He was a benefactor to the university library and also to King's and Emmanuel, at which last society he had founded, before his death, scholarships to the value of 1,000/., ' bearing the name of William Larkin, who, making him his executor, entrusted him with the said summe to dispose of to pious uses at his own discretion' (Baker MS.RS9). Whichcote left no children ; his executors were his two nephews, the sons of Sir Jeremy Whichcote of the Inner Temple and deputy lieutenant of Middlesex. His sister Anne married Thomas Hayes, and was the mother of Philemon Hayes, minister of Childs Ercall (OWEN and BLAKEWAY, Hist. of Shrewsbury, i. 408 n. 7). An able estimate of his merits as a divine, from the pen of Dr. Westcott, will be found in ' Masters of Theology,' ed. Barry, London, 1877. Whichcote's works (all published posthu- mously) are: 1. ' Beo^opou/ifVa Ady/zara ; or, some Select Notions of that Learned and Reverend Divine of the Church of England, Benj. Whichcote, D.D. Faithfully collected from him by a Pupil and particular Friend of his,' London, 1685. 2. < A Treatise of Devo- tion, with Morning and Evening Prayer for all the Days of the Week,' 1697 (attributed to him, but no copy is known to exist). 3. ' Se- lect Sermons,' with a preface by the third Earl of Shaftesbury, author of the ' Charac- teristics,' 1698 ; reprinted at Edinburgh in 1742 by Principal Wishart. 4. 'Several Discourses [ten in number], examined and corrected by his own Notes, and published by John Jeffery, D.D., archdeacon of Nor- wich,' London, 1701. 5. 'The True Notion of Place in the Kingdom or Church of Christ, stated by the late Dr. Whitchcot in a Ser- mon [on James iii. 18] preach'd by him on the malignity of Popery. Examined and cor- rected by J. Jeffery,' London, 1717. 6. < The Works of the learned Benjamin Whichcote, D.D., rector of St. Lawrence Jewry, Lon- don,'4 vols. ; Aberdeen, 1751 (contains only the discourses). 7. ' Moral and Religious Aphorisms: collected from the manuscript Papers of the Reverend and Learned Doctor WThichcote, and published in MDCCIII by Dr. Jeffery. Now republished, with very large additions from the Transcripts of the latter, by Samuel Salter, D.D to which are added Eight Letters, which passed be- tween Dr. Whichcote, provost of King's College, and Dr. Tuckney, master of Em- manuel College,' London, 1753. [Preface to the Eight Letters by Salter, pp. xvi-xxviii ; Tillotson's Sermon preached at the Funeral of the Reverend Benjamin Whichcot (with portrait), London, 1683; Tulloch's Ra- tional Theology in England in the Seventeenth Century, ii. 2; unpublished notes by Profes- sor J. E. B. Mayor in his Cambridge in the Reign of Queen Anne, pp. 297-306 ; informa- tion kindly afforded by the master of Emmanuel College.] J- B. M. B - Whichcote Whiddon WHICHCOTE, GEORGE (1794-1891), general, born on 21 Dec. 1794, was the fourth son of Sir Thomas Whichcote, fifth baronet (1763-1824), of Aswarby Park, Lin- colnshire, by his wife Diana (d. 1826), third daughter of Edmund Turner of Panton and Stoke Rochford. In 1803 he entered Rugby school, where he fagged for William Charles Macready, the great actor. In December 1810, on leaving Rugby, he joined the 62nd foot as a volunteer, and received a commis- sion as ensign on 10 Jan. 1811. In the same year he embarked on the Pompey, a French prize, to join the British army in the Spanish peninsula, where his regiment, with the 43rd and the 95th, formed the famous light divi- sion. He took part in the battle of Sabugal on 3 April, and in the combat of El Bodon on 25 Sept., though his regiment was not engaged. He assisted in the storming of Ciudad Rodrigo on 19 Jan. 1812, and of Badajoz on 6 April. On 8 July he became lieutenant, and on 22 July was present at the battle of Salamanca and at that of Vit- toria on 21 June 1813, where the 52nd car- ried the village of Magarita with an im- petuous charge. He took part with his regiment in the combats in the Pyrenees in July and August, the combat of Vera on 3 Oct., the battle of the Nivelle on 10 Nov., the battle of the Nive on 10-13 Dec., the battle of Orthes on 27 Feb. 1814, of Tarbes on 12 March, and of Toulouse on 12 April. He was the first man in the English army to enter Toulouse. While in command of an advanced picket he observed the French re- treat, and, boldly pushing on, took posses- sion of the town. At the close of the war the regiment was placed in garrison at Castel- sarrasin on the Garonne, and afterwards was sent to Ireland. Whichcote took part in the battle of Waterloo, where the 52nd com- pleted the rout of the imperial guard. He was quartered in Paris during the occupa- tion by the allies, and on his return home received the Waterloo medal and the silver war medal with nine clasps, before he had attained his majority. After the peace the 52nd was ordered to Botany Bay, andWhich- cote exchanged into the buffs. On 22 Jan. 1818 he obtained his cap- taincy, and in 1822 again exchanged into the 4th dragoon guards. He was made major on 29 Oct. 1825, lieutenant-colonel on 28 June 1838, and colonel on 11 Nov. 1851. In 1825 he was placed on half-pay, and on 4 June 1857 he attained the rank of major- general; was promoted to be lieutenant- general on 31 Jan. 1864, and became a full general on 6 Dec. 1871. In 1887 he received a jubilee medal from the queen in recog- nition of his services, accompanied by an autograph letter. He died on 26 Aug. 1891 at Meriden, near Coventry, where he had resided since retiring from active service, and was buried there on 31 Aug. With the exception of Lieutenant-colonel Hewitt, he was the last officer of the English army surviving who had been present at Waterloo. In 1842 he married Charlotte Sophia (d. 1880), daughter of Philip Monckton. He had no issue. [Times, 27 Aug. 1891 ; Coventry Standard, 28 Aug. 1891 ; Burke's Peerage and Baronetage ; Rugby School Register ; Army Lists.] •p j r\ WHICHELO, C. JOHN M. (d. 1865), watercolour-painter, is said to have been a pupil of John Varley [q. v.], but his manner suggests rather the influence of Joshua Cris- tall [q.v.l His earliest work was of a purely topographical character, and some of his drawings were engraved for Wilkinson's ' Londina Illustrata' and Bray ley's ' Beauties of England and Wales.' He began to ex- hibit at the Royal Academy in 1810, send- ing chiefly marine views, and for a few years held the appointment of marine painter to the prince regent. In 1823 Whichelo be- came an associate of the Watercolour So- ciety, and for forty years he was a regular contributor to its exhibitions, his subjects being mainly representations of English coast and harbour scenery, with a few views on Dutch rivers. He usually signed his drawings 'John Whichelo.' He died in September 1865. , [Redgrave's Diet, of Artists; Roget's Hist, of the ' Old Watercolour ' Society.] F. M. O'D. WHIDDON, JACOB (Jl. 1585-1595), sea-captain, a trusted servant and follower of Sir Walter Ralegh, who speaks of him as ' a man most valiant and honest,' seems to have been with Sir Richard Greynvile in his voyage to Virginia in 1585. In 1588 he commanded Ralegh's ship the Roebuck, in the fleet under Lord Howard, and is de- scribed as particularly active in the various services which could be performed by so small a vessel. He took possession of, and brought into Torbay, the flagship of Don Pedro de V aides ; he brought supplies of am- munition to the fleet, and was constantly employed in scouting duty. In 1594 he was sent out by Ralegh to make a pre- liminary exploration of the Orinoco. His object was frustrated by the governor of Trinidad, who imprisoned some of his crew, and practically obliged him to return to England without the information he sought. It is probable that he was with Ralegh in Whiddon Whinyates the voyage to Guiana in 1595, the expedi- tion against Cadiz in 1596, and the Islands' voyage in 1597 ; but his name is not men- tioned. [Edwards's Life of Ralegh ; Defeat of the Spanish Armada (Navy Records Soc.) ; Ralegh's Discoverie of Guiana ; Lediard's Naval Hist.] J . K. L. WHIDDON, SIR JOHN (d. 1576), judge, was the eldest son of John Whiddon of Chagford in Devonshire, where his family had long been established. His mother, whose maiden name was Hugg, was also a native of Chagford. He studied law at the Inner Temple, and was elected a reader in the autumn of 1528. Failing to read on that occasion, his appointment was renewed for the following Lent ; he was again elected to the office on 12 Nov. 1535, and was chosen treasurer on 3 Nov. 1538, holding the office for two years. He was nominated a serjeant at the close of Henry VIII's reign, and constituted by a new writ a week after the king's death. His arguments in court during Edward's reign are reported by Plowden. Whiddon was appointed a judge of the queen's bench, almost immediately after Mary's accession, by patent dated 4 Oct. 1553, and on 27 Jan. 1554-5 he was knighted. He was the first judge to ride toWestminsterHall on a horse or gelding instead of a mule, according to previous custom. In April 1557, after the rising of Thomas Stafford (1631P-1567) [q. v.], he was sent down to Yorkshire to try the prisoners, and it is said that he re- ceived the commission of general, giving him authority to raise forces to quell any further risings. It is even stated that, owing to the unsettled state of the country, he sat on the bench in full armour. His patent was renewed on Elizabeth's accession, and he continued in his office until his death. He died at Chagford on 27 Jan. 1575-6, and was buried in the parish church. He was twice married. By his first wife, Anne, daughter of Sir William Hollis, he had one daughter, Joan, married to John Ashley of London ; by his second, Elizabeth, daughter and coheiress of William Shilston, he had six sons and seven daughters. [Vivian's Visitations of Devon, 1895; Foss's Judges, v. 545; Prince's Worthies of Devon, 1701, p. 593; Machyn's Diary (Camden Soc.), p. 342; Calendar of Inner Temple Records, 1896, vol. i. passim; Dugdale's Origines Juri- diciales, 1680, pp. 38, 118, 164, 170.] E. I. C. WHINCOP, THOMAS (d. 1730), com- piler, came of a London family which pro- duced several divines of fair repute in the seventeenth century. John Whincop or Wincopp was appointed rector of St. Martin's- in-the-Fields in January 1641-2, a post which he resigned in 1643, though two years later he preached two sermons before the House of Commons (Journals, ii. 992). His son, Thomas Whincop, D.D., was appointed rector of St. Mary Abchurch on 10 Nov. 1681, preached the Spital sermon in 1701, and died in 1710 (HENNESSY, Novum Reperto- rium, p. 297 ; cf. COLE, Athena, Add. MS. 5883, f. 23). The compiler may have been a son of this Dr. Whincop, but virtually nothing is known concerning him save that he lost considerable suras in the 'South Sea bubble' during 1721, and died at Totteridge, where he was buried on 1 Sept. 1730. Seventeen years after his death was printed, as by the late Thomas Whincop, ' Scanderbeg; or Love and Liberty : a Tragedy. To which is added a List of all the Dramatic Authors, with some Account of their Lives ; and of all the Dramatic Pieces published in the English language to the year 1747 ' (London, 1747, 8vo). The work was nominally edited and brought up to date by Martha Whincop, the widow of the compiler, who dedicated the volume to the Earl of Middlesex and ob- tained a goodly list of subscribers ; but it is clear that some of the articles were pre- pared by the biographical compiler John Mottley [q. v.], and it is probable that the whole ' List ' was thoroughly revised by his hands (see List, pp. 204-8). The dramatic authors are divided into two alphabetical categories, those who flourished before and those who flourished after 1660, and the double columns are embellished by a number of small medallion portraits engraved by N. Parr. At the end is an index of the titles of plays. The book is neatly arranged, but cannot claim to be more than a hasty compilation, based for the most part upon the 'English Dramatic Poets' (1691) of Gerard Langbaine the younger. Whincop's labours have long since been merged in those of Victor, Baker, and Reed. The British Museum has a copy of the ' List ' with copious manuscript notes by Joseph Haslewood. [Baker's Biogr. Dram. i. 745; Lowe's Bibl. Account of Theatrical Literature, 1888, p. 360 ; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. iv. 9 ; Brit. Mus. Cat. The connection, if any, between Thomas Whincop and the William Whincopp, M.D. (1769-1832), noticed in Davy's Athenae Suf- folcienses, iii. f. 206, has not been discovered.] T. S. WHINYATES, SIR EDWARD CHARLES (1782-1865), general, born on 6 May 1782, was third son of Major Thomas Whinyates (1755-1800) of Abbotsleigh, Whinyates Whinyates Devonshire, by Catherine, daughter of Sir Thomas Franliland, hart., of Thirkleby Park, Yorkshire. He was educated at Mr. New- combe's school, Hackney, and at the Royal Military Academy, Woolwich, which he en- tered as a cadet on 16 May 1796. He was commissioned as second lieutenant in the royal artillery on 1 March 1798, and became lieutenant on 2 Oct. 1799. He served in the expedition of that year to the Helder, and in the expedition to Madeira in 1801. When Madeira was evacuated at the peace of Amiens, he went with his company to Jamaica, and was made adjutant. On 8 July 1805 he was promoted second captain, and came home. He served as adjutant to the artillery in the attack on Copenhagen in 1807. In the following year he was posted to D troop of the horse artillery. In February 1810 he embarked with it for the Peninsula, but the Camilla transport, on board of which he was, nearly foundered, and had to put back. Owing to this, D troop did not take the field as a unit till 1811 ; but Whin- yates was present at Busaco on '27 Sept. 1810, and acted as adjutant to the officer command- ing the artillery. He was at Albueraonl6May 1811 with four guns, and there are letters of his describing this and subsequent actions (WHINYATES, pp. 59 sq.) He and his troop took part in the cavalry affair at Usagre on 25 May, and in the actions at Fuentes de Guinaldo and Aldea de Ponte on 25 and 27 Sept. In 1812 the troop was with Hill's corps on the Tagus ; and at Ribera, on 24 July, Whinyates made such good use of two guns that the French commander Lalle- mand inquired his name, and sent him a message : ' Tell that brave man that if it had not been for him, I should have beaten your cavalry' (WHINYATES, p. 63). The captain of D troop died at Madrid on 22 Oct., and for the next four months Whinyates was in command of it. It distinguished itself at San Munoz on 17 Nov., at the close of the retreat from Burgos, five out of its six guns being inj ured. General Long, who commanded the cavalry to which it was attached, after- wards wrote of the troop that he had never witnessed 'more exemplary conduct in quarters, nor more distinguished zeal and gallantry in the field.' On 24 Jan. 1813 Whinyates became cap- tain, and consequently left the Peninsula in March. His service there won him no pro- motion, as brevet rank was not given at that time to second captains. In 1814 he was appointed to the second rocket troop, and he commanded it at Waterloo. Wellington, who did not believe in rockets, ordered that they should be left behind ; and when he was told that this would break Whinyates's heart, he replied : ' Damn his heart ; let my orders be obeyed.' However, Whinyates eventually obtained leave to bring them into the field, together with his six guns. When Ponsonby's brigade charged D'Erlon's corps, he followed it with his rocket sections, and fired several volleys of ground-rockets with good effect against the French cavalry (Waterloo Letters, pp. 203-10). He then rejoined his guns, which were placed in front of Picton's division. In the course of the day he had three horses shot under him, was struck on the leg, and severely wounded in the left arm. He received a brevet majority and the Waterloo medal, and after- wards the Peninsular silver medal with clasps for Busaco and Albuera. At the end of 1815 the rocket troop went to England to be reduced, and Whinyates- was appointed to a troop of drivers in the army of occupation, with which he remained till 1818. He commanded H troop of horse artillery from 1823 to 22 July 1830, when he became regimental lieutenant- colonel. He was made K.H. in 1823 and C.B. in 1831. He had command of the horse artillery at Woolwich from November 1834 to May 1840, and of the artillery in the northern district for eleven years after- wards, having become regimental colonel on 23 Nov. 1841. On 1 April 1852 he was appointed director- general of artillery, and on 19 Aug. com- mandant at Woolwich, where he remained till 1 June 1856. He had been promoted major-general on 20 June 1854, and became lieutenant-general on 7 June 1856, and gene- ral on 10 Dec. 1864. He was made K.C.B. on 18 May 1800. He had become colonel- commandant of a battalion on 1 April 1855, and was transferred to the horse artillery on 22 July 1864. He was 'an officer whose ability, zeal, and services have hardly been surpassed in the regiment ' (DUNCAN, li. 37). He died at Cheltenham on 25 Dec. 1865. In 1827 he had married Elizabeth, only- daughter of Samuel Compton of Wood End, North Riding, Yorkshire. He left no chil- ren. He had five brothers, of whom four served with distinction in the army and navy. The eldest, Rear-admiral THOMAS WHIN- YATES (1778-1857), born on 7 Sept. 1778, entered the navy as first-class volunteer on L' I May 1793. He commanded a boat in the attack and capture of Martinique in March 1794, and assisted in boarding the French frigate Bienvenue. Ele was also present at the capture of St. Lucia and Guadeloupe Whinyates Whipple I If was in Lord Bridport's action of 23 June 1 "'.>"), and in that of Sir John Warren on 12 Oct. 1798. He was commissioned as lieutenant on 7 Sept. 1799, and as com- mander on 16 May 1805. In April 1807 In- was appointed to the Frolic, an 18-gun brig of 384 tons. He took her out to the West Indies, and spent five years there, being pre- sent at the recapture of Martinique on L' I Feb. 1809, and of Guadeloupe on 5 Feb. 1810. He was made first captain on 12 Aug. 1812, and on his way home, in charge of convoy, he was attacked on 18 Oct. by the United States sloop Wasp of 434 tons. The Frolic had been much damaged in a gale, and after an action of fifty minutes, in which more than half her crew were killed or wounded, including her commander, she was boarded and taken. She was recovered, and the Wasp was taken by the Poictiers the same day. The court-martial which tried AVhinyates for the loss of his ship acquitted him most honourably, as having done all that could be done (JAMES, Naval History, vi. 158-62). In 1815 he was appointed to a corvette, but she was paid off at the peace. He was promoted rear-admiral on 1 Oct. 1846, and died unmarried at Cheltenham on 15 March 1857. He received the silver war medal with five clasps. The fourth son of Major Thomas Whin- yates, Captain GEORGE BARRINGTON WHIN- YATES (1783-1808), born on 31 Aug. 1783, entered the navy as first-class volunteer in 1797, and saw much active service, chiefly in the Mediterranean. In 1805, as lieu- tenant in the Spencer, 74 guns, he served under Nelson in the blockade of Toulon, the voyage to the West Indies, and the blockade of Cadiz ; but his ship, which formed part of the inshore squadron, was sent to Gibral- tar for provisions three days before Trafalgar. He was in Duckworth's action off St. Do- mingo on 6 Feb. 1806. In 1807 he com- manded the Bergere sloop in the Mediter- ranean and the Channel. He died of con- sumption, brought on by hardship and ex- posure, on 5 Aug. 1808. The fifth son, Major-general FREDERICK WILLIAM WHINYATES (1793-1881), born on 29 Aug. 1 793, was commissioned as second lieutenant in the royal engineers on 14 Dec. 1811, and became lieutenant on 1 July 1812. He was present at the bombardment of Algiers on 27 Aug. 1816, being in command of a detachment of sappers and miners on the Impregnable. He has left a graphic account of the bombardment, and of a conference with the dey three days afterwards (Royal En- gineers, Journal, xi. 26). He received the medal. Heservedwith the army of occupation in France, and made reports on some of the French fortresses (now in the Royal Engi- neers' Institute, Chatham). He was com- manding royal engineer with the field force in New Brunswick when the disputed terri- tory was invaded by the state of Maine in 1839. He was promoted lieutenant-colonel on 9 Nov. 1846, and colonel on 16 Dec. 1854. He retired as major-general on 13 Jan. 1855, and died at Cheltenham on 9 Jan. 1881. He married, on 25 Jan. 1830, Sarah Marianne, second daughter of Charles Whalley of Stow- on-Wold, Gloucestershire, and had six chil- dren, four of whom became officers of the army. The sixth son, General FRANCIS FRANKLAND WHINYATES (1796-1887), born on 30 June 1796, entered the East India Company's ser- vice at the age of sixteen, and was gazetted as lieutenant-fireworker in the Madras artil- lery in July 1813. After serving in Ceylon and against the Pindaris, he took part in the Mahratta war of 1817-19 as a subaltern in A troop horse artillery, and received the medal with clasp for Maheidpoor (21 Dec. 1817). Promoted captain on 24 Oct. 1824, he served at the siege of Kittoor at the end of that year. He was principal commissary of ordnance from 1845 to 1850, and then had command of the horse artillery, and of the Madras ar- tillery as brigadier. He left India in 1854, having ' filled, with the highest credit to him- self, every appointment and command con- nected with his corps ' (general order, 10 Feb. 1854). He became major-general on 28 Nov. 1854, lieutenant-general on 14 July 1867, and general on 21 Jan. 1872. He died without issue at Bath on 22 Jan. 1887. On 7 Aug. 1826 he had married Elizabeth, daughter of John Campbell of Ormidale, Argyllshire. [Whinyates Family Kecords, by Major- General Frederick T. Whinyates, 1894, 3 vols. 4to, with portraits (twenty-live copies privately printed) ; Whinyates pedigree in Genealogist, new ser. viii. 52-5 ; Proceedings of Royal Ar- tillery Institution, vol. v. pp. vii-ix ; Colonel F. A. Whinyates's From Coruiia to Sevastopol, j 1884 ; Duncan's History of the Royal Artillery ; ! Records of the Royal Horse Artillery; O'Byrne's I Naval Biogr. ; Royal Engineers' Journal, xi. 31 ; I information furnished by Major-general F. T. 1 Whinyates.] E. M. L. WHIPPLE, GEORGE MATHEWS (1842-1893), physicist, the son of George Whipple, a native of Devonshire, was born on 15 Sept. 1842 at Teddington, Middlesex, where his father was master of the public school. He was educated at the grammar school, Kingston-on-Thames, at Dr. Wil- liams's private school at Richmond, Surrey, Whish 8 Whish and at King's College, London, taking a de- gree of B.Sc. at the university of London in 1871. During thirty-five years, from 4 Jan. 1858, when he entered the Kew Observatory in a subordinate capacity, he identified him- self with the activity of that establishment, of which he became magnetic assistant in 1862, chief assistant in November 1863, and super- intendent in 1876. He drew the plates for Warren de la Rue's ' Researches in Solar Physics,' 1865-6 ; improved the Kew mag- netic instruments ; invented, besides other optical apparatus, a device for testing the dark shades of sextants (Proceedings Royal Society, xxxv. 42) ; and made, with Captain Heaviside in 1873, a series of pendulum experiments, repeated with Colonel Herschel in 1881, and with General Walker in 1888, for determining the constant of gravitation. Wind-pressure and velocity were his life- long study; he carried out at the Crystal Palace in 1874 a rein vestigat ion of the ' cup- anemometer ' invented by Thomas Romney Robinson [q. v.] ; and with General (Sir) Richard Strachey in 1890 conducted a re- search in cloud-photography under the me- teorological council, communicating the re- sults to the Royal Society on 23 April 1891 (ib. xlix. 467). Whipple contributed freely to scientific collections, especially to the ' Quarterly Journal ' of the Meteorological Society, of which body he became a member on 18 April 1874. He served on its council (1876 to 1887), and acted as its foreign secretary (1884-5). He sat also for many years on the council of the Physical Society of Lon- don, and was elected a fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society on 12 April 1872. He was assistant examiner in natural philo- sophy to the university of London (1876-81), and in the science and art department, South Kensington (1879-82 and 1884-9). The magnetic section of the ' Report on the Eruption of Krakatoa,' published by the Royal Society in 1888, was compiled by him. He died at Richmond in Surrey on 8 Feb. 1893. [Men of the Time, 13th ed. 1891; Nature, 16 Feb. 1893; Times, 9 Feb. 1893; Quarterly Journal Royal Meteorological Society, xx. 113; Royal Society's Cat. Scientific Papers.] A. M. C. WHISH, SIB WILLIAM SAMPSON (1787-1853), lieutenant-general, Bengal ar- tillery, son of Richard Whish, rector of West Walton and vicar of Wickford, Essex, by a daughter of William Sandys, was born at Northwold on 27 Feb. 1787. He received a commission as lieutenant in the Bengal ar- tillery on 21 Aug. 1804, and arrived in India in December. He was promoted to be captain on 13 May 1807, and commanded the rocket troop of horse artillery of the centre division of the grand army under the Marquis of Hastings in the Pindari and Maratha war at the end of 1817 and beginning of 1818, after which he took the troop to Mirat, where, on 26 July 1820, he was appointed to act as brigade-major. He was promoted to be major on 19 July 1821. He commanded the 1st brigade of horse artillery in the army assembled at Agra, under Lord Combermere, in December 1825, for the siege of Bhartpur. The place was captured by assault on 18 Jan. 1826, and Whish was mentioned in despatches and promoted to be lieutenant-colonel for dis- tinguished service in the field from 19 Jan. On 23 Dec. 1826 he was appointed to com- mand the Karnal and Sirhind division of ar- tillery. He was made a companion of the order of the Bath, military division, on the occasion of the queen's coronation in 1838; appointed a colonel commandant of artillery, with rank of brigadier-general and with a seat on the military board, on 21 Dec. ; and in February 1839 succeeded Major-general Faithful in command of the presidency divi- sion of artillery at Dum Dum. He was pro- moted to be major-general on 23 Nov. 1841, and went on furlough to England until the end of 1847. Whish was appointed to the command at Lahore of the Punjab division on 23 Jan. 1848. In August he was given the com- mand of the Multan field force, eight thou- sand strong, to operate against Mulraj, and towards the end of the month took up a posi- tion in front of Multan. The siege commenced on 7 Sept., but, owing to the defection of Shir Singh a week later, Whish withdrew his forces to Tibi, and a period of inaction followed, which enabled Mulraj, the defender of Mul- tan, to improve his defences and to increase his garrison. In the beginning of November Mulraj threw up batteries which threatened Whish's camp, and on 7 Nov. a successful action resulted in the destruction of Mulraj 's advanced batteries and the capture of five guns. On 21 Dec. Whish was reinforced by a column from Bombay, and on Christmas day was able to occupy his old position. On 27 Dec. the enemy were driven from the suburbs. The siege recommenced on the 28th, the city was captured on 2 Jan. 1849, and the siege of the citadel pressed forward. On 22 Jan. all was ready to storm when Mulraj surrendered. Leaving a strong garrison in Multan, Whish marched to join Lord Gough, cap- turing the fort of Chiniot on 9 Feb., on Whistler Whiston which day the advanced portion of his force reached Ramnagar. Anticipating Lord Gough's orders, Whish secured the fords of the Chenab at Wazirabad, and on 21 Feb. commanded the 1st division of Lord Gough's army at the battle of Gujrat. For his services he received the thanks of the governor-general of the court of directors of the East India Company, and of both houses of parliament. He was promoted to be a knight commander of the order of the Bath, military division (London Gazette, 23 March, 19 April, 6 June 1849), and was transferred to the command of the Bengal division of the army in March. In October 1851 he was appointed to the Cis-Jhelum division, but before assuming command went home on furlough. He was promoted to be lieutenant-general on 11 Nov. 1851. He died at Claridge's Hotel, Brook Street, London, on 25 Feb. 1853. Whish married, in 1809, a daughter of George Dixon, by whom he left a family. His eldest son, G. Palmer Whish, general of the Bengal staff corps, served with his father at Gujrat. Another son, Henry Edward Whish, major-general of the Bengal staff corps, served with his father at the siege of Multan, and was in the Indian mutiny cam- paign. [India Office Records ; Stubbs's Hist, of the Bengal Artillery ; Edwardes's Year on the Punjab Frontier, 1848-9 ; Gough and Innes's The Sikhs and the Sikh Wars ; Lawrence- Archer's Commentaries on the Punjab Cam- paign, 1848-9 ; Times (London), 1 March 1853 ; Gent. Mag. June 1853 ; Men of the Reign.] R. H. V. WHISTLER, DANIEL (1619-1684), physician, son of William Whistler of Elving- ton, Oxfordshire, was born at Walthamstow in Essex in 1619. He was educated at the school of Thame, Oxfordshire, and entered Merton College, Oxford, in January 1639. He graduated B.A. in 1642. On 8 Aug. 1642 he began the study of physic at the university of Leyden, where he graduated M.D. on 19 Oct. 1645, having in the interval returned to Oxford to take his M.A. degree (8 Feb. 1644). His inaugural dissertation at Leyden, read 18 Oct. 1645, 'DeMorbo puerili Anglo- rum, quern patrio idiomate indigense vocant "The Rickets,'" is his only published work, and is the first printed book on rickets. He reprinted it in 1684. The disease was at that time the subject of much active observation by Francis Glisson [q. v.], and a committee, seven in number, of the College of Physicians which worked with him had made the* subject well known, though Glisson's elaborate ' Trac- tatus de Rachitide ' did not appear till 1650. Whistler's thesis contains no original obser- vations, but many hypotheses and reports of the views of others who are not named. It is clearly based on the current discussion, and takes nothing from the originality of Glisson's great work. He proposes the name ' Paedossplanchnosteocaces ' for the disease, but no subsequent writer has used the word. He was incorporated M.D. at Oxford on 20 May 1647, and was elected a fellow of the College of Physicians on 13 Dec. 1649. On 13 June 1648 he was elected professor of geometry at Gresham College, and was at the same time Linacre reader at Oxford. He took care of wounded seamen in the Dutch war of 1652, and in October 1653 was desired to accompany Bulstrode White- locke [q. v.] to Sweden. His first case (WHITELOCKE, p. 188) was a broken arm, and his next a broken leg, and he himself set both. He spoke Latin and French, and wrote Latin verses on the abdication of Queen Christina of Sweden, which are printed i in the ' Journal of the Swedish Embassy ' (ii. 474). In July 1654 he returned to London. At the College of Physicians he delivered the Harveian oration in 1659, was twelve times censor, registrar from 1674 to 1682, treasurer in 1682, and in 1683 president. He married in 1657, and died on 11 May 1684, while pre- sident, of pneumonia, and was buried in Christ Church, Newgate Street. His house was in the college inWarwick Lane. He was thought agreeable by Samuel Pepys [q. v.], who often dined and supped with him. They walked together to view the ravages of the great fire of 1666. John Evelyn also liked his conversation. He was negligent as re- gistrar, and as president of the College of Physicians took little care of its property. His portrait was presented in 1704 to the College of Physicians. [Munk's Coll. of Phys. i. 249 ; Journal of the Swedish Embassy, London, 1772; Norman Moore's History of the First Treatise on Rickets, St. Bartholomew's Hospital Reports, vol. xx. ; Ward's Gresham Professors ; Pepys's Diary, 6 vols. 1889 ; Evelyn's Diary.] N. M. WHISTON, JOHN (d. 1780), bookseller, was the son of William Whiston [q. v.], and was probably born within five years of his ! father's marriage in 1699, though he is i known to have been a younger son. He set up as a bookseller in Fleet Street, and en- joyed the coveted, though nominal, distinc- tion of being one of the printers of the votes of the House of Commons. He was one of the earliest issuers of regular priced cata- logues (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. iii. 668). In 1735 he bought and issued a priced catalogue of Edmund Chishull's library. Shortly after this date he seems to have been in partner- Whiston 10 Whiston ship with Benjamin White (d. 1794), but White subsequently withdrew and specialised in natural history and other costly illustrated books. In conjunction with White he issued in 1749 ' Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Mr. William Whiston.' His mother died in January 1751, and his father followed her in the year ensuing, whereupon in 1753 John Whiston issued a * corrected ' edition of the 'Memoirs.' His publishing trade- mark was ' Boyle's Head/ With Osborne, Strahan, and other bookseller-publishers, Whiston took a leading part in promoting the ' New and General Biographical Dic- tionary,' issued in twelve volumes at six shillings each during 1761-2. The British Museum possesses a copy with a large num- ber of marginal notes and addenda written by WTiiston. Other biographical memoranda of no great value were supplied by Whiston to John Nichols, and acknowledged by him in his ' Literary Anecdotes.' Whiston's shop was known as a meeting-place and house of call for men of letters, and a comic encoun- ter is reported to have taken place there be- tween Warburton and his adversary, Dr. John Jackson. In 1765 Whiston bought the library of Adam Anderson (1692P-1765) [q. v.] He probably retired soon after this, and nothing further is known of him save that he died on 3 M ay 1780. His elder brother, George Whiston, is stated to have been for a time associated with him in the Fleet Street business (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. viii. 376), and to have died at St. Albans about 1775. [Nichols's Literary Anecdotes and Lit. Illus- trations, index, freq. ; Allibone's Diet, of Eng- lish Literature; Timperley's Cyclopaedia, 1842, pp. 772, 782.] T. S. WHISTON, WILLIAM (1667-1752), divine, born at Norton juxta Twycrosse, Leicestershire, on 9 Dec. 1667, was the son of Josiah Whiston, rector of the parish, by Catherine, daughter of Gabriel Rosse, the previous incumbent, who died in 1658. The elder Whiston had been a presbyterian, and only just escaped ejection alter the Restora- tion. He was, according to his son, very diligent in his duties, even after he had be- come blind, lame, and, for a time, deaf. In his boyhood William was employed as his father's amanuensis, and the consequent con- finement, he thought, helped to make him a ' valetudinarian and greatly subject to the flatus hypochondriac^ throughout his life. His father was his only teacher until 1684, when he was sent to school at Tamworth. The master was George Antrobus, whose daughter Ruth became his wife in 1699. In 1686 he was sent to Clare Hall, Cam- bridge. He was an industrious student, particularly in mathematics, but had much difficulty in supporting himself, as his father had died in January 1685-6, leaving a widow and seven children. He managed to live upon 100/. till he took his B.A. de- gree in 1690. He was elected to a fellow- ship on 16 July 1691 (Memoirs, p. 73), and graduated M.A. in 1693. He had scruples as to taking the oaths to William and Mary, and resolved not to apply to any bishop who had taken the place of one of the deprived nonjurors. He therefore went to William Lloyd (1627-1717) [q. v.], bishop of Lich- field, by whom he was ordained deacon in September 1693. He returned to Cambridge, intending to take pupils. He must have been regarded as a young man of high promise. Archbishop Tillotson (also educated at Clare Hall) sent a nephew to be one of his pupils. Whiston's ill-health, however, decided him to give up tuition. His 'bosom friend' Ri- chard Laughton was chaplain to John Moore (1646-1714) [q. v.], bishop of Norwich. Moore had previously sent Whiston 51., to help him as a student, and now allowed an exchange of places between Whiston and Laughton. While chaplain to Moore, Whiston published his first booK. He had been l igno- miniously studying the fictitious hypotheses of the Cartesian philosophy ' at Cambridge, but he had heard some of Newton's lectures, and was induced to study the ' Principia' by a paper of David Gregory (1661-1708) [q. v.] His ' New Theory of the Earth ' was sub- mitted in manuscript to Newton himself, to Wren, and to Bentley. It was praised by Locke (letter to Molyneux of "22 Feb. 1696), who thought that writers who suggested new hypotheses ought to be most encouraged. Whiston's speculation was meant to super- sede the previous theory of Thomas Burnet (1635P-1715) [q.v.] of the Charterhouse. He confirmed the narrative in Genesis on Newtonian grounds, explaining the deluge by collision with a comet. In 1698 he was presented by Bishop Moore to the vicar- age of Lowestoft-with-Kissingland in Suf- folk, worth about 120/. a year after allow- ing for a curate at Kissingland. He set up an early service in a chapel, preached twice a day at the church, and gave catechetical lectures. Part of the tithes of Kissingland belonged to John Baron (afterwards dean of Norwich), who offered to sell his property to the church for eight years' purchase (160/.) Whiston got up a subscription, advancing 50/. himself, and ultimately settled the tithe upon the vicarage on being reimbursed for his own expenses. His successor afterwards made him a yearly present of five guineas, Whiston Whiston which was of considerable importance to him. In 1701 Whiston was appointed deputy to Newton's Lucasian professorship. He published an edition of * Euclid ' for the use of students. In 1703 he succeeded Newton as professor, and gave up his living. He de- livered lectures (afterwards published) upon mathematics and natural philosophy, and was among the first to popularise the New- tonian theories. Roger Cotes [q. v.] was ap- pointed to the new IMumian professorship in 1706, chiefly upon Whiston's recommenda- tion, and in the next year he joined Cotes in a series of scientific experiments. In 1707 he was also permitted by the author to pub- lish Newton's * Arithmetica Universalis.' Whiston was active in other ways. He com- plains of the practice of the time in regard to fellowship elections. The candidates some- times recommended themselves by prowess in drinking. Whiston proposed reforms of various kinds (Memoirs, pp. 42, 111). He was also a member of the Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, founded by his friend Thomas Bray (1656-1730) [q. v.], and wrote a memorial for setting up charity schools throughout the kingdom. Meanwhile Whis- ton, like Newton, had unluckily been combin- ing scientific with theological inquiries. He delivered the Boyle lectures in 1707, and in 1708 he wrote an ' imperfect ' essay upon the 'Apostolical Constitutions,' which the vice- chancellor refused to license. Whiston wrote to the archbishops in July 1708, informing them that he was entering upon an important inquiry. It led him to the conclusion that the ' A postolical Constitutions ' was ' the most sacred of the canonical books of the New Testament,' and that the accepted doctrine of the Trinity was erroneous. Reports that he was an Arian, or, as he called himself, a Eusebian, began to spread, and his friends remonstrated. He told them that they might as soon persuade the sun to leave the firma- ment as change his resolution. He was finally summoned before the heads of houses, and banished from the university and deprived of his professorship, 30 Oct. 1710. Whiston went to London with his family, and to- wards the end of 1711 published his rchief work, 'Primitive Christianity Revived.' The case was taken up by convocation, which voted an address for his prosecution. Various delays took place, till in 1714 a 'court' of delegates was appointed by the lord chan- cellor for his trial. The proceedings against him were dropped after the death of Queen Anne. (Whiston published an account of the proceedings against him at Cambridge in 1711 and 1718. Various 'papers' relat- ing to the proceedings in convocation and the court of delegates were published by him in 1715. See also appendices to Primi- tive Christianity ', and COUBETT'S State Trials, xv. 703-16). Whiston was known to many leading divines of the time, especially to Samuel Clarke, who had succeeded him as chaplain to Moore, and Hoadly, who svm- pathised with some of his views, but were cautious in avowing their opinions. Whiston was now a poor man. He states (Memoirs, p. 290) that he had a small farm near New- market, and that he received gifts from various friends, and had in later years a life annuity of 20/. from Sir Joseph Jekyll [q. v.], and 40/. a year from Queen Caroline (con- tinued, it is said, after her death by George II). These means, together with ' eclipses, comets, and lectures,' gave him ' such a competency as greatly contented him.' When Prince Eugene came to London in 171 1-12, Whiston printed a new dedication to a previous essay upon the Apocalypse, pointing out that the prince had fulfilled some of the prophecies. The prince had not been aware, he replied, that he ' had the honour of being known to St. John,' but sent the interpreter fifteen guineas. In 1712 Whiston made a charac- teristic attempt to improve his finances. Simon Patrick, bishop of Ely, had in 1702 promised him a prebend which was expected to be vacated upon Thomas Turner's refusal to take the oaths [see TURNER, THOMAS, 1645- 1714]. Whiston supposed (erroneously, it seems) that Turner managed to evade the oath and to keep his prebend. In 1712 he wrote to Turner mentioning this as a fact, and 'hinting' his expectations. Turner, he thought, having wrongfully kept the prebend, ought to contribute to the support of the rightful owner. Turner took no notice of what must have looked like an attempt at extortion. WThiston kept the secret, how- ever, and in 1731 appealed to the corporation to which Turner had left a fortune, stating that he had lost 1,200/. by his acquiescence. He was again obliged ' to sit down contented * without any compensation. Whiston was one of the first, if not the first person, to give lectures with experi- ments in London (cf. DESAGULIERS, JOHN THEOPHILUS, and DE MORGAN, Budget of Paradoxes, p. 93). He co-operated in some of them with the elder Francis Hauksbee [q.v.] The first, upon astronomy, were given at Button's coffee-house by the help of Addi- son and Steele (Memoirs, p. 257), both of whom he knew well. He amused great men by his frank rebukes. He asked Steele one day how he could speak for the Southsea directors after writing against them. Steele replied, ' M r. Wrhiston, you can walk on foot and I cannot/ Whiston 12 Whiston When he suggested to Craggs that honesty might be the best policy, Craggs replied that a statesman might be honest for a fortnight, but that it would not do for a month. Whiston asked him whether he had ever tried for a fortnight (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. i. 504). Whiston's absolute honesty was admitted by his contemporaries, whom he disarmed by his simplicity. He gives various anecdotes of the perplexities into which he brought other clergymen by insisting upon their taking notice of vice in high positions. In 1715 he started a society for promoting primitive Christianity, which held weekly meetings at his house in Cross Street, Hatton Garden, for two years. The chairmen were succes- sively the baptist John Gale [q. v.], Arthur Onslow [q. v.J (afterwards speaker), and the Unitarian Thomas Emlyn [q. v.J (see \V. CLABKE'S Memoirs ; and for an account of the subjects discussed, WHISTON'S Three Tracts, 1742). To this society he invited Clarke, Hoadly, and Hare, who, however, did not attend. Whiston was on particu- larly intimate terms with Clarke. Clarke probably introduced him to the Princess of Wales (afterwards Queen Caroline), who enjoyed Whiston's plainness of speech and took his reproofs good-humouredly. Among the members of Whiston's society was Tho- mas Rundle [q. v.] (afterwards bishop of Deny). Whiston was afterwards shocked by hearing that Rundle attributed the 'Apos- tolical Constitutions ' to the fourth century, and said, ' Make him dean of Durham, and they will not be written till the fifth.' Another member was Thomas Chubb [q. v.], of whose first book he procured the publica- tion. He had afterwards to attack Chubb's more developed deism. A more decided opponent was Anthony Collins [a. v.], whose two books on the ' Grounds and Reasons,' &c. (1724), and the ' Scheme of Literal Prophecy' (1727) are professedly directed against Whiston's view of the prophecies. In the first (p. 273) he gives * an account of Mr. WThiston himself,' prais- ing his integrity and zeal. Whiston, he says, visits persons of the highest rank and * fre- quents the most public coffee-houses,' where the clergy fly before him. Whiston was rivalled in popular estimation by that ' ecclesi- astical mountebank ' John Henley [q. v.] the ' orator.' Whiston accused Henley of im- morality, and proposed in vain that he should submit to a trial according to the rules of the primitive church. The bishop of London de- clared that there was no canon now in force for the purpose, and Henley retorted by re- proaching Whiston for bowing his knee in the house of Rimmon, that is, attending the Anglican services (WHISTON, Memoirs, pp. 215, 327, and his pamphlet Mr. Henley's Letters and Advertisements, with Notes by Mr. Whiston,' 1727, which is not, asLowndes says, * almost unreadable ' on account of its ' scurrility '). Whiston meanwhile kept up his mathe- matics. He made various attempts to de- vise means for discovering the longitude. A large reward for a successful attempt was offered by parliament. Whiston co-operated with Humphrey Ditton [q. v.] in a scheme published in 1714, which was obviously chimerical. In 1720 he published a new plan founded on the ' dipping of the needle,' improved in 1721, but afterwards found that his ' labour had been in vain.' A public subscription, however, was raised in 1721 to reward him and enable him to carry on his researches. The king gave 100/., and the total was 470/. 3s. 6d. Another sum of 500/. was raised for him about 1740, the whole of which, however, was spent in a survey of the coasts, for which he employed a Mr. Renshaw in 1744. A chart was issued, which he declares to be the most correct hitherto published. In 1720 a proposal to elect him a fellow of the Royal Society was defeated by Newton. Newton, according to Whiston, could not bear to be contradicted in his old age, and for the last thirteen years of his life was afraid of Whiston, who was always ready to contradict any one. Whiston lectured upon various subjects, comprising meteors, eclipses, and earth- quakes, which he connected more or less with the fulfilment of prophecies. In 1726 he had models made of the tabernacle of Moses and the temple of Jerusalem, and afterwards lectured upon them at London, Bristol, Bath, and Tunbridge Wells. These lectures and others preparatory to the re- storation of the Jews to Palestine (an event which he regarded as rapidly approaching) were to be his 'peculiar business' hence- forth. He continued, however, to publish a variety of pamphlets and treatises upon his favourite topics. His most successful work, the translation of Josephus, with several dissertations added, appeared in 1737, and has since, in spite of defective scholarship, been the established version. In 1739, on the death of his successor in the Cambridge professorship, Nicholas Saunderson [q. v.], he applied to be reinstated in his place, but received no answer. In his last years he took up a few more fancies, or, as he put it, made some new discoveries. He became convinced that anointing the sick with oil was a Christian duty. He found Whiston Whiston that the practice had been carried on with much success by the baptists. He had hitherto attended the services of the church of England, though in 1719 Henry Sache- verell [q. v.] had endeavoured to exclude him from the parish church. Whiston de- clined an offer from a lawyer to prosecute Sacheverell gratuitously, saying that it would prove him to be ' as foolish and pas- sionate as the doctor himself.' He published a curious ' Account ' of Dr. ' Sacheverell's Sroceedings '. in this matter in 1719. Gra- ually he became uncomfortable about the Athanasian creed, and finally gave up com- munion with the church and joined the bap- tists after Trinity Sunday 1747. He heard a good character of the Moravians, but was cured by perceiving their ' weakness and en- thusiasm. His ' most famous discovery,' or revival of a discovery, was that the Tartars were the lost tribes. He was still lecturing at Tunbridge Wells in 1746 when he an- nounced that the millennium would begin in twenty years, and that there would then be no more gaming-tables at Tunbridge "Wells or infidels in Christendom (Memoirs, p. 333). He appears there in 1748 in the well-known picture prefixed to the third volume of the * Richardson Correspondence.' In 1750 he gave another series of lectures (published in second volume of ' Memoirs '), showing how his predictions were confirmed by the earthquake of that year, and that Mary Toft [q. v.], the rabbit-woman, had been foretold in the book of Esdras. Whiston died on 22 Aug. 1752 at the house of Samuel Barker, husband of his only daughter, at Lyndon, Rutland. He was buried at Lyndon beside his wife, who died in January 1750-1. He left two sons, George and John [q. v.] A young brother, Daniel, was for fifty-two years curate of Somersham. He agreed with his brother's views, and wrote a ' Primitive Catechism,' published by his brother. He refused preferments from unwillingness to make the necessary sub- scriptions, and was protected, it is said, at the suggestion of Samuel Clarke, by the Duchess of Marlborough (NICHOLS, Lit. Anecd. viii. 376-7). He is apparently the Daniel who died on 19 April 1759, aged 82 (ib. i. 505). Whiston belonged to a familiar type as a man of very acute but ill-balanced intellect. His learning was great, however fanciful his theories, and he no doubt helped to call at- tention to important points in ecclesiastical history. The charm of his simple-minded honesty gives great interest to his autobio- graphy ; though a large part of it is occupied with rather tiresome accounts of his writings and careful directions for their treatment by the future republishers, who have not yet appeared. In many respects he strongly re- sembles the Vicar of Waketield, who adopted his principles of monogamy. His condem- nation of Hoadly upon that and other grounds is in the spirit of Dr. Primrose (Memoirs, p. 209). It is not improbable that Whiston was more or less in Goldsmith's mind when he wrote his masterpiece. Whiston's portrait, by Mrs. Sarah Hoadly, is in the National Portrait Gallery of Lon- don. A characteristic portrait, by B. White, is engraved in his ' Memoirs,' and also in Nichols's 'Literary Anecdotes' (i. 494), Another by Vertue was engraved in 1720. Whiston's works, omitting a few occa- sional papers, are: 1. 'A New Theory of the Earth,' &c., 1696; appendix added to 5th edit. 1736. 2. « Short View of the Chro- nology of the Old Testament,' &c., 1702. 3. ' Essay on the Revelation of St. John/ 1706 (nearly the same as ' Synchronismo- rum Apostolicorum Series,' 1713). 4. 'Prae- lectiones Astronomicae,' 1707 (in English in 1715 and 1728). 5. ' The accomplishment of Scripture Prophecies,' 1708 (Boyle lec- tures). 6. ' Sermons and Essays upon several Subjects,' 1709, 7. ' Praelectiones Physio- Mathematicse,' 1710 (in English in 1716). ft f TT-QOOTT ITTH-kTI f \\£1 T^/io/lV* inrv r\f C!4- Ts-**i him ' the pride and ornament of Cambridge.' ' Bellarmine so much admired his genius and ' attainments that he had his portrait sus- j pended in his study. Joseph Scaliger, j Bishop Hall, and Isaac Casaubon alike > speak of him in terms of almost unbounded ! admiration. The following is a list of Whitaker's pub- lished works, those included in the edition | of his theological treatises reprinted by j Samuel Crispin at Geneva in two volumes, j folio, in 1610, being distinguished by an asterisk: 1. 'Liber Precum Publicarum Ecclesiae Anglican® . . . Latine Graece- | que seditus,' London, 1569. 2. Greek verses appended to Carr's * Demosthenes,' 1571. 3. ' Kar^i(r/J.o?, . . . TTJ re 'EXXrjv&v /cat rf) 'Po)fj.ai(t)V SiaAcVra) ei(BoQel(Ta,' London, 1573, 1574, 1578, 1673 (the Greek version is by Whitaker, the Latin by Alexander Nowell). 4. 'loannis luelli Sarisbur. . . . adversus Thomam Hardingum volumen alterum ex Anglico sermone conversum in Latinum a Gulielmo WThitakero,' London, 1578. 5*. 'Ad decem rationes Edmundi Campiani . . . Christiana responsio,' Lon- don, 1581 ; a translation of this by Richard Stock [q.v.J was printed in London in 1606. 6*. ' Thesis proposita ... in Academia Cantabrigiensi die Comitiorum anno Domini 1682 ; cujus summa haec, Pontifex Roma- nus est ille Antichristus,' London, 1582. 7*. ' Responsionis . . . defensio contra con- futationem loannis Duraei Scoti, presbyteri lesuitse,' London, 1583. 8*. 'Nicolai San- deri quadraginta demonstrationes, Quod Papa non est Antichristus ille insignis . . . et earundem demonstrationum solida refu- tatio,' London, 1583. 9*. ' Fragmenta vete- rum haereseon ad constituendam Ecclesiae Pontificiae airoa-raviav collecta,' London, 1583. 10. ' An aunswere to a certaine Booke, written by M. William Rainoldes . . . entituled A Refutation,' London, 1585; Cambridge, 1590. 11*. ' Disputatio de Sacra Scriptura contra hums temporis papistas, inpnmis Robertum Bellarminum . . . et Thomam Stapletonum . . . sex quaes- tionibus proposita et tractata,' Cambridge, 1588. 12*. ' Adversus Tho. Stapletoni Anglo- papistaa . . . defensionem ecclesiastic® authoritatis . . . duplicatio pro authoritate atque avroTrtorta S. Scripturee,' Cambridge, 1594. 13*. ' Praelectiones in quibus trac- tatur controversia de ecclesia contra ponti- ficios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum lesuitam, in septem qusestiones distributa,' Cambridge, 1599. 14. ' Cygnea cantio . . . hoc est, ultima illius concio ad clerum, habita Cantabrigice anno 1595, ix Oct.' Cambridge, 1599. 15*. ' Controversia de Conciliis, contra pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum lesuitam, in sex quaestiones distributa,' Cam- bridge, 1600. 16*. 'Tractatus de peccato originali. . . contra Stapletonum,' Cambridge, 1600. 17*. ' Prselectiones in controversiam de Romano Pontifice . . . ad versus pontificios, inprimis Robertum Bellarminum,' Hanau, 1608. 18. ' Praelectiones aliquot contra Bel- la mi in am habitae' (inConr. Decker* De Pro- prietatibus lesuitarum,' Oppenheim, 1611). 19. ' Adversus universalis gratiae assertores praelectio in 1 Tim. ii. 4' (in Pet. Baro's ' Summa Triurn de Praedestinatione Senten- tiarum,' Harderwyk, 1613). 20. 'Praelec- Whitaker Whitbourne tiones de Sacramentis in Genere et in Specie vera Christi Deitate adversus Arii et Socini hsereses,' 1691, 4to (shows extensive know- ledge of Socinian writers). 22. ' A Dissua- sive from enquiring into the Doctrine of the Trinity,' 1714, 8vo. 23. ' A ... Confuta- tion of the Doctrine of the Sabellians,' 1716, 8vo. 24. ' Disquisitiones Modesto in Bulli Defensionem Fidei Nicaenae,' 1718, 8vo. 25. 'A KeplytoDr.Waterland's Objections,' 1720, 8vo; second part 1721, 8vo. 26. (pos- thumous) '"Yo-repm poiri§f ? ; or ... Last Thoughts . . . added, Five Discourses/ 1727, 8vo (edited by Arthur Ashley Sykes [q.v.]) ; 2nd ed. 1728, 8vo; reprinted with additions by the Unitarian Association, 1841, 8vo. Volumes of his sermons were issued in 1710, 1720, 1726. [Short Account, by Sykes, prefixed to Last Thoughts, 1 727 ; Wood's Athense Oxon. (Tanner), ii. 1068 ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. (Bliss), iv. 671 ; Wood's Fasti (Bliss), ii. 198, 223, 332-3; Bio- graphia Britannica, 1763, vi. 4216 (article by ' C.,' i.e. Philip Morant [q. v.]) ; Noble's Con- tinuation of Granger, 1806, ii. 112; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), 1854, ii. 644, 657, 664 ; Foster's Alumni Oion. 1892, iv. 1612.] A. G. WHITBY, STEPHEN OF (d. 1112), abbot of St. Mary's, York. [See STEPHEN.] WHITCHURCH or WHYTCHURCH, EDWARD (d. 1561), protestant publisher, was a substantial citizen of London in the middle of Henry VIII's reign. His business was probably that of a grocer. He accepted with enthusiasm the doctrines of the pro- testant reformation. In 1537 he joined with his fellow citizen Richard Grafton [q. v.] in arranging for the distribution of printed copies of the Bible in English. In that year Grafton and Whitchurch caused copies of the first complete version of the Bible in English, which is known as * Thomas Mat- thews's Bible ' and was. printed at Antwerp, to be brought to London and published there. Whitchurch's name does not appear in the rare volume, but his initials, * E. W.,' are placed below the woodcut of the ' Pro- ?hete Esaye' [see ROGERS, JOHN, 1500?- 555]. In November 1538 Coverdale's corrected version of the New Testament was printed in Paris at the expense of Graf- ton and Whitchurch, whose names appear on the title-page as publishers of the work in England. Subsequently they resolved to reprint the English Bible in Paris in a more elaborate shape, but after the work was be- gun at the French press the French govern- ment prohibited its continuance. Thereupon Grafton and Whitchurch set up a press in London, ' in the House late the Graye Freers,7 and, with some aid from Thomas Berthelet, they published the work, which was known as ' the Great Bible,' in April 1539. No fewer than seven editions appeared before December 1541. The second edition of 1540, with Cranmer's ' prologe/ seems to have been printed independently by both Whitchurch and Grafton. Half the copies bear the name of Whitchurch as printer, and half that of Grafton. The third, fourth, and fifth editions (July and November 1540, and May 1541) bearWhitchurch's imprint only. Whitchurch and Grafton printed jointly the New Testa- ment in English after'Erasmus's text in 1540; the primer in both English and Latin in 1540 ; and two royal proclamations on eccle- siastical topics on 6 May and 24 July 1541 respectively [see GRAFTON, RICHARD]. After Cromwell's fall, Whitchurch and G rafton offended the government by displays of protestant zeal. On 8 April 1543 Whit- church, Grafton, and six other printers were committed to the Fleet prison for printing unlawful books ; Whitchurch and Grafton were released on 3 May following (Acts of Privy Council, ed. Da'sent, i. 107, 125 ; STRYPE, Ecclesiastical Memorials, i. i. 566). On 28 Jan. 1543-4 Grafton and Whitchurch received jointly an exclusive patent for print- ing church service books (RYMER, Foedera, xiy. 766). On 28 May 1546 they were granted jointly an exclusive right to print primers in Latin and English. In secular literature Whitchurch pub- lished during the same period on his own ac- count a new edition of Richard Taverner's ' Garden of Wysedome' (1540?); Traheron's translation of Vigo's ' Workes of Chirur- gerye' (1543, new ed. 1550); Thomas Phaer's ' Newe Boke of Presidentes ' (1543) ; Roger Ascham's 'Toxophilus' (1545) ; and William Baldwin's < Morall Phylosophye ' (1547). In Edward VI's reign Whitchurch was established at the sign of the Sun in Fleet Street, and was on terms of intimacy with the protestant leaders. His press was busy until the king's death, and he was occasion- ally employed by the government to print offi- cial documents. Early in 1549 Whitchurch and Grafton printed the first edition of the Book of Common Prayer (CARDWELL, Two Books of Common Prayer, pp. xxxviii-xliv). He reprinted single-handed an edition of the White White New Testament in small octavo in 1547. Many editions of the prayer-book and of the Psalter in Sternhold and Hopkins's ver- sion came from his press during the next five years. He reprinted the Great Bible in small folio in 1549, and again in folio in 1553. He helped to project and he printed the trans- lation of Erasmus's paraphrase of the New Testament, in which Nicholas Udall [q. v.l, John Old, the Princess Mary, and others took part ; the first volume appeared in 1548, the second in 1549. John Rogers was for some time Whitchurch's guest at his house in Fleet Street, and he published for him on 1 Aug. 1548 his book on 'The Interim.' In 1549 he issued a sermon by Bishop Hooper. The accession of Queen Mary imperilled AVhitchurch's position. He was excepted from pardon in the proclamation of 1654 directed against those who refused allegiance to the new ecclesiastical regime. He pro- bably fled to Germany. His name was omitted from the list of stationers to whom Queen Mary granted the charter of incor- poration constituting them the Stationers' Company in 1556, nor was he mentioned in the confirmation of that charter by Queen Elizabeth on 10 Nov. 1559. But after Elizabeth's accession Whitchurch resumed business in London, and in 1560 he pub- lished a new edition of Thomas Phaer's ' Regiment of Life.' This was his last un- dertaking. He is apparently the ' Maister Wychurch ' who was buried at Camberwell on 1 Dec. 1561. Whitchurch married, after 1556, the widow of Archbishop Cranmer ; she was Margaret, niece of Osiander, pastor of Nuremberg. She survived Whitchurch, and married on 29 Nov. 1564 a third husband, Bartholomew Scott of Camberwell, justice of the peace for Surrey (Narratives of the Reformation ,Camden Soc. p. 244). [Ames's Typogr. Antiq. ed. Herbert ; Strype's Works ; Chester's Life of John Rogers ; Bore's Old Bibles, 2nd ed. 1888.] S. L. WHITE, ADAM (1817-1879), natura- list, was born at Edinburgh on 29 April 1817, and educated at the high school of that city. When quite a lad he went to London with an introduction to John Edward Gray [q. v.], and became an official in the zoological department of the British Museum in Decem- ber 1835. He held the post till 1863, when mental indisposition, consequent on the loss of his wife, necessitated his retirement on a pension. He never permanently recovered, although, even when an inmate of one of the Scottish asylums, he edited and largely contributed to a journal the contents of which were sup- plied by the patients. He was a member of the Entomological Society of London from 1839 to 1863, and a fellow of the Linnean Society of London from December 1846 to 1855. He died at Glasgow on 4 Jan. 1879. His work, except in a few instances in which he wrote to order, has proved, under the test of time, to be of ex- ceptional value. He was author of : 1. 'List of Crustacea in the . . . British Museum,' London, 1847, 12mo. 2. 'Nomenclature of Coleopterous Insects in the . . . British Museum,' pts. i-iv. vii. and viii., London, 1847-55, 12mo. 3. ' A Popular History of Mammalia,' London, 1850, 8vo. 4. 'A Contribution towards an Argument for the Plenary In- spiration of Scripture. ... By Arachno- philus,' London, 1851, 8vo. 5. 'A Popular History of Birds,' London, 1855, 8vo. 6. 'A Popular History of British Crustacea,' Lon- don, 1857, 8vo. 7. 'Tabular View of the Orders and Leading Families of Insects ' (en- graved by J. W. Lowry), London, 1857, and many subsequent issues undated. 8. ' Tabular View of the Orders and Leading Families of Myriapoda, Arachnida, and Crustacea ' (engraved by J. W. Lowry), London, 1861 , and many subsequent issues undated. 9. ' Heads and Tales ; or Anecdotes ... of Quadrupeds and other beasts,' London and Edinburgh, 1869, 8vo; 2nd ed. 1870. Between 1850 and 1855 he contributed parts iv.,viii., xiv., xv., and xvii. to the ' List of British Animals in the British Museum.' He contributed notes on natural history specimens to numerous narratives of exploring expeditions published between 1841 and 1852. He edited: 1. 'A Collection of Docu- ments on Spitzbergen and Greenland ' [Hak- luyt Society's works, No. 18], 1855. 2. 'The Instructive Picture Book, or Progressive Lessons from the Natural History of Ani- mals and Plants,' edited by A. White and R. M. Stark, 1857; 10th ed. 1877. 3. 'Spring ... by R. Mudie,' fifth thousand [I860]. He also wrote upwards of sixty papers, mostly on insects and Crustacea, for various scientific journals between 1839 and 1861, and contributed 'Some of the Invertebrata' to the 'Museum of Natural History,' by Sir J. Richardson and others, Glasgow (1859- 1862), 8vo; another issue (1868). [Entom. Monthly Mag. xv. 210 ; Proc. Linn. Soc. i. 310; Brit. Mus. Cat.; Nat. Hist. Mus. Cat. ; Roy. Soc, Cat.] B. B. W. WHITE, ALICE MARY MEADOWS (1839-1884), composer, daughter of Richard Smith, lace merchant, was born in London White White on 19 May 1839. She studied under Sir William Sterndale Bennett fq. v.] and Sir George Alexander Macfarren [q.v.], and first attracted attention as a composer by a quar- tet performed in 1861 by the Musical Society of London. She had an exceptional musical faculty, and produced in rapid succession quartets, symphonies, concertos, and can- tatas, many of which were heard at the con- certs of leading societies. A setting of Col- lins's ode, * The Passions,' was performed at the Hereford Festival of 1882. She also set the 'Ode to the North-East Wind' (1880) and Kingsley's ' Song of the Little Bal- tung ' (1883). She composed many piano pieces, songs and duets, one of the most popular of which is the duet ' Maying,' for tenor and soprano, the copyright of which sold in 1883 for 663/. All her work bore the impress of high artistic culture. She was married to Frederick Meadows White, Q.C., in 1867, and died in London on 4 Dec. 1884. [Times, 8 Dec. 1884 ; Musical World, 13 Dec. 1884; Musical Times, January 1885, where a list of her compositions, drawn up by her hus- band, is given ; Grove's Diet, of Music; infor- mation from Richard Horton Smith, esq., Q.C., M.A.] J. C. H. WHITE, ANDREW (1579-1656), Jesuit missionary, born in London in 1579, was educated in the English College at Douay. where he was ordained a secular priest about 1605. On his return to England he was arrested under the laws in force against missionary priests, was cast into prison, and, with forty-five other priests, was condemned to perpetual banishment in 1606. He was admitted to the Society of Jesus at Louvain in 1607, was again sent to England in 1609, and he appears as a missioner in London in 1612. On 15 June 1619 he was professed of the four vows. At different periods he was prefect of studies and professor of sacred scripture, dogmatic theology and Hebrew in the Jesuits' colleges at Valladolid and Seville. In 1625 he was a missioner in the Suffolk district, and he was after- wards superior of the Devon district. In 1628 he was appointed professor of theology and Greek in the college of his order at Liege. He was labouring in the Hampshire district in 1632, and he was sent to America in 1633 to found the Maryland mission, of which he was styled the apostle. He acquired the native language of the Indians, and was twice declared superior of the mission. In 1644, having been taken prisoner by a band of marauding soldiers, he was carried in chains to London, tried on a charge of high treason, under the statute of 27 Elizabeth, for being a priest in England, but was acquitted on the plea that he was in this country by force and against his will. He was still kept in prison, however, and soon afterwards he was condemned to perpetual banishment. After a sojourn in the Austrian Netherlands he returned to England, became chaplain to a noble family in the Hampshire district, and died there on 6 June 1656. He was author of: 1. A Grammar, Dic- tionary, and Catechism of the Timuquana Language of Maryland. The catechism only is known to be extant; it was found by Father William McSherry in the archives of the Jesuits at Rome. *2. ' Narrative of a Voyage to Maryland,' written in Latin, in April 1634. A translation into English by N. C. Brooks appeared in ' A Relation of the Colony of the Lord Baron of Baltimore, in Maryland, near Virginia ; a Narrative of the first Voyage to Maryland, by Father Andrew White, and sundry reports from Fathers Andrew White, John Altham, John Brock, and other Jesuit Fathers of the Colony to the Superior General at Rome. Copied from the archives of the Jesuits' College at Rome, by the late Rev. William McSherry, of Georgetown College.' This is printed in Peter Force's ' Tracts relating to the Colonies in North America,' vol. iv. No. 12 (Washington, 1846, 8vo). It is reprinted in Foley's 'Records' (iii. 339-61). The Maryland Historical Society printed the original Latin with a translation, edited by the Rev. E. A. Dalrymple, 1874 ; and a cor- rected version is given in the 'Woodstock Letters ' (i. 12-24, 71-80, 145-55, ii. 1-13). There is a picture of the baptism of King Chilomacon by Father White in Tanner's 'Societas Jesu Apostolorum Imitatrix' (Prague, 1694). It is reproduced in Shea's 'History of the Catholic Church in the United States.' [De Backer, Bibl. des iEcrivains de la Com- pagniede Jesus, 1876, iii. 1525; Dodd's Church Hist. iii. 313; Florus Anglo-Bavaricus, p. 55 ; Foley's Records, iii. 334, vii. 834 ; Oliver's Jesuit Collections, p. 221 ; Pilling's Bibl. of the Languages of the North American Indians, pp. 790, 802 ; Shea's Hist, of the Catholic Church in the United States, i. 40-67 ; Southwell's Bibl. Scriptorum Soc. Jesu, p. 60.] T. C. WHITE, ANTHONY (1782-1849), sur- geon, born in 1782 at Norton in Durham, a member of a family long resident in the county, was educated at Witton-le-Wear, and afterwards at Cambridge, where he gra- duated bachelor of medicine from Emmanuel College in 1804, having been admitted a pen- Honn-on ISMay 1799. He was apprenticed to Sir Anthony Carlisle [q. v.], and was ad- White 33 White mitted a member of the Royal College of Sur- geons of England on 2 Sept. 1803. He was elected an assistant-surgeon to the West- minster Hospital on 24 July 1806, surgeon on 24 April 1823, and consulting surgeon on 23 Dec. 1846. At the College of Surgeons he was elected a member of the council on 6 Sept. 1827, and two years later, 10 Sept. 1829, he was appointed a member of the court of examiners in succession to William Wadd [q. v.] In 1831 he delivered the Hun- terian oration (unpublished), and he became vice-president in 1832 and again in 1840, serving the office of president in 1834 and 1842. He also tilled the office of surgeon to the Royal Society of Musicians. \Yhite suffered severely from gout in his later years, and died at his house in Parlia- ment Street on 9 March 1849. As a sur- geon he is remarkable because he was the first to excise the head of the femur for disease of the hip-joint, a proceeding then considered to be so heroic that Sir Anthony Carlisle and Sir William Blizard threatened to report him to the College of Surgeons. He performed the operation with complete success, and sent the patient to call upon his opponents. His besetting sin was unpunc- tuality, and he often entirely forgot his ap- pointments, yet he early acquired a large and lucrative practice. White published : 1. « Treatise on the Plague,' &c., London, 1846, 8vo. 2. < An Enquiry into the Proximate Cause of Gout, and its Rational Treatment,' London, 1848, 8vo ; 2nd edit. 1848 ; American edit. New York, 1852, 8vo. A three-quarter-length portrait in oils by T. F. Dicksee, engraved by W. Walker, was published on 20 Aug. 1852. A likeness by Simpson is in the board-room of the West- minster Hospital. [Gent. Mag. 1849, i. 431 ; Lancet, 1849, i. 324.1 D'A. P. WHITE, BLANCO (1775-1841), divine and author. [See WHITE, JOSEPH BLANCO.] WHITE, CHARLES (1728-1813), sur- geon, only son of Thomas White (1695- 177G), a physician, and Rosamond his wife, was born at Manchester on 4 Oct. 1728 and educated there by the Rev. Radcliffe Russel. At an early age he was taken under his father's tuition, and subsequently studied medicine in London, where he had John Hunter as a fellow-student and friend, and afterwards in Edinburgh. Returning to Manchester, he joined his father, and in 1752 was instrumental, along with Joseph Bancroft, merchant, in founding the Man- chester Infirmary, in which hospital he gave VOL. LXI. his services as surgeon for thirty-eight years. He was admitted a fellow of the Royal So- ciety on 18 Feb. 1762, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons on the same day. In 1781 he took an active part in the foun- dation of the Manchester Literary and Philo- sophical Society, and was one of its first vice-presidents. In 1783 he shared in the formation of a college of science, literature, and art, in which he and his son, Thomas White, lectured on anatomy. These were the first of such lectures in Manchester, and, it is believed, in the provinces. In conjunc- tion with his son, and with the assistance of Edward and Richard Hall, he founded in 1790 the Manchester Lying-in Hospital, now St. Mary's Hospital, and was consulting sur- geon there for twenty-one years. WThite was equally accomplished in the three departments of medicine, surgery, and midwifery, and was the first to introduce what is known as 'conservative' surgery. In 1768 he removed the head of the humerus for caries ; in 1769 he first proposed excision of the hip, and was one of the first to prac- tise excision of the shoulder-joint. He was also the first to describe accurately ' white leg' in lying-in women. He was widely known for his successful operations in litho- tomy, but especially for the revolution he effected in the practice of midwifery, which he rescued from semi-barbarism and placed on a rational and humane basis. De Quincey, in his ' Autobiography ' (ed. Masson, i. 383), has an interesting personal sketch of White, whom he styles ' the most eminent surgeon by much in the north of England,' and gives a description of his museum of three hundred anatomical prepa- rations, the greater part of which he pre- sented to St. Mary's Hospital, Manchester, in 1808. A large portion was destroyed at a fire there in February 1847. White had an attack of epidemic ophthal- mia in 1803, which ended in blindness in 1812. He died at his country house at Sale in the parish of Ashton-on-Mersey, Cheshire, on 13 Feb. 1813. In the church of Ashton- on-Mersey a monument to him and several members of his family was afterwards erected. He married, on 22 Nov. 1759, Ann, daugh- ter of John Bradshaw, and had eight chil- dren. His second son, Thomas, who died in 1793, was a physician, and appears as one of the characters in Thomas Wilson's 'Lancashire Bouquet' (Chetham Soc. vol. xiv.) Thomas's son John was high sheriff of Cheshire in 1823, and was famous for his fox-hunting and equestrian exploits. A good portrait of White was painted by J. Allen and engraved by William Ward. D White 34 White An earlier portrait, by W. Tate, is preserved at the Manchester Infirmary, where there is also a bust, executed for and presented by Charles Jordan in 1886. There are portraits of Charles White and his father in Greg- son's ' Fragments of Lancashire,' 1824, and a view of White's house, King Street, Man- chester, in Ralston's 'Manchester Views,' 1823 (this house stood on the site of the Town Hall, now the Free Reference Library). His works include : 1. ' Account of the Topical Application of the Spunge in the Stoppage of Haemorrhage,' 1762. 2. ' Cases in Surgery,' 1770. 3. * Treatise on the Ma- nagement of Pregnant and Lying-in Women/ 1733 ; 2nd edit. 1777 ; 3rd, 1785 ; 5th, 1791 j an edition printed at Worcester, Massachu- setts, 1773 ; a German translation, Leipzig, 1775. 4. ' Inquiry into the Nature and Causes of that Swelling in one or both of the Lower Extremities which sometimes happens to Lying-in Women,' 1784 and 1792, part ii. 1801 ; German translation, Vienna, 1785 and 1802. 5. ' Observations on Gangrenes and Mortifications,' Warrington, 1790 (Italian version, 1791). 6. 'An Ac- count of the Regular Gradation in Man and in different Animals and Vegetables, and from the former to the latter,' 1799, 4to. This treatise on evolution occasioned a reply from Samuel Stanhope Smith, president of New Jersey College. One of his contribu- tions to the ' Memoirs of the Manchester Literary and Philosophical Society ' was on the cultivation of certain forest trees, a sub- ject in which he was much interested, having planted a large collection of trees at Sale. [Thomas Henry's paper in Memoirs of Man- chester Lit. and Phil. Soc. 2nd ser. iii. 33 ; Smith's Manchester School Register, i. 164; R. Angus Smith's Centenary of Science in Man- chester; Palatine Notebook, i. 113; Hibbert- Ware's Foundations in Manchester, ii. 148, 311 ; Thomson's Hist, of Royal Society ; Ormerod's Cheshire; Cat. of Surgeon-general's Library, Washington ; note supplied by Mr. D'Arcy Power ; information kindly given by Dr. D. Lloyd Roberts.] C. W. S. WHITE, FRANCIS (1564P-1638), bishop of Ely, son of Peter White (d. 19 Dec. 1615), curate, afterwards vicar, of Eaton Socon, Bedfordshire, was born at Eaton Socon about 1664 (parish register begins in 1566). His father had five sons, all clergymen, of whom John White, D.D. (1570 P-1615), is separately noticed. Francis, after passing through the grammar school at St. Neots, Huntingdonshire, was admitted pensioner at Gonville and Caius College, Cambridge, on 20 March 1578-9, aged 15. He graduated B.A. in 1582-3, M.A. in 1586, and was ordained priest by the bishop of London on 17 May 1588. His early prefer- ments were the rectory of Broughton- Astley, Leicestershire, a lectureship at St. Paul's, London, and the rectory of St. Peter's, Cornhill, London (not in NEWCOURT). In the controversy against Rome he took a prominent part. His first publication, ' in answer to a .popish treatise, entituled, White dyed Black,' was 'The Orthodox Faith and Way to the Church,' 1617, 4to; reprinted at the end of the ' Workes ' (1624, fol.) of John White, his brother. He graduated D.D. in 1618. Early in 1622 he was employed by James I as a dis- utant against John Fisher (1569-1641) q. y.], to stay the Roman catholic ten- dencies of Mary, countess of Buckingham [see under VILLIERS, SIR EDWARD]. He held two ' conferences ; ' the third (24 May 1622) was entrusted to William Laud fq. v.] 24,fol.V White's ' Replie ' to Fisher (1624, dedicated to James I, whose copy is in the British Museum ; it was reprinted by sub- scription, Dublin, 1824, 2 vols. 8vo. An account, from the other side, is in 'Trve Relations of Svndry Conferences,' 1626, 4 to, by ' A. C.' On 14 Sept. 1622 White was presented to the deanery of Carlisle (installed 15 Oct.) He took part, in conjunction with Daniel Featley or Fairclough [q. v.], in an- other discussion with Fisher, opened on 27 June 1623, at the house of Sir Humphrey Lynde, in Sheer Lane, London ; a report was published in ' The Fisher catched in his owne Net,' 1623, 4to ; and more fully (by Featley) in ' The Romish Fisher cavght and held in his owne Net,' 1624, 4to. In 1625 White became senior dean of Sion College, London. He was consecrated bishop of Carlisle on 3 Dec. 1626 at Durham House, London, by Neile of Durham, Buckeridge of Rochester, and three other prelates, John Cosin [q. v.] preaching the consecration sermon. His elevation was much canvassed; a letter (13 Feb. 1627-8) in Archbishop Ussher's correspondence states that he 'hath sold all his books to Hills the broker . . . some think he paid for his place.' It was said that he had 'sold his orthodoxe bookes and bought Jesuits'.' Sir Walter Earle referred to the matter in parliament (11 Feb. 1628), quoting the line 'Qui color albus erat, nunc est contrarius albo ' (appen- dix to ' Sir Francis Seymor his . . . Speech,' 1641, 4to). On 22 Jan. 1628-9 he was elected bishop of Norwich (confirmed 19 Feb.) He was elected bishop of Ely on 15 Nov. 1631 (confirmed 8 Dec.) Shortly afterwards he held a conference at Ely House, Holborn, with Theophilus Brabourne [q. v.] on the White 35 White Sabbath question, and had much to do with Brabourne's subsequent prosecution. His 'Treatise of the Sabbath-Day,' 1635, 4to 3rd ed. 1G36, 4to, was dedicated to Laud and written at the command of Charles I White treated the question doctrinally ; its historical aspect was assigned to Peter lli'ylyn [q. v.] He visited Cambridge in 1632, to consecrate the chapel of Peter- house, and was entertained at his own col- lege, ' where with a short speech he en- couraged the young students to ply their books by his own example.' His last publication was 'An Examination and Con- futation of . . . A Briefe Answer to a late Treatise of the Sabbath-Day/ 1637, 4to ; this ' Briefe Answer ' was a dialogue (by Kichard Byfield [q. v.]), with title, ' The Lord's Day is the Sabbath Day,' 1636, 4to. He died at Ely House, Ilolborn, in February 1637-8, and was buried in St. Paul's Cathe- dral. His will, dated 4 March 1636-7, proved 27 Feb. 1637-8 by his relict, Joane White, shows that he survived a son, and left married daughters and several grand- children ; the bulk of his property, which was not large, went to his grandson Francis White. His portrait ( 1 624, set. 59), engraved toy Thomas Cockson or Coxon [q. v.], was prefixed to his ' Replie ' to Fisher, and re- produced by an opponent in ' The Answere vnto the Nine Points,' 1626, 4to, for the purpose of rallying White on the vanity of the inscription and the luxury of his attire. Another engraving, by G. Moimtin, was reproduced at Frankfort in 1632. [Fuller's Worthies (Nichols), 1811, i. 469 (under Huntingdonshire) ; Stow's Survey of London (Strype), 1720, vol. ii. App. p. 137; Granger's Biographical Hist, of England, 1775, i. 357; Gorham's Hist, and Antiq. of Eynesbury and St. Neot's, 1824, i. 210-16 ; Le Neve's Fasti (Hardy), 1854, i. 344, ii. 471, iii. 243, 246 ; Cox's Literature of the Sabbath Question, 1865, i. 166, 188; Venn's Biographical History of Gonville and Caius College, 1897, i. 101; Stubbs's Re- gistrum Sacrum Anglicanum, 1897, p. 117; White's will at Somerset House.] A. G. WHITE, FRANCIS (d. 1711), original proprietor of White's Chocolate House, who may very probably have been of Italian origin with a name anglicised from Bianco, set up a chocolate house on the east side of St. James's Street, upon the site now occu- pied by 'Boodle's,' in 1693. It was perhaps started in rivalry with the tory ' Cocoa Tree ' at the west end of Pall Mall. White's customers grew more and more select and exclusive, and in 1697 he changed his quarters for others on the west side of the street. A number of the early ' Tatlers' of 1709 are dated from ' White's Chocolate- house ' in accordance with Steele's announce- ment in the first number, 'All accounts of gallantry, pleasure, and entertainment shall be under the article of White's Chocolate- house ; poetry under that of Will's Coffee- house ; learning under the title of Grecian ; foreign and domestic news you will have from St. James's Coffee-house.' We learn from the same authority that the charge for entrance at White's was sixpence, the charge at the majority of coffee-houses being only one penny. Francis White prospered in his business until his death in February 1711, in which month he was buried in St. James's, Piccadilly. By his will he left a sum of 2,500/., including legacies, to his sister An- gela Maria, wife of Tomaso Casanova of Verona, and to his aunt NicolettaTomasi of Verona. The widow, Elizabeth White, carried on the chocolate-house, already esta- blished as the favourite resort in the new west end for aristocratic members of the whig party ; she made it equally well known as a place for the sale of opera and mas- querade tickets. Upon her death, shortly before 1730, the proprietorship fell to John Arthur, formerly assistant to Francis White. The famous club within the choco- late-house, the history of which is so inti- mately bound up with that of the oligarchic r6f/ime down to 1832, is believed to have originated about 1697, but the first list of rules and members is dated 1736. Long before this ' White's ' had become notorious for betting and high play (cf. SWIFT, Essay on Education ; POPE'S 3rd Epistle, ' To Lord Bathurst ; ' and HOGARTH, Rake's Progress, plates iv. and vi. : the plate last mentioned has reference to the fire by which the choco- late-house was burned to the ground in April 1733, see Daily Courant, 30 April), [n 1755 the club was removed to the ' great louse ' in St. James's Street (east side) — the Dremises in which it still flourishes. [The History of "White's Club, 1892, 2 vols. 4to (chaps, i-iii.) ; Timbs's Clubs and Club ,ife of London, 1872, pp. 92-103; Steele's Tatler, ed. Aitken, i. 12; Pope's Works, ed. 51 win and Courthope, iii. 41, 134, 430, 487, iv. 520, 488; National Review, 1857, No. viii.; Ashton's Social Life in the Reign of Anne, p. 67 ; Notes and Queries, 3rdser. ii. 127, 7th ser. xii. 288.] T- s- WHITE, FRANCIS BUCHANAN WHITE (1842-1894), botanist and ento- mologist, born at Perth, 20 March 1842, was the eldest son of Francis White. Educated at a school attached to St. Ninian's Cathe- dral, and by a private tutor, in his native own, he entered the university of Edin- D2 White White burgh in 1860, and in 1864 graduated M.D., his thesis being ' On the Relations, Analo- gies, and Similitudes of Insects and Plants.' After his marriage in 1866 he spent nearly a year on the continent, and then settled in Perth, passing several months, however, almost every year, in some part of Scotland the natural history of which he wished to study. Being independent of his profes- sion, he devoted himself entirely to the study of plants and animals, his contributions to the 'Entomologist's Weekly Intelligencer' beginning as early as 1857. Devoted through- out his life to the study of the Lepidoptera, investigating their distribution, variation, and structure, he from 1869 made a special study of the Hemiptera, collecting specimens of this group of insects from all parts of the world. In botany he devoted much attention to local distribution, altitude, and life-histories, and to * critical ' groups, such as the willows ; and it was his desire for extreme accuracy and thoroughness that delayed the publica- tion of his * Flora of Perthshire ' until after his death. In 1867 he joined in founding the Perthshire Society of Natural Science, of which he was president from 1867 to 1872 and from 1884 to 1892, secretary from 1872 to 1874, and editor from 1874 to 1884 and from 1892 to 1894. His communications to this society, many of which are printed in its ' Proceedings ' and ' Transactions,' number a hundred, and it is by following the scheme mapped out in his presidential addresses that the museum of this society at Perth has become recognised as a model for all local museums. In 1871 he induced the society to establish ' The Scottish Natu- ralist/ a magazine which he carried on until 1882, but which was afterwards merged in the ' Annals of Scottish Natural History.' White, who had great powers of endurance as a mountaineer and was very fond of alpine plants, initiated the Perthshire Moun- tain Club as an offshoot from the Society of Natural Science ; and in 1874 he was one of the founders of the Cryptogamic Society of Scotland, of which he acted as secretary. He was one of the first to recognise the need for co-operation among local natural history societies, and, acting on this convic- tion, brought about the East of Scotland Union of Naturalists' Societies, over which he presided at its first meeting, which was held at Dundee in 1884. He died at his residence, Annat Lodge, Perth, 3 Dec. 1894, and was buried in the Wellshill cemetery, Perth. White married Margaret Juliet, daughter of Thomas Corrie of Steilston,D urn- fries, who survives him. He had been a member of the Entomological Society of London from 1868, and of the Linnean So- ciety from 1873. A bronze mural memorial to him has been erected in the Perth Museum, and a stained-glass window in St. Ninian's Cathedral. In addition to his numerous papers contri- buted to the ' Entomologist's Monthly Maga- e,' the ' Journal of Botany,' the ' Trans- actions of the Botanical Society of Edin- burgh,' and the journals already mentioned. White's writings include articles on a cock- roach, the earwig, ants, the bee, locusts, and grasshoppers in ' Science for All ' (vols. iii-v.) ; a ' Report on Pelagic Hemiptera, collected by H.M.S. Challenger,' in the seventh volume of the ' Reports ' of that expedition, pp. 82, with three plates, written in 1883 ; and a ' Revision of the British Willows,' in the ' Journal of the Linnean Society ' for 1889 (vol. xxvii.) His views on the latter group are also represented by a classification in the ' London Catalogue of British Plants/ ninth edition, 1895, an arrangement charac- terised by a wide recognition of the existence of hybridism among these plants. His separate publications were : ' Fauna Per- thensis — Lepidoptera/ 1871, a small quarto monograph, intended as the first of a series, but not continued ; and ' The Flora of Perthshire/ Edinburgh, 1898, with a portrait and full bibliography. [Memoir, by Professor James W. H. Trail, prefixed to White's Flora of Perthshire.] G. S. B, WHITE, GILBERT (1720-1793), natu- ralist, born on 18 July 1720 at the par- sonage of Selborne in Hampshire (of which parish his grandfather, Gilbert White, was then vicar), was the eldest son of John White (1688-1758), barrister-at-law, who married (1719) Anne (1693-1739), only child of Thomas Holt (d. 1710), rector of Streat- ham in Surrey. The elder Gilbert White (1650-1728), who married Rebecca Luckin (d. 1755, setat. 91), was the fourth son of Sir Sampson White (1607-1684) and Mary, daughter of Richard Soper of East Oakley, Hampshire. Sir Sampson was possessed of Swan Hall in the parish of Witney and county of Oxford (an estate which passed into the female line and was subsequently sold), and was mayor of Oxford in 1660, when in that capacity he attended the coro- nation of Charles II, and claimed success- fully the right of acting as butler to the king, being knighted for his service. John White seems to have left Selborne soon after the birth of his eldest son, the naturalist, and to have lived for the next half-dozen years at Compton, near Guildford ; but he had returned to Selborne by 1731, White 37 White and there ended bis days. One of his sis- ters, Elizabeth (1098-1753), was married to Charles White (d. 1763), apparently a cousin, who held the livings of Bradley and Swar- raton (both in Hampshire), besides being, through his wife, owner of the house at Sel- borne, built on land bought by the elder Gilbert, and then distinguished as having belonged to one Wake. This house has been subsequently known as ' The Wrakes,' and at the death of Charles White in 17G3 it passed to Gilbert, the naturalist, who had already resided there for some time. Gilbert had six brothers and four sisters; one of the former and two of the latter died in infancy. Those who grew up were Thomas (1724-1797), presumably godson of Thomas Holt (not the rector of Streatham, just mentioned, but receiver to the Duke of Bedford's estate at Thorney in the Isle of Ely), whose property he inherited and name he prefixed to his own, but he did not enter upon the enjoyment of the bequest until 1776, when he retired from the business he had carried on as a wholesale ironmonger in Thames Street, and took up his abode in South Lambeth. He was a man of con- siderable attainments, writing on various subjects in the ' Gentleman's Magazine/ and was elected F.R.S. in 1777. The next brother was Benjamin (1725- 1794), the successful publisher of Fleet Street, who left several sons: Benjamin and John, who carried on their father's business at l The Horace's Head; ' and Edmund, vicar of Newton Valence, near Selborne. Then came John (1727-1781) of Corpus Christi College, Oxford, who, taking orders, proceeded as chaplain to the forces at Gi- braltar; and, doubtless through the influence of the governor of that fortress, Cornwallis, was subsequently (1772) presented by the governor's brother (archbishop of Canter- bury) to the living of Blackburn in Lanca- shire. John White had a strong taste for natural history, as his correspondence with Linnseus (whose letters to him were first printed by Sir William Jardine in Contribu- tion* to Ornithology, 1849, pp. 27-32, 37-40) and with his brother Gilbert (printed by Bell, as below) shows. This correspondence chiefly related to a zoology of Gibraltar {Fauna Calpensis it was named), which he wrote but never succeeded in publishing. The manuscript of the introduction exists, and is not remarkable for style or matter. Of the rest of the work, which has excited so much curiosity, nothing more is known than that it was completed. After his death his widow, Barbara Mary (1734-1802), daugh- ter of George Freeman of London, resided at Selborne, keeping house for her brother- in-law, Gilbert, to the time of his death; and her son John, subsequently in medical practice at Salisbury, was for a time his pupil, and seems to have been one of his favourite nephews. G ilbert's other brothers, Francis (b.\ 728-9) and Henry (1733-1788), were of less note ; but the latter was rector of Fyfield, near Andover, and the extracts from his diary (in Notes on the Parishes of Fyfield, Sfc. Re- vised and edited by Edward Doran Webb, Salisbury, 1898) show that in quiet humour and habit of observation he was worthy of his more celebrated brother. Of the sisters, one, Ann (b. 1731), was married to Thomas Barker of Lyndon in Rutland, by whom she had a son Samuel, a frequent correspondent of his uncle Gilbert, with whose pursuits he had much sympathy ; the other, Rebecca (b. 1726), became the wife of Henry Woods of Shopwyke and Chil- grove, near Chichester, at which place her brother often stayed on his way to and from Ringmer, near Lewes, where lived an aunt Rebecca (d. 1780), the wife of Henry Snooke, whom he visited nearly every year as long as she lived. Three other aunts must also be noticed : Mary (d. 1768), married to Bap- tist Isaac, rector of Whitwell and Ash well in Rutland, where Gilbert passed three months in 1742, before leaving Oxford; Dorothea (d. 1731), the wife of William Henry Cane, who succeeded her father in 1727 as vicar of Selborne ; and Elizabeth (d. 1753), married to Charles White, rector of Bradley and Swarraton, as before mentioned. Gilbert was presumably sent to a school at Farnham, whose ' sweet peal of bells,' heard at Selborne of a still evening, brought him in the last year of his life ' agreeable associations' and remembrances of his youth- ful days (Zoologist, 1893, pp. 448, 449). Sub- sequently he went to the grammar school at Basingstoke, then kept by Thomas Warton (1688P-1745) [q. v.l, whose two celebrated sons were WThite s fellow pupils, and we have White's own statement (Antiquities of Sel- borne, chap, xxvi.) that while at Basingstoke he was ' eye-witness [of], perhaps a party concerned in, undermining a portion of the fine old ruin known as Holy Ghost Chapel.' At Easter 1737 he seems to have been at Lyndon, where, according to the diary of his future brother-in-law (Barker), the departure of wild geese and the coming of the cuckoo were noted by ' G. W.' — an early evidence of the observant naturalist's bent. A list in his own hand of thirty books (mostly classical, but some religious) which he took back with him to school in January 1738-9 White White is in the possession of his collateral de- scendant, Mr. llashleigh Holt-Whit.', tlu- present head of the family. In the Decem- ber following he was admitted a commoner of ( )riel College, Oxford, though he did not enter into residence there until November 17 lit. In 171-J he passed three agreeable months with his uncle Isaac at Whitwell (BELL, ii. 165), but it may be presumed that he lived with his father at Selborne during the greater part of the time when he was not in residence at Oxford. On 17 June 1743 he obtained his 'testamur,' and a few days after graduated B.A. Returning to Oxford, he attended Dr. Bradley 's mathema- tical lectures, and in the March following he was elected a fellow of his college, where he resided during the summer and early autumn. After a visit to Selborne he went back to Oxford, and again attended Brad- ley's lectures. In September and October of 1745 he was at Ringmer, the house of his uncle Snooke, whose wife, Gilbert's aunt, was owner of the tortoise, always associated with his name. Early in February 1745-6 his mother's relative, the second Thomas Holt before mentioned, died, leaving a con- siderable estate, subject to annuities, to Gil- bert's next brother Thomas. Gilbert attended the sick-bed, and found himself executor and trustee of the property under the deceased's will. This led him to pass some months at Thorney in the Isle of Ely — not his first visit to that part of the country, for he mentions having seen Burleigh before — and to go into Essex, where Holt had property, of which Gilbert wrote an excellent and businesslike account to his father. The winding-up of the affairs of this estate took some time. In connection with it, he passed a week at Spalding in June 1746 (letter to Pennant, 28 Feb. 1767); but the next month he was staying with a college friend, Thomas Mander (elected fellow of Oriel at the fol- lowing Easter), who seems to have been some- what of a natural philosopher, at Toddenham in Gloucestershire, returning to Oxford in October to take his ALA. degree. In the following April (1747) he received deacon's orders from Thomas Seeker [q. v.l bishop of Oxford, let his rooms at Oriel, and returned to Selborne, becoming, though unlicensed, curate at Swarraton for his uncle Charles White. Later in the year he was again with his friend Mander in Gloucestershire, and shortly after he had a severe attack of small-pox at Oxford. In due time h- \\ ,is ordained priest by the bishop of Hereford, on letters dimissory from Bishop Iloadly ; and continued to make Selborne liis home while doing duty at Swarraton. In the summer of 1750 he went into Devonshire on a visit to his college friend and contemporary Na- thaniel Wells, rector of East Allington, near Totnes, staying there at least as late as the middle of September (Garden Kalendar, •2 \ .] uly 1765), and becoming well acquainted with the district known as the South Hams (letter to Pennant, 2 Jan. 1769). In the following year (1751) White sent the verses, originally written 'out of the fens of Cambridgeshire' (Mulso, in lift. 12 Sept. 1758), entitled ' Invitation to Sel- borne,' to Miss Hetty (or Hecky as she was called in her family) Mulso. They were forwarded through the lady's brother John, who had been White's contemporary at Oriel. Mulso, in acknowledging their re- ceipt, somewhat severely criticised them. This version differed considerably from that which was long after published, and it is to be remarked that all the phrases objected to by Mulso and his sister in the early copy disappeared from the later version. The long and interesting series of unpublished letters written by John Mulso to Gilbert White (extending from 1744 to 1790), and now in the possession of the Earl of Stam- ford, a great-grandson of Henry White (who has kindly allowed the present writer access to them), give no encouragement to the no- tion announced originally by Jesse in his edition of the ' Natural History of Selborne/ and adopted by Bell and others, that there was ever any very particular attachment, much less an engagement to marry, between Hester Mulso, who subsequently became Mrs. Chapone [q. v.l, and Gilbert White. He was on the most friendly terms with the whole of the Mulso family, and these letters of Mulso, all of which seem to have been most carefully preserved, throw much light on the earlier portion of White's career, hitherto little known. White's letters to Mulso were destroyed many years ago. In July 1751 White visited his sister, lately married to Barker, at Lyndon, and was afterwards at Stamford. Mulso at this time writes of his having a pretty collection of Gilbert's travels, which indeed must have covered the greater part of the south of England and a good deal of the midlands. We know that he had been in Essex, and hr must at some time have visited Norfolk, since he mentioned to Pennant (2 Jan. 1769) the mean appearance of its churches. The most northern limit of his journeys that can be traced is the Peak of Derbyshire (letter to Churton, 25 Oct. 1789). Towards the end of 1 ?•")! he became curate to Dr. Bristow, who had succeeded as vicar of Selborne, and \\ as for a time non-resident, since White lived White 39 White in the parsonage-house ; but this was a tem- porary arrangement, and in April 17~>'2 lit-, doubtless by virtue of seniority as a fellow of his college, to which the right of nominal ion fell, exercised his claim to the proctorship of the university of Oxford. About the same time he was also appointed dean of Oriel, the most important post in the college next to the provostship, which shows that the alleged dissatisfaction of some of its mem- bers at his claiming the proctorship was not deeply grounded. On quitting his offices he undertook the curacy of Durley, near Bishop's Waltham, at which place he resided for a year, and while there, according to Bell, who has printed the accounts (ii. 316-46), the actual expenses of the duty exceeded the re- ceipts by nearly 20/. (ib. vol. i. p. xxxv). Mulso's letters about this time express the surprise with which he and others of White's friends regarded his acceptance of this charge, though admitting ' it was your [i.e. G. W.'s] sentiment that a clergyman should not be idle and unemployed.' This sentiment, to which he adhered for the whole of his life, by no means interfered, how- ever, with his rambling habits, which he con- tinued to indulge, though for the next few years precise information as to the places he visited— a stay of some weeks at ' the hot wells near Bristol' excepted — is not forthcoming. Whenever he went to Mulso, who at this time had a small cure at Sun- bury, he was expected to preach a sermon, and the same demand was probably made at other places. At this time nearly all his journeys seem to have been performed on horseback, and several passages in Mulso's letters show that he took care to be well mounted. On 2 Feb. 1754 WTiite was at Harting in Sussex, where his mother had some property, and was apparently staying with Dr. Durn- ford the vicar. Durnford's wife was sister to William Collins [q.v.], the poet. Mr. Gordon (History of Harting, p. 208) sug- gests that the visit was to inquire after that unhappy man, with whom White in his un- dergraduate days had been intimately ac- quainted. It seems very doubtful whether Collins had been moved to Chichester so early in the year. But Wrhite was for many years after frequently with his sister (Mrs. Woods) at Chilgrove, and at Chichester— usually on his way to and from his aunt's at Ringmer. In a* letter written by 'White many years later to the 'Gentleman's Maga- zine' (1781, pp. 11, 12), the authorship of which is vouched for by Mr. Moy Thomas in the memoir prefixed to his edition of the poet's works (pp. xxx, xxxi) and confirmed by Bell (vol. i. p. lviii),he states that he had not seen Collins since he was carried to a madhouse at Oxford, and declares his igno- rance of when or where Collins died. That White had many good friends in his college there can be no doubt. In February 1755 Mulso wrote to him, ' Young Mr. Shaw of Cheshunt would yesterday have persuaded me that Dr. Hodges [provost of Oriel] was dead, and you was going to be provost in his room;' and two months later, * You give me pleasure hearing of the stand against the per- verse party at Oriel ; I would' the provost should live until you succeed him (if that is English; it sounds rather Irish).' On 14 Jan. 1757 Dr. Hodges died, and thirteen days later there was a college meeting, attended by White, for the election of his successor. Chardin, fourth son of Sir Christopher Mus- grave of Edenhall, was chosen; but it is evident that White had some strong sup- porters. Mulso, writing shortly after, says : ' As you have not been the man on this occa- sion, I am not sorry for Chardin's success ' — they had been old friends — and again, a month later, * W7ith regard to the affair at Oriel, I heartily wish you had put yourself up from the beginning, if anything that we could have done would have given you suc- cess.' A few months later the living of More- ton-Pinkney in Northamptonshire, which was in the gift of Oriel, fell vacant, and White, as fellow, did not hesitate to assert his right to it. It was a small vicarage, and had long been held by a non-resident incumbent. In accordance with the custom of the age, White thought that the practice hitherto prevailing need not be set aside. Musgrave, the new provost, was of a different opinion, and recorded in his memorandum book (which by favour of Dr. Shadwell is here quoted) under date of 15 Dec. 1757— ' Morton Pinkney given to Mr. White as senr. petitioner, tho without his intentions of serving it, and not choosing to wave his claim tho' Mr. Land wd. have accepted it upon the other more agreeable terms to the society. I agreed to this to avoid any possi- bility of a misconstruction of partiality' — this last sentence evidently (from what we now know) referring to the recent contest for the provostship, when White and Mus- grave were competitors. The provost, from a proper sense of duty we may consider, nearly a year later (1 Nov. 1758) made another entry in the same book, that he ' hinted to .M r. White's friends that I was ignorant what his circumstance really was, but suppose his estate incompatible [with the terms of his fellowship] and beg'd he might be inform'd that if a year of grace was not applied [for] White White in the regular time ... it cd. not be granted.' The suspicions of the provost, subsequently set at rest, as would seem by a letter of his to White of L>4 Dec. 1758 (BELL, ed. vol. i. E. xxxviii), were doubtless excited by the ict that, some two months before, the father of Gilbert White had died, and he, being the eldest son, might naturally be presumed to have inherited property of an amount that by statute or custom would have voided his fellowship. It is certain that this was not the case. Gilbert's father was never a rich man; he had a large family to edu- cate ; he had retired on his marriage from the bar, where his practice was inconsider- able, and even the house at Selborne (The Wakes) in which he lived was not his own, but belonged to a relative. Stronger evidence to this effect is afforded by the fact that in 1750 he borrowed money (10J. or so) of his son Gilbert, which was not repaid until May 1753 (Bell's ed. ii. 332), and a careful examination of the family papers made by the present Mr. Holt-White shows that Gilbert's patrimony must have been of the slenderest. He had, indeed, little more than his fellowship and eventually his North- amptonshire living upon which to depend until the death of his uncle Charles in 1763 put him in possession of The Wakes, which he and his father before him had occupied as tenants. Even that inheritance was of small pecuniary value (the annual rent was but five guineas), though it was obviously the thing he most desired, and it was ap- parently with the view of living at Selborne that soon after his father's death he had given up the curacy at Durley and accepted that of Faringdon, an adjoining parish. For a short time he held the curacy of West Deane in Wiltshire, where, according to Mulso, he felt lonely and unhappy by reason of its distance from Selborne. Mulso's letters constantly allude to White's narrow means, while praising his economy and hoping for his preferment. It might be in- ferred from one letter (23 March 1 759), though this is uncertain, that he had taken a legal opinion as to the propriety of holding his fellowship, and that the reply satisfied him, as well as others, that he could do so. A little earlier (4 Feb. 1759) Mulso had met Musgrave, the new provost, and asked him as to his own intentions and those of the col- lege towards White, receiving for an answer that ' it was in your own [G. W.'s] breast to keep or leave your fellowship, for nobody meant to turn you out if you did not choose it yourself.' Some two years later the two men seem to have been quite reconciled. White was at Oxford, and Mulso was able to write (13 Jan. 1761): 'The provost and you begin to have your own feels for one another, such as you had before competitions divided you . . . and as I know you have the good of the foundation at heart, it will make you forget what was disagreeable in his elec- tion.' In January 1768 Musgrave died very suddenly, and Mulso thought that White might be his successor; but, though the idea the niece of Bishop Thomas, was rapidly rising in the church, kept harping on his friend's prospects, suggesting even an appli- cation to the lord chancellor for a living, and it seems that on the promotion of Sir Robert Henley [q. v.J to be lord keeper in 1757 and chancellor m 1761, White, with whom he was acquainted, had hope of ob- taining some preferment in the neighbour- hood of Selborne, which would have allowed him still to reside there. On his uncle Charles's death in 1763, application was un- doubtedly made for one of his livings (pro- bably Bradley), which were in the private patronage of Henley, by that time Lord Northington ; but the latter was dissatisfied with what he termed the 'cold, lingering manner' in which White had voted for Richard Trevor [q. v.], bishop of Durham, in the contest of 1759 with Lord Westmor- land for the chancellorship of Oxford, and so withheld the boon. White's desire, which in no long time be- came a determination,' to live and die at Sel- borne, was the reason why he passed bene- fice after benefice which came to his turn as fellow of his college. Yet his love of his native place, the beauties of which he and his brothers were at no small pains and ex- pense to improve, did not stay his practice of taking long riding journeys — a ' hussar parson ' Mulso calls him in one of his letters (February 1762) — and visiting his relations in Sussex, in London, and in Rutland, or his friends at Oxford and other places. In 1760, having at the time no clerical duty (More- ton-Pinkney being permanently served by a curate), he was absent for six months with his brothers Thomas and Benjamin at Lam- beth, or with his sister (Mrs. Barker) at Lyn- don. He undoubtedly took what nowadays might be called an easy view of some of the duties of his cloth ; but the tradition, which can hardly be ill-founded, has come down of his especial kindliness to his poorer parishioners and neighbours, while the ab- sence of ambition in his character, except perhaps in regard to the provostship of his college, is manifest. Despite his moderate White White income, and the calls which some members of his family made upon his generosity, he \\;is able to use hospitality, and relatives and friends were from time to time enter- tained by him. In August 1772 his brother John, whom he calls his most constant correspondent — though few of his letters have been preserved — returned from Gibraltar, and his only son, born in 1759, a promising lad, who had pre- ceded his father to England, was received at Selborne, where he became a favourite with his uncle Gilbert. White read Horace with him, and generally looked after his educa- tion ; while ' Jack,' as the nephew was com- monly called, acted as his amanuensis and made himself generally useful. Even laming his uncle's horse did not ruffle the owner's temper, and Jack subsequently justified the good opinion formed of him, settling at Salis- bury in medical practice. The terms on which he was with his other nephew, Sam Barker, and his hitherto unpublished corre- spondence with his niece Mary (' Molly '), the daughter of Thomas, who afterwards married her cousin Benjamin, the son of Benjamin, strongly show his affection for his family. Turning to the life which White led as a naturalist — the life which especially entitles him to distinction — we find that in 1751 he began to keep a * Garden Kalendar' on sheets of small letter-paper stitched together. This he continued until 1767, after which year he adopted a more elaborate form, a ' Natura- list's Journal,' invented and supplied to him by Daines Barrington [q. v.], and printed by Benjamin White, a copy being each year prepared for filling in by an observer. Both of these diaries, for so they may be called, are now in the library of the British Museum ; but though each has been cursorily inspected by naturalists, and certain excerpts were printed from the former by Bell (ii. 348-59), and from the latter by Dr. John Aikin (1747-1822) [q. v.] in 1795, and in 1834 by Jesse (Gleanings in Nat. Hist., 2nd ser. pp. 144-80), who gave also a facsimile reproduc- tion of one of its pages (18-24 June 1775), neither seems to have been studied by a com- petent zoologist. Yet a close examination of these documents is absolutely needed to attain a true knowledge of White's life. That he was a born naturalist none will dispute; in his earliest letter to Pennant (10 Aug. 1767) he says he was attached to natural knowledge from his childhood ; but it is no less certain that the habit of observation and reflection on what he ob- served grew upon him daily. It has been suggested (Saturday Review, 24 Sept. 1887) that he, like Robert Marsham, the corre- spondent of his closing days, acquired from Stephen Hales [q. v.], the rector of the neigh- bouring Faringdon, who was well known to White himself, his father, and grandfather (letter to Marsham, 13 Aug. 1790), * the taste for observing and recording periodic natural phenomena.' This may have been so, though from his own statement it is not likely. In the letter to Pennant just mentioned White lamented throughout life ' the want of a com- panion to quicken my industry and sharpen my attention.' The * Miscellaneous Tracts ' of Benjamin Stillingfleet [q. v.] are often cited with approval by White, and their publica- tion in 1759 must have encouraged him to pursue the course he had early adopted ; while still later the five little annual volumes of Scopoli (1769-1772), which he was fond of quoting, must have had the same effect. There is abundant proof that in his youth he was an enthusiastic sportsman, although at the same time a reflective one (cf. his letter No. xxiii. to Barrington). So keen was he in his undergraduate days at Oxford, as one of Mulso's letters (16 Aug. 1780) re- minds him, that he used to practise with his gun in summer, and fetch down migrant birds in order to steady his hand for the winter ; and in early years to shoot wood- cocks, even when paired, in March (BAK- EINGTON, Miscellanies, pp. 217, 218). It must by degrees have dawned on him that the kind of observation needed for the suc- cessful pursuit of sport, just as of horticul- ture, might be rendered more valuable by the study of plants and animals on a prin- ciple more or less methodical. Even in 1753 we find him (BELL, ii. 338) buying Ray's ' Synopsis Methodica Avium et Piscium,' and this was the book which, in regard to zoology, served him as his guide to the last, though he to some extent availed himself of the im- provements introduced from time to time into systematic natural history by Linnaeus. Yet it would seem that he did not seriously take up the study of botany until 1766 ; but he then for the rest of his life pursued it to a good end. White was in the habit of paying at least one annual visit to London, where his bro- thers Thomas and Benjamin were established. It may be inferred from his advice subse- ?uently given to Ralph Churton (30 March 784) that he attended, as a visitor, many meetings of the Royal Society and of the Society of Antiquaries (ib. ii. 198). On his visits to London (which seem to have gene- rally been early in the year) he met several men of high scientific position. He was there in the spring of 1767, and then, through White White his brother Benjamin, the publisher of Pen- nant's works, made Pennant's personal ac- quaintance (cf. his first letter to him 4 Aug. 1767, first printed by Bell, i. '27, in 1877). Pennant, having in hand a new edition of his 'British Zoology' (1708-1770), was naturally pleased at falling in with an ob- server who had so much valuable informa- tion to impart, and a correspondence sprang up between them which lasted until the com- pletion of the new (so-called fourth) edition (1776), the proofs of which were revised by White. Unfortunately Pennant's letters are not forthcoming, though White's, being subsequently returned to him, form the basis of the celebrated ' Natural History of Sel- borne.' There cannot be a doubt that they were originally written merely for Pennant's <>\VM use, without any thought of separate publication. Certain writers have been ready to depreciate Pennant, both as a zoologist and as an antiquary; but with him White found himself on the best of terms, praising his candour. He did, indeed, complain to his brother John in February 1776 of the state of the proof-sheets sent for revision, and at another time he contrasted Lever's generous conduct with that of Pennant, to the advan- tage of the former, though it was the latter who gave him the much-esteemed Scopoli (ib. ii. 41). White was very ceremonious in his correspondence. Mulso, who al \vays wrote to him ' My dear Gil/ often protested against being addressed, in the letters now unhappily destroyed, ' My dear Sir/ and White frequently began his letters to his nephew in the same formal style; yet, in 1769, in an unpublished letter, sold by Messrs. Sotheby & Co. in April 1896, he gently rallied Pennant on the honour, of which the latter was very proud, of being elected to the Academy of Sciences of Dront- heim (Trondhjem), humorously suggesting that henceforth he would be bound to believe in Bishop Pontoppidan's Kraken and Sea- Serpent under pain of expulsion. Bell (vol. i. p. xli) complains of Pennant's scant recog- nition of White's discoveries, but ignores the fact that White in correcting the proofs of the fourth edition of the ' British Zoology/ and making additions thereto, would natu- rally not introduce his own name on every occasion. In the preface Pennant generally but fully acknowledges White's services. White's personal acquaintance with Dailies Barrington did not begin until May 1769, when they met in London, though more than a year before the latter had sent him a copy of the 'Naturalist's Journal' (an invention of Barrington's) through his brother Benja- min, who published it. Thereupon followed a series of letters which, continued until 1787, form the second part of the 'Natural History of Selborne/ though some ' letters' appear, as in the former part consisting of Pennant's letters, to have been subsequently added by way of completing the work. With his usual perversity Barrington chose to dis- believe in the migration of the swallow-kind, and, with his usual casuistry, attempted to defend the position he took up. It seems to have been his influence that from time to time disturbed White's mind on the subject, sending him to search for torpid swallows among the shrubs and holes of Selborne Hanger (Letters li. and Ivii. to Barrington ; JESSE, Gleanings in Natural History r, 2nd ser. p. 161); and, when he had actually seen their migration in progress (Letter xxiii. to Pennant), causing him to ignore the signifi- cance of his observation. The hold that this uncertainty had upon him lasted to the end, for in a letter to Marsham (BELL, ii. 302) only a few days before his death he repudiated the supposition that he had written in the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' against the torpidity of swallows, as it would not ' be consistent with what I have sometimes asserted so to do.' This is the more extra- ordinary, since through one brother he had positive assurance of the migration of swal- lows in southern Spain, and through another brother, the bookseller, he had opportunities (of which he certainly availed himself) of knowing what was published on the subject. He could hardly have been unaware of the ' Essays upon Natural History ' brought out by George Edwards (1694-1773) [q. v.] in 1770, one of which contains views on migra- tion, which are mostly sound, though possibly the remarkable ' Discourse on the Emigration of British Birds ' printed ten years later by John Legg (Salisbury, 1780), being a local publication and anonymous, may have escaped White's notice. It is certain that during his annual visits to London White made other scientific ac- Suaintances. He is found writing to (Sir) oseph Banks [q. v.] (BELL, ii. 241) in ful- filment of a promise so early as the spring of 1768. A few months later that intrepid naturalist sailed with Cook on his memo- rable voyage in the success of which White took the greatest interest (ib. vol. i. pp. xliv- xlviii), while subsequently he knew Daniel Charles Solander [q.v.], Banks's companion ; the elder Forster, the naturalist of Cook's second voyage, as well as William Curtis [q. v.l the entomologist and botanist (ib. ii. 17) ; Sir Ashton Lever [q. v.], who formed the enormous museum known by his name ; and John Lightfoot (1735-1788) [q. v.] of White 43 White Uxbridge, Pennant's fellow-traveller. It is evident, too, that White's sympathies were not limited to the animals of his own coun- try, as is shown by the interest he took in his brother's zoological investigations at Gi- braltar, and in the Chinese dogs brought home by Charles Etty, a son of the vicar of Sel- borne (Letter Iviii. to Barringtou), to say nothing of his desire to see the swallows of Jamaica (Letter vii. to the same). It is perhaps impossible now to ascertain when the notion of publishing his observa- tions in a separate work first occurred to White, or when he formed the determination of doing so. Early in 1770 Barrington must have made some suggestion on the subject, to which White replied on 12 April in hesitating terms : ' It is no small under- taking for a man unsupported and alone to begin a natural history from his own autopsia ! ' Something must also have passed between him and Pennant, for the next year, in a letter to him of 19 July, of which only an extract has been printed (BELL, vol. i. p. xlix), he says : ' As to any publication in this way of my own, I look upon it with great diffidence, finding that I ought to have begun it twenty years ago.' In 1773, writing to his brother John, he says (ib. ii. 21): ' If you don't make haste I shall publish before you;' and again in 1774 (ib. ii. 28): ' Out of all my journals I think I might collect matter enough and such a series of incidents as might pretty well comprehend the natural history of this district. ... To these might be added some circumstances of the country — its most curious plants, its few antiquities — all which altogether might soon be moulded into a work, had I resolu- tion and spirits to set about it/ The follow- ing year, however, he seems to have made up his mind, though in the spring of 1775 his eyes suffered ' from overmuch reading ' (ib. ii. 40). In October he wrote (ib. pp. 44, 45), ' Mr. Grimm has not appeared,' he being the Swiss draughtsman who even- tually executed the plates for the work. Writing from London to Sam Barker on 7 Feb. 1776, he was still in doubt, at afcy rate, as to the form of publication he shtnild adopt ; but he had been to see Grimm, who a few weeks later came to Selborne, and is called 'my artist' (ib. ii. 128), taking views of the Hermitage and other places subsequently engraved for the volume ; while White declares his intention ' some time hence' to publish 'in some way or other' a new edition of his papers on the * Hirun- dines.' Those memorable monographs, al- most the earliest in zoological literature, he had communicated through Barrington, at whose instigation they were written (ib. ii. 20), in 1774 and 1775 to the Royal Society, for insertion in the ' Philosophical Transac- tions.' There they were printed, although very carelessly, as the author justly com- plained (ib. ii. 115). He had intended an- other paper, on ' Caprimulgus/ to follow, but Barrington, having quarrelled with the Society (ib. ii. 43), would not present it ( ib. ii. 229). In the first half of 1777 White had a severe illness (J. Mulso, in lift. 1 June 1777), which must have interfered with his work on which he had begun to be seriously engaged. Moreover, the anti- quarian portion — for he had decided to include in it an account of the antiquities of Selborne (BELL, ii. 137) — obviously re- quired much labour, and he spent a good part of October in that year at Oxford, investigating the archives of Magdalen Col- lege, to which the priory of Selborne had been united on its suppression some fifty years before the general dissolution of the monasteries. In this task White was greatly assisted by his friend Richard Chandler (1738- j 1810)[q.v.],the celebrated Greek traveller and j antiquary, who not only examined for him ! the records relating to Selborne possessed j by that college, but also those which he was ! allowed to borrow from the dean and chap- | ter of Winchester. About 1779 White be- came acquainted with Ralph Churton [q. v.], from whom he received no little assistance, as appears by their correspondence first pub- lished by Bell (ii. 186-230). Still, progress was slow, and he complained to Sam Barker that ' much writing and transcribing always hurts me ' (ib. ii. 139). Mulso's letters re- peatedly urge greater speed, but White was not to be hurried in the execution of his ! self-imposed task. He evidently determined j that what he had to do he would do with his might, and the result justified his delay. It was not until January 1788 that he wrote to Sam Barker (ib. ii. 168) that he had at length put his Mast hand' to the book ; but still there was the index to make — ' an occupation full as entertaining as that of darning of stockings ' — and the actual publication did not take place until the end of that year, the volume bearing on its title-page the date 1789. Almost coincident with its appearance was the death of his youngest brother Harry, of Fy field, with whom he was always on most affectionate terms, and the loss was evidently much felt by him. The book was published by White's brother Benjamin. His brother Thomas, who had been constantly urging the publi- cation, if he were not its prime instigator, wrote (anonymously, of course) a review of White 44 White it in the ' Gentleman's Magazine,' which, speaking of it highly as it deserved, yet be- trayed no excess of fraternal partiality. .John Mulso, whose taste and critical faculty, originally keen, seem to have been blunted by the lazy life he had now so long led as a well-beneticed ecclesiastic, expressed his ap- proval in warm though not very enthusias- tic terms, partly, perhaps, because he seems to have before read the natural history por- tion of the 'piece,' and he lamented that his own name, as that of the friend at Sunbury mentioned by the author, did not ' stand in a book of so much credit and respectability.' The correspondence with Churton, whence most information of White's life at this period is obtainable, contains no letter be- tween the beginning of December 1788 and the end of July 1789, and it was not until the following October that he says he was reading the book with aviditv, this being after White had written to him (BELL, ii. 214) : ' My book is still asked for in Fleet Street. A gent, came the other day, and said he understood that there was a Mr. White who had lately published two books, a good one and a bad one ; the bad one was concerning Botany Bay [' A Voyage to New South Wales,' by John White (no relation), published in 1790], the better respecting some parish.' Churton justly complained that the index was not more copious, and the same complaint may be made in regard to every edition that has since appeared. Soon after this, White wrote that Oxford appeared every year to recede further and further from Selborne, and it is clear that the infirmities of age had come upon him. For at least ten years he had suffered from deafness, and his letters, though showing no indication of decay in mental power, seem to have been written at longer intervals. Yet in March 1793 Churton canvassed him for his his vote in favour of George Crabbe fq.v.] as professor of poetry at Oxford, and ao- peared to think he might come to the uni- versity to give it. Whatever may have been its reception on the part of White's family and friends, the merits of the book were speedily acknow- ledged by naturalists who were strangers to him. Within six months of its appearance George Montagu (1751-1815) [q. v.J, hardly then Known to fame, but not many years after recognised as a leading British zoologist, wrote that he had been 'greatly entertained' by it (id., ii. 236), plying its author with in- quiries which were sympathetically answered. Another letter of the same kind followed a few weeks later, telling White ' Your work produced in me fresh ardour, and, with that degree of enthusiasm necessary to such investi- gations, I pervaded the interior recesses of the thickest woods, and spread my researches to every place within my reach that seemed likely.' The next year brought another correspondent, and one whose scientific repu- tation was assured. This was Robert Mar- sham of Stratton-Strawless in Norfolk (the place where Stillingfleet had written his * Tracts '), White's senior by twelve years, who (introduced to the new work by his neighbour, William Windham the states- man) wrote that he could not deny himself 'the honest satisfaction' of offering the author his thanks for 'the pleasure and in- formation ' he had received from it. Most fortunately the correspondence which there- upon began between these two men is almost complete, there being but two of White's letters missing. It has been published by Mr. Southwell in the ' Transactions of the Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society' for 1875-6 (ii. 133-95), was thence reprinted by Bell (ii. 243-303), and White's side of it by Mr. Harting as an appendix to his second edition. Here we see that White's interest in all branches of natural history was to the very end as keen as ever — for his last letter to Marsham was dated but eleven days before his death — while every characteristic of his style, its unaffected grace, its charming sim- plicity, and its natural humour is maintained as fully as in the earliest examples which have come down to us, so that this corre- spondence is a fitting sequel to that between himself and Pennant and Barrington. White's pleasure at Marsham's approval is unmistak- able. ' O that I had known you forty years ago ! ' is one of White's exclamations to Mar- sham, the significance of which may be seen when read in connection with that passage in his earliest letter to Pennant (10 Aug. 1767), wherein he wrote : ' It has been my misfortune never to have had any neighbours whose studies have led them towards the pursuit of natural knowledge.' During White's last years there his sister- in-law, widow of his brother John, continued to keep house for him at Selborne. On the death of his aunt Mrs. Snooke in 1780 he had become possessed of property which could not have been inconsiderable, including ' the old family tortoise/ and he was there- by enabled the more easily to gratify his disposition towards hospitality. From his correspondence with his niece ' Molly,' the Barkers, and Churton — who seems to have usually passed Christmas with him — we see how open his door was to members of his family and to his friends, despite his in- creasing deafness. Mulso, writing to him in White 45 White December 1790, says: 'Alas! my good friend, how should we now do to converse if we met ? for you cannot hear, and I cannot now speak out.' Many times in the correspon- dence with Marsham each complained ot the hold which ' the Hag procrastination ' had taken upon himself, but there is really little sign of the power of 'this daemon' upon White, and his 'Naturalist's Journal' was continued until within four days of his death. On 14 June 1793 the son of his oldest friend, John Mulso (who had died m September 1791), came to Selborne, where he stayed for a night, and next day White wrote his last letter to Marsham, which ended with the words. ' The season with us is unhealthy.' In it he said he had been annoyed in the spring by a bad nervous cough and ' a wandering gout.' His fatal illness must have been of short duration, though, accord- ing to Bell, it was attended by much suffer- ing. On the 26th he died at his house, The Wakes, which has since been visited by so many of his admirers. He lies buried among his kinsfolk on the north side of the chancel of Selborne church, 'the fifth grave from this wall ' as recorded on a tablet originally placed against it on the outside, but since removed within, and inappropriately affixed to the south wall of the building. The grave, however, is still marked by the old headstone bearing the initial letters of his name and the day of his death. That White's ' Selborne ' is the only work on natural history which has attained the rank of an English classic is admitted by general acclamation, as well as by competent critics, and numerous have been the attempts to discover the secret of its ever-growing reputation. Scarcely two of them agree, and no explanation whatever offered of the charm which invests it can be accepted as in itself satisfactory. If we grant what is partially true, that it was the first book of its kind to appear in this country, and therefore had no rivals to encounter before its reputation was established, we find that alone insufficient to account for the way in which it is still welcomed by thousands of readers, to many of whom — and this espe- cially applies to its American admirers — scarcely a plant or an animal mentioned in it is familiar, or even known but by name. White was a prince among observers, nearly always observing the right thing in the right way, and placing before us in a few words the living being he observed. Of the hundreds of statements recorded by White, the number which are undoubtedly mistaken may be counted almost on the fingers of one hand. The gravest is perhaps that on the formation of hpneydew (Letter Ixiv. to Barrington) ; but it was not until some years later that the nature of that substance was discovered in this country by William Curtis [q. v.], and it was not made known until 1800 (Transactions Lin- ncean Society, vi. 76-91) ; while we have editor after editor, many of them well- informed or otherwise competent judges, citing fresh proofs of White's industry and accuracy. In addition White was ' a scholar and a gentleman,' and a philosopher of no mean depth. But it seems as though the combination of all these qualities would not necessarily give him the unquestioned supe- riority over all other writers in the same field. The secret of the charm must be sought elsewhere ; but it has been sought in vain. Some have ascribed it to his way of iden- tifying himself in feeling with the animal kingdom, though to this sympathy there were notable exceptions. Some, like Lowell, set down the ' natural magic ' of White to the fact that, ' open the book where you will, it takes you out of doors ; ' but the same is to be said of other writers who yet remain com- paratively undistinguished. White's style, a certain stiffness characteristic of the period being admitted, is eminently unaffected, even when he is ' didactic,' as he more than once apologises for becoming, and the same sim- plicity is observable in his letters to mem- bers of his family, which could never have been penned with the view of publication, and have never been retouched. Then, too, there is the complete absence of self-impor- tance or self-consciousness. The observation or the remark stands on its own merit, and gains nothing because he happens to be the maker of it, except it be in the tinge of humour that often delicately pervades it. The beauties of the work, apart from the way in which they directly appeal to natu- ralists, as they did to Darwin, grow upon the reader who is not a naturalist, as Lowell testifies, and the more they are studied the more they seem to defeat analysis. No portrait of White was ever taken, and, though some have pleased themselves with a tradition that one of the figures in the frontispiece of the quarto editions of his book was intended to represent him, Bell's authority (vol. i. p. Iviii n.) for otherwise identifying each of those figures must be ac- cepted. Bell was told by Francis White, the youngest son of Gilbert's youngest brother, that he well remembered his uncle, who ' was only five feet three inches in stature, of a spare form and remarkably upright carriage.' A complete bibliography of Wrhite's writ- White White ings would occupy many pages, owing to the number of editions and issues (eighty or more) through which his chief work has passed. A full list has been attempted in * Notes and Queries' for 1877-8 (5th ser. vols. vii. to ix.), and by Mr. Edward A. Martin (A Bibliography of Gilbert White, Westmin- ster [1897], 8vo), who wrote apparently in ignorance of what had appeared in 'Notes and Queries.' The first publication to be noticed is the 'Account of the House-Martin or Martlet. In a letter from the Rev. Gil- bert White to the Hon. Daines Barrington ' (Phil. Trans, vol. Ixiv. pt. i. pp. 196-201). This letter bears date 20 Nov. 1773, and was ' redde 'to the Royal Society on 10 Feb. 1 774. It is reprinted in the 'Natural His- tory of Selborne ' as letter xvi. to Bar- rington. Next there is 'Of the House- Swallows, Swift, and Sand-Mart in. By the Rev. Gilbert White, in Three Letters to the Hon. Daines Barrington ' (ib. vol. Ixv. pt. ii. pp. 258-76). These were read to the same society on 16 March 1775, and were respec- tively dated 29 Jan. 1775, 28 Sept, 1774, and 26 Feb. 1774 ; but the annual dates of the first and last should be reversed, and White complains of various other misprints. They reappeared in the ' Natural History of Selborne ' as letters xviii. xxi. and xx. to Barrington. These were but forerunners of the great work which bore on its title-page, * The I Natural History | and i Antiquities | of | Selborne, | in the | County of Southamp- ton : | with | Engravings, and an Appendix. | London : \ printed by T. Bensley ; | for B. White and Son, at Horace's Head, Fleet Street. | M.DCC.LXXXIX.' It is in quarto, pp. vi, 468 + 13 unnumbered, being twelve of index and one of errata. The author's name is not on the title-page, but appears as ' (til. White ' on p. v. It has an engraved title-page, and seven copperplates, besides one inserted on p. 307. Contemporary ad- vertisements show that it was issued in boards at the price of one guinea, and it was the only English edition published in the author's lifetime. Two years after his death there appeared ' A I Naturalist's Calendar I with Observations in Various Branches | of | Natural History; | extracted from the papers ! of the late | Rev. Gilbert White, M.A. | of Selborne, Hampshire, | Senior Fellow of Oriel College, Oxford. ! Never before published. | London: I printed for B. and J. White, Horace's Head, | Fleet Street. 1 1795.' This is in octavo, and contains pp. 170 + 6 un- numbered. It was compiled by Dr. John Aikin, who signs the ' Advertisement.' The text begins at p. 7, and to face p. 65 is a coloured copperplate by J. F. Miller, after Elmer's picture of ' A Hybrid Bird ; ' but so badly done as to misrepresent not only the original, but also the watercolour draw- ing from which the plate is copied. In 1802 appeared ' The Works in Natural His- tory of the late Rev. Gilbert White . . . com- prising the Natural History of Selborne ; the Naturalist's Calendar; and Miscellaneous Observations, extracted from his papers. To which are added a Calendar and Observations by W. Mark wick, Esq.' This was published in two volumes octavo by John (the son of the elder Benjamin) White in Fleet Street, who added the brief sketch of his uncle's life, which has been constantly reprinted, and it is often spoken of as Aikin's or Mark- wick's edition ; but whether the latter had more to do with it than allow a calendar, kept by himself in Sussex, to be printed alongside of that compiled by Aikin from White's journals is doubtful. The coloured plate of the ' Hybrid Bird ' is repeated, with considerable modification of tinting, from the former publication ; but the ' Antiqui- ties' of the original work are omitted. S. T. Coleridge's copy of this edition, with his manuscript comments, is in the British Museum. In 1813 two editions appeared — one in two volumes octavo, practically a reprint of the last, with the addition of the poems, now for the first time published, and the other in a single quarto volume, a re- print of the original, together with all the other matter subsequently added, and twelve copperplates instead of the nine of the editio princeps,one of the new engravings being that of a picture presented to Selborne church by Benjamin White, and some rational notes by John Mitford (1781-1859) [a. v.] of Benhall, after whom this edition is often named. In 1822 appeared another edition in two volumes octavo, which is almost a reprint of the octavo of 1813, as is also one published in 1825. In 1829 came out two editions in 12mo— one forming vol. xlv. of ' Constable's Miscellany ; ' the other, on larger paper, by Shortreed, each being published by Con- stable, and containing an introduction and some notes by Sir William Jardine ; but the dates of the letters, the plates, antiquities, calendars, many observations, and the poems are omitted. One or the other of these was reissued in succeeding years (1832, 1833, and 1836) with a mere change of date on the title-page ; but, in 1853, a very superior edi- tion in octavo, with additional notes by Jardine, came out as a volume of the ' Na- tional Illustrated Library.' This gives the antiquities, and though the woodcuts are of Soor quality, the insertion of a map of the istrict and the excellence of the notes White 47 White render it very serviceable ; and it has since been reprinted or reissued several times (1879, 1882, 1890, £c.) But Jardine in 1851 brought out another edition containing notes by Edward Jesse [q. v.l, who, in 1834, had printed in the second series of his ' Gleanings in Natural History ' (pp. 144- 210) a considerable number of hitherto un- published extracts from White's ' Natura- list's Journal,' which for a time was in his possession, giving also a facsimile of one page of it, comprising the week 18-24 June [17751 In 1833 also appeared an edition (in one volume octavo, but bearing no date) includ- ing the antiquities, ' with notes by several eminent naturalists,' who were William Her- bert (afterwards dean of Manchester), Ro- bert Sweet, and James Rennie. This is the best edition published up to that time, and is commonly known as Rennie's ; but four years after (1837) there appeared one, based upon it, which is better still, and is known as Bennett's, since Edward Turner Bennett, though dying before it left the press, super- vised it, adding notes of his own, and others by Bell, Daniell, Owen, and Yarrell, as well as a selection from those in Rennie's edition. This, with some fair woodcuts, remained for a long while the standard, but in time be- came out of date, whereupon in 1875 a re- vision of it (illustrated by a number of copies of Bewick's woodcuts of birds, and the fac- simile from White's journal formerly given by Jesse) was brought out with fresh notes by Mr. Harting, and it has several times since been reissued, with the addition of White's letters to Marsham. It includes the antiquities, and takes a high rank among editions. In 1833 also Captain Thomas Brown brought out at Edinburgh, with notes of his own, a new edition of the natural his- tory only, forming vol. i. of a series called 1 The British Library,' and this, being stereo- typed, has been over and over again reissued with a new title-page and a changed date. Furthermore, still in the same year (1833), there appeared an edition of the natural his- tory, * arranged for young persons,' which is now known to have been done by Georgiana, lady Dover [see ELLIS, GEORGE JAMES WEL- BOEE AGAR-], and is dedicated to her son, H. A[gar]-E[llis] (afterwards Lord Clifden). It is the first ' bowdlerised ' edition, chiefly remarkable for the omission of a few pas- sages ; but the intention was good, and the book has subsequently found its way into children's hands, it having been latterly adopted by the Society for Promoting Chris- tian Knowledge, and many times reprinted, with new illustrations by Joseph Wolf [q.v.j, and a few notes by Bell ; while it is the foun- dation also of a large number of reprints in America, ranging from 1841 to the present time. A handy edition, including the antiqui- ties, with good notes by Blyth, but very poofr woodcuts, which has since been reissued several times, was brought out in 1836 ; and in 1843, a very pretty one, with a few judi- cious notes by Leonard Jenyns. In 1854 there was started a series of editions of the natural history, published by Messrs. Rout- ledge, of which the first contained notes by John George Wood [q. v.], of a kind very inferior to those by all the preceding editors, Brown excepted. Year after year this series has continued, the price of one of the issues being sixpence, and that further reduced, in 1875, to threepence for an issue of selections, with an introduction by Mr. Haweis. In 1875 there appeared an edition, with numerous illustrations, by P. H. Delamotte, with unsatisfactory notes by Frank Buck- land, and a chapter on the antiquities by Roundell Palmer, first lord Selborne [q. v.] The memoir is slight, and the five new letters are unimportant. This volume has had a large sale, and two cheaper issues since published are very popular, as well as one founded upon it, but printed in America in 1895 under the supervision of Mr. John Burroughs. In 1876 the newly discovered and delight- ful correspondence between White and Mar- | sham was first printed by the Norfolk and ! Norwich Naturalists' Society, annotated by i Mr. Southwell and others, and next year appeared in two volumes the classical edi- tion of Thomas Bell (1792-1880) [q.v.], the possessor and occupant formerly for forty years of White's house at Selborne, an edi- tion which, from the great amount of new information it gives, throws all others into the shade. To Bell's edition reference has been chiefly made throughout this article. Of two editions announced in 1899, one has a preface by Grant Allen, with illustrations by Mr. E. H. New and Coleridge's manuscript notes from the copy of Mark wick's edition in the British Museum; the other, edited by Dr. Bowdler Sharpe from the original manuscript, includes for the first time the whole of ' The Garden Kalendar ' kept by Wrhite from 1751, which is edited by Dean Hole, and numerous illustrations by Mr. J. G. Keulemans, and others. A German translation by F. A. A. Meyer was published at Berlin in 1792 (16mo) under the title of « White's Beytrage zur Naturgeschichte von England.' It consists of extracts so put together as to lose their White 48 White epistolary character, though the name of letters is kept up. White's first six letters to Pennant are condensed into an ' Erster Brief,' while the last and ' Vierzehnter Brief is compounded of three of those to Barring- ton. The translation is not very accurate, and the editor's remarks, whether inserted in the text between brackets or as footnotes, often convey a sneer. [Various editions, especially that by Thomas Bell (2 vols. 1877), of The Natural History and Antiquities of Selborne ; unpublished letters and documents ; a ' Life,' as yet unfinished ana in manuscript, by White's great-great-nephew, Rashleigh Holt-White, esq. ; series of unpub- lished letters from John Mulso to Gilbert White (1744-90) in the possession of the latter's rela- tive, William, earl of Stamford ; extracts from documents in Oriel College, Oxford, furnished by Charles Lancelot Shadwell, esq., D.C.L., and a contribution by him to A. Clark's Colleges of Oxford, 1891, p. 121 ; anonymous article ' Selborne' in the New Monthly Magazine, vol. xxix., for December 1830; Edward Jesse's Gleanings in Natural History, 2nd ser., Lon- don, 1834 ; Correspondence of Robert Marsham and Gilbert White, with notes by Thomas South- well and others, in Trans. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalists' Society, ii. 133-95 (1876); 'The Published Writings of Gilbert White,' Notes and Queries, 5th ser. vols. vii-ix. (1877-8); ' Gilbert White of Selborne ' (revised proof of the full article by Richard Hooper), Temple Bar Magazine, vol. Iv. April 1878 ; review of Bell's edition, Nature, xvii. 399, 400 (21 March 1878); Spectator, 13 July 1878 ; articles in the Satur- day Review, 10 and 24 Sept. 1887; 'Gilbert White in Sussex,' by H. D. Gordon, Zoologist, 1893, pp. 441-50; ' Gilbert White of Selborne,' by W. W. Fowler, Macmillan's Magazine for July 1893, pp. 182-9; E. A. Martin's Biblio- graphy of Gilbert White, 1897 ; Clutterbuck's Notes on the Parishes of Fyfield (extracts from Henry White's Diary), &c., edited by E. D. Webb, Salisbury, 1898.] A. N-N. WHITE, HENRY (1812-1880), histori- cal and educational writer, born on 23 Nov. 1812, was the son of Charles White of Min- ster Street, Reading. He was educated at Reading grammar school under Richard Valpy [q. v.J, and proceeded to Trinity Col- lege, Cambridge. He also studied at the university of Heidelberg, where he obtained the degree of Ph.D. In the earlier part of his career, after working at Geneva with Merle d'Aubign6 for some time, he was chiefly occupied with scholastic work, and published several historical textbooks of considerable merit. Perhaps the best known is his * His- tory of France,' Edinburgh, 1850, 12mo, which attained an eighth edition in 1870. In 1868 he was appointed to superintend the compilation of the ' Catalogue of Scientific 1 'apers' issued by the Royal Society, and was ^ engaged in this^work until his death. For some years he also acted as literary critic to the ' Atlas ' during the editorship of Henry James Slack [q. vJ In 1867 he published his most important book, 'The Massacre of St. Bartholomew, preceded by a History of the Religious Wars in the Reign of Charles IX,' London, 8vo, a work of genuine research. White's was the first English treatise to show that the massacre was the result of a sudden revolu- tion, and not of a long-prepared conspiracy. The merits of his monograph were recog- nised by Alfred Maury, who reviewed it elaborately in the ' Journal des Savants/ White died in London on 5 Jan. 1880. In 1837 he married Elizabeth King of Bou- logne-sur-Mer, and left issue. Besides the works already mentioned, White was the author of : 1. ' Elements of Universal History,' Edinburgh, 1843, 12mo ; 13th ed. Edinburgh, 1872, 8vo. 2. * Out- lines of Universal History,' Edinburgh, 1853, 8vo ; 10th ed. 1873, 12mo. 3. < His- tory of Great Britain and Ireland,' Edin- burgh, 1849, 12mo ; 20th ed. 1879. He also compiled several school histories, and be- tween 1843 and 1853 translated Merle d'Au- bigne's ; History of the Reformation.' In conjunction with Thomas W. Newton he prepared the l Catalogue of the Library of the Museum of Practical Geology,' published in 1878. [Information kindly given by Mr. Henry White's son. Mr. A. Hastings White; Allibone's Diet, of Engl. Lit. ; Trubner's American, Euro- pean, and Oriental Record, 1880, p. 12 ; Athenaeum, 1880, i. 58.] E. I. C. WHITE, HENRY KIRKE (1785-1806), poetaster, born in Nottingham on 21 March 1785, was son of a butcher. His mother, whose name was Neville, came of a Stafford- shire family, and at one time kept a board- ing-school for girls. The house in which Henry is said to have been born is still pointed out in Exchange Alley, Notting- ham ; the lower portion remains a butcher's shop, the upper portion is a tavern with the sign of ' The Kirke White.' After receiving an elementary education at small private schools, he was at the age of fourteen put to work at a stocking loom. But he chafed against such employment. He developed literary tastes, and began writing poetry. He joined a literary society and showed promise as an orator. Within a year he obtained more congenial employ- ment with a firm of lawyers at Nottingham. His parents could not afford to pay a pre- White 49 White mium, and he was accordingly compelled to serve two years before being articled. He signed his articles in 1802. His employers noticed his promise, and advised him to study Latin. In ten months he could read Horace ' with tolerable facility,' and had begun Greek. Soon afterwards he acquired some knowledge of Spanish and Portuguese, and read many books on natural science. He continued his poetic endeavours, and contributed to the 'Monthly Preceptor'— a periodical which offered prizes to youthful writers. Subsequently he sent poems and j essays to the ' Monthly Mirror,' in which his . work attracted the favourable notice of one of the proprietors, Thomas Hill (1760-1840) fq. v.], and of Capel Lofft. White now deve- loped a strong evangelical piety. He read with appreciation Scott's ' Force of Truth,' | and made up his mind to go to Cambridge I and take holy orders. With a view to rais- | ing some of the needful funds, he, with the sanguineness of youth, prepared in 1802 a volume of poems lor the press. The Duchess of Devonshire accepted the dedication, and the volume appeared in 1803 under the title of ' Clifton Grove, a sketch in verse, with other poems, by Henry Kirke White of Not- tingham.' In the preface White confessed that the verses came from a very youthful pen. The work was of modest merit ; the title poem showed the influence of Gold- smith s 'Deserted Village,' and a reviewer in the 'Monthly Review' for February 1804 justly and courteously said that the boyish verse was not distinctive. White sent a letter of complaint to the editor, and the re- viewer next month replied in a kindly tone that he adhered to his first opinion. Mean- while the book came under the notice of Southey, who exaggerated its literary value, and encouraged White to regard himself as a victim of the critic's malignity. Thence- forth Southey deeply interested himself in White's career (SOOTHEY, Correspondence, ii. 91). The volume of poems was not a pecuniary success, and White, compelled to look elsewhere for assistance to enable him to enter the university, obtained an intro- duction through his employer at Nottingham to Charles Simeon of King's College, Cam- bridge. Simeon was impressed by White's Siety, and procured him a sizarship at St. ohn's ; Wilberforce and other sympathisers guaranteed him a small supplementary in- come, and he quitted his legal employment in 1804 to spend a year in preparation for the university with a clergyman named Grainger of Winteringhnm, Lincolnshire. There over- work injured his health, which had already shown signs of weakness. VOL. LXI. In October 1805 he entered St. John's Col- lege, and at once distinguished himself in classics. At the general college examina- tion at the end of the first term, and again at the end of the summer term of 1806, he came out first of his year. But his health was failing, and consumption threatened. The college provided a tutor for him in mathematics during the long vacation of 1806. His health proved unequal to the strain. At the beginning of the October term he completely broke down, and he died in his college rooms on 19 Oct. 1806. In 1819 a tablet to his memory, with a medallion by Chantrey and an inscrip- tion by Professor William Smyth, was placed above his grave in All Saints' Church, Cambridge, at the expense of a young American admirer, Francis Boott fq. v.J of Boston, subsequently well known in England as a botanist. The original model of Chantrey's medallion is in the National Portrait Gallery. The museum at Nottingham possesses two portraits of White, one (in profile) by T. Barber, and another by J. Hoppner, R.A. There is a third (anonymous) portrait in the National Portrait Gallery. White left in manuscript a mass of un- published verse and prose. His relatives placed it in Southey's hands, and Southey compiled from it ' The Remains of Henry Kirke White . . . with an Account of his Life,' which he published in two volumes in 1807. The volume contained ' Clifton Grove ' and many poems written by White in childhood, together with a series of hymns and a fragment of an epic on the life of Christ called ' The Christiad,' which death prevented White from completing. Waller's lyric * Go, lovely Rose,' was reprinted with a new concluding stanza by White. The chief contribution in prose was a series of twelve essays on religious and philosophic topics called 'Melancholy Hours.' In the prefatory memoir Southey emphasised the pathos of White's short career, and wrote with enthusiasm of his poetic genius. The 'Remains' was well received, and passed through ten editions by 1823. The work was often reprinted subsequently both in England and America. It was published for the first time in America at Boston in 1829. Ten of White's hymns were in- cluded by Dr. W. B. Collyer in his ' Sup- plement to Dr. Watts's Psalms and Hymns,' London, 1812, and are still in common use. Many early readers of the ' Remains ' shared Southey's high opinion of White's literary merits. In 1809 Byron wrote sym- White 5° White pathetically in his 'English Bards and Scotch Reviewers : ' Unhappy White ! while life was in its spring And thy young muse just shook her joyous wing, The spoiler came ; and all thy promise fair Has sought the grave, to sleep for ever there. 'Twas thine own genius gave the final blow And helped to plant the wound that laid thee low. Byron also wrote of White to Dallas on 27 Aug. 1811 : ' Setting aside his bigotry, he surely ranks next Chatterton. It is asto- nishing how little he was known ; and at Cambridge no one thought or heard of such a man till his death rendered all notice use- less. For my own part I should have been proud of such an acquaintance ; his very pre- ludices were respectable.' But Southey's charitable judgment, which Byron echoed, has not stood the test of time. White's verse shows every mark of immaturity. In thought and expression it lacks vigour and originality. A promise of weirdness in an early and prophetic lyric, ' A Dance of Con- sumptives ' (from an unfinished ' Eccentric Drama '), was not fulfilled in his later com- positions. The metrical dexterity which is shown in the addition to Waller's 'Go, lovely Rose,' is not beyond a mediocre capa- city. Such popularity as White's work has enjoyed is to be attributed to the pathe- tic brevity of his career and to the fervour of the evangelical piety which inspired the greater part of his writings in both verse and prose. [Southey's Memoir prefixed to Remains, 1807; Brown's Nottinghamshire Worthies, pp. 283-99 ; Julian's Dictionary of Hymnology.'J S.'L. WHITE, HUGH (/. 1107P-1155?), chronicler. [See HUGH.] WHITE, JAMES (1775-1820), author of ' FalstatTs Letters,' baptised on 7 April 1775, was the son of Samuel White of Bewdley in Worcestershire. Born in the same year as Charles Lamb, he was educated with him at Christ's Hospital, where he was admitted on 19 Sept. 1783 on the presen- tation of Thomas Coventry. He left the school on 30 April 1790 in order to become a clerk in the treasurer's office. After re- maining for some years in that position he founded an advertising agency at 33 Fleet Street, which is still carried on under a firm of the same name. To this business he united that of agent for provincial news- papers. White was the lifelong friend of Charles Lamb. He was introduced by Lamb to Shakespeare's ' Henry IV,' and was at once fascinated by the character of Falstatf , whom he frequently impersonated in the company of his friends. By his success in sustaining the character at a masquerade he roused the jealousy of several small actors hired for the occasion, and according to his friend and schoolfellow John Mathew Gutch [q. v.], he was generally known as ' Sir John ' among his intimates. In 1796 he published ' Ori- ginal Letters, &c., of Sir John Falstaff and his Friends' (London, 8vo). William Ire- land's forgery, ' Vortigern,' was produced at Drury Lane in the same year, and the ' Letters T were'prefaced by a dedication in black letter to 'Master Samuel Irelaunde,' the forger's father, which was probably written by Lamb. The ' Letters' were held in the highest esteem by Lamb, who induced Coleridge to notice them in the ' Critical Review ' for June 1797, and himself contributed an apprecia- tion of them to the * Examiner' for 5 Sept. 1819. ' The whole work,' he wrote, ' is full of goodly quips and rare fancies, all deeply masked like hoar antiquity.' Notwithstand- ing his enthusiasm, which led him to pur- chase every second-hand copy he found on the booksellers' stalls and present it to a friend in the hope of making a convert, the sale of the ' Letters ' was inconsiderable, and they brought their author little fame. A second edition appeared in 1797, composed of unsold copies of the first with new title- pages, but the work was not reprinted until 1877, when a new edition was issued with an elaborate memoir (London, 12mo). *" White died in London at his house in Burton Crescent, on 13 March 1820. He married a daughter of Faulder the book- seller, and left three children. He was a man of infinite humour, one ' who carried away with him half the fun of the world when he died' {Essays of Elia). Lamb always spoke of him with great affection. ' Jem White,' he said to Le Grice in 1833, 1 there never was his like. We shall never see such days as those in which he flourished/ He commemorated White's annual feast to the chimney-sweeps in one of his most familiar essays, and in the essay ' On some Old Actors ' he gives a pleasant account of White's discomfiture by Dodd the comedian. The author of ' Falstaff's Letters ' must be distinguished from JAMES WHITE (d. 1799), scholar and novelist, who was pro- bably a relative. This James White was elected a scholar of Trinity College, Dub- lin, in 1778, and graduated B.A. m 1780. He was well versed in the Greek language, edited one or two classical works, and wrote three historical novels of some merit. To- wards the close of his life his conduct be- White White came eccentric, and he imagined himself t In- victim of a conspiracy. He died, unmar- ried, at the Carpenters' Arms in the parish of Wick in Gloucestershire on 30 March 1799, in great destitution. He was the author of : 1. 'Hints of a Specific Plan for the Abolition of the Slave Trade,' 1788, 8vo. '2. 'Conway Castle,' and other poems, Lon- don, 1789, 4to. 3. ' Earl Strongbow ; or the History of Richard de Clare and the Beauti- ful Geralda,' London, 1789, 2 vols. 12mo; German translation by Georg Friedrich Beneke,Helmstadt,1790,8vo. 4. 'The Ad- ventures of John of Gaunt,' 1790, 3 vols. 12mo; German translation, Helmstadt, 1791, 8vo. 5. 'The Adventures of King Richard Coeur de Lion,' London, 1791, 3 vols. 12mo. 6. 'Letters to Lord Cam- den,' 1798. He also translated : 7. ' The Oration of Cicero against Verres,' 1787, 4to. 8. Jean Paul Rabaut Saint-Etienne's ' His- tory of the French Revolution,' London, 1792, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1793. 9. 'Speeches of M. de Mirabeau the Elder,' Dublin, 1792, 8vo (Annual Register, 1799, ii. 11 ; RETJSS, Register of Living Authors, 1770-90; ib. 1790-1803; Cat. of Dublin Graduates}. [The Lambs, their Lives, their Friends, and their Correspondence, by W. C. Hazlitt, 1897, pp. 24-6 ; Life, Letters, and Writings of Lamb, ed. Fitzgerald, 1886; Letters of Lamb, ed. Ainger, 1888 ; Letters of Lamb, ed. Hazlitt, 1882-6 (Bohn's Standard Library); Hazlitt's Mary and Charles Lamb, 1874; Charles Lamb and the Lloyds, ed. E. V. Lucas, 1898, pp. 48- 50; Southey's Life and Corresp. 1850, vi. 286- 287 ; Gent. Mag. 1820, i. 474.] E. I. C. WHITE, JAMES (1803-1862), author, born in Midlothian in March 1803, was the younger son of John White of Dunmore in the county of Stirling, by his wife Elizabeth, daughter of John Logan of Howden in Mid- lothian. After studying at Glasgow Uni- versity he matriculated from Pembroke College, Oxford, on 15 Dec. 1823, graduating B. A. m 1827. He served as curate of Hartest- cum-Boxsted in Suffolk, and on 27 March 1833 he was instituted vicar of Loxley in Warwickshire. Ultimately, on succeeding to a considerable patrimony on the death of his wife's father, he resigned his living and re- tired to Bonchurch in the Isle of Wight. In this retreat he turned his attention to litera- ture, in which he had already made some essays, producing between 1845 and 1847 a succession of Scottish historical tragedies, works of some merit, though only moderately successful. Another tragedy, ' John Savile of Haystead ' (London, 1847, 8vo), was acted at Sadler's Wells Theatre in 1847. At a later time he brought out several historical * sketches of a popular character, written with considerable power of generalisation. The best known is ' The Eighteen Christian Cen- j turies ' (Edinburgh, 1858, 8vo), which reached a fourth edition in 1864. White died at Bonchurch on 26 March 1862. He married in 1839 Rosa, only daughter of Colonel Popham Hill. By her he had one son, James (1841-1888), and three daughters. White possessed a charm- ing style, and interested his readers by his clearness of thought and his ability in select- ing and arranging detail. He was the friend of Charles Dickens, who in 1849 took a house at Bonchurch for some months in order to be near him. One of his tragedies was dedicated to Dickens. His portrait was painted in 1850 by Robert Scott Lauder. Besides the works already mentioned, White was the author of : 1. 'The Village Poorhouse ; by a Country Curate,' London, 1832, 12mo. 2. ' Church and School : a Dialogue in Verse,' London, 1839, 12mo. 3. ' The Adventures of Sir Frizzle Pumpkin/ London, 1836, 8vo. 4. ' The Earl of Gowrie : a Tragedy,' London, 1845, 8vo. 5. 'The King and the Commons : a Drama,' London, 1846, 8vo., 6. ' Feudal Times ; or the Court of James III : a Scottish historical Play,' London, 1847, 16mo. 7. ' Landmarks of the History of England,' London, ] 855, 8vo. 8. 'Landmarks of the History of Greece,' London, 1857, 8vo. 9. ' Robert Burns and Walter Scott : two Lives,' London, 1858, 12mo. 10. ' History of France,' Edinburgh, 1859, 8vo; 2nd ed. 1860. 11. ' History of England,' London, 1860, 8vo. Some trans- lations from Schiller by White were published in « Blackwood's Magazine,' xliii. 267, 684, 725. [Burke's Landed Gentry, s.v. 'White of Keller- stain ;' Gent. Mag. 1862, i. 651 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886; Foster's Index Eccles. ; Allibone's Diet, of Engl. Lit. ; Forster's Life of Dickens, ii. 394-6, iii. 104.] E. I. C. WHITE, JAMES (1840-1885), founder of the Jezreelites. [See JEZREEL, JAMES JERSHOM.] WHITE, JEREMIAH (1629-1707), chaplain to Cromwell, was born in 1629. He was admitted a sizar of Trinity College, Cambridge, on 7 April 1646, proceeded B.A. in 1649, and M.A. in 1653. In his student years he experienced much mental distress owing to religious difficulties, but ultimately found consolation in the doctrine of the restoration or restitution of all things. On leaving the university he passed at once to Whitehall, and became domestic chaplain to Cromwell and preacher to the council of •a White White state. His attractive person and witty con- versation soon made him popular. His posi- tion in the household of the Protector brought him into close relationship with his family, and White allowed his ambition to go so far as to aspire to the hand of Cromwell's youngest daughter Frances. It is said that the lady did not look upon him with dis- favour. The state of things came to Crom- well's knowledge. With the help of a house- hold spy he managed to surprise the two at a moment when his chaplain was on his knees before his daughter kissing her hand. ' Jerry,' who was never at a loss for something to say, explained that for some time past he had been paying his addresses to the lady's waiting woman, but being unsuccessful in his endeavours, he had been driven to soliciting the Lady Frances's interest on his behalf. The opportunity thus offered was not neglected by Cromwell. Reproaching the waiting woman with her slight of his friend, and gaining her consent to the match, he sent for another chaplain and had them married at once. At the Restoration White found himself without fixed income, but abstained from the religious disputes of the day. It is probable that his popularity gained him some form of maintenance. In 1666 the estate of ' old Mrs. Cromwell ' was in his hands. He collected much information with respect to the sufferings of the dissenters after the Restoration, but refused a thousand guineas from James II for his manuscript, being disinclined to discredit the established church. His manuscript is not known to be extant. White never himself conformed to the church of England. He preached occasion- ally in an independent church in Meeting- house Alley, Queen Street, Lower Rother- hithe, which was built soon after the Resto- ration. While was a conspicuous member of the Calves' Head Club at its annual meetings on 30 Jan., when the * Anniversary Anthem ' was sung, and wine in a calf's skull went the round to the memory of 'the patriots who had relieved the nation from tyranny.' He died in 1707. A glowing character is given of him in the ' Monthly Miscellany ' for 1707 (i. 83-5, 116-18). There is a por- trait of White incorrectly attributed to Van Dyck. An engraving is prefixed to his work, ' A Persuasive to Moderation,' published after his death in 1708. His publications include: 1. 'A Funeral Sermon on the Rev. F. Fuller,' London, 1702. 2. ' The Restoration of all Things,' He took refuge at the Savoy, where he ministered until, after the ejection of Daniel Featley [q. v.], he was appointed rector of Lambeth on 30 Sept. 1643, and given the use of Featley 's library until his own could be recovered. He was chosen one of the Westminster assembly of divines, and at their opening service in St. Margaret's (25 Sept. 1643) prayed a full hour to prepare them for taking the covenant (WHITELOCKE, Memorials, p. 74). He con- stantly attended the sittings of the assembly, and signed the petition for the right to refuse the sacrament to scandalous persons, pre- sented to the House of Lords, 12 Aug., was one of the assessors, and in 1645 was chosen on the committee of accommodation. Upon the death of Robert Pinck [q. v.l in November 1647, White was designed warden of New College, but he declined to go to Oxford, being * sick and infirm, a dying man ' ( K'»J6). Perhaps he returned to Dorchester before his death, which took place on 21 July 1648. He was buried in xhe porch of St. Peter's Chapel (belonging to Trinity), Dor- chester, but no inscription appears. White 61 White White married Ann, daughter of John Burges of Peterborough, sister of Cornelius Burges [q. v.l, and left four sons: John, Samuel, Josiah, and Nathaniel. The eldest entered the ministry, and became rector of Pimperne, Dorset (cf. Lords' Journals, viii. 352, 452, 489 ; CALAMY, Nonconformist's Me- morial, ed. Palmer, ii. 145). Besides the 'Planters' Plea' and a few separate sermons and short treatises, White was author of: 1. 'A Way to the Tree of Life: Sundry Directions for the Profitable Reading of the Scriptures,' London, 1647, 8vo. 2. 'David's Psalms in Metre, agreeable to the Hebrew. To be sung in usuall Tunes To the benefit of the Churches of Christ,' London, 1655, 12mo. 3. * A Commentary upon the Three First Chapters of the First Book of Moses called Genesis,' London, 1656, fol. The preparation of this for the press was entrusted to Stephen Marshall [q. v.], but as he died (1655) before it was ready, a fur- ther note by Thomas Manton [q. v.] accom- panied John White junior's dedication to Denzil Holies [q. v.] [Brook's Lives of the Puritans, iii. 88; Wood's Athenae Oxou. ed. Bliss, iii. 236 ; Prince's Chro- nological Hist. i. 144, 153, 158, 171, 178, 183, 195, 200, 205; Mauduit's Short View of the Hist. Massachusetts Bay, 1774, p. 24 ; Hutchin- son's Hist, of Massachusetts Bay, i. 8, 9 ; Hub- bard's Hist, of New England, pp. 16, 106 ; Rhode Island Hist. Coll. iv. 67 ; Everett's Dorchester in 1630, Boston, 1855, pp. 22-7 ; Young's Chro- nicles of Massachusetts Bay, passim ; Massa- chusetts Hist. Coll. 4th ser. vol. ii. ; Mather's New England, bk. i. p. 19; Prynne's Canter- buries Doorae, p. 362 ; Wharton's Troubles and Tryals of Laud, i. 174, 175; Fuller's Worthies, ii. 340 ; Mitchell's Westminster Assembly, xiv. 98, 141, 297, 409 ; Wood's Hist, of the Col- leges and Halls, ed. Gutch, p. 235 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1628-9, p. 543, 1631-3, pp. 360, 402, 1638-9; Hutchins's Hist, of Dorset, ii. 375, iv. 152 ; Masson's Milton, ii. 522, 549, 558, 605 ; Appleton's Cyclop, of American Biogr. vi. 472 ; Allibone's Diet, of Engl. Lit. ; Chalmers's Biogr. Diet. ; Bancroft's Hist, of America, i. 264.] C. F. S. WHITE, JOHN (1826-1891), historian of the Maoris, son of Francis White, was born in England in 1826, and went out to New Zealand with his father in 1832, settling first at Kororareka ; the sack of that place by the Maoris drove them to Auckland in 1844. He was early attracted towards the Maori race and their customs, and was em- ployed by the government in positions where he came much into contact with them. Sub- sequently he was gold commissioner at Coro- mandel, and received the appointment of official interpreter and agent for the pur- chase of native lands ; in this last capacity he succeeded in obtaining for the colonists the title to most of the lands round Auck- land. At a later date he became magistrate of Central Wanganui. He died suddenly at Auckland on 13 Jan. 1891. White was employed by the government of New Zealand to compile a complete his- tory of the traditions of the Maori race ; he had completed four volumes only at the time of his death. They appeared in 1889 with the title ' The Ancient History of the Maori ' (Wellington, 8vo). He was also author of a novelette, entitled ' Ta Rou, or the Maori at Home.' [Mennell's Diet, of Australasian Biography ; Auckland Weekly News, 24 Jan. J891, p. 7.1 C. A. H. WHITE, JOHN TAHOURDIN (1809- 1893), classical scholar, born in 1809, was the second son of John White of Selborne in Hampshire. He matriculated from Corpus Christi College, Oxford, on 28 Jan. 1830, was elected an exhibitioner in the same year, and graduated B.A. in 1834, M.A. in 1839, and B.D. and D.D. in 1866. He was ordained deacon in 1834 as curate at Swinnerton in Staffordshire. He was appointed reader at St. Stephen Walbrook in 1836, and acted as assistant master at Christ's Hospital from 1836 to 1869. In 1837 he became curate at St. Ann, Blackfriars, was ordained priest in 1839, and in 1841 was appointed curate at St. Martin Ludgate, serving until 1868, when he was instituted rector. He died at 17 Cam- bridge Road, Brighton, on 17 Dec. 1893. White was an able classical scholar, and published numerous scholastic works and critical editions of Greek and Latin authors. He is best known perhaps for his * Grammar School Texts,' a series of Latin and Greek authors most commonly read in schools. In conjunction with Joseph Esmond Riddle [q. v.] he brought out in 1862 ' A Latin- English Dictionary,' London, 8vo, founded on Ethan Allen Andrews's translation of Wilhelm Freund's ' Worterbuch der la- teinischen Sprache.' Freund's ' Worterbuch ' was published at Leipzig between 1834 and 1845, and Andrews's translation at New York in 1852. White and Riddle's 'Dic- tionary ' was largely superseded by that by Charlton T. Lewis and Charles Short in 1879. A ' College Latin-English Dictionary ' of intermediate size appeared in 1865, and a 'Junior Student's Complete Latin-English and English-Latin Dictionary' in 1869. AVhite also edited Robert Lynam's ' History of the Roman Emperors' (London, 1850, 2 vols. 8vo). White White [Times, 21 Dec. 1893 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715-1886; Simms's Bibliotheca Stafford. 1894 ; Allibone's Diet, of Engl. Lit.] K. I. C. WHITE, JOSEPH (1745-1814), orienta- list and theologian, was born at Stonehouse (or, according to another account, Stroud) in Gloucestershire in 1745, and was the son of Thomas White, a journeyman weaver. He received his earliest education in one of the Gloucester charity schools, and started life in his father's employment. His talents and attainments, however, attracted the notice of some wealthy neighbours, who enabled him to pursue his studies at Ruscomb, and again at Gloucester, and the liberality of John Moore (1730-1805) [q.v.] (afterwards bishop of Bangor and archbishop of Canterbury) enabled him to enter Wadham College, Ox- ford, as a commoner on 6 June 1765. In September of that year he became scholar of his college, where he shortly afterwards obtained the Hody exhibition for Hebrew, as well as other prizes. He was fellow from 1771 until 1788, and filled various college offices. He graduated B.A. on 5 April 1769, M.A. on 19 Feb. 1773, B.D. on 17 May 1779, and D.D. on 17 Dec. 1787. At his patron's desire he devoted himself to the study of Syriac, Arabic, and Persian, and in 1775, by a unanimous vote, was elected to the Lau- dian chair of Arabic. At the suggestion of Bishop Lowth the delegates of the Clarendon press entrusted to White the task of complet- ing and issuing an edition of the Philoxenian (or rather Harklensian) version of the New Testament, for which Glocester Ridley [q.v.] had left materials based on two manuscripts which he had brought from the east and afterwards presented to New College. Rid- ley's materials were, however, of little use to White, who had both to copy the manuscripts and translate the text himself. His edition appeared in 1778, and exhibited both his scholarship and his accuracy in a favourable light ; and since no other edition of this im- portant version has ever appeared, it is the work by which he is still remembered. A volume of comments which he at one time planned as a supplement to the edition never appeared. From 1780 to 1783 he was oc- cupied in preparing an edition of the Persian text of the ' Institutes of Timur,' of which a specimen was issued in the former year, while the whole appeared in 1783, at the expense of the East India Company. The text was accompanied by a translation into English from the pen of Major Davy, then Persian secretary to the governor-general of Bengal. In 1783 White, who was already one of the preachers at Whitehall Chapel, was appointed to the recently founded Bampton lectureship for 1784, his subject being a com- parison between ' Mahometism ' and Chris- tianity, which his studies had well qualified him to treat. He was, however, somewhat diffident of his rhetorical ability, and, regard- ing the appointment as the chance of his life, he took the dangerous step of secretly asso- ciating with himself some persons in whose capacity he had confidence, and to one of these, Samuel Badcock [q. v.], a clergyman in poor circumstances, he entrusted the composition of one entire discourse and of large portions of others, including the ex- ordium to the series. The result j ustified his selection of coadjutors ; the sermons, which contained among other matter a courteous answer to Gibbon, as well as a reply to Hume, were greatly admired when delivered, and favourably received by the press; and indeed, though the thought is shallow, the arrangement is lucid, the manner exceed- ingly refined, and the language everywhere choice and felicitous, and in the fifth lecture even exquisite. Badcock, who as newspaper writer did something to press the sale of the book, of which several editions were speedily exhausted, kept silence while praises that were due to him were lavished on White ; but his silence was not gratuitous, and the day when some important preferment should be White's reward was anxiously expected by both. In 1787 White was, through Moore's interest, presented by the dean and chapter of Ely to the rectory of Melton in Suffolk ; and supposing this to be all that the Bamp- ton lectures would produce, he hurried on the printing of a learned work, the Arabic description of Egypt by Abdullatif, a writer of the last century of the caliphate. But he despaired too soon ; for early in 1788 he was presented by Lord-chancellor Thurlow to a prebend at Gloucester Cathedral, of which the value was considerable. His pre- ferment came none too early. Shortly after the presentation Badcock died, and White, in his letter of condolence to his sister, re- quested her to return all letters of his that might be found in Badcock's papers; but Miss Badcock, knowing or guessing the value of the correspondence, took the opinion of R. Gabriel, to whom her brother had been curate, and who had some dealings with White of a nature to give him a clue to the relations between the two men. Among the papers was found a bond for SOO/. which White at first refused to pay, alleging a legal flaw, and also asserting that it was for help which had never been actually rendered, but afterwards agreed to renew, hoping thereby to prevent the truth about the lectures get- ting abroad. His compliance came too late. White White Gabriel had meanwhile circulated the story, and being challenged from several quarters to produce evidence for his assertion, at length published a number of White's letters to Badcock, giving irrefragable evidence of the joint authorship, and also suggesting that yet other hands had been employed on the discourses. Gabriel's pamphlet ran through several editions ; and additional force was lent to it by a rejoinder from one of White's partisans, in which Gabriel was virulently attacked, but his charges were left unan- swered. White kept silence as long as pos- sible. At last, in 1790, being compelled to answer, he published an account of his literary obligations, in which he apparently en- deavoured to conceal nothing, but main- tained still that the oOO/. bond was for help j in a projected history of Egypt, of which his | ' Abduliatif ' was to be the forerunner. His i pamphlet seems to have satisfied the public, j but White did not attempt again the role of popular preacher. Between 1790 and 1800 lie published little. In the latter year his edition of ' Abdullatif at last appeared, with a dedication to Sir William Scott. He had printed the text Sixteen years before, but, not being satisfied with it, had presented the copies to Paulus of Jena, afterwards famous as the leader of rationalism, who issued the work in Germany. White's edition embodied a translation which had been commenced by the younger Ed- ward Pococke [see under POCOCKE, ED- WAKD], but was completed by Wrhite himself. This is the only part that ever appeared of a great work on Egypt which he seems to have planned, and which Badcock was to have rendered popular in style. The time, however, was by no means ripe for such a work, and the elaborate monograph on Pompey's Pillar which W7hite published in 1804 became antiquated as soon as the science of Egyptology was started. The rest of White's literary work was concentrated on the textual study of the Old and New Testa- ments, and earned him in 1804 the regius professorship of Hebrew at Oxford, carrying with it a canonry of Christ Church. Besides various pamphlets, in which he advocated a retranslation of the Bible, and proposed a new edition of the Septuagint, to be based on the Hexaplar-Syriac manuscript then recently discovered at Milan, he published in 1800 a 'Diatessaron or Harmony of the Gospels,' and in his edition of the 'New Testament in Greek' (1st edit. 1808; often reprinted) en- deavoured to simplify and popularise Gries- bach's ' Critical Studies.' His last work, 'Criseos Griesbachianae in Novum Testa- mentum Synopsis' (1811) contains a sum- mary of the more important results. Both as a theologian and as a critic he was ultra- conservative. White died at Christ Church, Oxford, on 23 May 1814. He married, in 1790, Mary Turner, sister of Samuel Turner (1749?- 1802) [q.v.J, who visited Thibet as a British envoy. Her death in 1811 affected him severely. Persons who knew White declared him to be of an indolent disposition, and it is a fact that in most of his books he embodied where possible the labours of others. His linguistic attainments were, however, very great, and compare favourably with those of the most eminent orientalists of his time, with many of whom, including Silvestre de Sacy, he was in communication. His portrait was painted by William Peters and presented to the uni- versity of Oxford. It was engraved by Joseph Thompson and appeared in the 'European Magazine ' for October 1796. [Nichols's Illustrations of the Literary Hist, of the Eighteenth Century, iv. 858-65; Gar- diner's Register of Wadham Coll. vol. ii. ; Lan- gles's Necrologie de J. W.; Gent. Mag. 1814, i. 626.] I). S. M. WHITE, JOSEPH BLANCO (1775- 1841), theological writer, was born at Seville on 11 July 1775, and christened Jos6 Maria. His grandfather, an Irish Roman catholic, as the heir of an uncle, Philip Nangle, had become head of a large mercantile house at Seville. His father, after some early misfortunes, carried on the business successfully, and married an Andalusian lady of noble descent and small property. Other Irishmen became partners in the house, and formed a ' small Irish colony,' in which some English was spoken; although the Whites translated their name into Blanco and became virtually Spaniards. Joseph was put into his father's office at the age of eight. He hated the business, and preferred lessons on the violin. His mother thought commerce degrading, and had him taught some Latin. At twelve he declared his desire to become a priest, in order to escape the counting-house. His mother induced his father to consent. He was allowed to attend a school, and at fourteen he was sent to study philosophy at a Dominican college. An accident led him to read the works of Feyjoo (1701- 1764), who had attacked the scholastic philosophy still dominant in Spanish colleges. This induced the boy to revolt against the repulsive teaching of his masters. He was then allowed to enter the univer- sity (October 1790). He formed a friend- ship with a senior student of literary tastes, White White and they started a little society to read papers on ' poetry and eloquence.' He also gamed some knowledge of French and Italian literature. He was, however, still studying theology with a view to the priesthood, and had taken the ' four minor orders 'at the age of fourteen. At twenty- one he took subdeacon's orders, though with some misgivings. Both his parents were very devout, and he complains bitterly of the long services which he had been forced to attend, from the age of eight. From fourteen he had daily to read his breviary and to spend an hour in * pious reading ' and meditation. The 'spiritual exercises' in which he had afterwards to join had a powerful effect upon him, Though they excited him so far as to suppress his scruples about taking orders, his taste was shocked by the ' cloying and mawkish devotion,' and by the material imagery employed to sti- mulate the emotions. While a subdeacon Blanco was elected fellow of the college of Maria a Jesu at Seville, a position of trifling emolument, but conferring some social advantages. He be- came reconciled for a time to his profession, and at Christmas 1800 was ordained priest. He gained some credit by performing public exercises as candidate for a stall in the cathedral of Cadiz ; and in 1802 was ap- pointed, in spite of some intrigues, to a chaplaincy in the Chapel Royal of St Ferdinand at Seville. Meanwhile his re- ligious scruples had been again awakened. He was popular as a confessor, and his experience convinced him that the system had demoralising effects especially upon the nuns. One of his two sisters had taken the veil, fell into bad health, and died in consequence of the unwholesome life in the convent. His indignation increased his doubts, and, though he endeavoured to con- firm his faith by preaching a sermon against scepticism, he at last gave up his belief in Christianity. He made the acquaintance of two priests of similar opinions, who lent him freethinking books, carefully hidden for fear of the inquisition. His mental struggles led to a bad illness, and he was profoundly affected by the decision of his younger sister to enter * one of the gloomiest nunneries at Seville.' She had already be- come hysterical ; she soon developed mental and physical disease, and died a few years later. Blanco obtained leave to reside for a time at Madrid in order to escape his painful position. There he was appointed for a time 'religious instructor' to a newly founded Pestalozzian school. Meanwhile the French were entering Spain. Blanco hoped that the rule of Joseph Buonaparte would be fatal to the inquisition and the religious orders. He yielded, however, to his patriotic senti- ments, and returned to Seville. There he was appointed as co-editor with a Professor Antillon of the ' Semanario Patriotic©,' a paper established by the central junta. His political philosophy was not approved, and the paper was suppressed. He was ap- pointed, however, to draw up a report on the constitution of the cortes, and com- pelled the inquisition to hand over to him some of the prohibited books in their possession. When the advance of the French forced the junta to leave Seville, Blanco White resolved to escape from the country and the priesthood. He fled with some of his friends to Cadiz, where he was in some danger, as the patriots thought that fugitives must be traitors. He claimed, however, to be a British subject, and con- clusively demonstrated the fact by replying ' damn your eyes ' to the official who in- quired into his character. He was allowed to sail in the English packet, and reached Falmouth on 3 March 1810. A son of the painter, John Hoppner [q. v.], was carrying despatches by the same boat, and brought him to London. Hoppner the elder had just died, and Blanco White was at a loss in a strange city. He had .thought of ob- taining employment as a musician in a theatre. Some Englishmen who had travelled in Spain, especially Lord Holland, j John George Children [q. v.l, and Lord I John Russell, received him kindly. He j applied to Richard, son of Lord Wellesley, for employment at the foreign office. Wel- ' lesley introduced him to the French book- seller Dulau, and through Dulau he was introduced to one Juign6, a French refugee priest, who had become a printer in London. Juign6 agreed to give him 15/. a month to conduct a monthly periodical to be called the ' Espanol.' Blanco (who now added White to his name) wrote the original matter, and filled the rest up with translated documents, to be circulated in Spain in defence of the national cause. The labour was considerable, and Blanco White gave offence to one party by supporting the inde- pendence of the Spanish colonies in America. He says that he was libelled and seriously threatened with assassination. Juign6 also had tricked him into a very bad bar- gain. The paper was partly circulated by the English government, which, however, did not dictate his politics. He constantly consulted Lord Holland and Holland's friend, John Allen. The paper was carried on with success till after the final expulsion White White of the French, when he was rewarded by a life pension of 250/. a year from the English government. Blanco White's health, how- ever, had broken down, and his life was ever afterwards tormented by repeated if not continuous illness. Besides writing, he had worked hard to improve his English and to learn Greek. He had also renewed his theological studies and become a I Christian again, finding, as he thought, that the church of England had cast off the corruptions which had driven him from Catholicism. He took the sacrament in his parish church in 1812 ; and, after dropping ; the ' Espafiol,' signed the Thirty-nine articles j on 10 Aug. 1814 to qualify himself for [ acting as an English clergyman. He j settled at Oxford to pursue his studies. He read prayers occasionally at St. Mary's, \ and felt a revival of his religious en- thusiasm. He left Oxford in 181/5 to be- come tutor to Lord Holland's son. He led an ascetic life in the singularly uncongenial atmosphere of Holland House. The Hollands were personally kind to the last, but he found his duties as a tutor irksome, and finally retired from his position in June ; 1817. He lived for a time with his friend James Christie in London, then stayed for j a couple of years with a Mr. Carleton at \ Little Gaddesden, Hertfordshire; and in 1821 returned to London to live near the Christies. His ill-health depressed him, and he felt himself a burden to his friends, who, however, seem all to have been greatly attracted by his amiable charac- ter. In 1820 he was slowly improving, and was invited by Thomas Campbell, then ] editor of the ' New Monthly,' to contribute articles. The first part of his book, ' Dob- i lado's Letters,' appeared in the 'New I Monthly/ and made him generally known. | He wrote the article upon ' Spain ' in the i supplement to the ' Encyclopaedia Bri- ' tannica.' He was engaged at the end of j 1822 by Rudolph Ackermann [q. v.] to write | the chief part of a journal" intended for | Spanish America, called ' Variedades.' He j was to have 300/. a year as editor, and carried on the work till October 182o (Life, i. 225, 397). He gave it up upon becoming in- , terested in the controversy between Southey and Charles Butler upon the merits of the Roman and Anglican churches. He pub- j lished his ' Evidences against Catholicism ' in 1825. It was warmly praised by his ! friend Southey. To prove his independence, I he declared that he would never accept , preferment. By this book and its sequels j ne became a protestant champion, and scandalised his friends at Holland House by VOL. LXI. turning even against catholic emancipation, though with some hesitation. In 1826 the university of Oxford conferred the M.A. degree upon him in recognition of his ser- vices to the church, and in October he settled at Oxford as a member of Oriel College, intending to pursue his studies. He was made a member of the Oriel common-room, and was welcomed by the men who were soon afterwards to be leaders of the Oxford ' movement.' Newman (who played the violin with him), Pusey, Hurrell Froude, and others were on very friendly terms ; but his closest friendship was with Whately. Whately and his friend Nassau Senior were interested in a new quarterly which was started in 1828 as the 'London Re- view.' Blanco White was appointed editor, and Newman was one of his contributors. The ' Review,' however, was too ponderous, and died after two numbers. Meanwhile White's knowledge of the catholic church made him interesting to the rising party. He was officiating as a clergyman, and preached to the university. He explained the use of the breviary to Pusey and Froude (Life, i. 439). His knowledge of the scholastic philosophy, then hardly known at Oxford, interested his friends. WThen Hampden preached the Bampton lectures of 1832 upon the corruptions of the true faith introduced by the schoolmen, he was thought to have been inspired by Blanco White. Liddon says that the ' germ* of the book is in Blanco White's 'Facts and Inferences ' (an early version of his ' Heresy and Orthodoxy ; ' see Life, iii. 362). Mozley in his ' Reminiscences' takes the same view, although Hampden's friends denied what appears to be at least a grave overstate- ment. The general argument was too familiar to require a special suggestion, though Blanco White may have drawn Hampden's attention to the particular line of inquiry. Blanco White's later career made it desirable for Hampden's opponents to attribute the book to heterodox inspiration. Blanco White's singularly sensitive cha- racter made his Oxford residence uncom- fortable. He was keenly annoyed by the attacks of the protestant party when he voted for Peel at the election of 1829. He thought that the university generally dis- liked him as a foreigner and an outsider. Not being a fellow, he was only on suf- ferance in the Oriel common-room ; the ser- vants were impertinent, and junior fellows took precedence of him. Rough raillery from old-fashioned dons stung him to the soul ; and he was humiliated by civilities as savouring of charity. When his friend White 66 White Whately left Oxford on becoming archbishop of Dublin in 1831, the position became in- tolerable (see Life, iii. 126, £c.,and MOZLEY). Whately soon offered him a home. Ilr\\ns to live as one of the family and to act as tutor to two lads, sons of Whately himself and of their common friend Senior. Blanco White accordingly went to Dublin in the summer of 1832. He lived on the most friendly terms with Whately and his wife, and began to write a history of the inqui- sition (Life, i. 497). He found the subject too painful ; but in 1833 he published an answer to Moore's ' Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion,' calling it ' Second Travels,' &c. The name expressed his own history. He had been continually oscillating in his views, and his physical sufferings gave a morbid tinge to his mental troubles. He had been convinced by catholic writers that orthodox dogmas rested upon authority, and by protestants that the au- thority of the church was indefensible. As he was still a Christian by sentiment, the only solution was to accept a purely rational religion ; and this, he finally concluded, was to be found in unitarianism. He could no longer live with an archbishop ; and in January 1835 he left Dublin for Liverpool. There he attended the Unitarians' services, and was especially delighted by the preach- ing of Dr. Martineau, whose views he thoroughly approved (Life,\\. 92). Newman, on hearing of his secession, sent him an affectionate letter, which, however, was nothing but ' a groan, a sigh, from beginning to end (Life, ii. 117). Whately annoyed him by enormously long letters of severe remonstrance (WHATELY, Life, i. 250-90), but continued his friendly relations. Blanco White found congenial friends at Liverpool, including his biographer, John Hamilton Thorn [q. v.] He settled there for the rest of his life. In October 1835 Whately sent him ICO/., and repeated the gift annually, except in 1838, when Blanco White refused it upon obtaining, through Lord Holland, a sum of 300/. from the queen's bounty. Blanco White seems to have been always in want of money, in spite of his pension. On accepting the annuity he told Mrs. Whately that he was beginning for the first time in his life to be economical. His great temp- tation was to buy books. He had also spent much upon a son, Ferdinand White, who was patronised by Lord Holland, and be- came major in the 40th regiment (Life, i. 224, 395). Nothing is said of the mother, but a reference to an unhappy and clan- destine attachment during his last years in Spain (Life, i. 117) probably explains the j facts. Blanco White speaks of his son with i great tenderness. During the Liverpool ! period White was able to do some desultory work, and he contributed to the 'London ' and Westminster Review,' then under J. S. Mill, with whom he had very friendly ' correspondence (Letters in Life, vol. ii., and j Theological Review, iv. 112). lie also cor- responded with Professor Baden-Powell and the American Unitarians Channing and Andrews Norton. His health rapidly de- clined, and he suffered great pain. He was removed in February 1841 to Greenbank, the house of William Rathbone the younger Saee under RATHBONE, WILLIAM, 1757- 809], and died there on 20 May following. Blanco White's sweetness of character is shown by the warmth and endurance of his friendships. Southey knew him before 1817, and later letters (given in Blanco White's Life) show a warm regard. Coleridge was another friendly correspondent. In later years some of his orthodox friends, such as Newman, were alienated by his secession, though retaining a kindly feeling. Thorn says that when he left Dublin more than one clergyman offered him a home {Life, ii. 76 n.) His friends were always trying to provide for him. John Allen, master of Dulwich College, procured his nomination as a fellow in 1831 ; but the final decision was by lot, and Blanco White drew the blank (ib. i. 227, 471). He was frequently em- ployed as tutor to children, but admits that ' the impatience of an old nervous invalid ' unfitted him for the task(t'6. ii. 10 w.) His ill-health prevented him from finishing any work worthy of the remarkable abilities which he clearly possessed. He complains that he had partly forgotten his Spanish without feeling completely at home in Eng- lish. He applies to himself the speech of Norfolk {Richard II, act i. sc. iii.) upon the loss of his native language {Life, i. 176). Though the defect hardly appears in his style, it is the more remarkable that he wrote what Coleridge declared to be ' the finest and most grandly conceived sonnet in our language ' (Letter of 28 Nov. 1827 in Life, i. 439). The sonnet (on 'Night and Death ') had been published in the ' Bijou ' for 1828, apparently through an oversight of Coleridge, without the author's approval (ib. p. 443). An amended version is given in Blanco White's 'Diary,' 16 Oct. 1838 (ib. iii. 47 ; see MAIN'S Treasury of English Sonnets, p. 397, and Three Hundred English Sonnets, p. 304). Probably he will continue to be known by it when his other works, in spite of the real interest of his views, have been forgotten. White White Blanco White's works are: 1. * Sermon in Spanish on the Evidences of Christianity,' (TiiOM, i. 113). 2. ' Sermon in Spanish on the Slave Trade' (TnoM, iii. 174, 180). 3. ' Oda a la Instalacion de la Junta Central de Espafia,' 1808. 4. 'Preparatory Obser- vations on the Study of Religion, by a Clergyman,' 1817. 5. ' Letters from Spain ; by Don Leucadio Doblado,' 1822, 1 vol. 8vo (partly published in ' New Monthly Maga- zine'); 2nd edit, with name in 1825. 6. ' Practical and Internal Evidence against Catholicism, with Occasional Strictures on Mr. Butler's " Book of the Roman Catholic Church,"' 1825, 1 vol. 8vo. 7. 'The Poor Man's Preservative against Popery,' 1825, 1 vol. 8vo ; several later editions. 8. ' A Letter to Charles Butler, Esq., on his Notice of the "Practical, &c., Evidences,'" 1826, 1 vol. 8vo. 9. ' Second Travels of an Irish Gentleman in search of a Religion . . . not by the Editor of " Captain Rock's Memoirs " ' (i.e. Thomas Moore), 1833, 2 vols. 12mo. 10. * The Law of Anti-Religious Libel re- considered in a Letter to the Editor of the " Christian Examiner," by J. Search,' 1834, 1 vol. 8vo. 11. ' An Answer to some friendly Remarks ' (on the last), with appendix on an epigram of Martial supposed to refer to Christian martyrs, 1836, 8vo. 12. ' Obser- vations on Heresy and Orthodoxy/ 1835, 1 vol. 8vo. BlancoWhite also translated into Spanish Porteus's ' Evidences,' Paley's ' Evi- dences,' the Book of Common Prayer, some of the Homilies, and Cottu's work upon the * English Criminal Law ; ' and supervised Scio's translation of the Bible. A list of his contributions to the ' Quarterly Review,' the ' New Monthly,' the ' London Review ' of 1829, the 'Dublin University Review,' the ' London ' and the ' London and West- minster Review,' and the 'Christian Teacher ' is given in Thorn (iii. 468). The 'Rationalist a Kempis' (1898) is a short selection of passages from the third volume of Thorn's 'Life,' with a memoir by James Harwood. [The Life of the Rev. Joseph Blanco White, edited by John Hamilton Thorn, 1845, 3 vols. 8vo. This consists of an autobiography, ori- ginally addressed in letters to Whately, ending at his arrival in England, and continued to his death by letters and extracts from full diaries. Thorn wrote an earlier life in the ' Christian Teacher,' vol. iii. Whately, who was apparently afraid that some scandal might arise from his friendship with a Unitarian, refused to give letters, and protested passionately against the life (see article by Thorn in Theological Review, 1 867, i v. 82-1 1 2). Memorials of R. D. Hamp- den, 1871, pp. 23, 27; Locker-Lumpson's My Confidences, 1896, p. 68 ; Liechtenstein's Hol- land House, i. 142, ii. 183; Memoir of T. G. Children, 1853, pp. 90, 109; Mozley's Remi- niscences, 1882, i. 56-62, .352-61; Newman's Letters, 1891, i. 132, 146, 192-6, 201, 206, 210, 219,271, ii. 122, 129, 165; Life of Whately, 1866, i. 178, 248-90, 382, ii. 32, 123 ; Liddon's Life of Pusey, i. 165-6, 314, 360, ii. 109.] L. S. WHITE, SIR MICHAEL (1791-1868), lieutenant-general, born at St. Michael's Mount in 1791, was the third son of Robert White, major in the 27th dragoons, by his wife Anne, daughter of Sir John St. Aubyn, fourth baronet (1726-1772), of St. Michael's Mount. He was educated at Westminster school, and obtained a cornetcy in the 24th dragoons on 15 Aug. 1804. On 14 May 1805 he was promoted lieutenant. Proceeding to India, he was engaged in active service in 1809 on the banks of the Sutlej. On 7 Nov. 1815 he attained his captaincy, and in 1817 he was present at the capture of Hatras. He served through the Mahratta campaign of 1817-18, and at the siege and capture of Bhartpiir in 1825-6. He was promoted major on 10 Jan. 1837, and lieutenant-colonel on 13 Dec. 1839. He commanded the cavalry throughout the Afghan campaign of 1842, accompanying the army under General Sir George Pollock [q. v.J which forced the Khaibar Pass, stormed the heights at Jagda- lak, defeated the enemy at Tezin, captured the position at Haft Kotal, and finally oc- cupied the Afghan capital Kabul. After the conclusion of the campaign, on 29 Dec. 1842, he was nominated C.B. He served in the Sikh war in 1845-6, under Sir Hugh Gough (first Viscount Gough) [q. v.] He commanded the cavalry at the battle of Mudki on 18 Dec. 1845, when his horse was wounded. At the battle of Ferozshah on 21 Dec., where he commanded a brigade, he was wounded and had his horse killed under him, and at Sobraon he behaved with such conspicuous gallantry that he was nominated aide-de-camp to the queen. On 1 April 1846 he attained the rank of colonel. Three years later the second Sikh war began in the Punjab, and White commanded the first brigade of cavalry throughout the campaign. At the disastrous affair at Ram- nagar on 22 Nov. 1848, he assailed the Sikh cavalry, taking the command of the cavalry on the fall of Lieutenant-colonel William Havelock [q. v.] On 13 Jan. 1849 he was present at the dearly bought victory of Chil- lianwallah, where he protected the left of the infantry, and on 21 Feb. 1849 he took part in the victory at Gujrat. On 20 June 1854 he received the rank of major-general, and on 26 Aug. 1858 he was appointed colonel F 2 White 68 White of the 7th dragoons. On 31 Aug. 1860 he attained the rank of lieutenant-general, and on 10 Nov. 1862 was nominated K.C.B. He died in London at 15 Pembridge Crescent, Bayswater, on 27 Jan. 1868. In 1816 he married Mary, daughter of Major Mylne of the 24th dragoons. [Gent. Mag. 1868,i.400; Boase and Courtney's Bibliotheca Cornub. ; Barker and Stenning's Westminster School Reg. ; Army Lists ; Times, 1 Feb. 1868 ; Colburn's United Service Mag. 1868, i. 446; Thackwell's Narrative of the Second Seikh War, 1851, pp. 35-6, 169.] E. I. C. WHITE, SIR NICHOLAS (d. 1593), master of the rolls in Ireland, described as of Whites Hall, near Knocktopher, co. Kil- kenny, a descendant of one of the early Pale settlers, was a relative apparently, perhaps the son, of James White of Waterford, gen- tleman, to whom Henry VIII in 1540 granted a lease of the rectory of Dunkitt in co. Kilkenny (Cal. Plants, Hen. VIII, p. 154). He is surmised to be identical with the 'Nicholas Whyt' mentioned in the codicil to the will of James Butler, ninth earl of Ormonde and Ossory (MoRRiN, Cal. Patent Rolls, i. 133). He is mentioned in April 1563 as a justice of the peace for the counties of Kilkenny and Tipperary, and the following year as recorder of the city of Waterford (Cal. Plants, Eliz. Nos. 542, 666). Visiting England subsequently, he made a favourable impression on Elizabeth and Cecil. On 4 Nov. 1568 the queen directed him to be appointed to the seneschal- ship of Wexford and the constableship and rule of Leighlin and Ferns, in the room of Thomas Stucley [q. v.] On 18 Jan. follow- ing he obtained a grant of the reversion of the lands of Dunbrody in co. Wexford, and of sundry other leases (cf. Cal. Plants, Nos. 1527, 1537, 1543, 1558, 1562, 1572, 1638), with instructions at the same time to be admitted a privy councillor (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. i. 392, 400). It is note- worthy that his advancement was attri- buted to the influence of the Earl of Ormonde (ib. i. 404). On his way back to Ireland he had a curious interview with Mary Queen of Scots at Tutbury in February 1569, of which he sent a detailed account to Cecil (HAYNES, Burghley Papers, pp. 509-12). During the Butlers' war his property was plundered, and he himself obliged for a time to take refuge in Waterford (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. i. 406, 412). On 28 May, in consideration of his losses, he obtained a grant of the lands of St. Katherine's, Leixlip (Cal. Plants, Eliz. No. 1369 ; cf. Cal. Hat- field MSS. i. 413), where he afterwards established his residence. As seneschal of Wexford he kept a firm hand over the Kavanaghs (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. i. 426), and by his conduct at the siege of Castle Mocollop in May 1571 won the appro- bation of the lord justice, Sir William Fitzwilliam (ib. i. 457). In September he repaired, with permission from the state to be absent six months, to England. On 14 July 1572 he was appointed master of the rolls in Ireland (patent, 18 July) in succession to Henry Draycott, with con- cession to retain the office of seneschal of Wexford for the further space of eight months, ' in the hope that he may more effectually prosecute those that murdered his son-in-law, Robert Browne ' (Cal. Patent Rolls, i. 548 ; SMYTH, Law Officers, p. 60 ; see also under O'BYRXE, FIAGH MACHUGH). At the same time the lord chancellor was directed to accept a surrender from him of his lands in counties Tipperary, Waterford, and Kilkenny for a regrant of them to him in fee-simple. After his return to Ireland in the autumn of 1572 a dispute arose between him and Archbishop Adam Loftus [q. v.], on the death of the lord chancellor, Robert Weston [q. v.], as to the custody of the great seal, which Loftus claimed ex officio (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. i. 506, 509). The incident caused bad blood between him and the offi- cials of English birth, and was followed by disastrous consequences for him. A year or two later he supported the agitation of the gentry of the Pale against cess by refusing to sign the order for their committal [see under NUGENT, SIR CHRISTOPHER, 1544- 1602], and drew down upon him the wrath of Sir Henry Sidney, who described him to Walsingham as ' the worst of Irishmen ' (ib. ii. 117). He offered an explanation of his conduct to Burghley on 13 June 1577, alleg- ing that he had no intention to impugn the queen's prerogative (Hatjield MSS. ii. 154, 186). But Sidney, who from the first had disliked him as belonging to the faction of his enemy, the Earl of Ormonde, was in no humour to brook opposition from him, and a charge being preferred against him by the attorney-general, Thomas Snagge [a. v.], of remissness in the execution of the duties of his office and of maintaining any cause that touches his countrymen 'how foul soever it be' (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. ii. 124, 126), he was in April 1578 suspended from the mastership of the rolls (Cal. Plants, Eliz. No. 3267). He found, however, a friend in Sir William Drury [q. v.], and in September received permission to repair to England to White 69 White plead his cause with Burghley (ib. No. 3509). He succeeded in clearing himself of the charges preferred against him by Snagg ; but returning to Ireland, and being reinstated in his ortice, he found a bitter enemy in Sir Henry Wallop [q. v.], who protested strongly against a concordatum of a thousand marks that had been allowed him (Cal. State Papers, Irel. Eliz. ii. 223). He was with the army under Sir William Pelham [q. v.] in Munster during the summer of 1580, corre- sponding regularly the while with Burghley, to whom he sent Dr. Sanders's ' sanctus bell, and another toy after the manner of a crosse supporting a booke,' discovered at Castle Island (ib. ii. 236), from which it may be inferred that so far as his religion was con- cerned there was nothing to find fault with. His misadventure in the matter of the cess did not prevent him generously pleading the cause of Chief-justice Nicholas Nugent [q.v.] to Burghley (ib. ii. 300), and it was probably owing to this circumstance that he was fiercely denounced by Wallop as ' a solicitor for all traitors ' (ib. ii. 415). Even his suc- cessful management of Fiagh MacHugh, the O'Conors, and Kavanaghs, as reported by the council, received from Wallop a sinister interpretation. 'The cawse,' he wrote to Walsingham, ' that moved him to apprehend the bad fellowes we comende him for in owr joynt letter, grywe by menes that I dyd openly in counsell, the end of the last terme, charge him upon his evell delynge with us bothe in impoynyng and crosynge owr doynges, that he was a coinon advocate for traytors and evell men, that he never apprehendyd, or cawsed to be apprehended, anye traytor, rebell, or evell dysposed parson, nor ever woulde come to the examynatyon or araynement oft* any traytor or conspyrator ' (ib. ii. 428). It might have been deemed by Wallop sufficient pledge for his loyalty that he was the author (ib. iv. 292) of the extraordinary trial by combat in September 1583 between Teige MacGilapatrick O'Conor and Conor MacCormack O'Conor (Cal. Carew MSS. ii. 361), in which both combatants lost their lives. With the arrival of Sir John Perrot as <3eputy in 1584 White's prospects improved. From Perrot he received the honour of knighthood at his taking the oath in Christ Church on 21 June. His gratitude naturally inclined him to take the part of the lord deputy in the many disputes in which the latter was involved almost from the begin- ning of his government. But neither his gratitude nor his admiration of Perrot's good qualities blinded him to the defects in his character (cf. Cal. State Papers, Irel. Klis. iii. 138). Going the Leinster circuit in the autumn of the same year (1584), White caused forty-eight of the hundred and eighty- one prisoners sent up for trial to be executed, and in the fulfilment of his duty even ven- tured to visit the redoubtable Fiagh Mac- Hugh O'Byrne in his fastness of Ballinacor, ' where law never approached ' (ib. ii. 531). In December he was sent down into Con- naught in order to investigate the charges of extortion preferred against the late go- vernor, Sir Nicholas Malby [q. v.], and on 15 July 1585 was appointed a commissioner for compounding for cess in that province (ib. ii. 542; Cal. Plants, No. 4745). In September 1586 he and Sir Lucas Dillon attended the lord deputy thither, greatly to the annoyance of Sir Kichard Bingham [q. v.], who confidentially described them as l fit instruments ' in Perrot's hands to discover anything against him (ib. iii. 182). Dillon besought Burghley not to let ' the place of our birth scandalise our faithful service ; ' but the fact that they were regarded as wholly subservient to Perrot rendered any cordial action between them and the English section in the council impossible. Everything that White did was misinterpreted. His account of the quarrel between the lord deputy and Marshal Bagenal in the council chamber, though certainly the fairest, was impugned, and an attempt even made to deprive him of the custody of Duncannon Fort, which formed part of his estate at Dunbrody, under the pretence that ' it was unmeet that the same should be put into the hands of any of this country's birth ' (ib. iii. 449). Perrot's successor, Sir William Fitzwilliam, shared the general prejudice against him, alleging that neither he nor Sir Lucas Dillon would set their hand to any letters ' wherein Sir John Perrot is mentioned not to their lik- ing' (ib. iv. 116). In 1589 he was included in the commission for effecting a pacification with the Burkes, whom the alleged arbi- trary conduct of Bingham had caused to revolt. In announcing the ill-success of their efforts to Burghley, he remarked that there was a general inclination to lay the blame on Bingham; for himself, he after- wards inclined to take Bingham's part in the matter, as being in his opinion ' altogether inclined to follow the mildest course ' (ib. iv. 161, 263, 276). Shortly afterwards he was involved in the revelations of Sir Denis O'Roughan in the charge of high treason preferred against Perrot, and Fitzwilliam, who was apparently too glad of an excuse for removing him, caused him in June 1590, though extremely ill, to be placed under restraint, at the same time taking effective White White measures to pn>v en t any personal application on the part of his son to the queen (ib. iv. 343, 354, 357). Two months later he was sent over to England, and, after exami- nation by Sir John Popham (1531 P-1607) [J), 388). In a subsequent ex- amination in the Star-chamber he admitted that Perrot had complained that the queen's fears hampered his service; but otherwise nothing of material importance was elicited from him (ib. iv. 439), He was not deprived of his office, and, being apparently allowed to return to Ireland, he died there shortly afterwards, at the end of March cr the be- ginning of April 1593 (cf. Cat. Fiants, Nos. 5820, 6836). White married a niece of Arthur Brereton of Killyon, co. Meath, by whom he had two sons — Thomas, educated at Cambridge and died in November 1 586, and Andrew, likewise educated at Cambridge,who succeeded him — and two daughters, one of whom married Robert Browne of Mulcranan, co. Wexford, the other being the wife of Christopher D'Arcy of Platten, co. Meath. [Authorities as quoted.] R. D. WHITE, RICHARD (d. 1584), school- master and Roman catholic martyr, belonged to an old Welsh family of the name of Gwyn settled at Llanidloes, Montgomeryshire, where he himself was also probably born. It is said that ' he was twenty years of age before he did frame his mind to like of good letters,' after which he proceeded to Oxford, but left there shortly afterwards for St. John's College, Cambridge, where he lived by the charity of the college. It was while at the university that his friends, discover- ing ' Gwyn ' to be the Welsh for * White,' began to 'call him by the latter name, which he thereafter adopted. He quitted Cam- bridge soon after Elizabeth's accession, and set nimself up as a schoolmaster in East Denbighshire and Flintshire, first at Overton, then at Wrexham, Gresford, Erbistock, and other neighbouring villages. After follow- ing this occupation for about sixteen years, he appears to have fallen under the influence of one of the Douay missioners, with the result that he commenced absenting himself from church. For this he was arrested in July 1580, and was committed to Rutliin gaol byJudge Puleston. During thenext four years he was kept a close prisoner, and was eventually indicted for high treason on the ground that he had declared the pone and not the queen to be the head of the ctiurch. With two other fellow prisoners he is said to have been sent before the council of the marches at Bewdley (? Ludlow), where he was tortured with the view of eliciting in- formation to incriminate others ; but to no effect. He was finally brought up at the Wrexham assizes, on 9 Oct. 1584, before Sir George Bromley, Simon Thelwall, and others. The jury, after being locked up in the church all night, returned a verdict of ' guilty,' and Thelwall, in Bromley's absence, pronounced the usual sentence, which was carried out in all its barbarity on 15 Oct. His head and one of his quarters were set up on Denbigh Castle, and the other quarters were exposed at Wrexham, Ruthin, and Holt. White left behind him a widow (who- was a native of Overton) and three children. [There are two contemporary accounts of White's martyrdom, one printed (at if. 172 b to 203 a) in the Concertatio Ecclesise Catholicae (3rd edit. London, 1589) of Dr. J. Bridgewater, or ' Aquipontanus.' This (which gives the dates of White's trial and execution as 11 and 17 Oct. respectively) has been followed in Challoner's Catholic Martyrs, 1877, pp. 109-11. The other account, which is much fuller and contains a copy of a letter by White describing one of his trials, is from a contemporary manuscript pre- served at the Catholic Mission House, Holywell; it was printed in full by Richard Simpson in the Rambler, new ser. 1860, iii. 233, 366, and by Chevalier Lloyd in his History of Powys Fadog, iii. 128-64. See also Williams's Montgomery- shire Worthies, p. 85 ; A. N. Palmer's Wrexham Church, pp. 36. 62, 71, 119, and his Town, Fields, and Folk of Wrexham, pp. 9, 10. A pedigree of the Gwyns of Llanidloes (from Harl. MS. 9864) is given in Lloyd's Powys Fadog, v. 59- 62 ; cf. Dwnn's Heraldic Visitations, i. 310.] D. LL. T. urist hite of Basingstoke, Hampshire, who died at the siege of Boulogne in 1544, and whose grandfather had almost half the town of Basingstoke in his own possession. His mother was Agnes, daughter of Richard Capelin of Hampshire. He was born at Basingstoke in 1539, entered Winchester school in 1553, and was admitted perpetual fellow of New College, Oxford, in 1557 (KiRBY, Winchester Scholars, p. 131). He took the degree of B.A. on 30 May 1559, but afterwards left the college, and the time allowed for his absence having elapsed, his- fellowship was declared void in 1564. Shortly before that time he went to Louvain and afterwards to Padua, where he was created doctor of the civil and canon laws. At length, going to Douay, he was constituted the king's professor of those laws. He con- tinued to reside for more than twenty years WHITE, RICHARD (1539-1611), juri and historian, was son of Henry Whi White White at Douay, where he married twice and ac- quired great wealth by each wife. By order of the pope he was made, though out of his ordinary turn, 'magnificus rector' of the university, and about the same time he was created ' comes palatinus.' After the death of his second wife he was, by dispensation of Clement VIII, ordained priest, and about the same time a canonry in the church of St. Peter at Douay was bestowed upon him. In his favourite study of 1 >i it ish history he received encouragement from Thomas Godwell, bishop of St. Asaph, Sir Henry Peacham, and Sir Francis Engle- fiold, formerly privy councillors to Queen Mary ; but chiefly from Cardinal Baronius, with whom he maintained a constant corre- spondence (DoDD, Church Hist. ii. 383). He died at Douay in 1611, and was buried in tin- church of St. Jacques in that city (Addit. MS. 5803, ft'. 99, 100). His works are: 1. '/Elia Laelia Crispis. Epitaphium antiquum quod in agro Bono- niensi adhuc uidetur ; a diuersis hactenus interpretatum uarie : nouissime autem a Tlicardo Yito Basinstochio, amicorum pre- cibus explicatum,' Padua, 1568, 4to. Dedi- cated to Christopher Johnson, chief master of \\inchester school : reprinted, Dort, 1618, IGmo. 2. ' Orationes : (1) De circulo artium et philosophise. (2) De eloquentia et Cice- rone. (3) Pro divitiis regum. (4) Pro doc- toratu. (5) De studiorum finibus. Cum notis ; rerum variarum et antiquitatis,' Arras, I 1596, 8vo. The first two, delivered at Lou- ' vain, were published by Christopher John- son, 1564, 1565, and ordered by him to be read publicly in Winchester school. 3. ' It. Viti . . . Notae ad leges Decem-virorum in duodecim tabulis ; institutiones juris civilis in quattuor libris: primam partem Digesto- rum in quattuor libris,' 2 parts, Arras, 1597, 8vo. 4. ' Historiarum (Britanniae)libri(l-ll) . . . cum notis antiquitatum Britannicarum ' [edited by Thomas White], 7 parts, Arras and Douay, 1597-1607, 8vo. The author's portrait is prefixed to this work. 5. * Oratio septima de religione legum Romanorum, ad reverendum Dominum, Dominum Nicolaum Manifroy, electum Abbatein Bertinianum,' Douay, 1604, 8vo. 6. 'Brevis explicatio privilegiorum iuris et consuetudinis circa venerabile sacramentum Eucharistiae/Douay , 1609, 8vo. 7. ' De Reliquiis et Veneratione Sanctorum,' Douay, 1609. 8. 'Brevis ex- plicatio Martyrii Sanctse Ursulae et undeciin millium Virginum Britannarum,' Douav, 1610, 8vo. [Dodd's Church Hist. ii. 382; Duthilld-ul's Bibl. Douaisienne, 1842, pp. Ho, 160, 161; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of England, 6th edit. i. 272; Kirby's Annals of VVinclii-stur College, p. 276 ; Lowndes's Bibl. Mnn. ed. Bohn, p. 2902 ; Pits, De Angliae Scriptoribus, p. 806; Records of the English Catholics, i. 446 ; Tanner's Bibl. Brit.; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 118.] T. C. WHITE, alias JOHNSON, RICHARD (1604-1687), devotional writer, was born in the diocese of Winchester, of poor Roman catholic parents, in 1604, and entered the English College at Douay in 1623, when he adopted the name of Johnson, which he re- tained for the rest of his life. He was or- dained priest on 23 Feb. 1629-30. On 23 May 1630 he was sent from Douay to assist Ste- phen Barnes as confessor"oFtne English Au- gustinian canonesses of St. Monica's at Lou- vain. He acted in that capacity for twenty years, and for thirty-six years after Barnes's death he was principal confessor to the com- munity. He died in the convent on 12 Jan. 1686-7. He left in manuscript a large number of devotional treatises, most of which were lost at the time of the French Revolution. One of them, entitled 'The Suppliant of the Holy Ghost : a Paraphrase of the " Veni Sancte Spirit us," ' was printed at London in 1878, 8vo, under the editorship of the Rev. Thomas Edward Bridgett, who appended to it two other treatises, believed to have been also written by White, entitled ' A Para- phrase of the Pater Noster ' and ' Medita- tions on the Blessed Sacrament.' [Memoir by Bridgett ; Records of the English Catholics, i. 23.] T. C. WHITE, ROBERT (1540?-! 574), mu- sician, was probably born about 1540. His father, who outlived him, was also named Robert. A John "White supplicated Mus. Bac. Oxon. in 1528. There is some reason to suppose that the elder Robert Wrhite was an organ-builder. In 1531, and on several sub- sequent occasions until 1545, a Magister White repaired the organ of Magdalen Col- lege, Oxford. He was wrongly identified by Cope with the composer, but may have been his father. The parish of St. Andrew's, llolborn, in 1553 ' gave young W^hyte 5/. for yc great orgaynes wh his father made for ye church.' This organ was sold in 1572 to < Robert Wrhite, gentleman of WTestmin- ster,' and John Thomas. In 1574 the elder Robert White had been for some time living with his son at Westminster, and these entries may not improbably all refer to him. The first definite fact recorded of the younger W^hite is that, having studied music ten years, he graduated Mus. Bac.Cantabr. on 13 Dec. 1560. He was required, under penalty White White of 40s. fine, to compose a communion service to be sung in St. Mary's Church on com- mencement day. ' Omnia peregit ' was added in the grace book. In a set of part-books, written in 1581, preserved at Christ Church, Oxford, White is styled ' batchelar of art, batchelar of musick •' but in his own and his wife's wills ' batchelar of musick 'only. Very soon after graduating, and not later than Michaelmas 15G2, White succeeded Dr. Christopher Tye [q. v.] as master of the choristers at Ely Cathedral, and was paid the same salary, 10/., as Tye, who had been also styled organist, had received. White probably married Ellen Tye at Doddington not long afterwards. The baptism of their daughter Margery is recorded on 23 Dec. 1565 at Ely. He must have resigned his appoint- ment in 1566, as John Farrant [see under FARRANT, RICHARD] received a year's salary as master of the choristers at Michaelmas 1567. White was appointed in or before 1570 master of the choristers and organist at Westminster Abbey ; to the former post was allotted, by Queen Elizabeth's founda- tion, ' a house, 41. in regard, and 3/. Gs. 4rf. for every one of thetenne Queresters,besydes a yerely ly verey to each one, and a bushell of wheate weekely.' Between 1570 and 1573 three daughters of Robert White were bap- tised at St. Margaret's, Westminster. All these apparently died during the pestilence of 1574, and were buried in the churchyard of St. Margaret's ; and on 7 Nov. Robert White made his will, directing he should be buried near them. He was buried on 1 1 Nov., and on the 2 1 st his wife made her will. She died soon after, and letters of administration were taken out on 8 Dec. Two daughters, Mar- gery and Anne, survived. Robert White possessed the estate of Swallowfield and Winslowes at Nuthurst, West Sussex, which he bequeathed to his wife. From her will it appears that she had sisters named Mary Rowley [see TIE, CHRISTOPHER] and Susan Fulke, a brother-in-law Thomas Hawkes, and an aunt Anne Dingley. She left the children in charge of her mother, Katherine Tye, probably Dr. Tye's widow. Robert White in his short life attained a high reputation as a composer. The part- books at Christ Church contain the couplet : Maxima rausarum nostrarum gloria White, Tu peris : aeternum sed tua musa manet. Baldwin, writing in 1591, begins his list of great musicians with White. Morley men- tions him among the famous Englishmen ' nothing inferior' to the best masters on the continent, and justifies the use of a sixth as the beginning of a composition, by the authority of White and Lassus. But as White had published nothing, he became forgotten and confused with later musicians named White (see below), until Burney re- discovered him. In Barnard's 'Selected Church Musick,' 1641, there is one anthem by White, 'The Lord blesse us ; ' but it was not included in Boyce's ' Cathedral Music.' Burney printed another, 'Lord, who shall dwell in Thy tabernacle,' from the Christ Church part- books. Burns's ' Anthems and Services ' contains a third, ' O praise God in His holi- ness.' Arkwright's Old English Edition, No. xxi., has 'The Lord blesse us' in score, and ' O how glorious art Thou ! ' All these are anthems for five voices, except ' O praise God,' which is for double choir. There are imprinted works, generally to Latin words, in early manuscripts at Buckingham Palace, the British Museum, the Royal College of Music, the Bodleian and Christ Church libraries at Oxford, St. Peter's, Cambridge, Tenbury, and several cathedrals. A fairly complete list is given in Grove's ' Dictionary/ iv. 452. White completed a setting of the 'Lamentations' which had been begun by Tallis, and at Buckingham Palace there is a continuation by White of a motet by Tye. Except some fancies for the lute, no instru- mental music by White is known. White's printed anthems are models of pure polyphony, beautifully melodic themes join- ing in harmonies of the richest effect. ' The warm eulogies of Burney, Fetis, and Ambros, and the great value of White's very few known works, have caused general expecta- tion that his unprinted works are also mas- terpieces. Nagel, who judges that White, though superior to all his predecessors, lived a few years too soon for the perfect union of spiritual beauty with formal mastery, pro- claims that it is a bounden duty of the Eng- lish nation to edit White's complete works. Some who have scored various manuscripts report less favourably, and have found a stiffness which suggests an earlier period, and might rather be expected from the John White at Oxford in 1528. In a set of part- books at the British Museum (Addit. MSS. 17802-5) there is a 'Libera me 'constructed upon a plain-song in long notes. Burney possessed an important manuscript, at pre- sent undiscoverable, containing twenty-seven pieces by White, of which he speaks with enthusiasm. MATTHI:\V WHITE (Jl. 1610-3630), to whom Robert White's works are often attri- buted in seventeenth-century manuscripts, was at Wells Cathedral, and in 1611 or- ganist of Christ Church, Oxford. In 1613 White 73 White he was sworn a gentleman of the chapel royal, but resigned next year. In Kii".' In- accumulated the degrees of Mus. Bac. and Mus. Doc. Oxon. Anthony Wood, in his ' Lives of English Musicians' ( Wood MSS. 19 D 4 in the .Bodleian Library) confuses Matthew with Robert White. The collections (now at the Royal College of Music) from which Barnard compiled his • Selected Church Musick' contain an anthem by M. White (FOSTER, Alumni Oxomenses, p. 1615 ; Cheque- book of the Chapel Koyal,C&mden Soc. 1872). WILLIAM WHITE (jft. 1620), of whom nothing is recorded, has left some anthems in Additional MSS. 29372-7 at the British Museum, and among the choir-books at St. Peter's, Cambridge; and some fancies for in- struments in the Bodleian and Christ Church libraries at Oxford, and Additional MSS. 17792-6. One of the 'Songs' by Thomas Tomkins (d. 1656) [q. v.l, published about 1623, is dedicated to Will. \Vhite. He also has been confused with Robert White. [Introd. to Arkwright's Old English Edition, xxi, where the wills of Robert and Ellen White are printed; Morley's Plaine and Easie Intro- duction to Practicall Musicke, reprint of 1771, pp. 170, 238, 249, 258; Abdy Williams's Musical Degrees, pp. 80, 155 ; FosteVs Alumni Oxon. p. 1614 ; Burney's General Hist, of Music, iii. 65- 71 ; Ambros's Geschichte der Musik, iii. 459; Rimbault's Early English Organ-builders, pp. 40, 72 ; Grove's Diet, of Music and Musicians, iii. 273, ir. 452, 817; Nagel's Geschichte der Musik in England, ii. 64-9, 287 ; Davey'sHist. of English Music, pp. 57, 134, 155, 234, 493; MSS., and Works quoted ; information from Mr. Arkwright.] H. D. WHITE, ROBERT (1645-1 703),draughts- man and engraver, was born in London in 1 645, and became a pupil of David Loggan[q.v.] He was the most esteemed and industrious por- trait engraver of his time, and his plates, which number about four hundred, comprise most of the public and literary characters of the period. A large proportion of them were executed ad vivum, the rest from pictures by Lely, Kneller, Riley, Beale, and others, and they have always been greatly valued for their accuracy as likenesses. Of the plates engraved by WThite from his own drawings the best are the portraits of Prince George of Denmark, the Earl of Athlone, the Duke of Leeds, and the Earl of Seaforth; and the groups of the seven bishops, the bishops' council, the lords justices of England, and the Portsmouth captains who declared for King Wrilliam. He engraved the plates to Sandford's account of the funeral of the Duke of Albemarle, 1670; the first Oxford < Alma- nac,' 1674; a set of portraits of members of the Rawdon family ; the plates to Gwillim's ' Heraldry ' and Burnet's ' History of the Re- formation,' and many book-titles and fronti- spieces. A few scarce mezzotint portraits of noblemen bear WThite's name as the pub- lisher, and are assumed to have been exe- cuted by him. White was celebrated for his original portraits, which he drew in pen- cil on vellum with great delicacy and finish, in the manner of Loggan. He died in re- duced circumstances in Bloomsbury Market, where he had long resided, in November 1703. A portrait of White was engraved by W. II. Worthington for Wornum's edition of Walpole's ' Anecdotes.' GEORGE WHITE (1684P-1732), mezzotint engraver, son of Robert, was born about 1684, and instructed by his father. He com- pleted some of the plates left unfinished by the latter, and himself executed a few in the line manner ; but, being deficient in industry, he at an early period turned to the less laborious method of mezzotint. A portrait of Jean-Baptiste Monnoyer, which he exe- cuted in this style from a painting by Kneller, was greatly admired and brought him much employment. He became the ablest mezzo- tint engraver that had yet appeared in England, and was the first to make use of the etched line to strengthen the work. White's plates number about sixty, of which the best are the portraits of William Dobson, George Hooper, bishop of St. Asaph, Tycho Wing, and ' Old ' Parr. White, like his father, drew portraits in pencil on vellum with great success; he also practised in crayons, and latterly took to painting in oils. He died at his house in Bloomsbury on 27 May 1732. His plate of the 'Laugh- ing Boy ' after Hals, a masterly work, was published after his death, with laudatory verses. [Walpole's Anecdotes of Painting; Vertue's Collections in Brit. Museum (Addit. MSS. 23072 f. 2, and 23076 f. 38) ; Dodd's manuscript Hist, of English Engravers, in Brit. Museum (Addit. MS. 33407) ; Chaloner Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits.] F. M. O'D. WHITE, ROBERT (1802-1874), anti- quary, the son of a border farmer, was born on 17 Sept. 1802 at the Clock Mill, near the gipsy village of Yetholm in Roxburghshire. While he was a boy his father removed to Otterburn in Redesdale. There he herded his father's cattle, managing at the same time to acquire a knowledge of books, and filling his mind with border lore. His father's landlord, James Ellis [q. v.], the friend and correspondent of SirWalter Scott, encouraged him, and made him welcome in his library, White 74 White •where he spent the winter c\ . •11111--, copying whole volumes of his patron's treasures. After spending a short time with a weaver in Jedburgh he returned to employment on j the farm. In 1825 he found employment in Nf \vcastle in the counting-house of Robert Watson, a plumber and brassfounder at the High Bridge. White remained with AVatson until A\ratson died forty years later. At Newcastle AArhite found time and oppor- t unity for study. By abstemious living he was able to devote part of his small income to the purchase of books, and in time he j accumulated a library containing many rare ! and valuable volumes. His holidays were ! usually spent in rambles on the border with hi> friend James Telfer [q.v.], the Saughtrees poet, steeping himself m border minstrelsy and gathering knowledge of border life. His first poem, * The Tynemouth Nun/ was written in 1829, and at the suggestion of the anti- quary, John Adamson (1787-1855) [q. v.], it ; was printed in the same year for the Typo- graphical Society of Newcastle. After this successful essay he devoted himself to the preservation and reproduction of local legend and song, contributing to many local pub- lications. In 1853 he printed for distribution among his friends a poem on 'The AN "hid ' (Newcastle, 8vo), and in 1856, also for private circulation, another poem entitled ' England' (Newcastle, 8vo). About this time, or a little earlier, he became a member of the Newcastle Society of Antiquaries, to which he contributed a paper on the battle of Neville's Cross (Arch. ALliana, new ser. i. 271-303). Encouraged by its reception, he published a volume on the ' History of the Battle of Otterburn' (London, 1857, 8vo), adding memoirs of the warriors engaged. This was followed in 1858 by a paper read to the Newcastle Society on the battle of Flodden (ib. iii. 197-236), and in 1871 by a * History of the Battle of Bannockburn' (London, 8vo). These monographs were rendered valuable by White's intimate ac- quaintance with local legend, and by his topo- graphical knowledge, which enabled him to elucidate much that hitherto had remained obscure. He died unmarried at his house in Claremont Place, Newcastle, on 20 Feb. 1874. i AVhite was also the author, apart from other antiquarian papers, of ' Going Home,' a poem [1850?], 8vo ; ' A Few Lyrics,' Edin- burgh, 1857, 8vo, reprinted from Charles Rogers's 'Modern Scottish Minstrel,' 1855 (for private circulation); and 'Poems, in- cluding Tales, Ballads, and Songs,' Kelso, 1867, 8vo (with a portrait). He edited the 1 Poems and Ballads of John Leyden,' Kelso, 1858, 8vo, with a memoir supplementing that by Sir AValter Scott. Several of his songs are to be found in the ' A\rhistleBinkie' col- lection and in Alexander AVhitelaw's 'Book of Scottish Song' (1844). [Memoir by Richard AVel ford in the New- castle Weekly Chronicle, 1 Oct. 1892; Memoir by John Helson in the Hawick Adrertiser, 2.3 Sept. 1869.] E. I. C. WHITE, ROBERT MEADOWS (1798- 1865), Rawlinson professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford University, born on 8 Jan. 1798, was the eldest son of Robert Goatling AVhite (d. 18 Oct. 1828), a solicitor at Halesworth in Suffolk, by his second wife, Elizabeth Meadows (d. 25 Sept. 1831). In 1813 Robert was placed under John Valpy at Norwich, where John Lindley [q. v.], the botanist, and Rajah Sir James Brooke [q.v.] were his fellow pupils. On 20 July 1815 he matriculated from Magdalen College, Oxford, and in the same year was elected a demy, graduating B.A. on 14 Dec. 1819, M.A. on 28 Feb. 1822, B.D. on 21 Nov. 1833, and D.D. on 23 Nov. 1843. He was ordained deacon in 1821 and priest in 1822. In 1824 he was elected a fellow of Magdal en College, retaining his fellowship till 1847. From 1832 till 1840 he acted as a col- lege tutor. On 15 March 1831 he became proctor, and on 23 April 1834 he was chosen Rawlinson professor of Anglo-Saxon, hold- ing that post for the statutable period of five years. Anglo-Saxon professors at that time were sometimes defined as ' persons willing to learn Anglo-Saxon.' White, however, was known as a scholar before he was elected to the chair. He had already contemplated the publication of a Saxon and English vocabulary, and only abandoned the project because it appeared likely to clash with the 'Anglo-Saxon Dictionary' then being pre- pared by Joseph Bosworth [q. v.] On giving up this design, he turned his attention about 1832 to editing the ' Ormulum,' a harmonised narrative of the gospels in verse, preserved in a unique manuscript in the Bodleian Library. The task, owing to other demands on his time, occupied nearly twenty years. In the course of his researches he visited Denmark in 1837, and extended his travels to Moscow, where he was arrested and suffered a short del cut ion for visiting the Kremlin without an official order. His edition of the ' ( h-iiiuluin' was issued in 1852 from the uni- versity press, and in the following year an elaborate crit icism of it was pu Wished in Eng- lish by Dr. Monicke, a German professor. In 1839, at the end of his term of office, White was presented to the vicarage of AAToolley, near AVakefield, by Godfrey Went- White 75 White worth of that parish, to whose son Willium he had acted as tutor. After Wentworth's death he left Woolley, and went to Lord Yarborough at Brocklesby Park in Lincoln- shire, where he acted as tutor to the baron's grandsons. In 1842 he was presented to the rectory of Little and Great Glemlmm in Suffolk by the Hon. Mrs. North, Lord Yar- borough's sister, and on 29 Oct. 1846 he was presented by Magdalen College to the rectory of Slimbridge in Gloucestershire, which he retained until his death. lie died unmarried ; at Cheltenham on 31 Jan. 1865, and was | buried at Slimbridge, in the churchyard, near the chancel south wall. His younger brother, JOHN MEADOWS ' WHITE (1799?-! 863), solicitor, was born at ; Halesworth in 1799 or 1800, and entered into partnership with his father there. He j removed to London, where he became the ; partner of T. Barett in Great St. Helen's Street, and rose to great eminence as a par- ' liamentary solicitor. He was engaged in the preparation of many measures of social, legal, and ecclesiastical reform, such as the ' new poor law, the commutation of tithes, ! and the enfranchisement of copyholds. On the subject of tithes he became a great authority, and issued several treatises on tithe legislation. He was a solicitor of the ecclesiastical commission, and died at Wey- mouth on 19 March 1863. On 17 Sept. 1825 he married at Halesworth Anne, daugh- ter of Robert Crabtree, an attorney of that place, and by her had a large family. Besides publications on tithe law he was the author of : 1 . * Some Remarks on the Statute Law of Parish Apprentices,' Hales- worth, 1829, 8vo. 2. ' Remarks on the Poor Law Amendment Act,' London, 1834, 8vo. 3. 'Parochial Settlements an Obstruction to Poor Law Reform,' London, 1835, 8vo. 4. ' Remarks on the Copyhold Enfranchise- ment Act,' London, 1841, 12mo. 5. ' The Act for the Commutation of certain Manorial Rights in respect of Lands of Copyhold and Customary Tenure,' London, 1841, 12mo (Gent. Mag. 1863, i. 667; Brit. Museum Addit. MS. 19168, f. 211). [Gent. Mag. 1865, ii. 111-13: Allibone's Diet, of English Lit. ; Davy's Suffolk Collections in Brit. Museum Addit. MS. 19155, f. 92 ; Bloxam's Registers of Maedalen Coll. vii. 265-9 ; Cox's Recollections of Oxford, 1868, pp. 246-7.] E. I. C. WHITE, SAMUEL (1733-1811), school- master. [See WHYTE.] WHITE, STEPHEN (1575-1 647 ?), Irish Jesuit, born in 1575, was a native of Clon- mel (IlOGAX, Hibcnua lynatiana, p. 2i)(J). He was educated at the Irish seminary at Salamanca, where he was a reader in philo- sophy. He joined the Jesuits in 1596. In 1 tii )(>' he became professor of scholastic theo- logy at Ingoldstadt, and returned to Spain in 1609 (ib. p. 179), but did not live there long. John Lynch describes him as ' doctor and emeritus professor of theology at In- goldstadt, Dillingen, and other places in Germany; a man full of almost every kind of learning' (Cambrensis Eversus, ii. 394). He was for a long time rector of the college at Cassel. He is chiefly remembered for his labours among Irish manuscripts preserved in German monasteries, and may be said to have opened that rich mine. He corre- sponded in a friendly way with Ussher, who acknowledges his courtesy and testifies to his immense knowledge, not only of Irish antiquities, but of those of all nations. He was a good Hebrew scholar. In 1621 White transcribed at Dillingen a manuscript of Adamnan's life of St. Columba, lent to him for the purpose by the Benedictines of Reichenau, and now pre- served at Schaffhausen. This is the most important of the manuscripts used by Reeves in settling the standard text. White lent his transcript to Ussher before 1639, when the latter published his great work on ecclesi- astical antiquities. Ussher prints a long extract from an unpublished life of Columba which Reeves believed to have been written by White. The 'Tertia Vita S. Brigidse' printed by John Colgan [q. v.] in his ' Trias Thaumaturga ' was transcribed by White from a very old manuscript at St. Magnus, Ratisbon. Colgan calls him ' vir patriarum antiquitatum scientissimus et sitientissimus.' At St. Magnus he also found a manuscript life of St. Erhard, and sent a transcript to Ussher. At Kaiserheim White transcribed for Hugh Boy Macanward [q. v.] the life of Colman, patron saint of Austria. He also copied manuscripts at Biberach and at Metz. White was long resident at Schaffhausen, and is sometimes spoken of as 'Scaphusio- Helvetius.' His best known work, the ' Apologia pro Hibernia,' is believed to have been written as early as lt>15, and was long supposed to be lost. Lynch used an imper- fect copy for his 'Cambrensis E versus.' The manuscript from which the 'Apologia' is printed was found in the Burgundian library at Brussels in 1847. White was in Ireland from 1638 to 1640, and gratefully acknowledges the kindness of C-slu-r, who often asked him to dinner ('quod modest e renui'), and who admitted him freely to his house and library (letter to Colgan). White appears to have been White White alive in 1647, when Colgan published his 1 Trias Thaumaturga,' but nothing is known of him after that date. Of White's numerous works the following are printed in the * Bibliotheca Historico- philologico-theologica,' Bremen, 1719-25 : 1. ' Dissertatio degenuina humanee libertatis natura atque indole.' 2. 'Dissertatio qua divina rationis auctoritas contra \|/-fu8ep- nqvctnv loci 2 Cor. x. 5 modeste vindicatur.' 3. ' VitaJohannis Jezleri.' 4. 'Schediasmajin quo Augustini, Lutheri, supralapsariorumque sententia a Manichaeismi calumnia pro pace inter protestantes facilius concilianda vindi- catur. 5. 'Schediasmajinquoargumentaqui- bus vir celeb. Joh. Christianus Loers . . . cor- pora etiam angelis vindicatumivit,ad rationis trutinam modeste exiguntur.' White's ' Apo- logia pro Hibernia adversus Cambri calum- nias ' was edited by M. Kelly, Dublin, 1849. A ' Letter to Colgan,' dated 31 Jan. 1640 N.S., in which White gives an account of his studies, is printed from the St. Isidore's manuscript in Reeves's ' Memoir,' Dublin, 1861. [Memoir of White by Bishop William Reeves (1861), notes to Works of Adamnan, Index to Ussher's Works, Memoir of Colgan in vol. i. of the Ulster Journal of Archaeology — all by Reeves ; Kelly's notes to White's Apologia and to Lynch's Cambrensis Eversus ; Hogan's Hibernia Ignatiana and Life of Fitzsimon ; Ware's Writers of Ireland, ed. Harris ; Brit. Mus. Cat. s.v. ' Vitus.'J R. B-L. WHITE, SIR THOMAS (1492-1567), founder of St. John's College, Oxford, born at Reading (for the site, see COATES'S Read- ing, p. 405 n.) in 1492, was the son of Wil- liam White of Rickmans worth, Hertford- shire, clothier, and his wife Mary, daughter of John Kebblewhite of South Fawley, Buckinghamshire (CHAUNCEY, Antiquities of Herts, p. 481 a, gives Kickmansworth as his birthplace, erroneously). He was probably taught first at the Reading grammar school, founded by Henry VII, to which he gave two scholarships ; but he was brought up ' almost from infancy ' in London. He was apprenticed at the age of twelve to Hugh Acton, a prominent member of the Merchant Taylors' Company, who left him 100/. on his death in 1520. With this and his small patrimony he began business for himself in 1523. In 1530 he was first renter warden of the Merchant Taylors' Company. From this he passed on to the senior wardenship about 1533, and was master probably in 1535 (CLODE, History of the Merchant Tay- lors' Company, ii. 100). He appears in 1533 as one of those to whom the nun of Kent made revelations (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII,\\. 587). In 1535 he was assessed for the subsidy at 1,000/., which shows him to have been by this time a prosperous clothier (for note on the exact nature of his trade, see CLODE'S History of the Merchant Taylors' Company, vol. ii. App. p. 4). In 1542 and 1545 he made large loans to the cities of Coventry and Bristol. He resided in the parish of St. Michael, Cornhill, and in 1544 was elected by the court ninth alderman for Cornhill. On his refusing ' to take upon himself the weight thereof,' he was committed to New- gate, and the windows of his shop were ordered to be * closed so long as he should continue in his obstinacy' (17 June, 36 Hen. VIII, Repertory 11, f. 78 A). He was not long recalcitrant. In the same year, being then alderman, he contributed 3001. to the city's loan to the king. In 1547 he was sheriff. In 1549-50 he aided his guild with money to purchase the obit rent charges. In 1551 the trust-deed between his company and the city of Coventry was drawn up, by which large sums became available after his death for the charity loans, «Xrc. In 1553 he was one of the promoters of the Muscovy Company (MACPHERSON, Annals of Com- merce, ii. 114). On 2 Oct. 1553 he was knighted in the presence of the Queen Mary by the Earl of Arundel, lord steward (MS. Coll, Arms, I. 7, f. 74 ; see MACHTN, pp. 46, 335). He was elected lord mayor on 29 Oct. 1553. Machyn records the splendour of his pageant. He sat on 13 Nov. on the commission for the trial of Lady Jane Grey and her adhe- rents. On 3 Jan. 1553-4 he received the Spanish envoys, and ten days later restored the custom of going in procession to St. Paul's for the high mass. On the breaking out of Wryatt's rebellion he arrested the Marquis of Northampton on 25 Jan. 1553-4. He received Mary on 1 Feb. when she made her appeal to the loyalty of the citizens, and on the 3rd repulsed the rebels from the bridge-gate, Southwark. His prudence and sagacity preserved London for the queen. On 10 Feb. he presided over the commission to try the rebels. In the further suppres- sion of tumult, he seems to have come into conflict with Gardiner in the Star- chamber (cf. CLODE, ii. 128, 138). On 7 .March 1554, in pursuance of the queen's proclamation, he issued orders to the alder- men to admonish all residents of their wards to follow the catholic religion, which he re- peated with special application in April. The unpopularity caused by this possibly led to an attempt to assassinate him as he was hear- ing a sermon at St. Paul's on 10 June. On White 77 White 19 Aug. he received Philip and Mary at their entry in state into the city. His mayoralty was marked by several sumptuary regulations, and by a proclamation (May 1554) against games, morris-dances, and interludes. At the end of his year of office White de- voted himself to acts of benevolence outside the city. His friend Sir Thomas Pope (1507?- 1 :.."/.» i ,j.v. had ivcrntly f.mn77-90. lit- was twice married. His first wife, i:i, whose surname is unknown, died on 26 Feb. 1557-8, and was buried in the parish of St. Mary Aldermary (MACHYN, Diary, p. ] 67). On 25 Nov. of the same year he mar- ried Joan, daughter and coheiress of John Lake of London, and widow of Sir Ralph Warren [q. v.] (t'6.) He had no issue. Sir Thomas White has frequently been confused (as by INGRAM, Memorials of Ox- ford, St. John's College, p. 5) with a name- sake, Sir Thomas White of South Warn- borough, Hampshire [cf. art. WHITE, JOHN, 1511-1560], who was knighted on the same day, and whose wife's name, Agnes, is not uncommonly interchanged with Avicia. The confusion is rendered the more natural from the fact that the White property at South Warnborough eventually passed into the hands of St. John's College, Oxford. But this was by the gift of Archbishop Laud, who obtained it from William Sandys in 1636 (LAUD, Works, vii. 306-7). [Among the manuscripts of St. John's Col- lege, Oxford, are several early lives. Especially to be noticed are the History of the college by J. Taylor, D.C.L., the Nati vitas Vita Mors honoratissimi illustrissimique viri Thorn* White, by Griffin Higjrs, and copies of funeral verses. See also the Verses on the death of Mrs. Amy Leech (his niece), and Edmund Campion's Fune- ral Sermon on Sir Thomas. Many later manu- scripts contain references to him (for list of St. John's College manuscripts, see Hist. MSS. Comm. 4th Rep. App. pp. 464-8). For letters of his, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Coventry, p. 100 ; Letters and Papers, For. and Dom. of the Reign of Henry VIII ; Strype's Memorials ; Machyn's Diary; Plot's Natural History of Oxfordshire; Fuller's Worthies, Hertfordshire, p. 30 ; Gutch's History and Antiquities of the University of Oxford ; Ingram's Memorials of Oxford ; Clode's History of the Merchant Taylors' Company; Coates's History of Reading ; Warton's Life of Pope ; Button's Hist, of S. John Baptist Col- lege, 1898 ; information kindly given by Reginald Sharpe, esq., D.C.L., librarian of the Guildhall. For list of White's benefactions, see Hist. MSS. Comm. Reports on manuscripts of towns of Southampton, Reading, Lincoln, and Coventry; Gough's Camdeu, ii. 345 ; Stow's Survey, cd. Strype, vol. i. bk. i. pp. 263-4; Clode's History of Merchant Taylors' Company, pt. ii. chap. xiv. Tennyson's ' Queen Mary' did not, as the poet afterwards admitted, do justice to the character of White (cf. Memoir of Tennyson, ii. 176).] W. H. H. WHITE, THOMAS (1550 ?-l 624), foun- der of Sion College, London, and of White's professorship of moral philosophy at Oxford, the son of John White, 'a Gloucestershire clothier' (CLODK, Early History of the Mer- chant Taylors, 1888, ii. 333), was born about 1 ") ">0 in Temple Street, Bristol, ' but descended from the Whites of Bedfordshire.' He entered as student of Magdalen Hall, Oxford, in 1566, graduated B.A. 25 June 1570, M.A. 12 Oct. 1573 (BoASE, Register of the Univ. of Ox- ford, i. 279), took holy orders and ' became a noted and frequent preacher of God's word ' (WooD, Athena Oxon. 1815, ii. 351). He removed to London, and was rector of St. Gregory by St. Paul's, a short time before being made vicar of St. Dimstan-in-the-West, •2:\ Nov. 1575. In 1578 Francis Coldock printed for him 'A Sermon preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the ninth of De- cember, 1576,' London, 8vo, in which he attacks the vices of the metropolis (pp. 45-8), 1 and specially refers to theatre-houses and playgoing ; and also ' A Sermon preached at Pawles Crosse on Sunday the thirde of No- uember, 1577, in the time of the Plague,' London, 8vo. The Paul's Cross preachings against plays are referred to by Stephen Gos- son (Playes confuted in Five Actions, 1590). On 11 Dec. 1581 he received the degree of B.D. and that of D.I), on 8 March 1584-5. ! Fuller states that White ' was afterwards related to Sir Henry Sidney [q. v.], lord deputy of Ireland, whose funeral sermon he made, being accounted a good preacher* ( Worthies, 1811, ii. 299). It was printed under the title of ' A Godlie Sermon preached the XXI day of lune, 1586, at Pensehurst in Kent, at the buriall of tne late Sir Henrie Sidney,' London, 1586, 8vo. In 1588 he was collated to the prebend of Mora in St. Paul's Cathedral, and in 1689 he printed another ' Sermon at Paule's Crosse,' preached on the queen's day. He was appointed trea- surer ot Salisbury on 21 April 1590, canon of Christ Church, Oxford, 1591, and canon of Windsor 1593 (FOSTER, Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; CLARK, Register of the Univ. of Oxford, pt. ii. p. 38, pt, iii. p. 82). < In 1613 he erected a hospital in Temple St. [Bristol] called the Temple Hospital, for eight men and two women, and one man and one woman •were afterwards added by himself. He en- dowed the same with lands and tenements of the yearly value of 52/.,'and in 1622 he gave to Bristol certain houses in Gray's Inn Lane, London, of the yearly value of 40/. to be applied to various charities (BARRETT, Hist, and Antiq. of Bristol, 1789, p. 554). He long had friendly relations with the Merchant Taylors' Company, who, on 12 Dec. 1634, commenced negotiations for leasing certain gardens in Moorfields from him (CLODE, ii. 333). White in his will made the company White 79 White nominators to eight out of the twenty places provided in his almshouses at Sion College, and the company were also connected as auditors with the moral philosophy lecture which he had founded at Oxford in 1(521, with a stipend of 100/. to the reader ; five exhibitions of 5/. each were made for scho- lars of Magdalen Hall, and 4/. given to the principal as well as other sums derived from the manor of Langdon Hill, Essex, conveyed to the university (WooD, Hist, and Antiq. of Oxford, 1796, ii. 335, n. ii. 872). He died on 1 March 1623-4, and was buried in the chancel of St. Dunstan-in-the-West, Fleet Street. In spite of his widely diffused benefactions there was no monument to his memory until 1876, when Sion College and the trustees of the charities at Bristol caused one, designed by Sir A. W. Blpmfield, to be erected near his grave. Both of his wives were buried in the same church. After his death the university of Oxford honoured his memory in a public oration delivered by William Price (1597-1646) [q. v.], the first reader of the moral philosophy lecture founded by White, which was printed with some Latin and Greek verses, chiefly by members of Magdalen Hall, under the title of ' Schola Moralis Philosophise Oxon. in funere Whiti pullata,' Oxford, 1624, sm. 4to. There is a copy of the book in the Bodleian Library. At the back of the title-page is a list of White's benefactions to Oxford. Some copies of the oration seem to have been pub- lished separately. ' He was accused for being a great pluralist, though I cannot learn that at once he had more than one cure of souls, the rest being dignities, as false is the aspersion of his being a great usurer' (FULLER, Worthies, 1811, ii. 299). Against these accusations his numerous charities during his life and by bequest are a sufficient answer. By his will, dated 1 Oct. 1623, besides a long list of smaller legacies, he left money for lecture- ships at St. Paul's, at St. Dunstan's, and one for the Newgate prisoners ; but his chief dotation was 3,000/. for the purchase of premises ' fit to make a college for a corpora- tion of all the ministers, parsons, vicars, lecturers, and curates within London and suburbs thereof; as also for a convenient house or place fast by, to make a convenient almeshouse for twenty persons, viz. ten men and ten women.' This was afterwards known as Sion College, designed as a guild of the clergy of the city of London and its suburbs, placing them in the same position as most other callings and professions who enjoyed charters of incorporation, and with common privileges and property. All his Latin folios were left to the dean and chapter of Windsor, and it is worthy of record that scarcely any place whence he derived income or dignity was forgotten. He requested John Vicars, John Downeham, and John Simpson to exa- mine and perfect his manuscript sermons and lectures on the Hebrews, and print them, as wi'H as a volume of ' Miscellanea,' from his papers. These two wishes were not carried out. To the exertions of John Simpson, his cousin, and one of his executors are chiefly due the charter obtained in 1630 incorporat- ing the college, and also the erection of the building at London Wall in 1629, where the library remained until its removal to the new building on the Victoria Embankment in 1886. Dr. Simpson was the builder and founder of the great library which now forms the most striking feature of the institution (READING, History of Sion College, 1724, pp. o — lo )• 1 In the chamber of Bristol is his picture with some verses under it, which end " Quique Albos coeli portamque invenit apertam"' (BARRETT, Bristol, p. 652). There is also a portrait at Sion College. [Information from the Rev. "W. H. Milman, Mr. E. W. B. Nicholson, and Mr. H. Guppy. See also Milman's Account of Sion College and of its Library, 1880, and his Brief Account of the Library "of Sion College, 1897; Le Neve's Fasti Eccles. Anglicanae, 1854, ii. 648; Hen- nessy's Novum Repertorium Eccles. Paroch. Lon- dinense, 1898, pp. 38, 39, 138; Madan's Early Oxford Press, 1895, pp. 121-2; Stowe's Survey of London (Strype), 1754, ii. 163-4.] H. R. T. WHITE, THOMAS (1593-1676), philo- sopher and controversialist, who wrote under the pseudonyms of ALBIUS, ANGLFS, and BLACLOE or BLACKLOW, was born in 1593, being the second son of Richard White of Hutton, Essex, by his wife Mary, daughter of Edmund Plowden [q. v.], the celebrated lawyer. He was carefully educated in the Roman catholic religion, and sent while very young to the English College at St. Omer, and afterwards to the college at Valladolid, which he entered on 4 Nov. 1609 {Palatine Note-book, iii. 103, 175). Subsequently he removed to the English college at Douay and, having completed his studies, he was ordained priest at Arras on 25 March 1617 under the name of Blacloe. He afterwards graduated B.D., and was employed in teach- ing classics, philosophy, and theology in Douay College. On 17 Aug. 1G23 he set out for England, where some business affairs required his attention, and on his return to Douay in the same year he brought with him one of the ribs of Thomas Maxfield (d. White White 1616) [q. v.], who had been executed on account of his sacerdotal character {Douay Diaries, p. 36). On 17 April 1624 he left Douay for Paris in order to prosecute his studies in canon law, and after a short time he was sent by the clergy to settle some affairs at Rome, where he was residing on 21 March 1625-6. On his return he was again employed in teaching divinity at Douay. In 1633 he was sent to Lisbon, where he was appointed president of the English College. Not long afterwards he came to England, and applied himself to the exercise of his priestly functions. In 1650 he was again teaching divinity at r Douay, and executing the office of vice-president of the English College. On retiring from aca- demic life he settled in London, and spent most of his time in publishing books which * made a great noise in the world.' Wood relates that ' Hobbes of Malmsbury had a great respect for him, and when he lived in Westminster he would often visit him, and he and Hobbes but seldom parted in cool blood : for they would wrangle, squabble, and scold like young sophisters ' (Atherue Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 1247). White died at his lodgings in Drury Lane on 6 July 1676, and was buried on the 9th near the pulpit in the church of St. Martin-in-the-Fields. His portrait has been engraved by Vertue. White's peculiar philosophical and theo- logical opinions raised up a host of adversaries from all quarters. Many protestants engaged with him upon controversial topics, and he had several serious quarrels with the secular and regular clergy of his own communion, who attacked his works with great fury. In par- ticular his treatise on the ' middle state of souls' gave great scandal. Another, which drew a persecution upon him, was entitled 1 Institutions Sacrae/ Thence the univer- sity of Douay drew twenty-two propositions, which they condemned under censures, on 3 Nov. 1660, chiefly at the instigation of George Leyburn [q. v.], president of the English College, and John Warner (1628- 1692) [q. v.], professor of divinity in the same house. He was again censured for the political scheme exhibited in his book en- titled 'Obedience and Government,' in which he was said to assert a universal passive obedience to any species of government that had obtained an establishment. White's object, his adversaries insinuated, was to flatter Cromwell in his usurpation, and to incline him to favour the catholics in the hope of their being influenced by such prin- ciples. These and several other writings having given great offence, and the see of Home having been made acquainted with their dangerous tendency, especially when White had attacked the pope 8 personal in- fallibility, they were laid before the inqui- sition and censured by decrees of that court dated 14 May 1655 and 7 Sept. 1657. In the meantime a number of priests, who had been educated in the English College at Douay, signed a public disclaimer of his principles. Eventually White recanted his opinions, and submitted himself and his writings unreservedly to the catholic church and the Holy See (KENNETT, Register and Chronicle, p. 625). White's sentiments may be best ascertained from his edition of William Rushworth's 'Dialogues, or the Judgment of Common Sense in the choice of Religion ' (Paris, 1654, 12mo) ; as well as from ' An Apology for Rushworth's Dialogues. Wherein the excep- tions of the Lords Falkland and Digby are answer'd, and the arts of Daill6 discovered ' (2 parts, Paris, 1654, 8vo). These works ex- hibit a Christian without enthusiasm, tole- rant of doubt and discussion, but at the same time determined for Catholicism as against the reformed doctrines, because the uncertainties- and obscurities of the Scriptures require to be corrected by a constant tradition of which a permanent authority has guarded the deposit. To rely solely upon Scripture, as the protestants did, was only, in his judg- ment, a plausible way for going on to atheism. The question, therefore, was this : ' Is it better to confide in a church or to be an atheist ? ' It was in some measure by prudential considerations that White would have a man decide upon the choice of a religion (DE REMDSAT, Hist, de la Philosophic en Angleterre, 1875, i. 301-13). Among White's numerous works are the following: 1. ' De mundo dialogi tres; quibus materia, . . . forma, . . . caussae . . . et tandem definitio rationibus pure e natura depromptis aperiuntur,concluduntur,' Paris, 1642, 4to. 2. « Institutionum Peri- pateticarum ad mentem . . . K. Digbaei pars theorica. Item appendix theologica de Origine Mundi,' two parts, Lyons, 1646, 12mo; 2nd edit. London, 1647, 12mo ; translated into English, London, 1656, 12mo. 3. ' Institutionum sacrarum Peripateticis inaedificatarura ; hoc est, Theologioo, super fundamentis in Peripatetica Digbaeana jactis extructae, pars theorica . . . Tomus secundus,' two parts, [Lyons?], 1652, 12mo. 4. ' Men* August ini de gratia Adami. Opus herme- neuticum. Ad conciliationem gratiae et liberi arbitrii in via Digbaeana accessorium,' Paris, 1652, 12mo. 5. ' Quaestio Theologica, quomodo, secundum principia peripatetices Digbaeanoe . . . humaiii arbitrii libertas sit White 81 White explicanda et cum gratias efticacia concili- anda,' [Paris, 1652], 12mo. 6. ' Villicationis 8use de medio animarum statu ratio episcopo Chalcedonensi [see SMITH, RICHARD, l">i;i;- 1655] reddita,' Paris, 1»;.V!, li'mo; this was translated by White as ' The Middle State of Souls. From the hour of Death to the day of Judgment,' 1659, 12mo. 7. 'A Con- templation of Heaven: with an exercise of love, and a descant on the prayer in the Garden. By a Catholique gent.' Paris [Lon- don], 1654, 12mo. 8. ' Sonus Buccinae ; sive tres tractatus de virtutibus fidei et theologize, de principiis earundem, et de erroribus oppositis,' Paris, 1654, 12mo, Co- logne, 1659, 12mo. 9. 'The state of the future life, and the present's order to be considered/ translated from the Latin, London, 1654, 12mo. 10. 'The Grounds of Obedience and Government. Being the best answer to all that has been lately written in defence of Passive Obedience and Non Resistance,' 2nd edit. London, 1655, 12mo, 3rd edit. London [1685?], 12mo. 11. ' TabuliB Suffragiales de terminandis Fidei ab ecclesia Catholica fixae : occasione Tesserae ^euoWu^coy Romans, inscriptse adversus folium unum Soni Buccinae,' Lon- don, 1655, 12mo (cf. Addit. MS. 4458, art. 13). 12. ' Euclides Physicus, sive de princi- piis naturae stoecheidea 'E,' London, 1657, 12mo. 13. ' Euclides Metaphysicus, sive de Principiis sapientiae, stoecheidea 'E,' London, 1658, 12mo. 14. 'Exercitatio Geometrica de geometria indivisibilium et proportione spiralis ad circulum,' London, 1658, 12mo. 16. ' Controversy-Logicke, or the method to come to truth in debates of religion,' [Paris], 1659, 12mo. 16. ' A Catechism of Christian doctrine,' 2nd edit, enlarged, Paris, 1659, 12mo. 17. ' Chrysaspis seu Scriptorum suo- rum in scientiis obscurioribus Apologise vice propalata tutela geometrica,' 2 parts [Lon- donj, 1659, 16mo. 18. ' Institutionum Ethicarum sive Staterae Morum, aptis ra- tionum momentis libratae, tomus primus (— secundus) . . . authore T. Anglo ex Albiis East-Saxonum,' 2 vols. London, 1660, 12mo. 19. ' Religion and Reason mutually corresponding and assisting each other. . . . A reply to the vindicative Answer lately published against a Letter, in which the sense of a Bull and Council concerning the duration of Purgatory was discust,' Paris, 1660, 8vo. 20. ' Apologia pro Doctrina sua, adversus Calumniatores. Authore Thoma Albio,' London, 1661, 12mo. 21. 'Devotion and Reason. Wherein modern devotion for the dead is brought to solid principles, and made rational, in way of answer to Jfames] M[umford]'s Remembrance for the living to VOL. LXl. pray for the dead,' Paris, 1661, 12mo. --. ' An exclusion of scepticks from all title to dispute : being an answer to The Vanity of Dogmatizing [by Joseph Glanvil],' Lon- don, 1665, 4to. [Biogr. Brit. iv. 2206 ; DodcL's Church Hist. iii. 285, 350-6 ; Granger's Biogr. Hist, of Engl. 5th edit. ii. 382 ; Hallam's Lit. of Europe (1854), iii. 301 ; Lominus [i.e. Peter Talbot, q.v.], Black- loanae Hseresis Historia et Confutatio, Ghent, 1675, 4to; Lowndes's Bibl. Man. ed. Bohn, p. 2903; Nouvelle Biogr. Ge"nerale, 1853, vi. 162; Panzani's Memoirs, pp. 226, 293 ; Plowden's Re- marks on Panzani, pp. 255-73 ; Reid's Works, ed. Hamilton, 6th edit., 1863, pp. 898, 952; Weldon's Chronological Notes, pp. 197, 228-1 T. C. WHITE, THOMAS (1628-1698), bishop of Peterborough, was the son of Peter White of Aldington in Kent, and was born there in 1628. His father died soon after his birth, and his mother went to reside with her near kinsfolk the Brockmans of Beach- borough near Folkestone. There seems little doubt that he attended the grammar school at Newark-on-Trent for some time, but John Johnson (1662-1725) [q. v.] of Cranbrook claims him as a scholar of the King's School, Canterbury, and he was admitted at Cambridge as from the grammar school of Wye, after three years' study there. He was admitted a sizar of St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge, on 29 Oct. 1642, and took the degree of B.A. in 1646. During the Protectorate he held the post of lecturer at St. Andrew's, Holborn. On 6 July 1660 he petitioned the king for the vicarage of Newark-on-Trent, which he obtained and resigned in June 1666, when he was made rector of Allhallows the Great, London. This living he held till 5 July 1679, when he received the rectory of Bottes- ford in Leicestershire. On 4 June 1683 he was created D.D. of the university of Oxford, and in July following was made chaplain to the Lady (afterwards queen) Anne, daughter of James, duke of York, on her marriage with George, prince of Denmark. He was in- stalled archdeacon of Nottingham on 13 Aug. 1683. On 3 Sept. 1685 he was elected bishop of Peterborough, was consecrated on 25 Oct. and enthroned by proxy on 9 Nov. He re- signed the rectory of Bottesford in the same year. The following year he with Nathaniel Crew, third baron Crew [q. v.], bishop of Durham, and Thomas Sprat [q. v.], bishop of Rochester, was appointed to exercise eccle- siastical jurisdiction in the diocese of Lon- don during the suspension of Henry Comp- ton (1632-1713) [q.v.] When in April 1688 James II issued the order for all ministers G White White to read his second ' Declaration of Indulgence ' on 4 May following, White was one of the six bishops who with Sancroft, archbishop of Canterbury, petitioned against it. Me was examined with his fellow petitioners in the privy council on 8 June, and committed to the Tower the same day ; was with them brought by writ of habeas corpus to the court of king's bench on 15 June, was tried on Friday the 29th, and acquitted the following morning [see LLOYD, \V ILLIAM, 1627-1717 ; and KEN, THOMAS]. With other bishops he attended on the king to give counsel on 24 Sept., on 3 Oct., and again on 6 Nov., when he says * we parted under some dis- pleasure.' On that occasion he made a personal protestation that he had not in- vited the prince of Orange to invade, nor did he know any that had done so, in which he appears to have been perfectly sincere. After the departure of the king he was anxious for a regency in order that all public matters might proceed in his majesty's name. He was one of the eight bishops who absented themselves at the calling of the Convention parliament in 1689, refused the oaths to William and Mary, was suspended on 1 Aug. 1689, and deprived of his see on 1 Feb. 1690. The remainder of his life was spent in retirement. On 23 Feb. 1695 he took part in the consecration of Thomas Wragstaffe [q. v.], and he accompanied Sir John Fen- wick [q. v.] to the scaffold on 28 Jan. 1697. He is said to have written the ' Contempla- tions upon Life and Death,' published under Sir John's name in the same year, which provoked the Jacobites by a paragraph con- demning the design of assassinating King William. White's private character was exemplary. In his youth he had been remarkable for his physical strength and agility. There is a story that on one occasion, when accompany- ing the bishop of Rochester to Dartford to officiate there, a trooper of the guard insulted 1 1n- two and impeded their progress. White reproved the man, who retaliated by chal- lenging him to fight it out. A stiff fight ensued, in which White was victorious, and pardon. The story amused Charles II, who laughingly threatened to impeach White for high treason for assaulting one of his guards. White managed his bishopric with great pru- dence and care, struggling hard to reform the abuse of pluralities which had crept in ( Tan- ner MSS. xxxi. 289). He died on 30 May 1698, and was buried in St. Gregory's vault in the precincts of St. Paul's, London, be- tween 9 and 10 P.M. on 4 June. An account of the funeral and the friction in connection with it between the nonjurors and the clergy of the cathedral is contained in a letter to the archbishop of Canterbury from J. Man- devile among the manuscripts at Lambeth Palace (MS. 930, No. 22). In his early years he was considered a good preacher. He wrote 'A True Re- lation of the Conversion and Baptism of Isuf the Turk,' London, 1058. In his will he left IQl. to the poor of the parish in which he should die, 240/. to Newark to be laid out in lands, and 10/. annually to be distributed among twenty poor parishioners above forty years of age who on 14 Dec. in the church porch should distinctly repeat the Lord's Prayer, the Apostles' Cree'd, and the Ten Command- ments without missing or changing a word. The rest of the money to go to the vicar. A similar sum subject to the like conditions was bequeathed to the poor of Peterborough and of Aldington. He also left money to the poor of Bottesford. He made a present to St. John's College, Cambridge, towards the carrying on of the new buildings, and left an excellent library to the church of Newark. There are portraits of White in the presi- dent's residence at Magdalen College, Oxford, and in the palace at Peterborough, and in a group of the ' Seven Bishops' in the National Portrait Gallery, London. The last picture has been engraved by R. Robinson, E. Cooper, Pieter van der Banck, and R. White. There are large folio engravings of the bishop by J. Drapentiere and R. White (1688), a quarto by S. Gribelin, and smaller portraits by J. Gole, A. Haelwegh (with Dutch verses), J. Smith (1686), J. Sturt and J. Oliver (mezzotint). Smith (Mezzotint Portraits) mentions a portrait in oval, engraved by W. Vincent. One surrounded by an ornamental circular border is in the print-room of the British Museum. Letters from Wrhite to Lord Hatton are among the British Museum manuscripts (Addit. MS. 29584, ff. 62, 64, 68, 70). [Strickland's Lives of the Seven Bishops, pp. 132-45 ; Lives of the English Bishops from the Restoration to the Revolution (Nath. Salmon), pp. 323-4 ; Sidehotham's Memorials of King's School, Canterbury, p. 61; Mayor's Admissions to St. John's College, Cambridge, p. 66 ; Foster's Alumni ; Gal. State Papers, Dom. 1660-1, p. 112 ; Newcourt's Repertorium, i. 249 ; Nichols's Lei- cestershire, ii. 90; Wood's Fasti, ii. 392; Le Neve's Fasti, od. Hardy, ii. 536, iii. 152 ; Gutch's Collectanea Curiosa, i. 335-9, 353, 357, 376, 382, 409, 440-1 ; D'Oyly's Life of Sancroft, i. 256-7, 334, 338, 360-1, 373; Evelyn's Diary, ii. 273-5, 286-7, 349 ; Burnet's Hist, of his own Time, 1823; Lee's Life of Kettlewell, p. 431 ; Brown's Annals of Newark-upon-Trent, pp. 200- White White 20 1 ; Book of Institutions (Record Office), set. B, iii. f. 448 6; information from C. Dack, esq., kindly communicated by E. J. Gray, esq., of Peterborough.] B. P. WHITE, THOMAS (1830-1888), Cana- dian politician, born in Montreal on 7 Aug. 1830, was son of Thomas White, who emi- grated from co. Westmeath in 1826, and carried on business as a leather merchant in Montreal. On his maternal side he belonged to an Edinburgh family. He was educated at the High School, Montreal, and began life in a merchant's office, but soon turned his attention to journalism. A paper read by him at a discussion class introduced him to the editor of the * Quebec Gazette.' In 1853 he founded the ' Peterborough Review,' and conducted it until 1860, when he tem- porarily left journalism to study law as a preparation for public life. At the end of four years he returned to journalism, and, in partnership with his brother, founded the 1 Hamilton Spectator.' His last journalist connection was made on his return from England in 1870, when he assumed control of the ' Montreal Gazette.' This lasted for fifteen years. His first public work was as a member of the school boards of Peterborough and Hamilton, Ontario; and he was for some time reeve of Peterborough. In 1867 he made an unsuccessful attempt to enter the Ontario provincial parliament, and in 1874, 1875, and 1876 he made three fruitless efforts to be returned to the Dominion House of Commons. In 1878 the constituency of Cardwell elected him, and he represented it for the rest of his life. His special interests were commercial, but the work with which his name will be per- manently connected in Canadian politics is the opening up of northern and western On- tario and the prairie beyond to emigrants. He was sent to Britain in 1869 as the first emigration agent, and from his mission dates the diversion to Ontario of the stream of emigration which till then flowed from Canada westwards over the borders of the United States. In furtherance of his emi- gration schemes he was one of the pioneers of Canadian railways, and as minister of the interior, an appointment he received in 1885, he was responsible for the political reorganisation of the centre of the country after the second Kiel rebellion. He died at Ottawa on 21 April 1888. Both Canadian houses adjourned out of respect for his memory. [Canadian Parliamentary Companion, 1887; Montreal Gazette, 23 April 1888.] J. R. M. WHITE, WALTER (1811-1893), mis- cellaneous writer, born on 23 April 1811 at Reading in Berkshire, was the eldest son of John White, an upholsterer and cabinet- maker of that town. He was educated at two local private schools, one of which was kept by Joseph Huntley, the father of the founder of Huntley & Palmer's well-known biscuit manufactory. At the age of fourteen Walter left school and began to learn his father's trade, spend- ing much of his leisure in reading and in the study of French and German. He continued cabinet-making at Reading until 1834. On 19 April of that year he sailed for the United States of America with his wife and children, in the hope of earning more money. He worked at his trade in New York and Poughkeepsie, but without improving his circumstances. He has given a detailed and pathetic account of his experiences as an emigrant in an anonymous article entitled ' A Working Man's Recollections of America r (Knight's Penny Magazine, 1846, i. 97). Finally, on 20 May 1839, he returned with his family to the old world, where he rejoined his father's business. In October 1842 he went to London, and, the cabinet-making trade being still in a depressed condition, he accepted a situation as clerk to Joseph Main- zer [q.v.], author of ' Singing for the Million.' In the following year he accompanied him to- Edinburgh, where Mainzer was candidate for the chair of music. While at Edinburgh White attended some lectures to the working classes by James Simpson (1781-1853) [q. v.J Simpson introduced him to Charles Richard Weld [q. v.], then assistant secretary to the Royal Society, who oft'ered him the post of * attendant ' in the library of that body. White entered upon his duties at the Royal Society's rooms in Somerset House on 19 April 1844, and was officially confirmed in the appointment on 2 May, at a salary of 80/. a year. His work was at first largely mechanical, but increased in importance. When Weld retired in 1861, White was at once elected to the post of assistant secretary and librarian. In this position he met and conversed with many eminent men; some account of his intercourse with them is given in his published * Journals.' While an ' attendant,' or, as he was after- wards designated, 'clerk,' White began serious literary work. Between 1844 and 1849 he wrote no fewer than two hundred articles for ' Chambers's Journal ' (Journals, p. 93), besides occasional contributions to- other serials. It was at this time also that he began the holiday walks which furnished the material for all his best known books. G2 White White These walks he commenced in 1850 with a month's tramp in Holland, a narrative of which he published under the title of ' Notes from the Netherlands' (Chambers' 8 Journal, 1858, vol. xv.) White resigned the assistant-secretaryship of the Royal Society on 18 Dec. 1884, and received a pension to the full amount of his salary. He resided at Brixton until his death, 18 July 1893. In 1830 he married Maria Hamilton. His domestic lot was not happy. His wife left him in 1845 (Journals, pp. 67, 95), his sons emigrated, and for the last thirty years of his life he lived quite alone. Besides contributions to magazines, he pub- lished : 1. 'To Mont Blanc and Back Again,' London, 1854, 12mo. 2. ' A Londoner's , Walk to the Land's End/ London, 1855, 8vo ; I 2nd ed. 1861. 3. ' On Foot through Tyrol in the Summer of 1855,' London, 1856, 8vo ; 2nd ed. 1863. 4. 'A July Holiday in j Saxony, Bohemia, and Silesia,' London, 1857, 8vo ; 2nd ed. 1863. 5. ' A Month in Yorkshire,' London, 1858, 8vo ; 4th ed. 1861. 6. ' Northumberland and the Border,' Lon- don, 1859, 8vo; 2nd ed. 1863. 7. ; All Round the Wrekin,' London, 1860, 8vo ; 2nd ed. 1860. 8. ' Eastern England from the Thames to the Humber,' London, 1865, 2 vols. 8vo. 9. ' Rhymes,' 1873. 10. ' Holi- days in Tyrol, Kufstein, Klobenstein, and Paneveggio,' London, 1876, 8 vo. 11.' Obladis : a Tyrolese Sour-Spring,' Birmingham, 1881, 8vo. He edited ' A Sailor Boy's Log-book from Portsmouth to the Peiho,' London, 1862, 8vo (the 'sailor boy' was his third son, Henry). [The Journals of Walter White, London, 1898, 8vo; Me" of the Time, 1891 ; Athenaeum, 29 July 1893; Minutes of Council of the Royal Society (unpublished); private information.] H. R. WHITE, WILLIAM (1604-1678), di- vine, was born of humble parentage at Wit- ney, Oxfordshire, in June 1604. He matri- culated from Wadham College, Oxford, on 13 July 1621, graduated B.A. on 25 Feb. 1626 and M. A. on 27 June 1628. In 1632 he became master of Magdalen College school, from which post he was ejected by the par- liamentary commissioners in 1648. Several of his pupils there became eminent. Through the influence of Brian Duppa [q. v.], bishop of Salisbury, he obtained about the same time the rectory of Pusey, Berkshire, which Wood says he kept ' through the favour of his friends and the smallness of its profits.' After the Restoration, about 1662, the rectory of Appleton was conferred upon him by the efforts of Thomas Pierce [q. v.], presi- dent oi Magdalen College and a former pupil of White. He kept both livings until his death, at Pusey, on 31 May 1678. He was buried on 5 June in the chancel, where a flat stone records his death. By his will, dated 25 Oct. 1677, he left to his only daugh- ter, Elizabeth, houses and lands at Bampton and AVest Weale, subject to a charge of 5/. to be paid to the vicar of St. Mary's, Oxford, and his successors, for a catechism at even- ing prayer. The house which he had erected at Pusey he bequeathed to a son. White wrote several works in Latin under the name of ' Gulielmus Phalerius.' One, 'Via ad Pacem Ecclesiasticam,' London, 1660, 4to, is in the British Museum. Three others are mentioned by Wood. [Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Wood's Athense Oxon. iii. 1167. Burrows's Visitation, p. 514 ; Gardiner's Register of Wadham, p. 62 ; Bloxam's Hist, of Magd. Coll. iii. 158.1 C. F. S. WHITE, SIR WILLIAM ARTHUR (1824-1891), diplomatist, the son of Arthur White, who was in the British consular service, and Eliza Lila, daughter of Lieu- tenant-general William Gardiner Neville, was born in 1824, and educated at King AVilliam's College, Isle of Man, and at Trinity College, Cambridge. He entered the consular service on 9 March 1857 as clerk to the consul-general at Warsaw. He frequently acted as consul-general ; and on 9 Jan. 1861 he became vice-consul, again acting as consul-general for the greater part of 1862 and 1863. Here, with strong Polish sympathies, he nevertheless com- ported himself with such judgment as never to offend Russia. On 9 Nov. 1864 he was appointed consul at Danzig, where in 1866 he acted also for six months as Belgian consul, and during the war of 1870 took charge of French interests. On 27 Feb. 1875 he was transferred to Servia as British agent and consul-general. This post at last gave him some scope for employing the knowledge which for many years past he had been acquiring, and laid the foundation of his great influence in dealing with Eastern nationalities. Within a few months of his arrival in Servia the old Eastern question began to assume an acute phase, and in June 1876 the Servians, following the lead of Herzegovina, declared war against Turkey. Their defeat was followed by the conference at Constantinople in December 1876. There Lord Salisbury was assisted by White, and was deeply impressed by his knowledge and ability. Through the succeeding Russo-Turkish war he remained in Servia, but on the erection of Roumania into a kingdom he was appointed envoy- White Whitefield extraordinary and minister-plenipotentiary at Bucharest on 3 March 1879. On 18 April 1885 White was nominated envoy-extra- ordinary at Constantinople, and was at once brought face to face with a question of first importance — the legality of the annexation of Eastern Roumelia to Bulgaria in defiance of the treaty of Berlin of 1878. Kussia took the ground that the treaty must be upheld at all costs. White, was convinced that the breach of the treaty was really in the inte- rests of Europe; and eventually he carried his point with the representatives of the powers. His action directly contributed to the consolidation of Bulgarian nationality, and the Bulgarians were not slow to recog- nise this. Early in 1886 he was specially thanked by the government for his action. He was created C.B. on 21 March 1878, K.C.M.G. on 16 March 1883, G.C.M.G. on 28 Jan. 1886, G.C.B. on 2 June 1888, and sworn of the privy council on 29 June 1888 ; he was made an honorary LL.D. of Cambridge on 17 June 1886. On 11 Oct. 1886 White was confirmed as special ambassador-extraordinary and pleni- potentiary at Constantinople. He died at. Berlin, at the Kaiserhof hotel, on 28 Dec. 1891. He was buried in the Roman catholic church of St. Hedwig, Berlin, on 31 Dec. in the presence of representatives of the whole diplomatic and political body- A special memorial service was held at Constanti- nople. White showed facility in acquiring the languages of those with whom he had to deal. He spoke Polish like a native, and was equally conversant with Roumanian. In Bucharest he would go out into the market- place in the early morning and pick up news from the peasants, He had a faculty for devoting himself to all that bore imme- diately on his work ; he was a great reader j of newspapers and blue-books, sifted his matter with great acumen, and retained what he needed with extraordinary accuracy and method ; his recollection of personal and official occurrences was of the same precise and useful character, and he utilised to the full, and was appreciated by, the correspon- dents of the press. He applied his knowledge with a quick insight into motives and con- sequences which enabled him to check in- trigue without resorting to it himself. He was a great lover of Germany, and is said to have urged Great Britain to join the triple alliance (Times, 1 Jan. 1891, p. 8), The French press paid him the compliment of congratulating themselves on his death as on the removal of an obstacle to French ambition and expansion (ib. 31 Dec. p. 5). White married, in 1867, Katherine, daugh- ter of Lewis Rendzior of Danzig, and left three daughters. [Times, 29 and 30 Dec. 1891, and 1 and 2 Jan. 1892 ; Foreign Office List, 1891 ; Burke's Peer- age, 1890.] C. A. H. WHITEFIELD, GEORGE (1714-1770), evangelist and leader of Calvinistic metho- dists, sixth son and youngest child of Thomas Whitefield (d. 27 Dec. 1716, aged 34), by his wife, Elizabeth Edwards (d. December 1751), was born at the Bell Inn, Gloucester, on 16 Dec. 1714. His earliest known an- cestor was William WThytfeild, vicar of May- field, Sussex, 1605, whose son, Thomas Whit- feld, was vicar of Liddiard Melicent, Wilt- shire, 1664-5, and subsequently rector of Rockhampton, Gloucestershire. Thomas was succeeded in 1683 as rector of Rockhampton by his son, Samuel Whitfeld, and Samuel, in 1728, by his son, Samuel Whitfield (FOSTER, Alumni Oxon. 1892, iv. 1621). Andrew, brother of the last named, had fourteen chil- dren, of whom the eldest, Thomas Whitefield, father of George, became a wine merchant in Bristol, and later kept the Bell Inn at Gloucester. The name is pronounced Whit- field. Of Whitefield's early years (to 1736) a self-accusing history was given by himself in « A Short Account,' 1740, 12mo (abridged, 1756 ; TYERMAN'S Life incorporates the whole of the original). His well-known squint was the result of measles in childhood (GILLIES, E. 279). He seems to have been a roguish id, but with good impulses. His mother took pains with his education. She married, in 1724, one Longden, an impecunious iron- monger at Gloucester. In 1726 George went to the St. Mary de Crypt school. He was fonder of the drama than of classical study, and, being a born actor, took part (' in girl's clothes') in school plays before the corporation. Before he was fifteen he persuaded his mother to remove him from school. Shortly afterwards, her circumstances being 'on the decline,' he assisted in the public-house, becoming at length ' a common drawer for nigh a year and a half.' During this period the inn was made over to one of his brothers ; he then fell out with his sister-in-law and left the inn (the same inn was kept, from 1782, by the father of Henry Phillpotts [q. v.], bishop of Exeter). After visiting another brother, Andrew, at Bristol, he returned to his mother, who, on the report of one of his school- fellows, induced him to prepare for Oxford. He went back to school, became a commu- nicant on Christmas day 1731, and entered as a servitor at Pembroke College, Oxford, Whitefield 86 Whitefield matriculating on 7 Nov. 1732. Among his contemporaries was William Shenstone the poet. lie had pecuniary aid from Lady Eliza- beth Hastings [q. v.], through whom pro- bably began his connection with Selina Hast- ings, countess of Huntingdon [a. v.] Before going to Oxford he ' nad heard of and loved' the Oxford methodists. His in- troduction to Charles Wesley (1707-1788) fq. v.] was brought about by his sending Wesley notice of a case of attempted suicide. Charles Wesley lent him books ; he first ' knew what true religion was' through read- ing 'The Life of God in the Soul of Man' (1677), by Henry Scougal [q. v.] He copied the methodist practices, but was not actually admitted to the ' society' till 1735, in which year he dates his conversion. At Gloucester, where he spent the latter half of that year, he formed * a little society ' on the methodist model. On 20 June 1736 he was ordained deacon at Gloucester by Martin Benson [q.v.], preached his first sermon at St. Mary de Crypt on 27 June, and graduated B.A. in July. The removal of the Wesleys gave him the lead of the few remaining Oxford me- thodists. During a visit to London he con- ceived the idea of joining the Wesleys in Georgia, but was dissuaded by friends. His first sermon in London was on 8 Aug. at St. Botolph's, Bishopsgate, where he captivated an audience inclined at first to sneer at his youthful looks. For a few weeks (November to December 1736) he officiated for Charles Kinchin (1711-1742) at Dummer, Hamp- shire, and had the offer of ' a very profitable curacy in London,' which he declined, though in debt, having made up his mind (21 Dec.) for Georgia (CHARLES WESLEY, Journal, 1849, i. 59). James Hervey (1714-1758) [q. v.] succeeded him at Dummer. Bishop Benson, whom he consulted on New Year's day 1737, approved his design. It was not carried out for a year, spent in missionary preaching, chiefly in the west of England and London. For two mouths he was in charge of Stone- house, Gloucestershire (his farewell sermon, 10 May 1737, was edited, 1842, by J. G. Dimock,from a manuscript discovered in that year). The popularity of his preaching was extraordinary; his first printed sermon ran through three editions in 1737. He was in constant request for charity sermons. On 30 Dec. 1737 he went on board the Whitaker, which did not leave the Downs for Georgia till 2 Feb. 1738. John Wesley, who reached Deal the day before, would have stopped him, but did not use the opportnnit y of meeting him (see WESLEY, JOHX, and WHITEFIELD'S Work*, 1771, iv. 56, for Wesley's recourse to lot on this occasion). II-- made a fortnight's stay at Gibraltar, where, after seeing high mass, he ' needed no other argument against popery.' The governor, Joseph Sabine (1662P-1739) [q. v.], showed him much attention. Among the garrison he found a religious society, known as ' new lights ; ' others, belonging to the church of Scotland, were known as ' dark lanthorns.' The journals of his voyage out, sent to James Hutton (1715-1795) [q. v.], were printed (1738) by T. Cooper. Hutton deprecated the publication as surreptitious; it is more close to the original than Hutton's own issue, which ran through four editions in the same year. Whitefield's journals were too ego- tistic for publication, and they prejudiced the methodist cause. Their issue set an ex- ample followed, with more judgment, by John Wesley, who began to publish his journals in 1740. Whitefield's Georgia mis- sion had more apparent success than Wesley's ; he was a younger man, much more eloquent, and unconcerned with disputes about church- manship ; moreover, he was provided with funds ' for the poor of Georgia.' He sympa- thised with the colonists, denied by the trustees ' the use both of rum and slaves/ But he bears emphatic testimony to the fact that ' the good which Mr. John Wesley has done ... is inexpressible ' (Journal). White- field struck out a line of his own by esta- blishing schools and projecting an orphan house. To collect money for this scheme, and to obtain priest's orders, he left for England on 28 Aug. On his return he spent a fort- night in Ireland, well received by Bishops Burscoughand Rundleand Archbishop Boul- ter. He was ordained at Christ Church, Ox- ford, on 14 Jan. 1739 by Martin Benson, acting for Seeker, and on letters dimissory from Edmund Gibson [q. v.], bishop of Lon- don, who accepted as title Whitefield's ap- pointment by the Georgia trustees as minister of Savannah. Lady Huntingdon interested herself in his ordination, and brought aristo- cratic hearers to his preaching, among them the famous Sarah, duchess of Marlborough. Like Wesley, Whitefield attended the Moravian meetings in Fetter Lane ; unlike Wesley, he paid visits to leading dissenters ; Isaac Watts [q. v.] received him ' most cor- dially.' He got into trouble by preaching at St. Margaret's, Westminster, in the afternoon of Sunday, 4 Feb. 1739. Morgan, the Friendly Society's lecturer, being out of town, had en- gaged John James Majendie to supply his place. Not knowing this, the stewards had sent for Whitefield. Majendie was rudely superseded ; of this Whitefield, who wished to retire in his favour, was innocent ; but the matter gave rise to much angry writing Whitefield Whitefield against methodists, continued for some months by 'Richard Hooker' (i.e. William Webster [q. v.]) in the ' Weekly Miscellany.' A consequence was that at Bath and Bristol, where he wished to preach on behalf of the Georgia orphanage, his overtures were re- jected. At Salisbury he visited Susanna Wesley, who asked him if her sons ' were not making some innovations in the church ; ' he assured her * they were so far from it that they endeavoured all they could to reconcile dissenters to our communion' (STEVENSON, Memorials of the Wesley Family, 1876, p. 216). He began open-air preaching at Rose Green, on Kingswood Hill, near Bristol, on 17 Feb. 1739. This service converted Thomas Max- field, afterwards John Wesley's assistant. The pulpits of Bristol churches were now opened to him, but on 20 Feb. he was sum- moned to the chancellor's court and threatened with excommunication for preaching without license. Bishop Butler, to whom he applied, wrote him a favourable letter, promising a benefaction towards the orphanage ; he gave five guineas on 30 May (TYERMAN, i. 182, 233, 349). He was, however, excluded from churches, and even from preaching in the prison ; only the ' society ' rooms were open to him. Hence he threw himself into the work of outdoor preaching, always wearing his clerical robes. Visiting Wales in March with William Seward (1702-1740), brother of Thomas Seward [q. v.], he first met Howel Harris [q. v.] On 2 April he laid the first stone of a school for the colliers at Kingswood, a work taken up by Wesley in the following June. At St. Mary de Crypt, Gloucester, he baptised (17 April) a quaker 'about sixty years of age.' At Oxford he received ' a great shock' on hearing that his old friend Kinchin had resigned his fellowship, and was reported to be on the point of leaving the church ; he looked forward to ' dreadful consequences ' from l a needless separation.' No pulpit was open to him in Oxford. In London George Stonehouse, vicar of St. Mary's, Islington, invited him to preach, but the churchwarden interfered ; accordingly he preached (27 April) in the churchyard, standing on a tombstone, ' to a prodigious concourse of people.' His first open-air sermon at Moorfields (then a wooded park) was on 29 April, before church time. At morning service the same day he heard a violent sermon against his movement by Joseph Trapp [q. v.J at Christ Church, Newgate, and remarks that ' the preacher was not so calm as I wished him.' Trapp was backed up by the ' Weekly Miscellany; ' Whitefield by Robert Seagrave [q. v.] Dod- dridge heard Whitefield in May on Kenning- ton Common, and thought him rash and enthusiastic, ' a weak man, much too posi- tive' (HUMPHREYS, Correspondence of Dod- dridffe, 1829, iii. 381;. Bishop Benson, dis- approving of his itinerant labours, ' affection- ately admonished ' him to preach only where he was ' lawfully appointed/ a suggestion at which, replied \\ hitefield (9 July), 'my blood runs chill.' He had already (10 5larch) begun a correspondence with Ralph Erskine [q. v.], the Scottish seceder, whose sermons he had read. Whitefield wrote (23 July) ' My tenderest affections await the associate presbytery' (constituted 6 Dec. 1733). It has been said that in Whitefield's sermon (Gen. iii. 15) at Stoke Newington (31 July) ' to about twenty thousand people,' he gives prominence for the first time to the Cal- vinistic doctrine of election ; but this sermon ('The Serpent beguiling Eve/ 1740, 8vo) has been confused with a later sermon (' The Seed of the Woman/ &c., 1742, 8vo) from the same text (TYERMAN, i. 273). On 1 Aug. Bishop Gibson issued a pastoral in which ' enthusiasm/ as manifest in Whitefield's journals, is condemned ; Whitefield, in reply, offered Gibson ' the dilemma of either allow- ing my divine commission, or denying your own' ( Worlis, iv. 13). On 14 Aug. 1739 he embarked for Ame- rica in the Elizabeth, taking with him William Seward and Joseph Periam (an attorney's clerk, whose father, thinking him crazy, had put him into Bedlam for three weeks). They landed in America on 30 Oct. and visited Philadelphia on 2 Nov. ; thence he visited New York. He left Pennsyl- vania on 29 Nov. to make his way through Maryland, Virginia, and Carolina, to Georgia. His preaching, welcomed by ' all but his own church ' (Letter of Benjamin Colman, D.D.\ was mainly in presbyterian meeting- houses and the open air. There is no better testimony to its power than that of Ben- jamin Franklin, who writes, 'It was wonder- ful to see the change soon made in the manners of our inhabitants ' (Memoirs, 1818, i. 80). He reached Savannah on 11 Jan. 1740, bringing with him 2,530/. (about half collected in America) towards the orphan- age, for which the Georgia trustees had granted him five hundred acres of land. He at once hired a house, and on 25 March began a building, to be called Bethesda. For the remainder of his life the main- tenance of this institution was an important factor in his work, compelling him to travel, and inspiring him to preach (TYERMAN, i. 350). During thirty years of its manage- ment he expended on it, from his private resources, 3,299/. (ib. ii. 581). Whitefield 88 Whitefield preacnea against mm, » i from a dissenting pulpit, quarrel into print. He unde Tillotson ' knew no more On a visit to Charleston, South Carolina, in March 1740, he got into an unwise con- troversy with the commissary, Alexander Garden (1686-1755) [see under GARDEN, ALEXANDER], rector of St. Philip's, who Preached against him, Whitefield retorting and carrying the [e undertook to prove that about true Chris- tianity than Mahomet,' an expression which he fathered on Wesley, * if I mistake not.' On 4 April he wrote an unavailing proposal of marriage to Elizabeth Delamotte of Blen- don, Kent, sister of Charles Uelamotte, Wes- ley's companion to Georgia (TYERMAN, i. 369). Revisiting Philadelphia in April, he pleaded as usual for the orphan house. Franklin, whom he employed as printer, had advised him on economic grounds to build the house at Philadelphia, and refused to contribute to the Georgia scheme. But, hearing Whitefield preach, he ' began to soften,' and concluded to give copper; ' another stroke ' decided him to give silver ; at the finish he * emptied ' his ' pocket into the collector's dish, gold and all.' His fol- lowers in Philadelphia founded there (1743) a presbyterian congregation. Whitefield himself projected * a school for negroes in Pennsylvania ; ' five thousand acres of land were bought for the purpose. Seward went to England to collect funds, but the plan ended with his untimely death. Nominally the Anglican incumbent of Savannah, Whitefield was act ing in effect as a minister at large, leaving James Haber- sham, the schoolmaster (a layman), to read prayers and sermons in his place. He him- self discarded the surplice; always prayed, as well as preached, extempore ; constantly offi- ciated in dissenting meeting-houses, and several times put Tilly, a baptist minister, into his pulpit. Visiting Charleston in July 1740, he was cited (7 July) to appear on 15 July before the commissary to answer for certain irregularities, * chiefly for omit- ting to use the form of prayers prescribed in the communion book.' He duly appeared. Garden and four other clergymen constituted the commissary's court. Five days (on each of which Whitefield preached twice to large audiences) were spent in arguing questions of jurisdiction; Whitefield appealed to chan- cery, and on 19 July was bound under oath to lodge his appeal within a twelvemonth, depo- siting 10/. as guarantee. The appeal was duly made ; but as it did not come to a hearing within a year and a day, Garden again sum- moned WThitefield, and, in his absence, pro- nounced a decree of suspension. This is said to have been the first trial in any Anglican ecclesiastical court in a British colony. Whitefield was invited to Boston (Sep- tember 1740) by Benjamin Colman, D.D. (1673-1747), of Brattle Street congregation, a correspondent of Henry Winder [q. v.], and in close alliance with English dissent. He preached against the liberalism which was making its way into Harvard College ; there is no doubt that his influence did much to stem the tide of doctrinal indifference among the congregationalists of New Eng- land. He gave new vitality to the Cal- vinistic position, and this reacted on his own teaching. Hence Wesley's 'free grace' sermon (of which Wesley had sent a copy to> Garden) drew from Whitefield a ' Letter ' of remonstrance (24 Dec. 1740). Its publica- tion (March 1741), which Charles Wesley tried to avert, made the breach between the * two sorts of methodists ' (WESLEY, Works, viii. 335). The personal alienation was shortlived ; Wesley says the trouble ' was not merely the difference of doctrine,' but ' rather Mr. Whitefield's manner ' (ib. xi. 463). It must be owned that there was ' manner ' on both sides. The followers of Wesley and Whitefield henceforth formed rival parties. Whitefield left Charleston on 16 Jan. and reached Falmouth on 11 March 1741. From this date he ceased to write journals; but nar- ratives of his work from his own pen were sup- plied in the 'Christian History '(1740-7), the 1 Full Account,' 1747, 12mo, and the 'Further Account,' 1747, 8vo. To provide a preaching place for him while in London, his friends procured a site a little to the north of Wesley's Foundery, and erected ' a large, temporary shed' known as the tabernacle/ This was opened about the middle of April 1 741 , and became the headquarters of White- field's London work. It was replaced by a brick building on the same site, opened on 10 June 1753. The Moorfields tabernacle suggested the Norwich tabernacle, erected for James Wheat ley in 1751. Whitefield's Bristol tabernacle was opened on 25 Nov. 1756. On 10 April 1741 Ralph Erskine wrote entreating Whitefield to visit Scotland. The members of the ' associate presbytery T had now (1740) been formally excluded from the ministry by the general assembly. Erskine, who wished Whitefield to cast in his lot entirely with the ' associate presby- tery,' made it a condition that he should not preach in the pulpits of their ' persecutors.' Against this limit Whitefield wrote frankly 1" Mbenezer Erskine [q.v.] as well as to Ralph, desiring to be ' neuter as to the particular reformation of church government.' Ebenezer Whitefield Whitefield Erskine felt it ' unreasonable ' to seek to identify Whitefield with the seceding orga- nisation, and found a way out of the difficulty by suggesting that he might preach at the invitation not of ' our corrupt clergy ' but of 'the people.' Whitefield arrived at Dun- ferralme on 30 July 1741 on a visit to Ralph Erskine, who at once tackled him on the subject of his episcopal ordination. Writ- ing (31 July) to his brother, he affirms that AYhitefield told him 'he would not have it that way again for a thousand worlds ; ' as for refusing invitations to preach, he would ' embrace ' the offer of ' a Jesuit priest or a Mahomedan,' in order to testify against them. He met and conferred with the ' associate presbytery ' on 5 Aug. It was on this occasion that he gave his famous answer, when besought to preach only for 'the Lord's people,' that ' the devil's people ' were in more need of preaching. Finding that he was resolved to be strictly neutral on ecclesiastical politics, the associate pres- byters disavowed him. Adam Gib [q. v.] published 'A Warning' (1742, 12mo) against * this foreigner,' to prove that Whitefield's ' whole doctrine is, and his suc- cess must be, diabolical.' The ' associate presbytery ' in its act of 23 Dec. 1743 enu- merates 'the kind reception' given to White- field among the sins of Scotland. His popu- larity was very great : in thirteen weeks he visited some thirty towns and had huge open-air audiences. His detractors observed that ' he was inflexible about the article of gathering money' (WAKELEY, Anecdotes, 1872, p. 231) ; they forgot to add that this was necessary for his benevolent schemes. In October he was the guest at Melville House, Fifeshire, of Alexander, fifth earl of Leven and fourth earl of Melville (d. 1754), the royal commissioner to the general as- sembly. Leaving Edinburgh on 29 Oct. 1741, he rode to Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, the residence of a widow, Elizabeth James (born Burnell), a friend of Wesley, who calls her 'a woman of candour and humanity' (WES- LEY, Works, i. 321). Whitefield married her on 14 Nov. 1741 at St. Martin's, Caerphilly, parish of Eglwsilan, Glamorganshire. He had made up his mind to marry (19 Oct. 1740) ; but no previous courtship of Mrs. James is known. She was ten years his senior, and had neither fortune nor beauty (his own ac- count), but was a ' tender nurse ' and a woman of strong mind, proved more than once in trying circumstances ; she ' set about making cartridges ' when the Wilmington, bound for Georgia, seemed in danger of attack by a Dutch fleet ( Works, ii. 68) ; and on another occasion, as Whitefield noted in her funeral sermon, bade her husband ' play the man ' (Christian Miscellany, 1856, p. 218). Un- happiness in his married life has been in- ferred from the language of John Berridge [q. v.], who unworthily calls the wives ot Wesley and Whitefield ' a brace of ferrets ' (GLEDSTONE, p. 500) ; and from the testimony of Cornelius Winter (1742-1807), who was an inmate (1767-9) in Whitefield's house during his wife's declining days, but who does not lay all the fault on the lady (JAY, Memoirs of Winter, 1809, p. 80). She died on 9 Aug. 1768, and eight months after her death Whitefield writes (11 March 1769), ' I feel the loss of my right hand daily.' They had one child, John, born at Hoxton on 4 Oct. 1743, baptised publicly at the Moorfields tabernacle, buried at Glou- cester on 8 Feb. 1744 (Register of St. Mary de Crypt). Within a week after his marriage White- field started on a missionary tour in the west. At Gloucester and Painswick he preached in parish churches, after long ex- clusion. From London he embarked for Scotland on 26 May 1742, reaching Edin- burgh on 3 June. His second visit to Scotland stimulated the famous revival at Cambuslang, Lanarkshire, just begun by William M'Culloch (1692-1771), the parish clergyman. The penitents were seized with hysteria and convulsion (RoBE, Faithful Narrative, 1742 ; reprinted 1840), pheno- mena denounced by seceders as renewing the excesses of the Camisards (FISHER, Review, 1742). Correspondence with W7es- ley was resumed in October, and the personal relations of the two leaders were henceforth cordial. Whitefield was back in London on 6 Nov. He presided at the first conference of Calvinistic methodists held at Watford, near Caerphilly (HUGHES, Life of H. Harris, 1892, p. 223), on 5 Jan. 1743, preceding Wesley's conference by a year and a half. It consisted of four clergymen, including Daniel Rowlands fq. v.], and ten laymen, including Harris, Humphreys, and Cennick, the latter two having deserted Wesley for Whitefield. At the second conference (6 April) Whitefield was 'chosen, if in England, to be always moderator,' Harris to be moderator in his absence ( Gospel Maga- zine, 1771, p. 69; HUGHES, p. 240). At a later conference in the same year it was agreed ' not to separate from the established church ' ( Works, ii. 38). Five years after- wards WThitefield admits in a letter to Wesley (1 Sept, 1748) that he must leave to others the formation of ' societies,' and give himself to general preaching (tfc. ii. 169). Whitefield Whitefield Hence he put Harris in charge (27 April 1749) of the Moorfields tabernacle and other English societies. After his rupture with Rowlands (May 1750), Harris seceded to form an association of his own (HUGHES, p. 364), Rowlands heading the main body. In September 1743 Doddridge preached at the tabernacle, and was taken to task (20 Sept.) by Isaac Watts for ' sinking the character of a minister, and especially a tutor, among the dissenters, so low thereby ' (HUMPHREYS, Correspondence of Doddridge, 1829, iv. 254). Next month Doddridge opened his pulpit at Northampton to AVhite- field, and was warmly censured by Nathaniel, son of Daniel Neal [q. v.], and by John Barker (1682-1762) [q. v.] (ib. pp. 275 sq.) They considered that any alliance with methodism would prejudice their relations with the established church. Others main- tained that field-preaching was not protected by the Toleration Act. Richard Smalbroke [q.v.] had charged against methodistsin 1743, having Whitefield especially in view. Taking his wife with him, Whitefield embarked for America at Plymouth on 10 Aug. 1744, and reached New York on 26 Oct. His stay in America lasted till 2 June 1748. His success was achieved in the face of opposi- tion from New England ministers, many of whom wrote strongly respecting his irregu- lar methods. Testimonies against him were issued by the faculties of Harvard (28 Dec. 1744) and Yale (25 Feb. 1745). Towards the support of his orphan house he purchased (March 1747) ' a plantation and slaves ' in South Carolina, holding it ' impossible for the inhabitants to subsist without the use of slaves' (Christian History, 17 ±7, p. 34), an opinion which he reiterated in a letter (6 Dec. 1748) to the Georgia trustees (Works, ii. 208). The ' lawfulness of keep- ing slaves' he defended (22 March 1751) on biblical grounds (ib. ii. 404). Shortly after his return, Lady Huntingdon made him (August 1748) one of her domestic chaplains, following the course by which, before toleration, nonconforming clergy had been protected. Bolingbroke wrote to her that the king had ' represented to his grace of Canterbury ' [Herring] ' that Mr. White- field should be advanced to the bench, as the only means of putting an end to his preaching' (TYERMAN, ii. 194). During a visit of six weeks to Scotland (September- October 1748) the synods of Glasgow, Lothian, and Perth passed resolutions in- tended to exclude him from churches. In November he visited Watts on his death- bed. The attacks on methodism by George Lavington [q. v.], which began in 1749 '. (Enthusiasm of Methodists and Papists com- • pared, 1749-51, 3 pts.), were mainly directed • against Whitefield. Lavington had been nettled by a sham ' charge ' published in his name by some unknown person during 1748, and containing methodist sentiments. In the Grace Murray episode [see WESLEY, JOHN] Whitefield followed Charles Wesley's bid- ding, though he told John Wesley that in his judgment Grace Murray was his wife. He visited Ireland in May 1751, remaining till July, when he embarked from Belfast for Scotland. The impression he made in Ireland seems to have been very transitory. His fourth visit to America (October 1751- May 1752) was curtailed by his wish to gain from the Georgia trustees, before their charter expired, certain privileges for his orphan house. His hymn-book (1753), which in 1796 had passed through thirty-six edi- tions, was compiled for the new-built taber- nacle. During a visit to Scotland (July- August 1753) a playhouse at Glasgow against which he had declaimed was pulled down (Scots Magazine, 1753, p. 361). Detained a month at Lisbon, on his way to America, he wrote and published (1755) graphic accounts of the religious observances there. On this his fifth visit to America (May 1754-May 1755) the M.A. degree was conferred on him (September 1754) by New Jersey College. The eight years from May 1755 to June 1763 were spent by Whitefield in the United Kingdom (excepting a trip to Holland in 1762). In a remarkable letter (2 July 1756) Franldin wrote: 'I sometimes wish that you and I were jointly employed by the crown to settle a colony on the Ohio ' (Evangelical Magazine, 1803, p. 51). On 7 Nov. 1756 Whitefield opened the chapel in Tottenham Court Road (rebuilt 1899) ; at the laying of the foundation in the previous June he had the countenance of Benjamin Grosvenor, D.D. [q. v.], Thomas Gibbons [q. v.], and Andrew Gifford [q. v.], representing the three sections of protestant dissent. He constantly visited Scotland, and in 1 757 heard the debates in the general assembly on the case of Alex- ander Carlyle, D.D. [q. v.], prosecuted for attending the representation of the tragedy of ' Douglas ' by John Home [q. v.] In 1760 Whitefield (' Dr.Squintum ') was burlesqued by Samuel Foote [q. v.] in the * Minor.' The performance let loose a flood of discreditable lampoons and caricatures. Of numerous animadversions by Whitetield's friends, none were more effective than John Wesley's three letters to ' Lloyd's Evening Post ' in Novem- ber and December 1760. In the 'Register Office' (1761), by Joseph Reed fq. v.], \\ hitefield is introduced as 'Mr. Watch- Whitefield Whitefield light ; ' in the ' Methodist ' vpubiished 1761, but never acted) he figures again as * Squintum.' These attacks, which were felt to be unworthy, raised Whitefield's repute instead of injuring it. He was seriously ill at the time, and for nearly a twelvemonth, from March 1671, was practically disabled from preaching. He felt, too, the pressure of financial obligations connected with his philanthropic undertakings. On 4 June 1763 he started from Greenock in the Fanny, for his sixth voyage to America. During his stay there of two years he exerted himself in procuring gifts of books for Harvard College library, lately burned (Works, iii. 307). His preaching powers were still limited, but his popularity showed no dimi- nution. He reached England again on 7 July 1765 much enfeebled. On 6 Oct. he opened Lady Huntingdon's chapel at Bath. Wesley, who met him in London on 28 Oct., describes him as 'an old, old man, fairly worn out . . . though he has hardly seen fifty years' (WESLEY, Journal). Yet he continued his missionary tours and his open-air preach- ing. From 17 June 1767 to 12 Feb. 1768 he corresponded with Seeker respecting the conversion of his orphanage into a college. He was willing that the first master should be an Anglican clergyman, but refused to narrow the foundation by excluding others in the future, or by making the daily use of the common prayer-book a statutable obli- gation. On these points the governor and council of Georgia were with him. In August 1767 he attended Wesley's conference with Howel Harris. His wife, who died 9 Aug. 1768, was buried in Tottenham Court Road chapel. She left him 700/. He opened Lady Huntingdon's college at Trevecca on 24 Aug. 1768, and her chapel at Tunbridge Wells on 23 July 1769. His last sermons in England were preached at Ramsgate on 16 Sept., shortly before his final embarkation for America. His assistant, whom he left in charge of the London chapels, was Torial Joss (1731-1797), formerly a sea-captain. His last public work was the settlement of a scheme for his ' orphan house academy,' or Bethesda College. He might probably have obtained for it a charter had he placed it under the direction of the state authorities, but he bequeathed the whole institution to Lady Huntingdon (the main building was destroyed by fire in June 1773, and never rebuilt). Leaving Savannah on 24 April 1770, he moved about Pennsylvania and New England, preaching nearly every day. His last letter was written on 23 Sept.; his last sermon, two hours in length and full of vigour, was given at Exeter, New Hamp- shire, on 29 Sept. That evening he reached the manse of Jonathan Parsons (1705-1776), presbyterian minister of Newburyport, Massachusetts, whom he had converted irom Arminianism. He was to have preached next morning, and was going to bed tired, but was prevailed on to address, from the staircase, a gathered throng till his bed candle burned out. During the night he was seized with asthma, as he thought ; it was probably angina pectoris (TYERMAN). He died at six o'clock in the morning of 30 Sept. 1770, and was buried at his own desire in a vault beneath the pulpit of the presbyterian meeting-house, Federal Street, Newburyport. Among the pall-bearers was Edward Bass (1726-1803), rector of St. Paul's, Newburyport, afterwards (1797) first bishop of the protestant episcopal church in Massachusetts. The coffin was opened in 1784, when the body was found perfect ; in 1801 it was again opened, the flesh was gone, but the ' gown, cassock, and bands ' remained (TYERMAN, ii. 602). Later, the ' main bone of the right arm ' was stolen by an admirer and sent to England, but restored in 1837 (ib. p. 60C). At Newburyport there is a monument, erected in 1828 (figured in HARSHA). An inscription to his memory was added to the marble monument erected to his wife in Tottenham Court Road chapel (GILLIES, p. 277). This monument has since perished ; the chapel, now [1900] re- building, will contain a memorial. Funeral sermons we.re very numerous. The most im- portant are those by Parsons and by Wesley; the latter was delivered both at the taber- nacle and at Tottenham Court Road, in accordance with Whitefield's own request. His will is printed by Gillies, and reprinted by Philip; he died worth about 1,400/. Whitefield's unrivalled effects as a preacher were due to his great power of realising his subject, and to his histrionic genius, aided by a fascinating voice of great compass and audible at immense distances (FRANKLIN, Memoirs, 1818, i. 87). Lord Chesterfield, hearing him portray a blind beggar as he tottered over the edge of a precipice, bounded from his seat and exclaimed, ' Good God ! he's gone ! ' (WAKELEY, 1872, p. 197 ; for a vivid description of the potency of his rhetoric see LECKY, Hist, of England, ii. 562 sq. ; for its effect on Hume, GLEDSTONE, p. 378). His printed sermons by no means explain his reputation ; it should be remem- bered that he preached over eighteen thousand sermons ; only sixty-three were published by himself, forty-six of them before he was twenty-five years of age. Eighteen other sermons in print were published from short- Whitefield Whitefoord hand notes, unrevised. The warmth of his expressions, and an incautious frankness of statement in his autobiographical writings, laid him open to ridicule and undeserved reproach. It was primarily against White- field that the more persistent attacks upon methodism were levelled. Apart from his evangelistic work he was in many ways a pioneer. With none of the administrative genius by which Wesley turned suggestions to account, he anticipated Wesley's lines of action to a remarkable extent. He preceded him in making Bristol a centre of methodist effort ; he was beforehand with him in publishing journals, in founding schools, in practising open-air preaching, and in calling his preachers to a conference. His religious periodical, ' The Christian History ' (begun in 1740), may be looked upon as a predecessor of the ' Arminian Magazine' (1778). Whitefield's complexion was fair, his eyes dark blue and small; originally slender,* he became corpulent from his fortieth year, though his diet was spare, and a cow-heel his favourite luxury. Like Wesley, he rose at four ; his punctuality was rigid, his love of order extreme ; ' he did not think he should die easy, if he thought his gloves were out of their place ' (WINTER, p. 82). He was * irritable, but soon appeased ' (ib. p. 81) ; his beneficence was the outcome of the generous glow of his affections. The National Portrait Gallery has a por- trait, painted about 1737 by John Woolas- ton, in which Whitefield" is depicted as preaching from a pulpit ; a female figure in front of the congregation is supposed to re- present his wife. Other portraits are by Nathaniel Hone [q. v.], engraved by Picot ; and (1768) by John Kussell (1745-1806) [q. v.], engraved in mezzotint by Watson. A whole-length mezzotint (1743) by F. Kyte is said by Gillies to be the best likeness of him in his younger years. His effigy in wax was executed (during his lifetime) by Rachel Wells of Philadelphia, and was given to Bethesda College ; another was by her sister, Mrs. Patience Wright of New York (GILLIES, pp. 280, 358). Caricatures are very numerous. Whitefield's 'Works' were edited, 1771-2, 6 vols. 8vo, by John Gillies, D.D. [q. v.j The collection contains letters, tracts, and sermons, with a few pieces previously un- published. It does not contain the auto- biographical pieces, the ' Short Account ' (1740), the seven 'Journals ' (issued between 1738 and 1741 ; none of them republished in full since 1744), the ' Christian History ' (1740-7), the ' Full Account ' (1747), and the 'Further Account' (1747). In 1756, 12mo, Whitefield published 'The Two First Parts of his Life, with his Journals revised, corrected, and abridged.' The fullest biblio- graphy of original editions of Whitefield's publications will be found embedded in Tyerman's ' Life.' He wrote prefaces to several works ; notably, a brief ' recommen- datory epistle ' to an ' Abstract,' 1739, 12mo (made by Wesley), of the ' Life ' of Thomas Halyburton [q. v.] ; and a preface to a folio edition, 1767, of the works of Bunyan. Julian does not include him in his ' Dic- tionary ' as a hymn- writer, and it is doubtful whether any of the verses which he uses as the expression of his own feelings are strictly original. His alterations of the hymns of the Wesleys drew from John Wesley (who does not name him) the scornful remarks in the preface to his hymn-book of 1780. [The Short Account, Journals, Christian History, Full Account, Further Account, and Letters of Whitefield are the primary authorities for his biography. The Memoirs, 1772, by Gillies, is a careful piece of work, which has been often re-edited, but not always improved. The Life and Times, 1832, by Robert Philip [q. v.] (criticised by Sir James Stephen, Edin- burgh Review, July 1838), is very full but discursive. The Life and Travels, 1871, by Gledstone, is the best for general use. The Life, 1876-7, 2 vols., by Tyerman, is a nearly ex- haustive compendium of materials. Of bio- graphies published in America, the Life, 1846, by D. Newell, and the Life, 1866, by D. A.Harsha, may be mentioned. A Faithful Narrative of the Life, 1739, is by a friend, but the Life . . . by an Impartial Hand, 1739, and Genuine and Secret Memoirs, 1742, are rfnonymous lampoons. See also Jay's Memoirs of Cornelius Winter, 1809, pp. 72 sq.; Life and Times of Selina, Countess of Huntingdon, 1 839, 2 vols. ; Richard- son's George Whiteh'eld, Centenary Commemo- ration of Tottenham Court Chapel, 1857 ; Wake- ley's Anecdotes of Whitefield, 1872 ; Macaulay's Whitefield Anecdotes, 1886 ; Stratford's Good and Great Men of Gloucestershire, 1867, pp. 231 sq.; Gloucestershire Notes and Queries, 1881, ii. ; Winsor's Hist, of America, vol. v. passim; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1888, iv. 1.541, 1892, iv. 1621 ; extract from register of St. Mary do Crypt, Gloucester, per Rev. W. Lloyd.] ^ A. G. WHITEFOORD, CALEB (1734-1810), wit and diplomatist, the natural son of Colonel Charles Whitefoord [q. v.], was born at Edinburgh in 1734 and educated at James Mundell's school and Edinburgh Uni- versity (matriculating on 3 March 1748). His father acquiesced in his objections to entering the ministry, and placed him in the counting-house of a wine merchant, Archi- bald Stewart, of York Buildings, London. During 1756 (having in the meantime set up in the wine business at 8 Craven Street), 1* Add to list of authorities : C. Roy Hudleston's George Whitefield's Ancestry (Trans. Bristol and G/ouc. Archaeol. Soc.y liv OO t — X O V Whitefoord 93 Whitefoord Whitefoord was in Lisbon in connection with his trade, and sent home a vivid ac- count of the earthquake. Benjamin Frank- lin was his neighbour in Craven Street for some time ; they became intimate, and their intimacy led to Whitefoord being chosen by Shelburne in 1782 as intermediary between Franklin, as minister of the United States at Versailles, and the British government. Whitefoord accompanied Richard Oswald [q. v.] to Paris in April and served for a year as secretary to the commission which concluded the peace with America. Burke, to express his poor opinion of the pleni- potentiaries chosen, described Oswald as a simple merchant and Whitefoord as a mere ' diseur de bons mots.' It was not until 1793 that a pension of 200/. a year was secured to Whitefoord for his services. Whitefoord's contributions to the ' Public Advertiser,' the ' St. James's Chronicle,' and other newspapers were numerous, his line being political persiflage and his aim to reveal the humorous side of party abuse. The ministry would have liked a pamphlet on the Falkland Islands difficulty from his pen in 1771, and it was he who recom- mended that the task should be assigned to Dr. Johnson. The latter thought highly of Whitefoord's essays in the periodical press, and Caleb was one of the guests at the Shakespeare Tavern when Johnson took the chair on 15 March 1773, prior to the first performance of ' She stoops to conquer.' Many of his best squibs, such as ' Proposals for a Female Administration,' ' Errors of the j Press,' < Westminster Races,' < Ship News,' and ' Cross Readings,' are in the ' New Foundling Hospital for Wit ' (1784, i. 129 sq.) The ' Cross Readings ' delighted not only Johnson, but a critic of such taste as Gold- smith, and one so difficult to please as Horace Walpole. When Garrick set the fashion of writing caricature epitaphs in 1774, White- foord naturally tried his hand; and, Cumber- land says, displayed more ill-nature than wit. Goldsmith, however, thought well of him, as is shown in the epitaph which he left among his papers to be worked into 'Retalia- tion,' and which was actually included in the fourth and subsequent editions : Here Whitefoord reclines, deny it who can ; Tho' he merrily lived, he is now a grave man. "What pity, alas ! that so lib'ral a mind Should so long be to Newspaper Essays con- fined! Who perhaps to the summit of science might soar, Yet content if the table he set in a roar ; Whose talents to fit any station were fit, Yet happy if Woodfall confessed him a wit. . . . Whitefoord's correspondence with the Woodfalls and with James Macpherson (printed in the Whitefoord Papers) is of some literary interest ; in August 1795 he i received from John Croft, the antiquary of York, some inedited anecdotes of Sterne, which Croft had collected at his request (ib. pp. 223 sq.) Caleb lived on to patronise a generation far subsequent to that of his early associates Foote and Garrick. In May 180o David Wilkie brought him a ' letter of introduction ' from Sir George Sandilands, and the painter is said to have successfully transferred to the well-known canvas the , grave expression which Whitefoord thought , proper to the occasion. Whitefoord, who was a F.R.S. (elected 1784), a F.S.A., and a member of the Arcadian Society of Rome, died at his house in Argyll Street in Fe- bruary 1810, and was buried in Paddington churchyard (WIIEATLEY and CUNNINGHAM, London, iii. 2). His fine collection of pic- tures was sold at Argyll Street on 4 and 5 May 1810. A portrait by Reynolds (1782), owned by Charles Whitefoord, esq., of Whitton Paddocks, near Ludlow, was engraved in mezzotint by I. Jones in 1793. A sketch by George Dance (July 1795) was engraved by William Daniell, and a drawing by Cosway by P. Cond6 for the ' European Magazine ' (i810). An anonymous portrait is at the rooms of the Society of Arts, for which body Whitefoord procured portraits of William Shipley [q. v.J and Peter Templeman [q. v.] ; he was vice-president of the society in 1800 {Trans. Soc. of Arts, No. xxix.) Whitefoord married late in life (1800) a Miss Sidney, and left four children. His eldest son, Caleb, graduated from Queen's College, Oxford (B.A. 1828, M.A. 1831), and became rector of Burford with Whitton in 1843. [Whitefoord Papers, 1898, ed.Hewins ; Gent. Mag. 1810, i. 300; Public Characters, 1801-2; Boswell's Johnson, iv. 233, ed. Hill ; Walpole's Correspondence, v. 30, ed. Cunningham ; North- cote's Life of Reynolds, i. 217 ; Forster's Gold- smith, bk. iv. ch. xx. ; Cumberland's Memoirs, i. 367; Smith's Mezzotinto Portraits, p. 774; Cust's Society of Dilettanti, 1898, p. 123 ; Frank- lin's Works, ed. Sparks, vii. 242.] T. S. WHITEFOORD, CHARLES (d. 1753), soldier, third son of Sir Adam Whitefoord, first baronet (d. 1727), by Margaret (d. 1742), only daughter of Alan, seventh lord Cathcart, is stated, although the evidence is far from conclusive, to have been a descendant of Walter Whitford [q. v.l bishop of Brechin. His elder brother, Sir John, second baronet, became a lieutenant-general in the army • Whitefoord 94 Whitehall (1761), and died in 1763, leaving a son, Sir John \Vhitefoord, third baronet (d. 1803). The third baronet, who is supposed to have been the original of Sir Arthur Wardour in Scott's ' Antiquary,' got into difficulties and left Ballochmyle in Ayrshire for Whitefoord House in the Canongate of Edinburgh. He was one of the early patrons of Burns, who celebrates him in some complimentary lines enclosing a copy of the * Lament for James, Earl of Glencairn,' and his daughter Maria [Cranstoun] was the heroine of the * Braes of Ballochmyle.' He was a well-known figure in the Scottish capital, and was de- picted by Kay along with his cronies, Major Andrew Fraser and the Hon. Andrew Ers- kine (Edinburgh Portraits, 1877, No. cxcii.) Charles Whitefoord entered the navy in 1718, but afterwards joined a regiment of dragoons, having 'learned his exercises of riding' in the famous academy of Angers. In 1738 he was a captain in the royal Irish at Minorca, and two years later was gazetted aide-de-camp to his uncle, Lord Cathcart, and sailed in the West India expedition, took part in the deadly operations against Carthagena, and in 1741 became lieutenant- colonel in the 5th marines. He was visiting relatives in Scotland when the rebellion of 1745 broke out, and immediately offered his services to the government as a volunteer. He was one of the very few officers in the royal army who distinguished themselves at the battle of Prestonpans, and his conduct supplied the groundwork of the chivalrous contest between Edward Waverley and Colonel Talbot in the forty-seventh and fol- lowing chapters of 'Waverley.' 'When,' says Scott in his revised preface to the novel (in 1829), ' the highland ers made their memo- rable attack on Sir John Cope's army, a bat- tery of four field-pieces was stormed and car- ried by the Camerons and the Stewarts of Appine. The late Alexander Stewart of In- verhayle was one of the foremost in the charge, and, observing an officer of the king's forces who, scorning to join the flight of all around, remained with his sword in his hand, as if determined to the very last to defend the post assigned to him, the highland gentle- man commanded him to surrender, and re- ceived for reply a thrust which he caught on his target. The officer was now defence- less, and the battle-axe of a gigantic high- lander was uplifted to dash his brains out, when Mr. Stewart with great difficulty pre- vailed on him to yield. He took charge of his enemy's property, protected his person, and finally obtained him his liberty on parole. The officer proved to be Colonel White- foord.' After Culloden it was Whitefoord's turn to strain every nerve to obtain Stewart's pardon. Representations to the lord justice clerk, the lord advocate, and other law dig- nitaries proving of no avail, he at length applied to the Duke of Cumberland in per- son. ' From him also he received a positive refusal. He then limited his request to a protection for Stewart's house, wife, chil- dren, and property. This was also refused by the duke ; on which Colonel Whitefoord, taking his commission from his bosom, laid it on the table before his royal highness with much emotion and asked permission to retire from the service of a sovereign who did not know how to spare a vanquished enemy.' Thereupon the duke ' granted the protection required.' In September 1751 Whitefoord was ap- pointed lieutenant-colonel of the fifth regi- ment of foot, on the staff" in Ireland, and on 25 Nov. 1752 he was promoted full colonel. He died at Galway on 2 Jan. 1753. He does not appear to have been married, but he left a son, Caleb Whitefoord, who is separately noticed, and also, it is believed, a daughter. Colonel Whitefoord's ' Letters and Papers' referring to his services in Minorca, Cuba, and in Scotland were edited for the Clarendon Press in 1898 by Mr. W. A. S. Hewins. A portrait in oils is in the possession of Charles Whitefoord, of Whitton Paddocks, near Ludlow. [The Genealogist, ed. Marshall, 1880,iv. 142; Gent. Mag. 1753, p. 51 ; Cunningham's Life and Work of Burns, iv. 156-7; Scott's Waverley, Introduction ; Whitefoord Papers, ed. Hewins, Introduction and pp. 1-117 ; Hamilton's Lanark and Kenfrew, 1831, p. 79.] T. S. WHITEHALL, ROBERT (1625-1685), poetaster, second son of Robert Whitehall of Sharpcliffe, Staffordshire, and of Dorothy his wife, daughter of Thomas Henshaw of Lockwood, Staffordshire, was born at Amers- ham, Buckinghamshire, early in 1625, and was baptised thereon 18 March of that year. His father, who died in September 1658, was vicar of St. Mary Magdalen, Oxford, and from 1616 rector of Addington, Bucking- hamshire. The poetaster was educated first at Westminster school, under Dr. Richard Busby, whence he was elected to Christ Church, Oxford, in 1643. He graduated B. A. on 2 Nov. 1647. On 10 May following, with other students of Christ Church, he was summoned to appear before the parlia- mentary visitors, and, when questioned, re- plied: 'As I am summoned a student ot Christ Church, my name itself speaks for me, that I can acknowledge no visitation but King Charles's/ which reply subsequent Whitehall 95 Whitehead development has converted into an indif- ferent distich : My name's Whitehall, God bless the poet ; If I submit the king shall know it. He was expelled on 7 July 1648, apparently retiring to nis father's honse in Buckingham- shire. There coming into contact with his neighbours, the Ingoldsbys, he became popu- lar with the parliamentary party, submitted to the committee for regulating the univer- sity, and was by them elected to a fellowship in Merton College in 1650. He completed his degree of M.A. on 18 Nov. 1652. In 1655 he was ' terrse films,' and he derided the puritan discipline of the university. Jn 1657 Henry Cromwell, writing from Ireland (22 June), requested the college authorities to allow him leave of absence, without loss of emolument, in order to give instruction in the university of Dublin ; the permission was granted in the following August. He was created M.B. on 5 Sept. 1657 by letters from Ri- chard Cromwell. On 21 Junel665 he appears to have been in Oxford, when he was licensed to practise medicine. He was certainly there on 19 Oct. 1670, when he wrote from Merton College to Williamson begging for considera- tion for his losses, he having been 'worsted in spirituals of 250/. a year and nearly 1,000/. by the Cheshire misadventure ' [? Sir George Booth's rising]. Whitehall was tutor to John Wilmot, second earl of Rochester [q.v.], at Oxford, and much devoted to him. He was sub-warden of Merton College in 1671, and in 1677 received a lease of the Bur- mington tithes. He died on 8 July 1685, and was buried in Merton College chapel on the following day. Wood calls him 'a mere poetaster and time-serving poet.' His works consist chiefly of congratulatory odes, and ' his pen seems to have been as ready to celebrate Oliver Cromwell's elevation to the protectorate as to congratulate Charles II on his recovery from an ague ; and equally lavish of panegyric, whether Richard Cromwell or Lord Claren- don, whom he hailed as chancellors of the uni- versity' (WELCH, Alumni Westmon. pp. 1 1 9-20). His works possess a certai n rhythmic fluency not unpleasant to the ear. He published: 1. ' Tf^i/r/TroAf/ioya/ua, or the Marriage of Arms and Arts, 12 July 1651, being an Accompt of the Act in Oxon. to a Friend,' London, 1651. 2. * Viro . . . hono- ratissimo . . . Eduardo Hide ' on his being raised to the dignity of chancellor of the uni- versity of Oxford), Oxford, 1660? 3. ' The Coronation,' London, 1661 ? 4. ' Urania, or a Description of the Painting of the Top of the Theatre at Oxford, as the Artist laid his Design,' London, 1669. 5. « Verses on Mrs. More, upon her sending Sir Thomas More's picture (of her own drawing) to the Long Gallery at the Public Schools at Ox- ford,' Oxford, 1674. The picture presented by Mrs. More is, however, a portrait of Thomas Cromwell, earl of Essex ( WALPOLB, Anecdotes, 1765, iii. 148). 6. < 'E^uo-ri^oi/ i Ifpov ; sive Iconum quarundam extranearum ; (numero258) Explicatio breviuscula et clara,' 1 Oxford, 1677. This work, of which only I twelve copies were printed, consisted of I plates purchased by Whitehall in Holland, ; illustratingboth the Old and New Testament. The majority of the plates were those (in many cases reversed) engraved by Matthias Merian for a German edition of the Bible published in Strasburg in 1630. They plates appear to have been specially printed on thin paper. Each was pasted on a sheet of paper on which had previously been printed six explanatory verses by Whitehall. His twelve copies were handsomely bound, and pre- sented severally to the king and to noble friends. 7. * Gratulamini mecum : a Con- gratulatory Essay upon His Majesties Most Happy Recovery,' London, 1679. 8. ' The English Rechabite, or a defyance to Bacchus and all his works,' London, 1680 ? Whitehall contributed one Latin and one English poem to 'Musarum Oxoniensium (XaioQopia, sive, Ob Fcedera Auspiciis Se- renissimi Olivieri Reipub.' Oxford, 1654; one Latin poem under his own name in 'Britannia Rediviva,' Oxford, 1660 (with another Latin poem with the name of John Wilmot, earl of Rochester, attached, which is more probably the work of Whitehall) ; two Latin and one English to ' Epicedia Academiae Oxoniensis in Obitum SerenissimaB Marite Principis Arausionensis/ Oxford, 1661. Four of the pieces were reprinted in Rochester's ' Poems on several Occasions,' London, 1697. [Visitations of Staffordshire (William Salt, Archaeological Soc. vol. v. pt. ii.) ; Amersham Par. Reg. ; Burrows's Reg. of Visitors of Univ. Oxon. pp. 68, 144 ; Foster's Alumni ; Wood's Athenae (Bliss), i. col. Ixix, iii. cols. 1231-2, iv. cols. 176-7, 479 ; Brodrick's Memorials of Merton College (Oxford Hist. Soc.), pp. 106, 292; Wood's Fasti (Bliss), ii. cols. 104, 171, 209; Cal. State Papers, 1670, p. 487; Wood's Hist, and Antiq. (Gulch), n. ii. 583-4, 598, 646; Wood's Col- leges and Halls (Crutch), App. p. 213 ; Lips- comb's Buckinghamshire, ii. 509.] B. P. WHITEHEAD, CHARLES (1804- 1862), poet, novelist, and dramatist, the son of a wine merchant, was born in London Whitehead 96 Whitehead in 1804. He began life as a clerk in a mercantile house, but soon adopted litera- ture as his profession. In 1831 he published 'The Solitary/ a poem in the Spenserian stanza, showing genuine imagination. The poem won the approval of Professor Wilson in the ' Noctes Ambrosianae,' and of other critics of eminence. In 1834 appeared White- head's ' Lives and Exploits of English High- waymen ' (probably written some years earlier, the least worthy of his productions), and ' The Autobiography of Jack Ketch,' a burlesque biography of the hangman, which contained a remarkable episodical story of serious intent, 'The Confession of James Wilson.' Whitehead's vivid blank-verse drama, ' The Cavalier,' the plot of which is laid in Restoration times, was produced at the Haymarket Theatre on 15 Sept. 1836, with Ellen Tree and Vandenhoff in the principal parts, and has been revived more than once, notably at the Lyceum Theatre in 1856. Owing to the success of Whitehead's ' Jack Ketch,' Messrs. Chapman & Hall invited him to write the letterpress to a monthly issue of a humorous kind, to which Robert Seymour [q. v.] was to furnish the illustra- tions. Pleading inability to produce the copy with sufficient regularity, Whitehead recommended his friend Charles Dickens for the work. The publishers acted on the recommendation, and the result was the ' Pickwick Papers.' A further point of contact between Whitehead and Dickens consisted in Whitehead's revising in 1846 ' The Memoirs of Grimaldi,' which had been edited by Dickens in 1838 under the pseu- donym of ' Boz.' Whitehead's masterpiece, 'Richard Savage' (1842), illustrated by Leech, a romance, partly founded on Dr. Johnson's life of Savage, was much admired by Dickens. It was dramatised, and the play ran for nearly thirty nights at the Surrey Theatre. A new edition of the novel, with an introduction by Harvey Orrinsmith, was published in 1896. Included in ' The Solitary and other Poems' (1849), a collected edition of Whitehead's poetical work, is his most remarkable sonnet beginning 'As yonder lamp in my vacated room,' which Dante Rossetti described as ' very fine.' Whitehead belonged to the Mulberry Club, of which Douglas Jerrold and other wits were members, and was acquainted with all the famous men of letters of his day. When 'Richard Savage' appeared he had every prospect of success in literature, but in- temperance wrecked his career. He went to Australia in 1857, with the hope of re- covering his position. He contributed to 'Melbourne Punch,' and he printed in ' Victorian Monthly Magazine ' the the the ' Spanish Marriage,' a fragment of poetic j drama possessing considerable merit. White- • head's personal qualities, despite his in- i firmities of disposition, endeared him to those who knew him well, and an admirer of his literary talent gave him an asylum at his house in Melbourne, but he furtively made his escape from the restrictions of re- spectability. He sank into abject want, and died miserably in a Melbourne hospital on 5 July 1862. He was buried in a pauper's grave, and the authorities refused the request made by friends, when they heard for the first time of his sad end, to remove his remains to a fitting tomb. His publisher and warm well-wisher, George Bentley, described him as a 'refined scholarly man . . . with thought- ful, almost penetrating eyes.' Whitehead was a frequent contributor to magazines, particularly to 'Bentley's Mis- cellany,' He also published ' Victoria Vic- trix,' a poem (1838), 'The Earl of Essex' (1843), ' Smiles and Tears,' a series of col- lected stories (1847), and 'A Life of Sir Walter Ralegh ' (1854). [Mackenzie Bell's Charles Whitehead, a mono- graph, with extracts from his works.] M. B-L. WHITEHEAD, DAVID (1492 P-1571), divine, born about 1492, was a native of Hampshire (WOOD), where the Whiteheads had some landed property (Cal. Inq. post mortem, Henry VII, vol. i. No. 10). His contemporary, HUGH WHITEHEAD (d. 1551), with whom David has been confused, be- longed to a Durham branch of the family, was from 1519 to 1540 last prior, and from 1541 first dean of Durham. He was im- plicated in the fictitious charges of treason brought against his bishop, Cuthbert Tunstall ("q. v.], in 1550-1 , and was imprisoned in the Tower, where he died in November 1651 (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, passim ; Acts P. C.j ed. Dasent, vol. iii. ; WOOD, Fasti, p. 38 ; Collectanea, Oxford Hist. Soc., iii. 25 ; Oxford Univ. Reg. i. 62 ; DIXON, Hist. Church of England, ii. 149, 223, iii. 320,321). David Whitehead is said to have been educated at Brasenose or All Souls' College, Oxford, but his name does not appear in the defective registers of the period. The state- ment that he was chaplain to Anne Boleyn has also not been verified, but there is no doubt that he was tutor to Charles Brandon, the young duke of Suffolk, who died in 1551. During the winter of 1549-50 Whitehead, Lever, and Hutchinson endeavoured to con- vert Joan Bocher [q. v.] from her heresies Whitehead 97 Whitehead (HUTCHINSON, Works, p. 146). In 1552 Cranmer described him as 'Mr. \\'hit.-liead of Iladley,' though with which Hadley he was connected is uncertain, and on 25 Aug. suggested him to Cecil as a candidate for the vacant archbishopric of Armagh, adding ' I take Mr. Whitehead for his good know- ledge, special honesty, fervent zeal, and politic wisdom to be most meet' (CBANMER, Works, ii. 438). Whitehead, however, re- fused the appointment, and Hugh Goodacre fq. v.] became archbishop. On 25 Nov. fol- owing he took part in the discussion on the sacrament at Cecil's house. Soon after Mary's accession Whitehead fled to the continent ; he was one of the hundred and seventy-five who sailed with John u Lasco [q. v.l from Gravesend on 17 Sept. 1553. Whitehead was in the smaller vessel which reached Copenhagen on 3 Nov. ; the exiles were taken for anabaptists, and soon expelled by order of the king on refusing to subscribe to the Lutheran con- fession. They then made their way to Ros- tock, where Whitehead pleaded their cause before the magistrates, whose Lutheran re- quirements they failed to satisfy, and they were compelled to leave in January. A similar fate befell them at WTismar, Lubeck, and Hamburg, but they found a refuge at Emden in March (UTENHOVE, Simplex Nar- ratio, Basle, 1560, pp. 119 sqq. ; English Hist. Rev. x. 434-40; DALTON, Lasciana, Berlin, 1898, pp. 335-6). Meanwhile an attempt was being made to found a church of English exiles at Frankfort, and on 2 Aug. 1554 an invitation was sent to Whitehead and other exiles at Emden to join the church at Frankfort ; ' on 24 October came Maister Whitehead toFranckford,and at therequeste of the congregation he took the charge for a time and preached uppon the epistle to the Romans' (Km>x, Works, Bannatyne Club, iv. 12). Whitehead was one of those who wished to retain the use of the English prayer book of 1552, and in the famous 'troubles' at Frankfort took the side of Richard Cox [a. v.] against Knox. After the expulsion of Knox (26 March 1555) Whitehead was chosen pastor of the congregation. On 20 Sept. he and his colleagues wrote a letter to Calvin to justify their proceedings against Knox, and repudiating the charge of too rigo- rous adherence to the prayer-book and using ' lights and crosses ; ' their ceremonies, they pleaded, were really very few, and they went on to attack Knox's 'Admonition' as an 'outrageous pamphlet' which had added ' much oil to the flame of persecution in England' (Original Letters, Parker Soc., VOL. LXI. pp. 755 sqq.) In February 1555-6 White- head resigned his pastorate, being succeeded on 1 March by Robert Home (1519P-1680) [q. v.] ; the cause is said to have been his- disappointment at not being made lecturer in divinity in succession to Bartholomew Traheron [q. v.] He remained, however, at Frankfurt, signing a letter to Bullinger on 27 Sept. 1557. On Elizabeth's accession Whitehead re- turned to England, preaching before the queen on 15 Feb. 1558-9, taking part in the disputation with the Roman catholic bishops on 3 April, and serving as a visitor of Oxford University, and on the commission for re- vising the liturgy (MACHYN, Diary, p. 189 ; HAY WARD, Annals, p. 19 ; GEE, Elizabethan Clergy, p. 130). He is said by all his bio- graphers to have had the first refusal of the archbishopric of Canterbury, and he also declined the mastership of the Savoy. On 17 Sept. 1561 he wrote to Cecil acknow- ledging his obligations to him, but lamenting the necessity he was under of refusing the- living he offered (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1547-80, p. 185). ' So that whether he had any spiritualities of note conferr'd on him is yet doubtful, he being much delighted in travelling to and fro to preach the word of God in those parts where he thought it was wanting ' (WOOD). He is reported by WThitgift to have frequently deplored the- excesses of some ministers, but his own leanings were puritan, and on 24 March 1563-4 he was sequestered for refusing to subscribe. Francis Bacon, who calls White- head a ' grave divine ... of a blunt stoical nature,' and says he was ' much esteemed by Queen Elizabeth, but not preferred because he was against the government of bishops, also relates that the queen once said to him ' I like thee better because thou livest un- married,' to which Whitehead replied ' In troth, madame, I like you the worse for the same cause ' ( Works, ed. Spedding, vii. 163). Richard Hilles, however, in announcing Whitehead's death in June 1571, stated that ' he lived about seven years a widower . . . but very lately, before the middle of this year, he married a young widow when he- was himself about eighty ' (Zurich Letters r i. 242). An engraved portrait is given in Fuller's 'Holy State' and in Holland's ' Herwologia ' (p. 173). Fuller mentions Whitehead's ' many books still extant,' but with the exception of some- discourses printed in Whittingham's ' Brieff Discours of Troubles at Frankfort' (1575), they have not been traced either in print or manuscript. A translation of Ripley's ' Me- dulla Alchymiae ' is ascribed in Bernard's H Whitehead 98 Whitehead * Catalogue of Ashmolean Manuscripts ' to David Whitehead, ' doctor of Phy sick ' (Cat. MSS. Anglia, i. 332 ; in BLA.CK,GW. Ashmole MSS. col. 1319, the ascription is merely to 1 D. W.1) [Authorities cited ; Lansd. MS. 981 f. 113; Strype's Works (general index) ; Gough's Index to Parker Soc. Publ. passim ; Whittingham's Brieff Discours, 1575; Wood's Athense, i. 396; Knox's Works (Bannatyne Club) ; Foxe's Actes and MOD.; Kale, ix. 91; Fuller's Worthies, ii. 12; Peter Martyr's CommenUirius, 1568; Tan* tier's Bibl. Brit.-Hib. p. 762 ; Brook's Puritans, i. 170-4; Parkhurst's Ludicra, p. 114; Chur- ton's Life of Noweil ; Burnet's Hist, of the Re- formation, ed. Pocock ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500-1714; Dixon's Hist. Church of England, iii. 238, 386, iv. 696.] A. F. P. WHITEHEAD, GEORGE (1636?- 1723), quaker, was born at Sun Bigs, parish of Orton, Westmorland, in 1636 or 1637, and educated at Blencoe free school, Cum- berland, after which he taught as usher in two schools. When about fourteen he heard of the quakers, to whom he was chiefly at- tracted by observing how they were reviled by unprincipled people. The first meeting he attended was at Captain Ward's at Sunny Bank, near Grayrigg chapel, where he first heard George Fox [q. v.] His presbyterian parents, at first much grieved at his turning quaker, grew afterwards to love the society, of which his mother and sister Ann died members. After ' bearing his testimony ' against pro- fessional ministers in Westmoreland from 1652 to 1654, Whitehead started about Au- gust 1654 as an itinerant preacher through Yorkshire, Lincolnshire, and Cambridgeshire to Norwich. At Cambridge he met James Parnell [q. v.] At Norwich he visited Ri- chard Hubberthorn [q. v.], a prisoner in the castle, and held meetings and public dispu- tations; in spite of violent opposition and much contempt of his youth, many were converted to quakerism. In December 1654 he was haled out of St. Peter's Church for speaking after the sermon, and, being exa- mined about water baptism, was imprisoned for more than eight weeks ; soon after his discharge, in March 1655, he was again committed for visiting prisoners in Norwich Castle. In May he went to Colchester to see young Parnell in prison ; in July, for defend- ing a paper affixed to the church door of Bures, Suffolk, by his companion, he was com- mitted for trial at Bury St. Edmunds. There he lay for three months ; at the October ses- sions he was accused of being an idle wan- dering fellow, and fined 20/. On his refusal to pay he was remanded, and suffered much hardship in prison for fifteen months until his friends in London, especially one Mary Saunders, a waiting woman to Oliver Crom- well's wife, appealed to the Protector for an inquiry. Whitehead was examined on 22 May 1656, and again in June, but was not re- leased until 16 Oct. Worse treatment now befell him. At Saffron Waiden he was set in the stocks, and at Nayland was condemned ' to be openly whipped until his body be bloody.' About May 1 657 he went to the west of England, meeting Fox at Gloucester. He now (1657), after three years' absence, returned to Sun Bigs, where many quakers had gathered, and large meetings were held winter and summer on crag sides or on the moors, until funds for building meeting- houses were forthcoming. He visited S warth- more, Newcastle, Berwick, Alnwick, and Holy Island, the governor of which place — Captain Phillipps — and his wife both became quakers. Returning south, Whitehead was thrown into prison at Ipswich on the suit of a clergyman whom he had overtaken and discoursed with on the road. When sessions came he incensed the magistrates by point- ing out the illegality of his accusation, and was sent back to gaol, whence he was only released, after four months, on the death of the Protector. On 29 Aug. 1659 Whitehead held at Cam- bridge a public dispute with Thomas Smith, vicar of Caldecot and university librarian, who had already appeared as his opponent at a meeting in Westminster. Smith under- took to prove that Whitehead was a heretic. Whitehead displayed much skill in his reply, and in answer to Smith's two books, ' The Quaker Disarm 'd, or a True Relation of a late Public Dispute held at Cambridge' (Lon- don, 1659, 4to), and * A Gagg for the Quakers,' same place and date (replying to Henry Denne's 'The Quaker no Papist,' London, 1659, 4to), issued ' The Key of Knowledge not found in the University Library of Cam- bridge, or a short Answer to a Foolish, Slan- derous Pamphlet entituled " A Gagg for the Quakers," ' London, 1060, 4to. This was only one of a long series of public disputes, usually culminating in literary effort, to which White- head was challenged at this time. Frequently they took place in the parish churches, some- times in private houses. Thus, he was at Lynn on 15 Sept. 1659, and again on 13 Jan. 1660, appearing against Thomas Moor and John Horn, leaders of a small sect of Uni- versalists or ' Free willers,' as Whitehead calls them. In reply to Horn he wrote ' A briefe discovery of the dangerous Principles of John Home and Thomas Moor, both Whitehead 99 Whitehead teachers of the people called Mooreians or Manifestarians,' London, 1659, 4to; 'The Quakers no Deceivers, or the Management of an unjust charge against them confuted,' 1600, 4to; and 'The He-Goats Horn broken, or Innocency elevated against Insolency and Impudent False-hood,' 1660, 4to. Other dis- putations took place at. Fulham and Bluntis- ham. At Peterborough in April 1660 he had to be rescued from the mob by Lambert's old soldiers quartered in the town. Under the proclamation against conventicles he was soon in prison again, and in March 1661, while in Norwich Castle, he almost died of ague and gaol fever. A royal proclamation released him after sixteen weeks. The first parliament after the Restoration brought in a bill (13 & 14 Car. II, cap. 1) for the suppression of quakers as ' dangerous to the public peace and safety.' Whitehead, Ed- ward Burrough [q. v.], and Hubberthorn ap- peared before the committee several times in May 1661 to protest against its conditions. They were also heard at the bar of the house, 19 July, on the third reading. The bill, which forbade five quakers to meet for wor- ship, passed; but although their meeting- houses were locked up, were turned into sol- diers' quarters, or pulled down, the quakers continued to meet m the streets or in private houses. From this time to 1672 Whitehead spent most of his time in prison. Once, while in White Lion prison, he was charged with being concerned in the Westmorland ' Kipper Rigg Plot' (cf. FERGUSON, Early Cumber- land and Westmorland Friends, pp. 4 seq. ; CaL State Papers, Dom. 1663-4, pp. 632, 640). He lodged at this time, when at liberty, at the house of Rebecca Travers [q .v.] in Wat- ling Street, and laboured in and about Lon- don. When, under a new act (16 Car. II), imprisoned quakers were sent to the colonies, he held meetings on board the transport ships at Gravesend. All through the plague he visited those in prison. In 1670 he married a pious widow ' divers years ' older than him- self, who was ' like a mother to him.' In the spring of 1672 Whitehead and his friend Thomas Moor had an audience with Charles II at Whitehall. Whitehead ex- plained their conscientious objection to swearing, and consequent inability to take the oath of allegiance. In the end an order was given on 8 May to prepare a bill for the royal signature which should contain the names of all prisoners committed before 21 July. The instrument, upon eleven skins of parchment, and with the names of 480 prisoners eleven times repeated, is now the property of the Meeting for Sufferings (cf. , \\ HITEHEAD, Christian Progress}. By this patent John Bunyan was released from Bedford gaol. Delays occurring in obtaining lists of the prisoners, it was not until 13 Sept. that the document was sealed (cf. BAR- CLAY'S Letters, p. 184). Whitehead made great exertions to obtain the release of quakers under this patent, visiting himself Chelms- ford, Bury St. Edmunds, Norwich, and Hert- ford. In little over a year, however, this indul- gence was withdrawn. On 21 March 1679-80 \Vhitehead and Thomas Burr were taken from a meeting at Norwich and sent to gaol. When brought before the magistrates five weeks later, Francis Bacon, the recorder, re- fused to allow the mittimus to be read, and offered them the oath of allegiance. White- head's able and dignified defence is in his 'Due Order of Law and Justice pleaded against Irregular and Arbitrary Proceedings . . . .' London, 1680, 4to. Whitehead had many interviews with Charles II. In 1673 he pleaded for Fox's liberation from Worcester gaol. On 16 Jan. 1679-80, with William Mead [q.v.], he pre- sented details of the persecution Friends suffered by being confounded with papists, and showed how parliament had prepared a special clause for their relief in the bill of ease, but had been prorogued before the bill reached the upper house ; on 17 Feb. 1681-2 he introduced some Bristol quakers to report the state of things there ; in Fe- bruary 1682-3, with Gilbert Latey [q. v.], he described the sufferings of numbers in an underground dungeon at Norwich; on 25 April 1683 they saw Charles at Hampton Court, when he asked for an explanation of their peculiar language and wearing of hats, their own meanwhile having been gently removed by a court official and hung upon the park palings; on 8 Aug. Whitehead pre- sentea an address from the society clearing themselves from participation in the ' Rye House plot.' The last interview occurred only a few weeks before Charles's death, when, as Whitehead owns, he left fifteen hundred quaker men and women in prison, with hundreds more despoiled of their estates. Shortly after James II's accession White- head represented this to him ; three or four months later, accompanied by Robert Bar- clay, he had a second interview. James issued (15 March 1685-6) a warrant for their re- lease. Whitehead next procured from James II the appointment of two commis- sioners, who sat at Clifford's Inn in June 1686 and effectually crushed the iniquitous trade of the ' informers.' The king also granted him a royal mandate for the stay of pro- H 2 Whitehead 100 Whitehead cesses in the exchequer by which Quakers were fined 20/. a month and two-thirds of their estate for absence from their parish church. Assisted by Latey and William Mead and by the lord treasurer (Hyde, earl of Rochester), he succeeded in getting the fees of the pipe office reduced from the * many hundreds demanded ' to 60/. The result of several interviews with James II was a declaration for liberty of conscience on 4 April 1687. Whitehead's continued efforts were crowned by the act of toleration passed in the first year of William and Mary. This he keenly scrutinised in draft, and, because the precise standing of the quakers was obscure, drew up a short creed and expounded it to the committee of the house. Many quakers still remaining prisoners, Whitehead, introduced by Daniel Quare [q.v.] the clockmaker, made a personal appeal to William III. The king was duly impressed by Whitehead's refe- rence to the toleration of Mennonites in Holland, and a few weeks later released the quakers by act of grace. Whitehead then set about obtaining an alteration of the law which precluded quakers from taking any legal action, from proving or administering wills, from taking up their freedom in cities or corporations, and in some places from exercising any electoral rights. He had now, besides Edmund Waller (son of the poet), many influential friends in both houses, and was warmly congratulated outside when leave to bring in a motion passed by a large majority. The affirmation bill, drawn up by Sir Francis Winnington [q. v.], became law on 20 April 1696. This act, passed for seven years, was made perpetual in 1727. When the poll act obliging every dissenting preacher to pay 20s. quarterly was about to be renewed in 1695, Whitehead's influence prevailed for the introduction of a new clause exempting Friends, who have no paid preachers. Although the status of the Friends was now legally much improved, a complete mis- understanding of their tenets still prevailed. In reply to a series of pamphlets by Ed- ward Beckham, D.D., rector of Gayton Thorpe, and two other Norfolk rectors, Whitehead wrote his ' Truth and Innocency Vindicated,' 1699, 4to, and ' Truth Preva- lent,' 1701, 4to, containing a well-reasoned and able defence of their civil and religious principles. A little later he issued, with Mead, 'The People called Quakers truly represented . . . with a Brief Enquiry into a Persecuting Pamphlet lately delivered to the Members of Parliament stiied " A Wind- ing Sheet for Quakerism " ' (by Edward Cock- son, rector of Westcot Barton), London, 1712, 4to. Whitehead's autobiography ceases on 18 Aug. 1711. His health was failing, but | he was able to present the society's address to William III on his return from Holland in 1701 ; to Queen Anne on her accession ; to George I on a like occasion, and also in 1716 on the suppression of the Scots re- bellion. In an interview with the Prince of Wales (George II), he urged toleration and liberty of conscience, for which he had pleaded in person with seven English sovereigns. He died on 8 March 1723, in his eighty-seventh year, and was buried in the quakers' burial-ground at Bunhill Fields on 13 March. Whitehead's first wife, Anne Downer (widow of Benjamin Greenwell), whom he married at Peel Meeting in Clerkenwell on 13 May 1670, was a minister as early as 1660. She travelled two hundred miles on foot preaching, and was prominent in settling the order of the separate women's meetings. She died at Bridget Austell's, South Street, 27 July 1686. Whitehead published a little memoir of her, ' Piety promoted by Faithful- ness,' 1686, 12mo. His second wife, Ann, daughter of Captain Richard and Ann God- dard of Reading, was, when she married him at Devonshire House on 19 July 1688, an orphan keeping a shop in Whitechapel, ' an honest and virtuously inclined maid.' By neither had he any surviving issue. It is almost impossible to overestimate Whitehead's share in the foundation of the Society of Friends, or his influence on the development of national religious liberty. Without the mysticism of Fox, Barclay, or Pennington, he addressed his acute legal knowledge and literary gifts to establishing the sect on a sound civil and political basis. His works were almost entirely controversial and written to confute existing attacks upon quakers. In the titles of his chief writings j given below may be traced all the principal j features of their creed. 1. 'David's Enemies I Discovered,' and 2. 'Cain's Generation Dis- ! covered,' both London, 1655, 4to, against i Jonathan Clapham's books in defence of sing- ing Psalms. 3. 'The Path of the Just- cleared, and Cruelty and Tyranny laid open,' 1655, 4to. 4. 'Jacob found in a Desert Land,' 1656, 4to. 5. 'A Brief Treatise,' 1658, 4to, in answer to Richard Baxter's 'Sheet for the Ministry.' 6. 'An Unjust Plea Confuted. ... In answer to a book called Moses and Aaron, or the Ministers Right and the Magistrates Duty, by Daniel Pomtell [rector of Staplehurst, Kent],' 1659, 4to. 6. (With James Nayler) 'The True Whitehead ior Whitehead Ministers living of the Gospel, distinguished from the False Ministers living upon Tithes and forced Maintenance,' 1660, 4to, in an- swer to John Bewick, rector of Staindrop. 7. ' The Authority of the True Ministry in Baptizing with the Spirit,' 1660, in answer to Samuel Bradley, a baptist. 8. ' The True Light expelling the Foggy Mist of the Pit,' 1660, in answer to Francis Duke. 9. 'A Serious Account in XXXV Evident Reasons .... why the .... Quakers cannot go to worship at .... churches and chappels . . . .' 1661, 4to. 10. ' The Pernicious Way of the Rigid Presbyter and Anti-Christian Ministers Detected,' 1662, 4to, in answer to Cresswell, Whatelv, and Matthew Caffin. 11. 'The Law and Light within are the most sure Rule or Light, which sheweth the right use and end of the Scripture,' n.d., in answer to William Bridge. 12. 'The Con- scientious Cause of the Sufferers called Christ within, and the Extent and Efficacy thereof Demonstrated,' 1668, 4to, in answer to William Burnet. 15. 'The Divinity of Christ and Unity of the Three that bear Record in Heaven,' 1669, 4to. With a Pre- face by George Fox, in answer to books by Thomas Vincent, William Madox, Thomas Danson,Ed ward Stillingfleet, and John Owen. 16. ' Christ ascended above the Clouds, His Divinity, Light in Man,' 1669, 4to, replying to John Newman's 'Light within.' 17. 'A Serious Apology for the Principles and Practices of the People called Quakers,' 1671, 4to, against Thomas Jenner and Timothy Taylor ; pt. ii. by William Penn. 18. ' The Nature of Christianity in the True Light asserted,' 1671, 4to. 19. ' The Dipper Plung'd, or Thomas Hicks his Feigned Dialogue between a Christian and a Quaker proved an Unchristian Forgery consisting of Self- contradictions and Abuses against the . . . People called Quakers,' 1672, 4to. 20. ' The Christian Quaker,' 1673-4, fol. pt. ii. (pt. i. is by Penn) ; 2nd ed. 1099, 8vo, reprinted Philadelphia, 1824, 8vo. 21. ' Enthusiasm above Atheism, or Divine Inspiration and Immediate Illumination asserted,' 1674, sm. 8vo. 22. 'A Serious Search into Jeremy Ives Questions to the Quakers,' 1674, 8vo. 23. 'The Quaker's Plainness detecting Fallacy,' and 24. ' The Timorous Re viler Slighted,' 1674, 8vo, in answer to 'The Quaker's Quibbles,' by Thomas Thompson. 25. 'The Case of the Quakers concerning Oaths defended as Evangelical,' 1675, 4to. 26. 'The Way of Life and Perfection livingly demonstrated,' 1676, 4to. 27. ' The Real Quaker a Real Protestant,' 1679, 4to. 28. ' Judgment fired upon the Accuser of our Brethren,' 1682, sm. 8vo. 29. ' Christ's Lambs defended from Satan's Rage, in a Just Vindication of the People called Quakers,' 1691, 4to, in answer to John Pennyman fa. v.] 30. ' The Contemn'd Quaker and his Christian Religion defended,' 1692, sm. 8vo. 31. 'The Divine Light of Christ in Man,' 1692, sm. 8vo. 32. 'The Christian Doctrine and Society of the People called Quakers, cleared from the Reproach of the late division of a few ... in America (signed by seven others),' 1693, sm. 8vo, re- printed in Sewel's ' History,' translated into Dutch by him, 1755, 12mo, and into German, Amsterdam, 1701, 12mo. 33. 'An Antidote against the Venome of the Snake in the Grass,' 1697, sm. 8vo, and 34. ' A Supple- ment upon Occasion of what the Snake calls,' 1699, 8vo; these two in answer to Charles Leslie [q. v.] He also wrote five books in reply to Francis Bugg [q. v.], and three answering George Keith [q. v.], both apostate quakers ; as well as innumerable epistles and testimonies, or biographical accounts. Several of his sermons were taken down and printed. [The Christian Progress of that ancient ser- vant George Whitehead, historically relating his Experience, Ministry, &c., edited by Joseph Besse, London, 1725, 8vo, is invalualle for the quaker historian. Much of it is reprinted in Tuke's Memoirs of Whitehead, 2 vols. York, 1830 ; Sewel's History of the Rise, &c., i. 102, 104,115, 116, 152, ii. 171,287,402,410,416, 434, 453, 467, 471 ; Fox's Journal, pp. 124, 204, 342, 458, 469; Ferguson's Early Cumberland and Westm. Friends; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1 6o8-9 p. 1 59, 1 663-4 pp. 632, 640, 1 664-5 p. 35, 1672 pp. 489,490; Smith's Catalogue; Barclay's Letters of Early Friends ; Besse's Sufferings, passim ; Gough's Hist, of the Quakers ; Whiting's Persecution exposed; Beck and Ball's London Friends' Meet ings, pp. 174seq.; Chalmers's Biogr. Diet. ; Allibone's Diet, of Engl. Lit] C. F. S. WHITEHEAD, JAMES (1812-1885), physician, born at Oldham in 1812, was the son of John Whitehead, who had a wide reputation in the district as a herbalist and dealer in simples. James, after working as a boy in a cotton-mill, attended the Marsden Street school of medicine in Manchester, and was a pupil first of Mr. Clough of Lever Street, and afterwards of Mr. Lambert of Thirsk. He was admitted a licentiate of the Society of Apothecaries of London on 11 Sept. 1834, and on 15 Dec. 1835 he be- came a member of the College of Surgeons. He was admitted a fellow of the College of Surgeons after examination on 14 Aug. 1845. Whitehead 102 Whitehead lie graduated M.D. at the university of St. Andrews in 1850, and he became a member of the Royal College of Physicians of London in 1859. Whitehead visited France and Germany in 1836, and on his return to England in 1838 j he began to practise his profession in Oxford Street, Manchester. In 1842 he was ap- pointed demonstrator of anatomy at the Marsden Street school of medicine, and in the same year he married Elizabeth, daughter of Thomas Hayward Radcliffe, who died on 20 Sept. 1844. In 1856 he founded, jointly with Dr. Schoepf Merei, the Clinical Hos- pital and Dispensary for Children, which be- came subsequently the Manchester Clinical Hospital for Women and Children. He was lecturer on obstetrics at the Royal School of Medicine, and for fifteen years he acted as surgeon to St. Mary's Hospital for Women and Children. In 1851 he moved into Mosley Street, where he conducted a large practice until 1881, when he retired to live on an estate he had purchased at Sutton in Surrey. He died, after a long illness, on 9 April 1885, and is buried in the Ardwick cemetery, Manchester. WThitehead's works were: 1. 'On the Causes and Treatment of Abortion and Sterility,' London, 1847, 8vo; republished in America, 1848. 2. 'On the Transmission from Parent to Offspring of some Forms of Disease,' London, 1851 , 8vo ; 2nd edit. 1857. 3. 'The WTife's Domain, by Philothalos,' I860, 8vo; 2nd edit. 1874. 4. 'Notes on the Rate of Mortality in Manchester,' 1863, 8vo. 5. Jointly with Dr. Merei, a report on children's diseases, being the first ' Report of the Clinical Hospital,' Manchester, 1856, 8vo. [Obituary notice in the British Medical Journal, 1885, i. 870; additional information kindly given by Dr. David Lloyd Roberts, Dr. J. E. Platt, and the late Mr. Edward Lund of Man- chester.] D'A. P. WHITEHEAD, JOHN (1630-1696), quaker, was born of puritan parents at Owstwick in Holderness, Yorkshire, in 1630. He entered the army when eighteen, having three years before experienced ' conversion.' He first preached as a quaker at Malton in December 1652. In March or April 1653 he held a meet ing at Butterwick, and in the summer he left the army and started preach- ing on the moors of Yorkshire. In November 1654 he attempted to preach in Lincoln Ca- thedral, but had to be rescued by soldiers from an angry crowd. At Christmas he was in prison at Leicester. Thence he went to Wellingborough, where, after the vicar, Thomas Andrews, had contemptuously de- parted, he held forth to an attentive audience in the church. A public dispute between the two followed, and on 14 March 1655-6 Whitehead was arrested as a vagrant. He called in a Yorkshire neighbour, Marmaduke Storr, who was then visiting his brother in prison at Northampton, to prove that he reputably maintained his wife and family; but on the witness refusing to swear, both Whitehead and Storr were committed to- Northampton gaol. They were liberated by an order from Cromwell in January 1657. After preaching in Berkshire and London Whitehead was in 1658 in prison at Boston. He was again in prison at Aylesbury in January 1660-1 for refusing the oath. There he wrote ' A Small Treatise ' (1661, 4to ; 2nd ed. 1665, 4to). On 13 Nov. 1661 he was arrested while on a visit to a friend at Bin- brook, Lincolnshire, and spent three months in Lincoln Castle. On 9 July 1662 he was again sent to the castle, and kept until May 1663. While there he wrote 'For the Vineyard ' (1662, 4to). After three months' liberty he was again in gaol at Hull, and later in the year at Spalding. Whitehead travelled with George Fox [q. v.] in Derbyshire in 1663, and next year he succeeded in obtaining an order for Fox's release from Scarborough Castle. Soon after 1668 he removed from Owstwick to Swine Grange. In 1675 he drew up an address to- king and parliament asking relief for the Yorkshire quakers who had been fined and distrained to the amount of 2,381 /. 10s. under the Conventicle Act. On 22 May 1682 Whitehead was again committed to Lincoln Castle charged with being a Jesuit. He was then on his way to London to see about a legacy of 200/. in a chancery suit. In spite of certificates from the vicar and churchwardens of Swine, the constable and inhabitants of Owstwick, and his written declaration of allegiance, he was sent to gaol, and when brought up in March 1683 was asked if he could deny that he was a Romish priest in orders. He was unable to procure counsel, and was remanded. Some time before July 1684 he was released. At that date he was presiding over a meet- ing for discipline at Fulbeck, when two justices entered. Fines were subsequently levied to the amount of 72/. 13s. 2d. AYhitehead's last imprisonment was at the Poultry Compter, London, whither the lord mayor, Sir Robert Jefferies, sent him on 11 Feb. 1685, for preaching at Devon- shire House. lie died on 29 Sept, 1696 at his house at Fiskerton, Lincolnshire, and was buried at Lincoln on 1 Oct. Besides the works already mentioned, Whitehead 103 Whitehead Whitehead wrote : 1. * The Enmity between the Two Seeds,' London, 1055, 4tb. 2. 'A Reproof from the Lord,' London, 1656, 4to. :*. 'A Manifestation of Truth/ 1662, 4to; this was in answer to ' Folly and Madness made Manifest' (A-shmolean Library), by William Fieimes, lord Save and Sri.-, which Whitehead had received in manuscript. 3. ' Ministers among the People of God (called Quakers) no Jesuits,' 1683, 4to. Other fugitive pieces are in ' The Written Gospel Labours of that Ancient and Faithful . . . John Whitehead,' London, 1764, 8vo ; pre- face by William Penn. [Fox's Journal, pp. 267, 304,305,428; Chalk's Life and Writings of Whitehead, 1852 ; Smith's Cat. ii. 909-15 ; Besse's Sufferings, i. 75, 76, 331, 347, 348, 349, 355-7, 360, 479, 482, 523, 525,528, ii. 98, 107, 139, 143; Poulson's Hist, of Holderness, ii. 103, for an engraving of Owst- wiok Meeting House ; Whiting's Memoirs ; Whitehead's Christian Progress, p. 23. Two original letters to George Fox are in the Swarth- more MSS.] C. F. S. WHITEHEAJ), JOHN (1740?-! 804), physician and biographer, was born about 1740, apparently at Dukinfield, Cheshire, of humble parents who had left the old dis- senting congregation to join the Moravians (1738). lie had a classical education. Early in life he became connected with the move- ment of the Wesleys, having been converted by a methodist preacher, Matthew Mayer of Stockport (TYERMAN, John Wesley, 1870, ii. 474). He acted as a lay preacher at Bristol. Leaving this vocation, he married and set up in Bristol as a linendraper. Being successful he removed to London, where he joined the Society of Friends, became a speaker in that body, and conducted a large boarding-school at AVandsworth. Barclay the brewer offered him a life annuity of 100/. to travel with his son on the continent ; he accepted. At Leyden he entered as a medical student on 16 Sept. 1779 (when his age is given as thirty-nine), and graduated M.D. on 4 Feb. 1780. On the death (19 Jan. 1781) of John Kooystra, M.D., he became physician to the London dispensary, through the influence of John Coakley Lettsom [q. v.] He was admitted a licentiate of the College of Phy- sicians on 25 March 1782. In 1784 the Friends pushed his candidature as physician to the London Hospital ; he was returned as elected on 28 July, but the election was declared not valid, one vote being bad through a slight informality. He attended the Wesleys as their medical adviser. John Wesley thought him second to no physician in England, and was anxious for his return to methodism. He left the Society of Friends in 1784 and again became a metho- dist; he would have quitted his medical practice, and devoted himself entirely to the ministry, if Wesley would have given him ordination. He preached the funeral ser- mon for Wesley, which went through four editions in 1791, 12mo, and realised 200/., which he handed over to the society. Wesley left his papers to Thomas Coke [q. v.], Whitehead, and Henry Moore (1761- 1844) fa. v.], giving them full discretion, as his literary executors, to deal with them as they thought fit. The three agreed to bring out a life of Wesley, but to await the appearance of a promised life by John Hampson [q. v.] This life, mainly written and in great part printed before Wesley's death, was really the work of Hampson's father (also John Hampson), who had left methodism from disappointment at not being included in the ' legal hundred,' constituting the conference under Wesley's ' deed of declaration' of 1784. At a meeting of preachers James Rogers proposed, and the executors agreed, that Whitehead, being the man of most leisure, should write the life, and receive a hundred guineas for it ; for this purpose he was entrusted with all Wes- ley's papers. Hampson's ' Life ' was pub- lished at Sunderland in June 1791. On 6 July Whitehead issued ' Proposals ' for printing by subscription * a full, accurate, and impartial' life of Wesley, remarking that ' nothing has yet been published which answers to any one of these characters/ With the proposals was printed a document Zed (21 June) by Wolff, Horton, and riott, Wesley's general executors, solicit- ing Whitehead to write the life. At the conference (opened at Manchester on 26 July) the arrangement was confirmed and White- head placed on the book committee. Moved by his friends, who represented that the work would realise a large sum, Whitehead now claimed the copyright and half the profits. Then began a wrangle about his custody and use of Wesley's papers. On 9 Dec. 1791 the quarterly circuit meeting removed him from the list of preachers ; subsequently the authorities at City Road chapel withheld his ticket of membership. COOKC and Moore at once undertook a life of Wesley, without access to his papers, which Whitehead denied them. The work, mainly by Moore, was begun in January and completed in February 1792; published on 2 April, it had the authority of conference ; two editions of ten thousand copies each were disposed of within the year. At the conference of July and August 1792, Whitf- head was called upon to submit the papers Whitehead 104 Whitehead for examination and sifting. His offered compromise was accepted by a committee, but the dispute went on ; both parties began civil actions. Proceedings were stayed ; the London society paying all costs, amounting to over 2,000/. The first volume of Whitehead's ' Life ' of Wesley was published in 1793, 8vo, the included 'Life' of Charles Wesley being issued separately in the same year ; the second volume appeared in 1796, 8vo. It fell undeservedly flat, being in every respect superior to the ' Life ' by Coke and Moore. In 1796 Whitehead returned Wesley's papers to the methodist book-room. Before they reached Moore's hands (1797) some had been destroyed by John Pawsori as ' useless lumber.' Aided by these manuscripts, Moore brought out his new life of Wesley in 1824-5. No higher tribute can be paid to the excel- lence of Whitehead's work than the constant use which Moore makes of it, frequently, and without acknowledgment, adopting its language, though criticisms of Whitehead are not spared. Whitehead's 'Life' was reprinted at Dublin in 1806, with some additions. In 1797 Whitehead was restored to mem- bership in the methodist body. He died at his residence, Fountain Court, Old Bethlem, in 1804 ; the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' gives 7 March as the date of his death, and 14 March as that of his interment in Wes- ley's vault at City Road chapel ; these dates are probably correct, but the inscription added in 1840 gives 18 March as the date of death, while Stevenson says he died ' at the end of February,' and was buried on 4 March. His will, dated 24 Feb., codicil 26 Feb., was proved 15 March 1804. He left a widow (Mary), children, and grandchildren. His funeral sermon was preached by Joseph Benson [q. v.l There is no portrait of him ; 1 a full-length figure in the picture of Mr. Wesley's deathbed is said to be that of Dr. Whitehead ' (STEVENSON, p. 378). Besides the life of Wesley, he published : 1. ' An Essay on Liberty and Necessity. . . . By Philaretus ' [1775], 12mo (against Ton- lady). 2. ' Materialism philosophically examined,' 1778, 8vo (against Priestley). 3. 'Tentamen physiologicum . . . sistens novam theoriam de causa reciprocarum in corde et arteriis contractionum,' Leyden, 1780, 4to. 4. 'To whom it belongs,' 1781, fol. (a auaker broadsheet, signed ' Principle '). 5. 'A Report . . . of a Memoir containing a New Method of treating . . . Puerperal Fever,' 1783, 8 vo (translated from the French of Denis Claude Doulcet, with notes). 6. ' A Letter on the Difference between the Medical Society of Crane Court and Dr. Whitehead,' 1784, 8vo. 7. ' A True Narra- tive of ... the Difference between Dr. Coke, Mr. Moore, Mr. Rogers, and Dr. Whitehead, concerning ... the Life of ... Wesley,' 1792, 8vo. 8. ' A Defence of a True Narra- tive,' 1792, 8vo. 9. ' A Letter to the Me- thodist Preachers,' 1792, 8vo. 10. ' Circular to the Methodist Preachers,' 1792, 8vo. [Gent. Mag. 1 804, i. 28 3; Hunk's Coll. of Phys. 1878, ii. 328; Smith's Cat. of Friends' Books, 1867; Whitehead's Life of Wesley (preface), and his True Narrative; Moore's Life of Wesley (preface) ; Stevenson's City Road Chapel, 1372, pp. 131, 172, 370, 377 ; Album Studiosorura Aca- demiae Lugduno-Batavse, 1875, p. 1132.] A. o. WHITEHEAD, JOHN (1860-1899), ornithologist, the second son of Mr. Jeffrey Whitehead of Newstead, Wimbledon, was born at Muswell Hill, Hornsey, on 30 June 1860. He was educated at Elstree under the Rev. Mr. Saunderson, and at the Edin- burgh Institution under Dr. Ferguson, who greatly fostered his taste for natural history. Exposing himself too recklessly in the pur- suit of his favourite science, he developed a weakness of the lungs, and was compelled to winter in the Engadine in 1881-2, and in Corsica in 1882 and 1883, when he began collecting, and discovered a bird new to science. On his return to England he pre- pared fora collecting trip to Mount Kina Balu, North Borneo,which lasted from October 1884 to August 1 888. He brought back examples of many new animals, including no fewer than forty-five new species of birds. The results of this trip are fully set forth in his 1 Exploration of Mount Kina Balu,' London, 1893, 4to. In December 1893 he set out for the Philippines. He made nine different trips in those islands, and discovered on Mount Data the first known indigenous mam- malian fauna, returning to England in 1896. In January 1899 he started for those islands again, intending to complete his researches there ; but the war between the United States and Spain put an end to the plan, and, after waiting a few weeks at Manila, he sailed for Hong Kong, and thence set out to explore the island of Hainan. The expedition was, however, attacked by fever. He with diffi- culty struggled back to the coast, and died at the port of Hoi-hou on 2 June 1899. [Country Life, July 1899 ; Spectator, July 1899; information kindly supplied by White- head's father and by Mr. W. Ogilvie Grant.] B. B. W. WHITEHEAD, PAUL (1710-1774), satirist, was born on 6 Feb. 1710 in Castle Yard, Holborn, where his father was a pro- Whitehead 105 Whitehead sperous tailor. After attending- a school at Hitchin he was apprenticed to a mercer in the city, but, showing little disposition for business, took chambers in the lemple as a law student. lie was, however, obliged, apparently for a series of years, to transfer his residence to the neighbouring Fleet prison, having backed a bill which the theatrical manager Charles Fleetwood had failed to meet. From prison Whitehead is said to have put forth his first literary efforts in the shape of political squibs. His first more elaborate production, ' State Dunces,' a satire in heroic couplets, was published in 1733. It was inscribed to Pope, the first of whose * Imitations of Horace dates from the same year, and whose 'Dunciad' had appeared in 1728. Pope's rhythm, together with certain other characteristics of his satirical verse, is perhaps as successfully reproduced by White- head as by any contemporary writer ; but he is altogether lacking in concentration and in anything like seriousness of purpose. The chief ' State Dunce ' is Walpole (Appius) ; others are Francis Hare [q. v.], bishop of Chichester, and the whig historian James Ralph [q. v.] The poem, which provoked an answer under the title of 'A Friendly Epistle,' was sold to Dodsley for 10/. (Bos- WELL in Life, ed. Birkbeck Hill, i. 124-5, records Johnson's refusal to accept a smaller sum for his ' London' in 1738, on the ground that he 'would not take less than Paul Whitehead,' and adds an absurd apology for Johnson's ' prejudice' against him). In 1735 Whitehead married Anna, the only daughter of Sir Swinnerton Dyer, bart., of Spains Hall, Essex. By this time he may be concluded to have been out of the Fleet, unless indeed his marriage provided him with the means of quitting it. In 1739 he published ' Manners, the satirical poem so highly thought of by Boswell, but considered by Johnson a 'poor performance' (BoswELL, Life, v. 116). The manuscript is preserved in British Museum Additional MS. 25277, ff. 117-20. It cannot be said to exhibit any advance upon its predecessor, nor can its clamorous vituperation — Shall Pope alone the plenteous harvest have, And I not glean one straggling fool or knave? — be held to be dignified by its pretence of proceeding from a patriot whose hopes are centred in Frederick, prince of Wales. The personalities in this satire led to the author being summoned, with his publisher, before the bar of the House of Lords; but White- head absconded [see DODSLEY, ROBERT]. Whether or not the action of the lords had been intended as a warning to Pope, whose j t wo ' Dialogues,' 1 738 (Epilogue to the Satires), had done their utmost to make the existing political tension unbearable, it at least sufficed to muzzle Whitehead for the moment. He continued, however, to make himself gene- rally useful to the opposition. Thus in 1741 Horace Walpole mentions him as ordering a supper for eight patriots who had tried in vain to beat up a mob on the occasion of Admiral Vernon's birthday (Letters, ed. Cunningham, i. 92). His next publication, ' The Gymnasiad' (1744), is a harmless mock heroic in three short books or cantos, with ' Prolegomena' bv Scriblerus Tertius, and ' Notes Variorum, in ridicule of the pugilistic fancy of the day, and dedicated to John Broughton, one of the most celebrated ' Sons of Hockley and fierce Brickstreet breed.' In 1747 he published his last would-be political satire, ' Honour,' in which Liberty is intro- duced as prepared to follow Virtue in quitting these shores, unless specially detained by ' Stanhope ' (Chesterfield). About the same time he is stated to have edited the ' Apology for the Conduct of Mrs. Teresia Constantia Phillips ' [q. v.], first published in 3 vols. in 1 1 48. Whitehead had now become a paid hanger- on of the ' Prince's friends,' and in the West- minster election of 1749 was engaged to com- pose advertisements, handbills, and the like for their candidate, Sir George Vandeput. When a supporter of the opposition candi- date, Alexander Murray (d. 1777) [q. v.], was sent to Newgate and detained there for a considerable period on the charge of having headed a riot, Whitehead composed a pam- phlet on his case, which appealed to the indignation of the people of Great Britain as well as of the electors of Westminster. (See extracts ap. E. THOMPSON; and cf. LORD ORFORD'S Memoirs of the Reign of Georye II, ed. Lord Holland, s.d. 28 June 1751). In 1751 the prince died, and in 1755 Whitehead published his 'Epistle to Dr. Thompson/ a physician of dissolute habits, who had quarrelled with the treatment adopted by the prince's physicians in his last illness, and whom Whitehead, from whatever motive, strives to justify by indiscriminate abuse of the ' college.' A pamphlet published by him in defence of Admiral Byng (1757) is said by Hawkins to be written in a defiant strain, as if an acquittal were certain. Within these years, or those immediately following, falls the deepest degradation of Whitehead's life. His political intimacy with Sir Francis Dashwood (afterwards Lord Le Despenser) and other politicians, and the facility of his literary talents, made him an acceptable member of the dissipated circle Whitehead 106 Whitehead calling themselves the ' monks of Medmen- ham Abbey,' and he was appointed secretary and steward of their order of ill fame. He had to suffer severely in consequence, for the scalp-hunting satire of Churchill found in him a victim entirely to its taste. In three of Churchill's satires he was branded as a ' disgrace on manhood ' ( The Conference, 1763), as 'the aged Paul' who chalks the score of the blasphemous revellers behind the door (The Candidate, 1764), and as the type of the ' kept bard ' (Independence, 1764). The times were not squeamish, and Churchill's testimony was not respected; but the charges were unanswerable, and Whitehead is remembered for little else. He had, however, at the time, been rewarded for his services by being appointed, through Sir Francis Dashwood, probably during his chancellorship of the exchequer in Lord Bute's ministry (1762-3), to a 'deputy treasurership of the chamber,' as one of his biographers calls it, worth 800/. a year. This enabled him to enlarge the cottage on Twickenham Common where he had for some years resided (in 1755 Horace Walpole mentions him as one of the celebrities of the locality; see Letters, ii. 447). In his ' Epistle to Dr. Thompson' he describes, quite in Pope's Horatian vein, the modest comforts of his retirement, and he appears to have been popular both in the country, where he was known for his kindliness, and in London society, where among his friends were Hogarth and Hayman, and the actor and dramatist William Havard [q. v.l Sir John Hawkins, however, says that ' in his conversation there was little to praise; it was desultory, vociferous, and profane. He had contracted a habit of swearing in his younger years, which he retained to his latest.' He published very little in his later years — a pamphlet on Covent Garden stage disputes is mentioned in 1768— but he wrote a few songs for his friend the actor Beard and others. On 20 Dec. 1774 he died in his lodgings in Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, having during the course of a protracted ! illness burnt all his manuscripts within his ; reach. In his will he left his heart to his j patron, Lord Le Despenser, by whose orders | it was buried in the mausoleum at High : Wycombe in Buckinghamshire, amid so- lemnities which under the circumstances ' might, like the bequest itself, have been [ pretermitted. A collection of his ' Poems : and Miscellaneous Compositions,' with a I life by Captain Edward Thompson, which is j dedicated to Lord Le Despenser, and written j in a strain of turgid and senseless flattery, appeared at London in 1777 (4to). His portrait, painted by Gainsborough, was en- graved by Collyer in 1776, and prefixed to the 1777 edition of Whitehead's ' Poems ' (BROMLEY, p. 896). [Captain Edward Thompson's Life in Poems, 1777 ; Sir John Hawkins's Life of Samuel John- son, 1787, 2nd edit. pp. 330 sqq. ; Chalmers's English Poets, vol. xvi.] A. W. W. WHITEHEAD, WILLIAM (1715- 1785), poet-laureate, was born at Cambridge early in 1715. He was baptised on 12 Feb. at St. Botolph's, in which parish his father carried on the trade of a baker, serving Pem- broke Hall in that capacity. The elder Whitehead, while bestowing a liberal educa- tion on both his sons, is said to have been inclined to extravagance, and to have chiefly employed his time in ornamenting a plot of land near Grantchester, which long went under the name of Whitehead's Folly. Two years before his death his second son Wil- liam, when fourteen years of age, through the patronage of Henry Bromley (afterwards Lord Montfort, and high steward of the university of Cambridge), obtained a nomi- nation to Winchester College, where he re- mained till 1735. It was the period, as Whitehead afterwards sang (see his stanzas to the Rev. Dr. Lowth, in his Life of William of Wykeham], * when Bigg presided and when Burton taught.' He is said to have acted the parts of Marcia in ' Cato' and of one of the women in the * Andria,' and in 1733 to have gained one of the guinea prizes offered by Peterborough, on a visit to the school, for the best poem on a subject to be given out by his companion Pope, who chose Peter- borough himself as the theme. This led to his being employed by Pope to translate into Latin the first epistle of the ' Essay on Man ; ' but this effort was not published, and White- head, although a competent scholar, never attained to distinction as a writer of Latin verse. In 1735, not commanding sufficient interest to secure election to New College, Oxford, he entered as a sizar at Clare Hall, Cambridge, with the aid of a small scholar- ship open to the orphan sons of tradesmen of the town. He graduated B.A. in 1739 and M.A. in 1743, and in 1742 was elected a fellow of his college. His irreproachable conduct, amiable manners, and growing repu- tation as a poet secured to him at Cambridge the friendship of many young men of a rank superior to his own, conspicuous among whom was Charles Townshend (1725-1767) [q. v.]f to whom two of his early poems are addressed (ii. 171, 173). In his lines 'On Friendship' (ii. 129), justly praised by his biographer and according to him highly com- Whitehead 107 Whitehead mended by Gray, Whitehead softened what the latter disliked as satirical touches ; but though he was through life more or less dependent on his social superiors, his nature was not servile, and his lack of ambition was largely due to self-knowledge (see the lines, ii. 192, addressed in 1751 to his friend Wright). In 171") \\ hitehead, at the request of the Earl of Jersey, undertook the private tuition of his surviving son, Viscount Vil- liers, then a boy -of seven years of age — who afterwards as Lord Jersey, was reputed one of the most high bred as well as one of the most fashionable men of his age— and a young companion [see VILLTERS, GEORGE BUSSY, fourth EARL]. He accordingly re- moved to London, and shortly afterwards abandoned his fellowship, as its retention would have obliged him to take orders. At Cambridge Whitehead had published his first more important poetic efforts, which showed him to have deliberately formed his style as a writer of verse upon Pope, at a time when English poetical literature was at last on the very point of widening its range as to both form and subjects. His epistle ' On the Danger of writing in Verse' (1741) is elegant in versification and diction, and modest in tone — two merits which are rarely absent in Whitehead. It was rapidly fol- lowed by ' Atys and Adrastus' (from Hero- dotus) ; an ' heroic epistle ' from ' Ann Boleyn to Henry the Eighth,' the reverse of original in treatment, but delicate in feeling ; and a readable didactic essay on ' Ridicule' (1743), protesting against such as is excessive or misplaced. All these pieces, as well as the rather later ' Hymn to the Nymph of Bristol Spring' (1751), are in the heroic couplet. Within these years Whitehead became well known in the world of letters and of the theatre, and on 24 Feb. 1750 Garrick (to whom he had addressed a very judicious compliment in verse, containing a charac- teristic hint as to the morals of the stage ; Works ,'ii. 17C) brought out at Drury Lane his tragedy of the • Roman Father/ It is founded more or less on Corneille's ' Horace ; ' but it omits the part of Horatius's wife, sister to the Curiatii, and it seeks to centre the interest in Horatius's father, the character played by Garrick. Though it was a theatrical success, this tragedy is but a poor piece of literary work, and in execution one of the least adequate of Whitehead's performances. His second tragedy, ' Creusa, Queen of Athens' (first acted on 20 April 1754), a re- cast of the Euripidean ' Ion,' with the super- natural element omitted, is far superior to its predecessor in skilfulness of construction and in dignity of style, and deserves the high praise bestowed on it by Horace Walpole (to John Chute, Letters, ed. Cunningham, ii. 382) and by Mason. These constitute Whitehead's only essays in the tragic drama, unless there should be included in them the rather clever burlesque, ' tragedy in the heroic taste,' of ' Fatal Constancy, or Love in Tears,' spoken in monologue by the hero. A parody with a more serious purpose is the city idyll, as it would perhaps be called in these days, of ' The Sweepers,' written in blank verse. In form Whitehead's versa- tility was remarkable, and about this time he produced a series of tales in (four-foot I iambic) verse, something in the manner of Prior, but more nearly perhaps in that of I La Fontaine, which possess decided merit of their kind. Such are ' Variety, a Tale for Married People ;' 'The Goat's Beard,' a free expansion of one of Phaedrus's fables, which playfully discusses the question of equality between the sexes ; and others. These, with a number of vers de soctett and complimentary pieces, make up an agreeable variety of mis- cellaneous verse; and it would have been fortunate for Whitehead's posthumous fame had he not been called upon to put a pre- tentious top to so unpretending an edifice. He wrote little in prose — a disquisition, of no moment, on the shield of JEneas, and a light essay or two for insertion in ' The | World.' In June 1754 he accompanied his ! pupil, Lord Villiers, and Lord Nuneham, the eldest sou of the Earl of Harcourt, to Leipzig. A tour in Germany and Italy followed, and the travellers did not return to England till the autumn of 1756. The ' Elegies' in which Whitehead commemorated their visits to the mausoleum of Augustus and other places of interest have not permanently added to his poetic fame ; but they were not inoppor- tunely written. While still in Italy he had been appointed by the Duke of New- castle, through the influence of Lady Jersey, to the 'two genteel patent places* usually united' of secretary and registrar of the order of the Bath; and when, in December 1757, Colley Gibber passed away, the Duke of Devonshire, as lord chamberlain, offered to Whitehead the poet-laureateship, which had been previously refused by Gray [see GRAY, THOMAS], the latter was to have been permitted to hold it as a sinecure ; but Whitehead's muse was called upon in the usual way, and executed herself in a series of birthday odes extending over more than a quarter of a century, as well as of special effusions on occasions such as a peace or a royal marriage. A selection of the birthday odes is published in the poet's works, but cannot be said to call for posthumous cri- Whitehead 1 08 Whitehurst ticism. In his own day the series at large was visited with much unfriendly comment. Johnson, who seems to have felt no par- ticular gratitude to Whitehead for having helped to make the plan of his dictionary known to Chester6eld (BoswuLL, Life, ed. J. Birkbeck Hill, i. 184; see also HAWKINS, Life, 2nd edit. 1787, p. 176), compared Gib- ber's birthday odes with Whitehead's, to the disadvantage of the latter; for 'grand non- sense is insupportable' (ib. i. 402). John Byrom [q. v/], the Lancashire poet, in 1758 coupled Whitehead's ' Verses to the People of England* with Akenside's * Appeal to the Country Gentlemen of England ' as illustra- tive of the jingoism of the hour (Poems of John Byrom, printed for the Chetham Soc., 1894, i. 459). Churchill, who had suddenly sprung into fame and was beginning to pour forth volume after volume of furious invec- tive, in bk. iii. of 'The Ghost' (17G2) apo- strophised the laureate as ' Dulness and Me- thod's darling Son.' Whitehead but once made a public reply to these and other attacks in ' A Charge to the Poets' (first printed in 1762), which introduces itself as a sort of sequel to his early poem on ' The Danger of writing in Verse,' and, in the humorous form of acharge from the laureate to his brother poets, very reasonably and very good-humouredly explains and defends his position. In 'A Pathetic Apology for all Laureates, past, present, and to come,' privately circulated among his friends, he put the matter still more plainly, and with the same modest bon- homie. And whether or not he actually cherished the design of replying to Churchill in a longer poem, he was wise enough never to carry it out, though the fragments which remain are in part generous as well as essen- tially just in spirit. In the year in which Churchill had sought to write down the laureate dunce and fool, he had produced at Drury Lane on 10 Feb. his comedy of ' The School for Lovers ' ( 1 762), which has been erroneously supposed to be- long to the soecies called sentimental comedy. The life of the play is to be found in the cha- racters of Araminta and Modely, which are genuinely comic, while the former is also unmistakably attractive (cf.GENEST, iv.640). The success of this comedy (which was re- vived in 177o and 1794) seems to have in- creased Garrick's confidence in Whitehead, who in the following years officiated as his 'reader' of plays. When in 1767 Garrick was hesitating as to the production of Gold- smith's 'Good-natured Man,' he proposed Whitehead, who for some time acted as reader of new plays for Drury Lane, to him as arbitrator in the difficulty — 'of all the manager's slights to the poet,' according to the biographer of the latter, that which was 'forgotten last' (FoRSTER, Life and Times of Oliver Goldsmith, 5th edit. 1871, ii. 41). On 6 Jan. 1770 WThitehead's ' Trip to Scot- land ' was performed at Drury Lane, which may be described as a farce ending like an extravaganza. For many years after his return from the continent Whitehead remained the welcome household friend of Lords Jersey and Har- court, and resided in the town house of the former, and in the summer at Middleton and at Nuneham, of which frequent mention is made in his verse, and where some lines by him on the gardener, Walter Clark, are stated as still to be seen in the grounds. After the death of Lord Jersey in 1769, and the acces- sion to the title of his former pupil, White- head occupied apartments in London, but still kept up his intimacy with both families. In 1 774 he collected his works in two volumes, under the title of ' Plays and Poems.' A tragedy, offered to Garrick, but never pub- lished ; the first act of an ' CEdipus; ' and one or two other dramatic fragments were found among his papers at the time of his death, which took place in Charles Street, Grosvenor Square, on 14 April 1785. A complete edition of WThitehead's poems, with a good memoir by his friend William Mason (1724-1797) [q! v.], was published at York in 1788 (3 vols. 8vo). A half-length life-sized portrait of Whitehead was painted by R. Wilson (Cat. Guelph Exhib. No. 238). Another, painted by W. Doughty in 1776, was engraved by Collyer, and prefixed to vol. iii. of Mason's edition of Whitehead's ' Works.' [Memoirs by Mason in collected edition of Whitehead's Poems, 3 vols. 1788; Chalmers's English Poets, vol.xvii.; Genest's SomeAccount of the English Stage, vols. iv. and v. ; Doyle's Official Baronage.] A. W. W. WHITEHORNE. [See WHITHOBNE.] WHITEHURST, JOHN (1713-1788), horologer, born at Congleton in Cheshire on 10 April 1713, was the son of John Whitehurst, a clock and watch maker of that place. His early education was slight, and on leaving school he was bred by his father in his own trade. His father, who was a man of inquisitive turn, encouraged him in his passion for knowledge, which led him at the age of twenty-one to visit Dublin in order to inspect a clock of curious con- struction of which he had heard. About 1736 he entered into business for himself at Derby, where he soon obtained great employment, distinguishing himself Whitehurst 109 Whitelaw by constructing several ingenious pieces of mechanism. Besides other works he made the clock for the town-hall, and in reward was enrolled as a burgess on 5 Sept. 1737. lie also made thermometers, barometers, and other philosophical instruments, and inte- rested himself in contriving waterworks. He was consulted in almost every undertaking in Derbyshire and in the neighbouring coun- ties in which skill in mechanics, pneumatics, and hydraulics was required. In 1776, on the passage of the act for the better regulation of the gold coinage, with- out any solicitation on his part he was ap- pointed stamper of the money- weights, on the recommendation of the Duke of New- castle. He removed to London, where the rest of his life was gassed in philosophic pur- suits, and where his house in Bolt Court, Fleet Street, formerly the abode of James Ferguson (1710-1770) [q. v.], became the constant resort of men of science of every nation and rank. In 1778 he published his ' Inquiry into the Original State and Forma- tion of the Earth ' (London, 4to), of which a second edition appeared in 1786, consider- ably enlarged and improved ; and a third, after his death, in 1792. The original design of this work, which he began to prepare while living at Derby, was to facilitate the discovery of valuable minerals beneath the earth's surface. He pursued his researches with so much ardour that the exposure he incurred tended to impair his health. On 13 May 1779 he was elected a fellow of the Royal Society, and in 1783 he was sent to examine the Giant's Causeway and the volcanic remains in the north of Ire- land, embodying his observations in the se- cond edition of his ' Inquiry.' About 1784 he contrived a system of ventilation for St. Thomas's Hospital (BEBNAN, History and Art of Warming and Ventilation, 1845, ii. 70). In 1787 he published 'An Attempt towards obtaining invariable Measures of Length, Capacity, and Weight, from the Mensuration of Time ' (London, 4to). Start- ing on the assumption that the length of a second pendulum in the latitude of London was 39-2 inches, he deduced that the length of one oscillating forty-two times a minute is eighty inches, while that of one oscillating twice as many times is twenty inches. The difference between these two lengths would therefore be exactly five feet. He found, however, upon experiment that the actual difference was only 59'892 inches owing to the real length of the pendulum, oscillating once a second, being 39-125 inches. He obtained roughly, however, data from which the true lengths of pendulums, the spaces through which heavy bodies fall in a given time, and many other particulars relating to t he force of gravitation and the true figure of the earth, could be deduced. Whitehurst died at his house in Bolt Court, Fleet Street, on 18 Feb. 1788, and was interred beside his wife in St. Andrew's bury- ing-ground in Gray's Inn Road. On 9 Jan. 1745 he married Elizabeth, daughter of George Gretton, rector of Trusley and Dai- bury in Derbyshire. He had no surviving- issue. Whitehurst's portrait, engraved by A. Smith from a painting by Joseph Wright, was published by W. Bent on 10 Oct. 1788 (cf. Cat. Second Loan Exhib. No. 714). Another, painted by Joseph Wright and en- graved by Hall, is prefixed to his ' Works ' (BROMLEY, p. 396). His ' Works' were edited by Charles Hutton [q. v.], with a memoir (London, 1792, 4to). In 1794 Ro- bert Willan [q. v.] edited from his papers * Observations on the Ventilation of Rooms, on Chimneys, and Garden Stoves ' (London, 4to). A collection of his ' Tracts, Philoso- phical and Mechanical,' was published in 1812 (London, 4to). Three of his papers first appeared in the ' Transactions ' of the Royal Society. [Memoir by Hutton, prefixed to Whitehurst's Works ; European Mag. 1788, ii. 316-20 ; Gent. Mag. 1788, i. 182, 363; Universal Mag. 1788.H. 225-9.] E. I. C. WHITELAW, JAMES (1749-1813), statistician and philanthropist, was a native of county Leitrim, where he was born in 1749. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, in July 1766, became a scholar in 1769, and graduated B.A. in 1771. He studied for the church, and after his ordination became tutor to the Earl of Meath, who presented him with the living of St. James's, Dublin. He soon afterwards obtained the more remunera- tive living of St. Catherine's in the same city. His deep interest in the poor people living in the ' liberties ' in his immediate neigh- bourhood led him to form several charitable institutions, the most useful of which was the Meath charitable loan, founded in 1808, which proved of immense service to the weavers of the Cooinbe during very distressing- periods. Mainly owing to his strong repre- sentations the trustees of the Erasmus Smith fund in 1804 allocated 2,000/. to the founda- tion of a school in the Coombe, at which poor children were given free education. He was appointed one of the governors of the Charter schools of Ireland, and by his energy and unwearied attention to the interests of the poor he was enabled greatly to improve their working. \Yhitelocke no Whitelocke Perhaps his most important service was his census of the city of Dublin, which he undertook in 1798, and carried through suc- cessfully in the face of many difficulties and dangers, publishing the results of his inves- tigation in 1805 in his admirable ' Essay on the Population of Dublin in 1798 ' (Dublin, 8vo). Epidemic diseases were then frequent in Dublin, but, undeterred by the fear of in- fection, he personally inspected every house in the city and questioned nearly every in- habitant. Hitherto the extent of the popu- lation had been only vaguely conjectured. He found in one house alone 108 people. The government ordered the results of his in- quiry to be printed, while the original papers were deposited in Dublin Castle. In 1805 he was made one of the members of the com- mission to inquire into the conduct of the paving board of Dublin. He received from John Law (1745-1810) [q. v.], bishop of Elphin, the valuable living of Castlereagh, which he was allowed to hold jointly with that of St. Catherine's. He died of a malig- nant fever, contracted while visiting poor parishioners, on 4 Feb. 1813. The govern- ment conferred a pension of 200/. a year upon his widow. The work with which Whitelaw's name is most frequently associated is the valu- able ' History of Dublin,' in which he col- laborated with John Warburton, keeper of the records in Dublin Castle. Warburton did the more ancient portion of the work ; Whitelaw undertook the modern part. Both Whitelaw and Warburton died, however, before it was published, and it was completed by Robert Walsh [q. v.] It was published in 18 18 in two large quarto volumes. White- law's other works are ' Parental Solicitude ' (Dublin, 1800 ?, 12mo) ; ' A System of Geo- graphy,' of which the maps only (engraved by himself) were published ; and ' An Essay on the best method of ascertaining Areas of Countries of any considerable Extent' (/Transactions of Royal Irish Academy,' vol. vi.) [Whitelaw and Walsh's Hist, of Dublin, vol. i. ; Allibone's Diet, of Lit. ; Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography ; Gilbert's Hist, of Dublin ; Register of Trinity College, Dublin.] D. J. O'D. WHITELOCKE, BULSTRODE (1605- 1675), keeper of the great seal, eldest son of Sir James Whitelocke [q.v.] and Elizabeth, daughter of Edward Bulstrode of Hedgerley Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire, was born at his uncle Sir George Croke's house in Fleet Street on 6 Aug. 1605, and christened at St. Dunstan's-in-the-East on 19 Aug. (SiR JAMES WHITELOCKE, Liber Famelicus, p. 15 ; Col- lectanea Topographica et Genealoyica, v. 369). He was admitted to Merchant Tay- lors' school in 1615, and matriculated at Oxford on 8 Dec. 1620 as a member of St. John's College (FOSTER, Alumni Oxo- nienses, i. 1620). Dr. Parsons was White- locke's tutor, and Laud, who was then pre- sident of St. John's and was his father's friend, took great interest in his education, which Whitelocke subsequently requited by refusing to take part in the prosecution of the archbishop (Memorials, i. 219). He re- created himself with music and field sports, joining other members of the college to maintain a pack of beagles (R. H. WHITE- LOCKE, Memoirs of Bulstrode Whitelocke, pp. 6-11). Whitelocke left Oxford without a degree, and was called to the bar at the Middle Temple in 1626. He represented Stafford in the parliament of 1626. At Christmas 1628 he was chosen master of the revels and treasurer of the Middle Temple, and in 3633, when the four inns of court joined together to perform a masque before the king and queen, he and his friend Edward Hyde represented the Middle Temple on the committee (ib. pp. 56-62; Memorials, i. 31, 53-62). Whitelocke had ' the whole care and charge of all the music for this great masque, which was so performed that it excelled any music that ever before that time had been heard in England.' But while distinguishing himself socially he did not forget his professional studies, as to which Selden gave him valuable advice. He be- came about 1631 recorder of Abingdon and counsel for the corporation of Henley. In 1632 he earned by fees no less than 310/., which dropped, however, to 46/. in the fol- lowing year, when he was no longer backed by his father's influence (WHITELOCKE, Me- moirs of Whitelocke, pp. 74, 90). Whitelocke had married in 1630, but his wife became insane shortly afterwards, and in 1634 he placed her under the care of a doctor, and travelled to alleviate his melan- choly. At Paris he was received with jgreat favour by Cardinal Richelieu, and offered the command of a troop of horse in the French service. Returning to Englandnn June 1634, he resumed his practice, earned some local reputation by a speech as chairman of the Oxfordshire quarter sessions, in which he vindicated the jurisdiction of the civil against the ecclesiastical courts, and more by op- posing the extension of Wychwood Forest in the interest of the gentlemen of the county (ib. pp. 102-9; Memorials, \.Q7, 70). Having thus become popular, he was elected to the Long parliament as member for Marlow, and took from the first a prominent part in its Whitelocke Whitelocke proceedings. He was chairman of the com- mittrp which managed the prosecution of St milord, and was specially entrusted with the conduct of articles nineteen to twenty- four of the charge (Rusiiwoimi, Trial <>f the Earl of Stra/ord, pp. 490, 520, 572 ; BAILLIE, Letters, i. 337). Stratford told a friend, speaking of the committee that managed the evidence against him, that Glyn and Maynard used him like advocates, but Palmer and Whitelocke used him like gentlemen, and yet left out nothing material to be urged against him (Memorials, i. 113, 124, 126). Whitelocke also prepared the bill against the dissolution of the Long par- liament without its own consent, supported and added an amendment to the ' grand re- monstrance,'and took part in the proceedings against the illegal canons drawn up by con- vocation (VEBNEY, Notes of the Lmg Par- liament, pp. 72, 84 ; FORSTER, Grand Re- monstrance, pp. 230, 342). In February 1642 Whitelocke made a trimming speech on the militia question, as- serting the authority over it to be jointly in king and parliament, following up this by a speech against raising an army in July (Memorial*, i. 160, 177). But this did not prevent him from becoming a deputy lieu- tenant both of Buckinghamshire and Ox- fordshire, from finally preventing the exe- cution of the king's commission of array, and from raising troops to occupy Oxford. He urged Lord Saye to make that city a par- liamentary garrison, and was himself pro- posed as governor as being one whom ' the city, the university, and the country there- abouts did well know and would be pleased with.' Saye, however, declined to fortify Oxford (ib. i. 171, 180, 183). Whitelocke's subsequent military services were slight. At Brentford, in November 1642, he marched with Hampden's regiment (ib. i. 192). In 1644, when the association of the three counties of Oxford, Buckingham, and Berks was established, Whitelocke was one of its governing committee, and was proposed to command its forces, but declined (ib. i. 254, 260, 306, 511, 516; RUSHWORTH, v. 673). He became instead governor of Henley and of his own house at Phyllis Court, which was made a garrison. As his house at Fawley had been occupied and plundered by Prince Rupert in the autumn of 1642, the damage caused by the war to his pro- perty was very considerable (Memorials, i. 188, 244, 407, ii. 54, 60, 62 ; WHITELOCZE, Memoirs of Whitelocke, p. 230). Whitelocke was on tolerably intimate terms both with Essex and Fairfax. Essex, whom he fre- quently praises, consulted him in December 1644 on the feasibility of accusing Cromwell as an incendiary, a course which Whitelocke deprecated (Memorials, i. 320, 343). White- locke spoke against the self-denying ordi- nance, but Clarendon describes him as in- strumental in getting it passed (ib. i. 353 ; Rebellion, viii. 261). He claimed kinship with the Fairfax family, was present in Sir Thomas Fairfax's army during the siege of Oxford in 1646, and was admitted by Sir Thomas to his council of war (Memorials. ii. 19, 48). Throughout the first civil war Whitelocke describes himself as ' industriously labouring to promote all overtures for peace.' He was one of the eight commissioners sent by parliament to the king at Oxford in January and March 1643. In the spring of 1644 he made a speech urging that fresh overtures should be made to the king. In November 1644 he was again sent to Oxford to arrange the preliminaries of a treaty, and he was one of the parliamentary commissioners at Uxbridge in January 1645, where he gained great honour among his friends by success- fully combating Hyde's arguments about the militia (Memorials, i. 194, 199, 246,331, 382). Hyde, in his narrative of this treaty, describes Whitelocke as one who had from the beginning concurred with the presby- terian leaders ' without any inclination to their persons or principles,' the reason being that ' all his estate was in their quarters, and he had a nature that could not bear or submit to be undone.' Yet he sincerely desired peace, and ' to his old friends who were commissioners for the king he used his old openness, and professed his detestation of all their proceedings yet could not leave them' (Rebellion, viii. 248). Whitelocke's intimacy with Hyde excited suspicion, and in July 1645 Lord Savile accused Whitelocke and Holies to the parliament of treasonable communications with the king and his counsellors during the negotiations of 1644. But parliament acquitted both (21 July 1645), and gave them permission to prose- cute their accuser (Memorials, i. 336, 385, 457-81; BAILLIE, Letters, ii. 303; Commons' Journals, iv. 214). Whitelocke was one of the thirty lay members of the assembly of divines (12 June 1643), and both in the assembly itself and in the House of Com- mons persistently combated the view that the presbyterian form of church government existed jure divino. For that reason he says ' I did not pass uncensured by the rigid presbyterians, against whose design I was neld to be one, and they were pleased to term me a disciple of Selden and an Erastian ' (Memorials, i. 209, 292, 327, 504, Whitelocke I 12 Whitelocke 508). He also incurred the displeasure of the same party by his arguments in favour of toleration (ib. ii. 88, 118). In May 1 < > 1 7 . when the disbanding of the army was under discussion. Whitelocke opposed the rash policy of Holies and the presbyterian leaders, and separated himself from them in the debates on the subject, which, he adds, * took very well, and created an interest for me with the other party ' (ib. ii. 146). He was consequently ' courted ' by Cromwell, and escaped impeachment in June 1647 when the army impeached the eleven members, although one of the chief charges against Holies was that which Lord Savile had brought against Whitelocke also (ib. ii. 162, 171, 178 ; Old Parl. Hist. xvi. 70). During the troubled summer of 1647 Whitelocke stayed away from the House of Commons as much as possible, and avoided committing himself to either party (Memorials, ii. 172). His rapidly increasing legal business, care- fully recorded in his ' Memorials,' supplied him" with an excuse for his absence. On 15 March 1648 Whitelocke was appointed by parliament one of the four commissioners of the great seal for one year with a salary of 1,OOOJ. In that capacity he swore in the newly appointed serjeants-at-law in Novem- ber 1648, delivering then and at the swearing- in of Chief-baron Wilde long speeches on judicial antiquities (Memorials, ii. 278, 283, 296, 299, 341, 428, 440, 449). Throughout the military revolution of December 1648 he continued to act in his judicial capacity, ' glad of an honest pretence to be excused from appearing in the house.' At the end of the month he and his colleague, Sir Thomas Widdrington[q. v.], discussed with Cromwell the settlement of the nation, and endeavoured to frame some compromise between parlia- ment and army. When it was decided to bring the king to a public trial, Whitelocke was one of the committee appointed to draw up a charge and consider the method of the trial, but declined to take any part in the proceedings, and purposely left London till the trial had begun. He sat in the House of Commons during the progress of the trial, but on the day of the king's execution he savs, ' I went not to the House, but stayed all day at home in my study and at my prayers, in the hopes that this day's work might not so displease God as to bring pre- judice to this poor afflicted nation ' (Memo- rials, ii. 467, 477, 484, 487, 498, 516). Whitelocke was elected a member of the council of state of the republic, though de- clining the retrospective approval of the late proceedings which its members were ori- ginally required to express. He was obliged, however, to declare his disapprobation of the vote of 5 Dec. 1648 declaring the king's con- cessions sufficient, in order to retain his seat in the House of Commons (ib. ii. 519, 527, 555). He opposed, but in vain, the abolition of the House of Lords, and had the duty of drawing the act for that purpose imposed upon him (ib. ii. 521). A new great seal was made, and Whitelocke was appointed one of the three commissioners with Lisle and Keble as his colleagues (8 Feb. 1649). He justified his conduct by the consideration that the business to be undertaken was * the execution of law and justice, without which men could not live one by another ' (ib. ii. 523). In this office he did considerable ser- vice to the republic by procuring an altera- tion in the oath of the judges which enabled them to act under the new government, drawing up a new treason law, and attempt- ing some reforms in chancery procedure. But he felt continually called upon to de- fend the law and its practitioners against popular prejudice, succeeded in defeating a proposal to exclude lawyers from parliament, and promoted the act for conducting all legal proceedings in English (ib. ii. 528, iii. 31, 49, 89, 118, 260). In June 1650 Whitelocke was one of the | committee appointed to remove Fairfax's I scruples about the invasion of Scotland, and I in September 1651 he was similarly selected ! by parliament to congratulate Cromwell on I his victory at Worcester (ib. iii. 209, 350). I Cromwell gave him a captured horse and j two Scottish prisoners as ' a token of hi» thankful reception of the parliament's con- > gratulations.' WThitelocke records two long conferences between himself and Cromwell, one soon after Worcester and another in November 1652, in the first of which he urged the restoration of the monarchy, and in the second recommended Cromwell to make terms with Charles II, in preference to taking upon himself to be king. In conse- quence of this Cromwell, according ta Whitelocke, wishing to get him out of the way, proposed to make him chief commis- sioner for the government of Ireland, and finally sent him as ambassador to Sweden (ib. iii. 372, 431, 474). In April 165$ i Whitelocke opposed Cromwell's scheme for the dissolution of the Long parliament and j the devolution of its authority upon a pro- visional council created for the purpose (ib. iv. 4). When Cromwell dissolved the Long parliament Whitelocke was one of the per- sons he specially attacked in his speech to the house. He is described as ' looking sometimes and pointing upon particular per- sons, as Sir B. Whitelocke, &c., to whom he Whitelocke 113 Whitelocke gave very sharp language though he named them not, but by his gestures it was well known that he meant them' (BLENCOWE, Sydney Papers, p. 140). For a few months Whitelocke remained in complete retirement, but in August 1653 he heard that the council of state intended to nominate him as ambassador to Sweden in place of Lord Lisle, who had been originally appointed. In the most flattering terms Cromwell pressed Whitelocke to accept the post, and, more from fear of the consequences of refusing than from any desire for the dis- tinction, he finally accepted. On 14 Sept. his nomination was approved by parliament (REEVE, Journal of Whitelocke's Swedish Embassy, i. 15, 32, 37). His instructions authorised him not only to make a general treaty of amity, but to come to an agreement with Sweden for securing the freedom of the Sound against Denmark and the united provinces (ib. i. 85-90). Whitelocke sailed on 6 Nov. with a large retinue and a squadron of six ships, reaching Gothenburg on 15 Nov. He returned through Germany, landing again in England on 1 July 1654. The treaty he negotiated, which was long delayed by the desire of the Swedes to await the upshot of the peace negotiations between England and Holland, and by the difficulties which the impending resignation of Queen Christina threw in its way, was signed on 28 April 1654, though dated 11 April (ib. ii. 168). In substance it was little more than a general expression of friendship between the two states. Questions such as the trade relations of England and Sweden, and the suggested alliance for the freedom of the Sound, were discussed but postponed, and it was under- stood that a Swedish ambassador was to be sent to England to settle them. During his mission Whitelocke showed considerable diplomatic skill, and succeeded in gaining the queen's favour. She freely discussed with him the affairs of Europe, the revolu- tions of England, and her own intending abdication, and he plumed himself on proving to the Swedish court that a puritan could possess all the graces of a cavalier. His self-satisfaction is amusingly evident through- out his narrative, but its portraits of Chris- tina, Oxenstierna, and other notable persons, and its description of Sweden and the Swedes render it an authority of permanent value, and it has been translated into Swedish. Whitelocke landed in England again on 1 July 1654, and gave an account of his embassy to the council of state on 6 July (Memorials, iv. 115). During his absence from England a new commission for the VOL. LXI. custody of the great seal had been issued (April 1654), and Whitelocke, who was first named of the three commissioners, was sworn into his office on 14 July 1654 (REEVE, Swedish Embassy, ii. 463). At the opening of the parliament of 1654, to which he was returned by three several constituencies — Buckinghamshire, Bedford, and the city of Oxford — Whitelocke carried the purse be- fore the Protector, and in his opening speech dwelt on the importance of the treaty with Sweden, ' an honourable peace, through the endeavours of an honourable person here present as the instrument ' (CARLYLE, Crom- well, Speech ii.) On 6 Sept. Whitelocke gave a narrative of his negotiations to the house, and was voted 2,000/. for his services (Me- morials, iv. 137). In 1655 the Protector and his council passed an ordinance for the re- form of the procedure of the court of chan- cery which seemed objectionable both to Whitelocke and to his colleague Widdrington. ' It would be of great prejudice to the public/ argued Whitelocke on behalf of both, and he had also private objections as to the authority making the law. As their scruples could not be overcome by argument, both were de- prived of their office on 6 June 1655 (Me- morials, iv. 191-206 ; Carte MSS. Ixxiv. 50 ; cf. INDERWICK, The Interregnum, pp. 224-9). Whitelocke had, however, been appointed one of the commissioners of the treasury (2 Aug. 1654), and was permanently con- tinued in that post with a salary of 1,000/. per annum (Memorials, iv. 207 ; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1654, p. 284). On 2 Nov. 1655 Whitelocke was named one of the committee for trade and naviga- tion, and he was frequently consulted by the Protector on foreign affairs. The negotiation of the commercial treaty with Sweden, concluded on 17 July 1656, was mainly trusted to his hands, and in January 1656 he was much pressed by Cromwell to undertake a second mission to Sweden (Memorials, iv. 215, 219, 223-70 ; GUERN- SEY JONES, The Diplomatic Relations between Cromwell and Charles Gustavus of Sweden, 1897, pp. 28-47). In the parliament called in 1656 he again represented Buckingham- shire, and during the illness of Thomas Widdrington he tilled the place of speaker for three weeks, to the great satisfaction of the house (BURTON, Parl. Diary, ii. 369, 375; Memorials, iv. 285). When the humble petition and advice was brought in, and parliament invited the Protector to take the title of king, Whitelocke was chairman of the committee appointed to confer with Cromwell, in which capacity he made frequent reports to the house and I Whitelocke 114 Whitelocke several speeches urging Cromwell to accept the crown. It was about this time, ac- cording to his own statement, that White- locke was most intimate with the Protector, who would be familiar with him in private, lay aside his greatness, and make verses by way of diversion (Memorials, iv. 287-91 ; Old Parl. Hist. xxi. 60, 71, 118). In the ceremonial of the Protector's second inaugu- ration Whitelocke played a conspicuous part ; he was summoned to the new House of Lords (11 Dec. 16o7), and it was generally reported that he was to be made baron of Henley. He states that Cromwell actually signed* a patent to make him a viscount, which he refused (Memorials, iv. 309, 313, 335). When Richard Cromwell succeeded his father, Whitelocke presented the congratu- latory address of Buckinghamshire to the new Protector. Richard, he adds, f had a particular respect for me/ as the result of which, without any solicitations of his own, WThitelocke was again made a commissioner of the great seal (22 Jan. 1659). In April 1659 Richard consulted him on the quest ion of dissolving the parliament then sitting, which Whitelocke ineffectually opposed. He considered that the young Protector was betrayed by his near relations and by those of his own council. ' I was wary,' he concludes, ' what to advise in this matter, but declared my judgment honestly, and for the good of Richard, when my advice was required ' (ib. iv. 337, 339, 343). The fall of Richard did not necessarily imply the fall of Whitelocke. As a member of the Long parliament he took his place again in that assembly when it was re- stored, and was elected by it a member of the new council of state (14 May). He lost, however, the commissionership of the great seal, which was placed in new hands (14 May). Parliament charged him to bring in a bill for the union of England and Scot- land, which it was held necessary to re-enact, and offered him the post of ambassador to Sweden, which he refused (ib. iv. 351, 355). His enemy, Thomas Scott (d. 1660) [q. v.l accused him of being in correspondence with Charles II, but the charge was discredited (ib. iv. 349). In August 1659 Whitelocke was elected president of the council of state, and, holding that post at the time of Sir George Booth's insurrection, was enabled to show favour to Booth and other royalists, which stood him in good stead at the Resto- ration (ib. iv. 357). When the army turned out the Long parliament again (11 Oct.), Whitelocke was one of the committee of safety appointed by the officers to succeed the council of state. According to his own account he accepted the post offered him solely to prevent Vane and his party from compassing the overthrow of magistracy and ministry which the officers were too much inclined to do (ib. iv. 367 ; cf. LUDLOW, Me- moirs, ii. 161, ed. 1894). He was appointed one of the committee to draw up a scheme for a new constitution (ib. ii. 149; cf. Memo- rials, iv. 385). On 1 Nov. 1659 the great seal was again committed to his keeping, and in December he consented to issue writs for a new parliament (ib. iv. 369, 373, 375, 379, 383). When Monck declared for the re- storation of the Long parliament, White- locke, in company of Fleetwood and Des- borough, made a speech to the lord mayor and common council warning then against his designs (Old Parl. Hist. xxii. 10). Ac- cording to his own account he distrusted Monck throughout, urged Lambert to attack him at once instead ot allowing him to gain time by negotiating, and, finally perceiving that he meant to restore Charles II uncon- ditionally, urged Fleetwood to anticipate him by offering to restore the king upon terms. Whitelocke offered to be Fleetwood's emissary to Charles II himself, but, after at first consenting, Fleetwood drew back, and Whitelocke's plan was frustrated (MemoriaL iv. 373, 377, 381). When the military revolution collapsed and the Long parliament was a second time restored, Whitelocke found himself in dan- ger for acting on the committee of safety. His enemy Scot threatened to have him hanged with the great seal about his neck, there was a report that he would be sent to the Tower, and evident signs of impending prosecution. To be out of the way he re- tired to the country, while his wife prepared for the worst by burning many of his papers (ib. iv. 384, 386; cf. Commons' Journals, vit. 820, 833 ; Clarendon State Papers, iii. 639, 648). He escaped, however, all punishment, and at the restoration of Charles II he was equally fortunate. Clarendon classes to- gether Whitelocke and John Maynard as men who, though they ' did bow their knees to Baal and so swerve from their allegiance, had yet acted with less rancour and malice than other men ; they never led but followed, and were rather carried away with the torrent than swam with the stream ' (Life of Clarendon, i. 63). This view was general, and hence, when Prynne moved that White- locke should be excepted from the Act of Indemnity, the motion was not carried (14 June 1660). Sir Robert Howard, Sir George Booth, and other royalists who were under obligation to him, spoke in his favour, and it was also urged that he had sent 500/. Whitelocke Whitelocke to the king, and that his son James, who had been governor of Lynn in August 1659, had undertaken to secure it for Charles II (Old Part. Hist. xii. 347, 352 ; cf. Clarendon State Papers, iii. 473). According to family tradition the king demanded 90,000/. from Whitelocke for his pardon, and Whitelocke actually paid 50,000/. This, however, is con- tradicted by the dedication of Whitelocke's book. ' When it was in the power of your majesty and the purpose of men,' writes the author, 'to have taken my small fortune, liberty, and life from me, you were pleased most graciously to bestow them on me, and to restore me to a wife and sixteen children ' (WHITELOCKE, Memoirs of Whitelocke, pp. 451- 3). No doubt, however, he paid some- thing to the king, and in his ' Annals ' he also mentions having paid 500/. to the Earl of Berkshire as compensation for the im- prisonment of Lady Mary Howard in 1659, and 250/. to Sir Robert Howard for the benefit of the lord chancellor in order to get his pardon passed under the great seal. During the rest of his life Whitelocke lived in retirement at Chilton Park, near Hun- gerford in Wiltshire, which had been pur- chased with his third wife's fortune. He died on 28 July 1675, and was buried at Fawley, Buckinghamshire, or, according to other accounts, at Chilton (WOOD, Athenes, iii. 1041 ; WHITELOCKE, Memoirs of White- locke, pp. 446, 464). Whitelocke married three times : first, in June 1630, Rebecca, daughter of Thomas Bennet, alderman of London (Memoirs of Bulstrode Whitelocke, p. 65); she became insane and died on 9 May 1634 (ib. p. 107). Their eldest son, James, born on 13 July 1631, served in Cromwell's guard in Ireland, was chosen colonel of an Oxfordshire militia regiment in 1651, was knighted by the Pro- tector on 6 Jan. 1657, represented Ayles- bury in the parliament of 1659, and died in 1701 (ib. p. 69 ; Memorials, iii. 75, 135, 311, 342, 413, iv. 338; LE NEVE, Knights, p. 422). Whitelocke married, secondly, on 9 Nov. 1635, Frances, sister of Francis, lord Wil- loughby of Parham [<£. v.], by whom he had nine children (Memoirs, p. 123). His eldest son by his second marriage, William White- locke, entertained William III on his jour- ney to London, and was knighted by him on 10 April 1689 ( LE NEVE, p. 421). She died in 1649, and Whitelocke married, thirdly, about 1651, Mary, daughter of one Carleton, and widow of Rowland Wilson fq. v.] (Me- moirs, p. 282), by whom he had four sons and several daughters (LE NEVE, p. 422). An account of the distribution '• of his pro- perty among these different sons is given in II. H. Whitelocke's 'Life of Whitelocke' (Memoirs, pp. 457-64). An anonymous portrait of Whitelocke was lent by Mr. George Whitelocke Lloyd to the first loan exhibition at South Ken- sington in 1806 (Cat. No. 626) ; it was pur- chased by the trustees of the National Por- trait Gallery, London, in 1867. There are engraved portraits by Stent and Faithorae. Whitelocke was a very voluminous writer. His best known work, 1. ' Memorials of the English Affairs from the beginning of the Reign of Charles I to the happy Restoration of King Charles II,' was first published in 1682. A second edition, with additions, was published in 1732. The first edition was edited by Arthur Annesley, earl of Anglesea, who was the author of the preface. A re- print of the second edition in four volumes was published at Oxford by the Clarendon Press in 1853. The value of Whitelocke's work was greatly overestimated by whig writers of the next generation, who opposed it to Clarendon's * History of the Rebellion ' as being more truthful and impartial. With this object Oldmixon published his ' Claren- don and Whitelocke compared,' 1727, 8vo. In reality Whitelocke's ' Memorials ' is a compilation put together after the Restora- tion, consisting partly of extracts from news- papers, partly of extracts from Whitelocke'a autobiographical writings, and swarms with inaccuracies and anachronisms (cf. SANFORD, Studies and Illustrations of the Great Re- bellion, p. 324). 2. Whitelocke's Annals of his Life. Only portions of this work have been published. Manuscripts of it are in the possession of the Marquis of Bute and Earl De la Warr (Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. pp. 202-17). The British Museum possesses Whitelocke's history of the forty- eighth year of his age, interspersed with Scripture lectures addressed to his children (Bibl. Egerton 997, Plut,), and annals of his life from 1653 to 1656 (No. 4992). These are described in the preface to Reeve's edi- tion of Whitelocke's ' Swedish Embassy.' Ex- tracts from the annals and other autobiogra- phical writings are printed in R. H. White- locke's 'Life of Whitelocke,' 1860 (pp. 114, 124). 3. ' Journal of the Swedish Embassy in the Years 1653 and 1654.' This was first published by Dr. Charles Morton in 1772 and re-edited by Mr. Henry Reeve in 1855. It was translated into Swedish in 1777 (Up- sala, 8vo). Manuscripts of this journal and other papers relating to the embassy are in the British Museum (Nos. 4902 and 4991 A. Plut. cxxiii. H). Other manuscripts are in the possession of the Marquis of Bath and the Earl De la Warr (Hist. MSS. Comm. I 2 Whitelocke 116 Whitelocke 3rd Rep. pp. 190-217). 4. 'Notes on the King's Writ for choosing Members of Par- liament, 13 Charles II, being Disquisitions on the Government of England by King, Lords, and Commons,' published by Dr. Charles Morton in 1766 (2 vols. 4to). 5. ' Me- morials of English Affairs from the supposed Expedition of Brute to this Island to the end of the Reign of James I. By Sir Bui- strode Whitelocke, with some Account of his Life and Waitings by W. Penn, and a Preface by J. Wei wood,' 1709, fol. 6. ' Essays Ecclesiastical and Civil, to which is subjoined a Treatise of the Work of the Sessions of the Peace,' 1706, 8vo. 7. ' Quench not the Spirit, or Several Discourses, &c., with an Epistle to the Reader by W. Penn,' 1711, 8vo. Other unpublished theological works are mentioned by Mr. R. H. Whitelocke in his 1 Life of Whitelocke ' (p. 447). The following are attributed to White- locke : ' Monarchy asserted to be the best Form of Government,' 1660, 8vo ; ' A Pro- posal humbly offered for raising considerable Sums of Money yearly to His Majesty, by James Lord Mordington, Bulstrode White- locke,' 1670?, folio; two tracts on the benefit of registering deeds in England : ' The Draft of an Act for a County Register by the Lords Commissioners, Whitelocke and Lisle,' 1756, 8vo ; and ' A Proposal for pre- venting effectually the Export of Wool,' 1695, fol. < My Lord Whitelocke's Reports on Machiavel,' 1659, 4to, is a satirical pam- phlet against him. [R. H. Whitelocke's Memoirs Biographical nnd Historical of Bulstrode Whitelocke, 1860 ; Lives of all the Lord Chancellors, 1 708, 8vo ; Mor- ton's preface to Whitelocke's Swedish Embassy, also reprinted in Reeve's edition of the same work; Foss's Judges of England, 1*48-64, and Biographical Dictionary of the Judges of England, 1870; Campbell's Lives of the Lord Chancellors and Keepers of the Great Seal ; about fifty of Whitelocke's letters are printed in the Thurloe State Papers ; Hist. MSS. Comm., 5th Rep. pp. 312-13. Twenty-eight folio volumes of papers collected by Whitelocke are in the possession of the Marquis of Bath, Hist. MSS. Comm. 3rd Rep. p. 190.] C. H. F. WHITELOCKE, EDMUND (1565- 1608), courtier, born in the parish of St. •Gabriel, Fenchurch Street, London, on 10 Feb. 1564-5, was eldest son of Richard Whitelocke, merchant. The judge Sir James Whitelocke [a. v.] was a younger brother. After being educated at Merchant Taylors' school under Richard Mulcaster [q. v.], he was sent to Christ's College, Cambridge, "where he matriculated as a pensioner in j November 1581. He acquired at the uni- | versity a good knowledge of the classics and of Hebrew, and graduated B.A. in 1584-5. His brother attests that he studied law at Lincoln's Inn, and he may be identical with * Edward Whitelock of Berks ' who, accord- ing to the registers of the inn, was admitted a student on 25 Oct. 1585 (Lincoln's Inn Records, 1896, i. 102). At Whitsuntide 1587 Whitelocke left London on a foreign tour. He visited universities in Germany, Italy, and France. Subsequently he obtained a commission as captain of a troop of infantry from the governor of Provence (M. Des- guieres), and was stationed successively at Marseilles and Grenoble. He saw some ac- tive service during the civil wars in France, and soon spoke French like a native. He finally returned to England in 1599, after an absence of twelve years. Thenceforth he spent his time and such substance as re- mained to him in attendance at Elizabeth's court, and won a reputation for profuse dis- play and dissolute living. He was on terms of close intimacy with many of the younger nobility, including Roger Manners, earl of Rutland, and other followers of the Earl of Essex. Rutland invited him to visit Essex's house in London on 30 Jan. 1601, the day fixed for the Earl of Essex's insurrection. He remained in the house only a few minutes, but he incurred a suspicion of disloyalty (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1598-1601, pp. 548, 596). He was arrested as an abettor of Essex's re- bellion, and was indicted of high treason, but, though brought before the court of king's bench, was not trie'd, but allowed to go on parole before he obtained a final discharge. Subsequently he came to know Henry Percy, ninth earl of Northumberland [q. v.], whom he zealously supported in his quarrel with Sir Francis Vere in 1602. A challenge which Whitelocke carried from the earl to Sir Francis led to the issue of a warrant by the privy council for his arrest ; but Whitelocke went into hiding, and escaped capture for the time (ib. Dom. 1601-3, pp. 202-5 ; MARK- HAM, Fighting Veres, pp. 334-6). He hap- pened, however, to dine with the Earl of Northumberland and his kinsman Thomas Percy on 4 Nov. 1605, the day preceding that fixed by the conspirators for the execu- tion of the ''gunpowder plot.' Suspicion again fell on Whitelocke, and, with his host, suffered a long imprisonment in the Tower of London. No evidence was pro- duced against him, and he was released with- out trial. While a prisoner in the Tower he spent much time with the Earl of North- umberland, who granted him a pension of W)/. (afterwards raised to 60/.) Another of Whitelocke's friends was Robert Radcliffe, Whitelocke Whitelocke fifth earl of Sussex [see under RADCLIFFE, THOMAS, third EARL OF SUSSEX]. Manning- ham the diarist attributes to Whitelocke's evil influence that nobleman's scandalous neglect of his wife. Whitelocke was on a visit to the Earl of Sussex at Newhall in Essex in the autumn of 1608 when he was taken ill and died. He was buried in the family tomb of his host at Boreham. pp. Ma [Whitelocke's Liber Famelicus (Camden Soc.), . iv, 5-10 ; Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. ii. 494 ; nningham's Diary.] S. L. WHITELOCKE, SIR JAMES (1570- 1632), judge, was born on 28 Nov. 1670, the younger of posthumous twin sons of Richard Whitelocke, merchant, of London, by Joan Brockhurst, widow, daughter of John Colte of Little Munden, Hertford- fordshire. His twin-brother, William, served under Drake, and fell at sea in an engage- ment with the Spaniards. Of two other brothers, the elder, Edmund, is separately noticed. For a liberal education and the means of starting in life Whitelocke was indebted to his mother, whose care and pru- dence surmounted the difficulties in which she was involved by an unfortunate third marriage with a spendthrift merchant named John Price. She placed Whitelocke in 1575 at Merchant Taylors' school, whence, on 11 June 1588, he was elected probationer at St. John's College, Oxford. He matricu- lated on 12 July following, and was elected fellow of his college in November 1589. Besides the classics and logic, in which his tutor was Rowland Searchfieldrq.v.J (after- wards bishop of Bristol), he studied Hebrew and the cognate tongues, and under Albe- rico Gentih [q. v.]1 the civil law, in which he graduated bachelor on 1 July 1594. Among the contemporaries at Oxford with whom he formed lasting friendship were Laud, Humphreyfafterwards Sir Humphrey) May [q.v.l and Ralph (afterwards Sir Ralph) Winwood [q. v.] In London his taste and aptitude for learned research drew him into the circle of Sir Robert Bruce Cotton [a, v.], and about 1600 he joined the Society of Antiquaries. His professional studies he pursued first at New Inn, afterwards at the Middle Temple, where he was admitted on 2 March 1592-3, called to the bar in August 1600, elected bencher in Hilary term 1618-19, and reader in the following Au- gust. His reading on the statute against pluralities, 21 Henry VIII, c. B, is in Ash- molean MS. 1150, ff. 1-8. YYhitelocke was appointed steward of the St. John's College estates in 1601, steward of and counsel for Eton College on 6 Dec. 1609, and joint steward of the Westminster College estates on 7 May 1610. On 1 Aug. 1606 he was chosen recorder of WToodstock, for which borough he was returned to par- liament on 9 Feb. 1609-10. He represented the same constituency in the parliaments of 1614 and 1621-2. In parliament he took the popular side, and especially distinguished himself in the debates on impositions in 1610. He also acted as the mouthpiece of the commons on the presentation (24 May) of the remonstrance against the royal inhi- bition which terminated the discussion (see his speech in Stowe MS. 298, if. 84 et seq.) The subsequent proceedings drew from him (2 July) the masterly defence of the rights of the subject and delimitation of the royal prerogative which was long attributed to Sir Henry Yelverton [q.v.] A reprint of the argu- ment (from an edition of 1658) is in ' State Trials ' (ed. Cobbett, ii. 477 et seq.) A con- temporary summary ascribed to Whitelocke is in 'Parliamentary Debates in 1610' (Camden Soc., pp. 103 et seq. ; cf. Stowe MS. 297, ff. 89 et seq.) In 1613 Whitelocke's jealousy of prero- gative brought him into sharp collision with the crown. The administration of the navy stood in urgent need of reform, and in the winter of 1612-13 a preliminary step was taken by the issue of a commission investing the lord high admiral (Earl of Nottingham) r the lord chancellor (Ellesmere), the lord privy seal and lord chamberlain with extra- ordinary powers for the investigation of abuses and the trial of offenders. As legal adviser to Sir Robert Mansell [q. v.], who was interested in defeating the investigation, \Vhitelocke drew up a series of ' exceptions ' to the commission, in which he very strictly circumscribed the prerogative. A copy of the exceptions came into the hands of the crown lawyers, who at once suspected that they were Whitelocke's. Evidence was want- ing; but his contemporaneous opposition to the transfer of a cause in which he was re- tained from the chancery to the court of the earl marshal furnished a pretext for his com- mittal to the Fleet prison (18 May) ; and he was not released until he had made full sub- mission in writing (13 June). The detailed account which Whitelocke wrote of this affair is, unfortunately, lost ; and, as the text of the commission is also missing, it is impossible to pronounce whether his excep- tions were tenable or no. In any case, how- ever, his incarceration was a flagrant breach of counsel's privilege, which greatly in- creased his popularity. In the short parliament of 1614 White- was nominated with Sir Thomas Crew Whitelocke 118 Whifelocke [q. v.] and others to represent the commons in the projected conference with the lords. By reason of the sudden dissolution (7 June) the conference never met ; and on the day following Whitelocke and his colleagues were summoned to the council chamber, and compelled to make a holocaust of the notes of their intended speeches. Thus was lost a rich collection of material illustrative of the constitutional history of England during the reigns of the first three Edwards. In con- sequence of the disfavour in which he stood at court Whitelocke was compelled to sur- render (18 Nov. 1616) the reversion of the king's bench enrolments' office which he held jointly with Robert (afterwards Sir Robert) Heath [q. v.], by whom he was also defeated in the contest for the recordership of London in November 1618. Meanwhile, however, his professional reputation and gains in- creased. In 1616 he purchased the fine estate of Fawley Court, Buckinghamshire, which gave him the rank of a county magnate. He was placed on the commission of the peace for Buckinghamshire on 27 Nov. 1617, and for Oxfordshire on 7 May 1618. On 12 Jan. 1618-19 he was appointed deputy custos rotulorum for the liberties of Westminster and St. Martin's-le-Grand. Notwithstanding political jars, White- locke stood, on the whole, well with Bacon, to whom he owed his investiture with the coif (29 June 1620) and subsequent advance- ment (29 Oct.) to the then important posi- tion of chief justice of the court of session of the county palatine of Chester, and the great sessions of the counties of Montgomery, Denbigh, and Flint ; upon which he was knighted. Shortly afterwards he was elected recorder by each of the four boroughs of Bewdley in Worcestershire, Ludlow and Bishop's Castle in Shropshire, and Poole in Cheshire. Differences with the president of the council in the Welsh marches (Lord Northampton) led to Whitelocke's trans- ference from the Chester court to the king's bench, where he was sworn in as justice on 18 Oct. 1624. He had also a commission to hear causes in chancery, and sat once in the Star-chamber. He was continued in office by Charles I, by whom he was much re- snected. In the following autumn it fell to him, as junior judge in his court, to discharge the hazardous duty of adjourning term dur- ing the plague. To escape from the contagion he drove, halting only at Hyde Park Corner to dine, in his coach from Horton, near Colnbrook, Buckinghamshire, toWestminster Hall, and, after hurrying through the neces- sary forms, re-entered his coach and drove back to Horton. In November 1626 Whitelocke concurred with Sir Ranulph Crew [q. v.l in declining to certify the legality of forced loans. He did not, however, scruple to give the king the benefit of the doubt in the case of the five knights [see DARNELL, SIR THOMAS]. The bench at that date enjoyed as little in- dependence of parliament as of the crown ; and the remand was not allowed to pass without the citation of the judges to the House of Lords to answer for their conduct. They obeyed, and through Whitelocke's mouth condescended to put a false gloss on their order by representing it as only in- tended to allow time for further considera- tion (see COBBETT, State Trials, iii. 161, and Parl. Hist. ii. 289). In February 1628-9 the House of Commons saw fit to inquire into the release of the supposed Jesuits re- cently discovered in Clerkenwell. White- locke, as one of the judges who had examined them, was cited to'justify the release, which he did on the ground that there was no evi- dence that the prisoners were in priest's^ orders. The stormy scenes which preceded the dissolution of this parliament (10 March) and the subsequent committal of Sir John Eliot [q. v.] and his friends to the Tower brought the judges once more into close and delicate relations both with the crown and with parliament. The evasion by the three common-law chiefs of the issues submitted to them by the king [see HEATH, SIR RO- BERT, and WALTER, SIR JOHN] was followed by the reference of substantially the same questions to the entire common-law bench (25 April). The points of law were again evaded, but eleven out of the twelve judges sanctioned proceedings in the Star-chamber. Of the eleven Whitelocke was one. He also concurred in the pusillanimous course taken after the argument upon the writs of habeas corpus, the application by letter to the king for directions, and the remand of the prisoners pending his answer (June). This was much against Whitelocke's grain, and at a private audience of the king at Hampton Court on Michaelmas day he obtained nis consent to the enlargement of the prisoners upon secu- rity given for their good behaviour, a con- cession which they unanimously rejected. On the trial Whitelocke concurred in the judgment. He died at Fawley Court on '2'2 June 1632. His remains were interred in Fawley churchyard, and honoured by filial piety with a splendid marble monu- ment. His estates were exempted by the Long parliament from liability to contribute to the fund for making reparation to Eliot and his fellow-sufferers. By his wife (married 9 Sept. 1602) Eliza- Whitelocke 119 Whitelocke beth, eldest daughter of Edward Bulstrod of Hedgerly Bulstrode, Buckinghamshire Whitelocke had, with female issue, a son Bulstrode, who is separately noticed. \\ hitelocke retained throughout life the tastes and accomplishments of the scholar His son records that on one occasion his Latin served him to expound from the bench witl perspicuity and elegance the course of lega proceedings to some distinguished foreigners who happened to be present at the assizes (WHITELOCKE, Memorials, ed. 1732, p. 18) Several papers by him, communicated to the Society of Antiquaries, are printed in Hearne's ' Collection of Curious Discourses (ed. 1771). Their titles are: (1) 'Of the Antiquity and Office of Heralds in England; (2) l Of the Antiquity, Use, and Privilege of Places for Students and Professors of the Common Laws of England ; ' (3) ' Of the Antiquity, Use, and Ceremony of Lawfu Combats in England ; ' (4) ' Our Certain and Definite Topographical Dimensions in Eng- land compared with those of the Greeks and Latins set down in order as they arise in quantity.' His ' Liber Famelicus,' or jour- nal, was edited by John Bruce, F.S.A., for the Camden Society in 1858. He was also author of ' A History of the Parliament of England and of some Resemblances to the Jewish and other Councils,' which is pre- served among the Ashburnham manuscripts (see Hist. MSS. Comm. 8th Rep. App. iii. 20). His charge to the grand jury of Ches- ter, 10 April 1621, is in Harleian MS. 583, f. 48. [The Liber Famelicus ; Le Neve's Pedigrees of Knights (Harl. Soc.), p. 426 ; Croke's Geneal. Hist, of the Croko Family, i. 630; Croke's Rep. ed. Leach, Car. pp. 117, 268 ; Whitelocke's Mem. ed. 1732, pp. 13-15, 37 ; Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, ii. 537, Fasti, i. 266 ; Merchant Tay- lors'School Reg. ed. Robinson; Foster's Alumni Oxon.; Fam. Min. Gent. (Harl. Soc.) iii. 1125, Registers (Harl. Soc.) v. 133 ; Li psco in b's Buck- inghamshire, iii. 561; Clutterbuck's Hertford- shire, i. 204 ; Cussans's Hertfordshire, ii. (Broad- water) 136 ; Ormerod's Cheshire, ed. Helsby, i. 65; Members of Parl. (Official Lists); Win- wood's Mem. iii. 460; Hist. MSS. Comm. 5th Rep. App. p. 312, 8th Rep. App. i. 638, 12th Rep. App. i. 172, 207, ii. 68, and 13th Rep. App. vii. 72; Spedding's Life of Bacon, iv. 346-57; Oil. State Papers, Dom. 1611-33; Nichols's Progr. James I, iii. 618; Documents connected \vith the History of Ludlow, &c., p. 240; Camdon Misc. vols. ii. and iv.; Chetham Misc. ii. 35; Court and Times of James I, i. 121, ii. 105,214; Court and Times of Charles I, i. 164; Cob- bett's State Trials, iii. 287, 307 ; Parl. Hist. i. 1173; Stowe MS. 1045, ff. 58, 182; Vit» Selectse quorundam Eruditissimorum ac Illus- triiini Virurum (17H),p. 455; Forster's Life of Sir John Kliot; Foss's Lives of the Judges; Gardiner's Hist, of England.] J. M. R. WHITELOCKE, JOHN (1757-1833) lieutenant-general, born in 1757, was the son of John Whitelocke, steward to the fourth Earl of Aylesbury, and probably a descend- ant of Bulstrode Whitelocke [a. v.] His mother died at Ramsbury, Wiltshire, on 7 June 1809 (Gent. Mag. 1809, i. 589), and was buried as Sarah Liddiard (alias White- locke). He was educated at Marlborough grammar school, was placed by Lord Ayles- bury at Lochee's military academy at Chel- sea, and obtained through Lord Barrington a commission as ensign in the 14th foot on 14 Dec. 1778. Owing to his previous train- ing he was appointed adjutant to a battalion of flank companies a few months afterwards. He was promoted lieutenant on 26 April 1780 and went to Jamaica with his regiment in 1782. Soon afterwards he married a daugh- ter of William Lewis of Cornwall, Jamaica, while another daughter was married to his brother officer, afterwards Sir Robert Brown- rigg [q.v.], who became military secretary and quartermaster-general. Matthew Lewis, his brother-in-law, was deputy secretary at war, and Whitelocke is said to have owed much to his influence. He obtained a company in the 36th foot on 12 May 1784, and a majority in one of the newly raised battalions of the 60th on 2 Oct. 1788. He went with it Lo the West Indies, and on 30 March 1791 tie became lieutenant-colonel of the 13th foot, :hen stationed in Jamaica. In September 1793, when the French part of San Domingo was in insurrection, he was sent thither with lis own regiment and some other troops, with the local rank of colonel. He landed at Feremie on the 19th with nearly seven hun- dred men. On the 22nd the fort at the mole )f Cape St. Nicholas surrendered. On 4 Oct. le made an attempt on Tiburon, but the pro- mised co-operation of French planters failed lim, and he was repulsed. Yellow fever soon roke out and reduced his small force, but at the end of the year it was joined by nearly ight hundred men from Jamaica. On 2 Feb. 794 a fresh atteinnt was made on Tiburon, nd proved successful. He next tried to ob- ain possession of Port de la Paix by bribing ts commander, Lavaux, but his offers were ndignantly refused (Annual Register, 1794, >p. 174-5). On 19 Feb. he stormed Fort Acul, which was an obstacle to an attack n Port-au-Prince. On 19 May Bri^adier- eneral Whyte arrived with three regiments nd took the chief command. Whitelocke >ecame quartermaster-general, but he stipu- Whitelocke 120 Whitelocke lated that he should be allowed to lead the principal column in the attack on Port-au- Prince, and did so * with the greatest gal- lantry' on 4 June. He was sent home with despatches, and Major (after wards Sir Brent) Spencer expressed, on behalf of the troops, their hope that they might again serve under an officer ' who carries with him such uni- versal approbation and so well earned ap- plause' (Trial, App. p. 67). He was made brevet colonel on 21 Aug. 1795, colonel of the 6th West India regiment on 1 Sept., and brigadier on 10 Sept. After further service in the West Indies he was appointed bri- gadier-general in Guernsey on 12 Jan. 1798, and lieutenant-governor of Portsmouth on 29 May 1799. He was promoted major- general on 18 June 1798, and lieutenant- general on 30 Oct. 1805. Shortly after this he was made inspector-general of recruiting. In 1806 General Beresford [see BERESFORD, WILLIAM CARR, VISCOUNT BERESFORD], with only twelve hundred men, had gained posses- sion of Buenos Ayres, but had been after- wards forced to surrender. The British go- vernment, in deference to the popular cry for new markets, determined to send a large force to recover it, and on 24 Feb. 1807 Whitelocke was appointed to the command. He was also to undertake the civil govern- ment of the province when recovered. More than five thousand men had already been sent to Rio de la Plata, under Sir Samuel Auch- muty [q. v.], and a corps of four thousand, under Brigadier Robert Craufurd, which was on its way to Chili, was to join them. Re- inforcements from England would raise the total to eleven thousand men, of which not more than eight thousand were to be perma- nently retained. Whitelocke, accompanied by Major-general John Leveson-Gower as second in command, reached Montevideo on 10 May, and on 15 June Craufurd's corps arrived. Whitelocke did not wait for the troops from England. He left a garrison of 1,350 men at Montevideo, and on 28-9 June the army landed on the right bank of the river, at the Ensenada de Barragon, about thirty miles below Buenos Ayres. It con- sisted of nine battalions of infantry, two and a half regiments of cavalry (of which only 150 men were mounted), and sixteen field- guns, and numbered 7,822 rank and file. The march was delayed by swamps, which caused a loss of guns and stores, but on 2 July the advanced guard under Gower forded the Chuello, drove the Spanish troops back into Buenos Ayres, and took up a posi- tion in the southern suburb. They were joined on the afternoon of the 3rd by the main body, which had been misled by their guide. The town had a garrison of about six thousand and a population of seventy thousand. It was cut up into squares by streets 140 yards apart, parallel and perpen- dicular to the river. It was unfortified, but the streets were barricaded. Whitelocke's intention had been to establish himself on the west of it, with his left on the river, land guns, and bombard it. But he wished to save time, as the rains were impending, and to avoid alienating the inhabitants, so he determined to take it by assault. At 6.30 A.M. on the 5th eight battalions, formed in thirteen columns, entered the town with arms unloaded. They were to make their way, if possible, to the river by parallel streets, and occupy blocks of houses there. They were to avoid the central part of the town, the fort, and the great square, and to incline outwards, if at all. The columns on the right got possession of the Residencia, those on the left of the Plaza de los Toros ; but in the centre the 88th regiment and the light brigade (under Craufurd) met with stouter resistance from troops in the streets, and from the inhabitants on the tops of their houses. They found themselves isolated, and unable to advance or retire, and at length surrendered. Next morning White- locke received a proposal from the Spanish commander, Liniers, that hostilities should cease, that the prisoners on both sides should be restored, and that the British should evacuate the province, Montevideo included, within two months. If the attack were re- newed, Liniers could not answer for the safety of the prisoners. Of these there were 1,676, and the total British loss was 2,500. Doubtful whether a fresh attack would be i successful, and convinced that if it were the i object of the expedition was no longer at- j tamable, and that the prisoners' lives would ; be sacrificed to no purpose, Whitelocke, after j consulting Gower and Auchmuty, accepted Liniers's terms. The troops withdrew from Buenos Ayres on the 12th, and from Monte- video on 9 Sept. The indignation of soldiers and traders alike was unbounded. ' General Whitelocke is either a coward or a traitor, perhaps both !' was written up at the corners of the streets of Montevideo (WHITTING- HAM, p. 22). ' Success to grey hairs, but bad luck to white locks,' became a favourite toast among the men. Whitelocke reached England on 7 Nov., and on 28 Jan. 1808 he was brought before a court-martial at Chelsea. He was charged with, first, excluding the hope of amicable accommodation by demanding the surrender of persons holding civil offices at Buenos Ayres; secondly, not making the military Whitelocke 121 Whiter arrangements best calculated to ensure suc- cess; thirdly, not making any effectual attempt to co-operate with or support the different columns when engaged in the streets ; fourthly, concluding a treaty by which he unnecessarily and shamefully surrendered the advantages he had gained at heavy cost, and delivered up the fortress of Montevideo. The trial lasted seven weeks, and on 18 March the court found him guilty of all the charges, with the exception of that part of the second charge which related to the order that ' the columns should be unloaded, and that no firing should be permitted on any account,' to which they attached no blame. They sen- tenced him to be cashiered. The sentence was confirmed by the king, and ordered to be read out to every regiment in the service. Whitelocke had much to urge in his defence. The expedition had been sent Out under the profoundly false impression that the inhabi- tants would be friendly, from experience of 'the difference between the oppressive do- minion of Spain and the benign and protecting government of his Majesty.' The season and the swamps embarrassed him. The plan of assault was drawn up by Gower, and none of the other officers raised any objection to it, or showed any doubt of its success. Had Craufurd fallen back on the Residencia, as Pack, who knew the place, advised, the town would probably have been surrendered next day. But Whitelocke had shown' himself incom- petent throughout; infirm of purpose and wanting in resource, prone to lean on others, yet jealous of his own authority. He left a rearguard of sixteen hundred men idle, on the east of the Chuello, during the assault, and he himself remained passive all day, and went back to his headquarters to dine and sleep, without making any serious attempt to learn what had happened to his columns on the right. In the words of the general order, he was ' deficient in zeal, judgment, and personal exertion.' People asked how he came to be ap- pointed. According to Lord Holland, who was in the cabinet, he was an opponent to A\ indham's plan of limited enlistment, and \\ indhain wished to get rid of him as in- spector-general of recruiting (Memoirs of the Whig Party, ii. 116). But Windham him- self mentions that he suggested Sir John Stuart (of Maida), and the choice seems to have been mainly due to the Duke of York ( \VIXDHAM, Diary, p. 467). He spent the rest of his life in retirement, latterly at Clifton. He died on 23 Oct. 1833 at Hall Barn Park, Beaconsfield, Buck- inghamshire, the. seat of Sir Gore Ouseley [q. v.l, who had married his eldest daughter. Another daughter was married to Captain George Burdett, R.N. He was buried in the west aisle of Bristol Cathedral. [Georgian Era, ii. 475; Records of the 13th Regiment; Bryan Edwards's Hist, of the British West Indies, iii. 1 65-60; War Office Original Correspondence, No. 43, P.R.O. (1807, Buenos Ayres and Montevideo) ; Trial at large of General Whitelocke, 1808; Craufurd's Life of Craufurd ; Memoirs of Sir Samuel Ford Whit- tingham; Memoirs of M. G. Lewis; Erskine Neale's Risen from the Ranks, p. 67-95 ; Notes and Queries, 1st ser. ix. 201, 455, x. 54, 8th ser. xii. 492 ; Gent. Mag. 1833, ii. 475.] E. M. L. WHITER.WALTER(1758-1832),philo- logist, born at Birmingham on 30 Oct. 1758, was at school under Dr. Edwards for ten years at Coventry, where Robert Bree, M.D. [q. v.], was a fellow-pupil. He was admitted at Clare College, Cambridge, on 19 June 1776 as sizar, and graduated B.A. 1781, M.A. 1784, but did not go out in honours. On 4 April 1782 he was elected a fellow of Clare, probably on account of his reputation for classical and philological knowledge. He lived in his rooms in college from 1782 to 1797. Person was one of his intimate friends, and often wrote notes on the margin of Whiter's books. Whiter's nephew pos- sessed a copy of ' Athenseus,' once the pro- perty of his uncle, with these annotations (WATSON, Porson, pp. 31-2). Person in 1 786 added some notes of his own and of Whiter to an edition by Hutchinson of Xenophon's 'Anabasis' (ib. p. 49). These were issued separately from Valpy's press in 1810, and George Townsend added them to his edition of 1823. Whiter was presented by his college in 1797 to the rectory of Hardingham in Norfolk, and held the benefice until his death. His sense of clerical decorum was the reverse of strict. Baron Merian, in a letter to Dr. Samuel Butler of Shrewsbury school, writes : ' I pity Whiter. A great etymologist, perhaps the greatest that ever lived. A genius certainly, but it seems, like most eminent artists, dissolute ' (BUTLER, Life and Letters, i. 186). Every year on 23 April, the day of St. George (titular saint of Hardingham church), it was his harmless practice to collect his friends at a picnic under a beech on a hillock called St. George's Mount, and to claim from each of them an appropriate poem in Latin or English. A specimen of his verses on one of these occa- sions is in the ' Gentleman's Magazine ' (1816, i. 542-3). He died at Hardingham rectory on 23 July 1832, aged 73 years (Norfolk Chro- nicle, 4 Aug. 1832), and was buried in its Whiter 122 Whiteside churchyard on 30 July, a large railed-iu tomb being erected to his memory. A bust of him is in the library at Clare College. Whiter wrote: 1. 'A Specimen of a Commentary on Shakspeare, containing (i.) Notes on " As you like it ; " (ii.) Attempt to explain and illustrate various Passages on a new Principle derived from Locke's Doctrine of the Association of Ideas,' 1794, pronounced by Mathias ' very learned and sagacious ' (Pursuits of Lit. 1798 edit. Dia- logue i. pp. 98-9). By 1819 he had collected sufficient matter for two or three volumes of notes. 2. ' Etymologicon Magnum,' a universal etymological dictionary on a new plan, Cambridge, 1800, part i. ; no more pub- lished. In his preface he enlarged on the value of the gipsy language. These views and his word-speculations interested George Borrow, who made his acquaintance and in- troduced him, as understanding some twenty- languages, into ' Lavengro,' 1851 edit. vol. i. chap. xxiv. (Notes and Queries, 3rd ser. vi. 370 ; KNAPP, George Borrow, ii. 5). Jeffrey wrote two articles on the ' Etymologicon Magnum ' in the * Monthly Review ' (June and July 1802), assigning to Whiter * much labour and shrewdness, with a considerable share of credulity.' 3. ' Etymologicon Uni- versale,or Universal Etymological Dictionary on a New Plan/ vols. i. and ii. 1822, vol. iii. 1825. These three large quarto volumes were partly printed at the cost of the University Press. The first volume was originally issued in 1811, and the preface to the first volume in the collected edition of 1822-5 still retains the date of 15 May 1811. In this work- Whiter set out that ' consonants are alone to be regarded in discovering the affinities of words, and that the vowels are to be wholly rejected ; that languages contain the same fundamental idea, and that they are derived from the earth.' Baron Merian styled it ' splendid, a very fine book indeed ' (BuiLER, Life and Letters, i. 185). 4. ' A Dissertation on the Disorder of Death, or that State called Suspended Animation,' 1819. In this he tried to show how the apparently dead should be treated with a view to their restoration to life. In the ad- vertisement at the end he announced ' a series of essays to be called " Nova Tenta- mina Mythologica, or Attempts to unfold j various Portions of Mythology by a new Principle.' These, and other manuscripts of WThiter, are now in the Cambridge Univer- sity Library (Cat. of C'ambr. Libr. MSS. iv. 521, 543-4). [Gent. Mag. 1832, ii. 185; Cockburn'a Lord Jeffrey, i. 127-8; three letters from Whiter to Dr. Samuel Butler in Additional M8S. (Brit. Mus.) 34585 ff. 200, 205 and 34587 f. 195 (ib. i. 234-5, 237-40); information from the Kev. Dr. Atkinson, Clare College, Cambridge, and the Kev. C. S. Isaacson of Hardingham rectory.1 W. P. C. WHITESIDE, JAMES (1804-1876), lord chief justice of Ireland, was born on 12 Aug. 1804 at Delgany, co. Wicklow, of which parish his father, William Whiteside, was curate. Shortly after Whiteside's birth his father removed to Rath mines, near Dub- lin, where he died in 1806. Mrs. White- side was left in narrow circumstances, but she was devoted to her children, and to her the boy was indebted for much of his early education. He entered Trinity College, Dublin, in 1822, and graduated B.A. in 1832. In 1829 he entered as a law student at the Inner Temple, and in 1830 he was called to the Irish bar. He did not attempt to prac- tise during his first year, preferring to study law in the chambers of Joseph Chitty [q. v.] While studying for the bar Whiteside occu- pied his leisure by contributing to the maga- zines a series of sketches, mostly of legal personages, much in the style of the ' Sketches Legal and Political ' of Richard Lalor Sheil [q. v.] These papers, which are written in a lively manner and evince considerable powers of observation, were collected and republished in 1870 under the title of * Early Sketches of Eminent Persons.' Among his subjects were James Scarlett, lord Abinger [q. v.l Thomas Denman, first lord Denman [q. v.J, Sir Charles Wetherell [q. v.], and William Conyngham, first lord PI unket[q.v.J From 1831 Whiteside's progress at his pro- fession was rapid, and he was made a queen's counsel in 1842. Rapidly gaining a reputa- tion for an eloquence which recalled the tra- ditional forensic splendours of Curran, Plun- ket, and Burke, his speech in defence of O'Connell in the state trials of 1843 placed him in front of all his contemporaries at the Irish bar. Shortly after the O'Connell trials White- side's health obliged him temporarily to re- linquish his profession. He visited Italy, and, taking much interest as well in the affairs of the peninsula as in the antiquities of Rome, he wrote and published his ' Italy in the Nineteenth Century,' 1848, 3 vols., and translated Luigi Canina's * Indicazione topografica di Roma Antica in Corrisppn- denza dell' epoca imperiale ' under the title 1 Vicissitudes of the Eternal City.' Return- ing to active work, Whiteside acted as lead- ing counsel for the defence of William Smith O'Brien [q.v.] and his fellow-prisoners in the state trials at Clonmel in 1848. Three years later (1851) he entered parliament as conser- Whiteside 123 Whitfeld vative member for Enniskillen. In 1859 he was chosen as one of the representatives of Dublin University, and held this position until his elevation to the bench. Whit. - side's striking talent as a speaker made him a valuable accession to his party in the House of Commons, and on the formation of Lord Derby's first administration in 1862 he was appointed solicitor-general for Ireland, his brother-in-law, (Sir) Joseph Napier [q. v.], being attorney-general. In the same pre- mier's second government Whiteside filled the office of attorney-general. During the liberal administration (1859-66) Whiteside was in opposition ; but, despite the claims of his profession, he was able to devote much of his time to his parliamentary duties, and took an eminent part in the counsels of the conservative opposition. He attained a high position in the House of Commons, where his eloquence, wit, and geniality made him popular with all parties. In 1861, on his return to London after the marvellous speech in the celebrated Yelverton case — the most famous of all his forensic efforts — Whiteside received a remarkable compli- ment, being greeted with general cheers as he entered the House of Commons for the first time after the conclusion of the trial. On the return of Lord Derby to office in 1866 Whiteside was again appointed attorney- general, but shortly afterwards accepted the office of chief justice of the queens bench in Ireland, on the retirement of Thomas Langlois Lefroy [q. v.] Whiteside's talents were rhetorical and forensic rather than judicial ; and though he brought to his high position great personal dignity and the charm of a singularly attractive personality, he was not very successful as a judge. lie presided in the queen's bench division for ten years ; but the last of these were clouded by ill-health. He died at Brighton on 25 Nov. 1876, and was buried at Mount Jerome cemetery near Dublin. He married, in July 1833, Rosetta, daughter of William Napier and sister of Sir Joseph Napier [q. v.], sometime lord chancellor of Ireland. \\ hiteside's is one of the most brilliant names in the annals of the Irish bar. He was unapproached in point of eloquence by any of his contemporaries, and his powerful personality, at once winning and command- ing, gave him an almost unexampled pre- eminence. His forensic style has been de- scribed as * impetuously burying facts and law under a golden avalanche of discursive eloquence ; ' and his parliamentary oratory has been praised by Lord Lytton in his poem of ' St. Stephen's.' In person he was tall and gracefully proportioned. There is a statue of Whiteside in the hall of the Four Courts at Dublin, by Woolner. [Webb's Compendium of Irish Biography ; Annual Register, 1870; Dublin Univ. Mag. xxxiii. 326, xxxv. 213: Temple Bar, xiii. 264; Remains of Sir Joseph Napier ; Todd's Catalogue of Graduates, Dublin Univ. ; Law Magazine and Review, May 1877; O'Flanagan's Irish Bar; Brooke's Recollections of the Irish Church, 2nd ser.] C. L. F. WHITFELD or WHITFIELD, HENRY (d. 1660?), divine, is said by Ma- ther to have been second son of Ralph Whit- feld of Gray's Inn, by Dorothy, daughter of Sir Henry Spelman [q. v.1 He was more probably son of Thomas Whitfeld, lord of the manor of East Sheen and of Mortlake, who was licensed to marry Mildred Manning of Greenwich on 10 Jan. 1585 (Addit. MS. 27984, f. 206). He appears to have taken holy orders, is described as B.D., and is said to have been appointed to the rich living of Ockley, Surrey, in 1616, although the regi- ster there contains no mention of his induc- tion. Mather (Hist, of New England, 1853, i. 592) says that, possessing a fair estate of his own besides the rectory, he put ' another godly minister ' in at Ockley, and went about preaching in the neighbourhood for twenty years as a conformist. As Nicholas Cul- pepper was instituted on 14 Sept. 1615, and the next rector, Hubert Nowell, on 15 Jan. 1638-9, this may have been the case. Whit- feld wrote during this period ' Some Helpes to stirre up to Christian Duties ' (2nd edit, corrected and enlarged, London, 1634 ; 3rd edit. 1636). In 1639 Whitfield, who had become a nonconformist at the same time as Cotton, and refused to read the * Book of Sports,' resigned the rectory, sold his estate, and, accompanied by a number of his hearers from Surrey, Sussex, and Kent, embarked in May for New England. In July 1639 they landed at Newhaven, ' the first ship that ever cast anchor in that port,' and founded Guildford, Connecticut, Whitfield being the wealthiest of the six settlers who purchased the land. One of the first houses built was Whit- field's, called ' the Stone House ' (figured in APPLETON'S Cyclop, of American Biogr.} Members increased but slowly until 1643, when seven 'pillars' were chosen to draw up a doctrine of faith. After eleven years at Guildford, Whitfield returned to Eng- land. He settled at Winchester, where he became a member of the corporation. Brook says he died about 1660. By his wife, who came from Cranbrook, Whitfield had nine children, baptised at Ockley between 1619 and 1635. Whitfeld 124 Whitford Besides 'Some Helpes,' Whitfield was author of ' The Light appearing more and more towards the Perfect Day, or a Farther Discovery of the Present State of the In- dians in New England concerning the Pro- gresse of the Gospel amongst them ' (Lon- don, 1651, 4to ; reprinted in ' Massachusetts Historical Collections,' 3rd ser. vol. iv., and in Sabin's ' Reprints,' 1865, 4to). This was followed by 'Strength out of Weakness' (London, 1652, 4to), an account of the further progress of the Gospel in New Eng- land. [Brook's Lives of the Puritans, iii. 373; Savage's Geneal. Diet, of First Settlers, iv. 517 ; Sprague's Annals of the American Pulpit, i. 100 ; Proceedings of the Two Hundred and Fiftieth Anniversary of the Settlement of Guildford, Newhaven, 1889, pp. 49, 75, 149, 257, 262; Ruggle's Hist, of Guildford in Mass. Hist. Coll. iv. 183 ; Appleton's Cyclopaedia of American Biography, vol. vi.; Drake's American Biogr. ; information from the Rev. F. Marshall of Ock- ley.] C. F. S. WHITFELD, JOHN CLARKE- (1770- 1836), organist and composer, son of John Clarke (d. 17 Sept. 1802) of Malmesbury, Wiltshire, was born on 13 Dec. 1770 at Gloucester, and adopted by letters patent in 1814 the family name of his mother, Am- phillis (d. 10 Nov. 181 3), daughter of Henry Whitfeld of The Bury, Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. After a musical training at Oxford under Dr. Philip Hayes, Clarke-Whitfeld obtained in 1789 the post of organist in the parish church of Ludlow, and married in the fol- lowing year. In 1793 he took the Mus. Bac. degree at Oxford. In 1794 he suc- ceeded Richard Langton as organist and master of the choristers at Armagh Cathe- dral for three years; on 17 March 1798 he was appointed choirmaster of St. Patrick's Cathedral and Christ Church, Dublin, after obtaining in 1795 the honorary degree of Mus. Doc. at Dublin University. His earliest glees and sonatas were written and partly Sublished in Ireland ; but the unsettled con- ition of the country at length induced him to resign his posts, and, returning to Eng- land, he settled at Cambridge, becoming organist and choirmaster to Trinity and St. John's colleges. To the masters and fellows were dedicated his three volumes, ' Services and Anthems ' (London, 1800-5). This col- lection was afterwards reprinted with a sup- plementary fourth volume, about 1840, by Novello, who also re-edited in various forms others of Clarke-Whitfeld's sacred works. In 1799 Clarke-Whitfeld was granted the degree Mus. Doc. Cambridge ad eundem from Dublin ; and in 1810 he was incorporated Mus. Doc. at Oxford. In 1821 , on the death of Dr. Hague, Whitfeld was appointed pro- fessor of music to the university of Cambridge, a post which he held until his death. To make leisure for composition he retired to the village of Chesterton, where he set to music many of Sir Walter Scott's verses. In the course of some amicable correspon- dence with the musician, Scott pleaded his ' wretched ear,' but seemed gratified by the great flow of music inspired by his ballads and poems. He was now and then at pains to forward his manuscript to Whitfeld, so that words and music should see the light simultaneously (Annual Biography). Whit- feld worked only less industriously on the poems of Byron, Moore, and Joanna Baillie, setting their words to music in some hundred songs and part-songs. About 1814 he pub- lished two volumes of 'Twelve Vocal Pieces/ for which original material was contributed by these and other poets. " From 1820 to 1833 Whitfeld was organist and choirmaster of Hereford Cathedral, being frequently retained at the Three Choirs Fes- tivals to conduct or to preside at the piano. At the Hereford festival of 1822 he produced his oratorio, ' The Crucifixion,' and at that of 1825 its continuation, * The Resurrection ' (published London, 1835). Whitfeld died at Holmer, near Hereford, on 22 Feb. 1836. A mural tablet records his burial in the bishop's cloisters, Hereford Cathedral. Whitfeld's work was excellently adapted to the end he had in view, and to the wants of the period. His scores were musicianly and agreeable, and, like his songs, attained popularity. He did pioneer work in editing the scores of Purcell, Arne, and Handel, and his collections of ' Favourite Anthems ' (1805) and 'Single and Double Chants* (1810) were compiled with judgment. [Grove's Dictionary, i. 365, iv. 592 ; preface to vol. ii. Clarke's Anthems; Annals of the Three Choirs, pp. 106 et seq. ; Anmial Bio- graphy, 1837, p. 139; HavergaPs Hereford, p. 102; Clutterbuck's Hertfordshire, 1815, i. 190; Abdy Williams's Degrees in Music; Whitfeld's works; private information.] L. M. M. WHITFORD, DAVID (1626-1674), soldier and scholar, born in 1626, was the fourth son of Walter Whitford [q. v.l, bi- shop of Brechin. He was educated at Westminster, where he was elected a queen's scholar on a royal warrant dated 21 March 1639-40 (Cat. State Papers, Dom. 1639- 1640, p. 567), and matriculated from Christ Church, Oxford, graduating B. A. on 30 March 1647, and M.A. on 14 Jan. 1660- Whitford Whitford 1661. On the outbreak of the civil war he espoused the king's cause and ' bore arms with the garrison of Oxford.' Inconsequence he was deprived of his studentship by the parliamentary visitors in 1648, and returned to Scotland. There he attached himself to Charles II, and became an officer in his army. He took part in the battle of Wor- cester on 3 Sept. 1651, was wounded, taken prisoner, carried to Oxford, and conveyed thence to London, where his friends' impor- tunity obtained his release (cf. ib. 1651-2, §. 11). He found himself in a state of istress from which he was relieved by (Sir) Edward Bysshe [q.v.], Garter king-of-arms. He obtained employment as an usher in Whitefriars in the school of the poet, James Shirley [q. v.], and in November 1658 was entered as a student of the Inner Temple. On the Restoration he was reinstated in his studentship by the visitors, but, finding himself disabled from holding it by the college statutes, he petitioned Charles II in December 1660 to grant him a dispensation (ib. 1660-1 , p. 432). On 26 July 1666 he was appointed chaplain to Lord George Douglas's regiment of foot (ib. 1665-6, p. 540). He afterwards became chaplain to John Mait- land, duke of Lauderdale [q. v.] In 1672 he officiated as minister to the Scottish regi- ment in France (Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. ii. 448 a), and in 1673 he was appointed rector of Middleton Tyas in Yorkshire. He died suddenly in his chambers at Christ Church on 26 Oct. 1674, and was buried on the following day in the south transept of the cathedral, near his elder brother, Adam. Whitford was an excellent scholar, and published * Mussel, Moschi, et Bionis quee extant omnia, quibus accessere quaedam selectiora Theocriti Eidyllia,' Latin and Greek, London, 1655, 4to ; republished with a new title-page in 1659. The work con- tained a dedication to Bysshe. He also translated into Latin three treatises by Sir Edward Bysshe, entitled ' Note in auatuor Libros Nicholai Upton, de Studio Alilitari ' [see UPTOX, NICHOLAS], ' Notae in Johannis de Bado Aureo Libellum de Armis,' and ' Note in Henrici Spelmanni Aspilogiam ' [see SPELMAN, SIR HENEY], which were published in one volume in 1654, London, lol. The last had been previously prefixed to Spelman's ' Aspilogia ' in 1650. Whit- ford was the author of an appendix to Wishart's ' Compleat History of the Wars in Scotland under the Conduite of James, Marquess of Montrose,' 1660, and of some complimentary verses prefixed to Francis Goldsmith's 'Hugo Grotius his Sophom- paneas, or loseph,' 1652. [Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 742, 1016-18, 1220; Welch's Alumni Westmon. 1852, p. 118; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1500- 1714; Walker's Sufferings of the Clergy, 1714, ii. 109; Scott's Fasti Eccles. Scoticanse in. ii. 890 ; Dalton's Army Lists, 1892, i. 71 ; Wood's Hist, and Antiq. of the Colleges of Oxford, ed. Crutch, p. 513; Members admitted to the Inner Temple, 1547-1660, p. 373.] E. I. C. WHITFORD or WHYTFORD, RI- CHARD (Jl. 1495-1555?), 'the wretch of Syon,' obtained his name probably from Whytford, near Holywell, in Flint, where his uncle, Richard Whitford, possessed pro- perty. Wood states that he studied at Ox- ford, but this can have been only a tem- porary visit, since he was elected a fellow of Queens' College, Cambridge, about 1495. He was given leave of absence by his college for five years in 1496-7 that he might attend William Blount, fourth lord Mountjoy [q.v.], as chaplain and confessor, on the continent. In that capacity he received at Paris a letter from Erasmus, Lord Mountjoy's tutor, written shortly before 4 Feb. 1497, probably from the Chateau Tournahens, where Erasmus was staying. Erasmus addresses Whitford as his ' dear friend Richard,' and encourages him in his study of philosophy. In 1498 tutor, chaplain, and pupil returned to Eng- land; and perhaps at this time Whitford visited Oxford with Erasmus. Soon after- wards he became chaplain to Richard Foxe rq.v.l bishop of Winchester ; and Roper, in his 'Life of More,' reports that in 1504 he encouraged More in his resistance to Henry VH's exactions. The speech against Foxe ascribed to Whitford sounds apocry- phal, but the closeness of his friendship with More is attested by a letter written from 'the country,' 1 May 1506, by Erasmus during his second visit to England. He sends Whitford a Latin declamation com- posed against the 'Pro Tyrannicida' of Lucian. This Whitford is to compare with a similar effort of More's, and to decide which is better. The letter contains an enthusiastic estimate of More's abilities. It states that Whitford used to affirm Erasmus and More to be ' so alike in wit, manners, affections, and pursuits, that no pair of twins could be found more so.' It concludes, 'Both of us certainly you equally love ; to both you are equally dear.' The letter occurs in the editions of these declamations which were printed with the translations from Lucian (e.g. Ludani Optiscu/a, Leyden, 1528, p. 210). It forms the dedicatory epistle of Erasmus's version of the ' Pro Tyrannicida ' (Erasmi Opera, Le? den, 1 703, torn. i. ) When next heard of, Whitford, like his uncle, is Whitford 126 Whitford entered at the Brigittine house at Isleworth, Middlesex, known as Syon House. Wood says the uncle gave large benefactions to the convent, which was a double one for nuns ; and monks. The nephew is conjectured to have entered about 1507, at which time he | composed his first devotional treatise by re- quest of the abbess for the use of the nuns. The rest of his life was spent in the compo- sition and compilation of similar works, which had a wide vogue beyond the convent walls. The exactness of his scholarship has been criticised, but he acquired by degrees an English style of singular charm and sweet- ness. In 1535 Thomas Bedyll visited Syon House to obtain from the monks and nuns an acknowledgment of the king's supremacy. His letters to Cromwell show that Whit- ford's firmness was conspicuous. He resisted Bedyll's brutality with constancy and courage, but escaped any evil consequences, perhaps by the help of Lord Mountioy. At the dis- solution of Syon House he obtained a pension of 8/. and an asylum for the rest of his days in the London house of the Barons Mountjoy. He died before the end of Queen Mary's reign. He was author of: 1. ' A dayly exercyse and experyence of dethe, gathered and set forth, by a brother of Syon, Rycharde Whyt- forde. Imprinted by me John Waylande at London within the Temple barre, at the sygne of the blewe Garlande. An. 1537,' 12mo. The preface states that this was written ' more than 20 yeres ago at the re- quest of the reverende Mother Dame Eliza- beth Gybs, whom Jesu perdon, the Abbes of Syon.' But this preface is not dated. Cooper (Athena Cantabr. i. 80) quotes an edition of the tract in 1531. The original composition of it has been referred to about 1507. 2. 'The Martiloge in Englyshhe after the use of the chirche of Salisbury, and as it is redde in Syon with addicyons,' printed by Wynkyn de Worde in 1526, 4to. The translator was Whitford, who gathered the additions ' out of the sanctiloge, legenda aurea, catalogo Sanctorum, the cronycles of Anton ine, and of Saynt vincent and other dyvers auctours.' The preface says the translation was made for the use of ' cer- taine religyous persones unlerned,' no doubt the nuns of Syon House. The book has been reprinted and edited with introduction and notes by F. Procter, M.A., and E. S. Bewick, M.A., F.S.A., 1893. 3. 'Saynt Augustin's Rule in English alone,' Wynkyn de Worde, n.d. [1525], 4to. The address by the translator to his 'good devout religious daughters ' says that he was asked to amend theEnglish version of their rule, but found it ' so scabrous rough or rude ' that he has translated it ' of new.' It was printed again by Wynkyn de Worde as ' The rule of Saynt Augustine both in latyn and Englysshe, with two Exposycyons. And also the same rule agayn onely in Englysshe without latyn or Exposycyon.' The longer exposi- tion is that of St. Hugh of Victor, the shorter is Whitford's. The book is dated 28 Nov. 1525. 4. 'A werke for House- holders and for them that have the Gydyng or Governaunce of any Company,' printed by Wynkyn de Worde, 1530, 4to. This was reprinted with a slightly altered title in 1537 by John Wayland, and in 1538 by Robert Redman. 5. ' The Four Revelations of St. Bridget,' London, 1531, 12mo. 6. 'The Golden Epistle of St. Bernard,' London, 1531, 12mo. This was repu Wished in- 1537 and 1585 along with other treatises of Whit- ford. 7. ' The Crossrune, or A B C. Here done folowe two opuscules or small werks of Saynt Bonaventure, moche necessarie and profy table unto all Christians specyally unto religyous persons, put into Englyshe by a brother of Syon, Richard Whytforde. Al- phabetum Religiosorum,' 1537, 12mo, printed by Waylande before No. 6. It came out first in 1532. 8. 'The Pomander of Prayer,' 1532, 4to, printed by Wynkyn de Worde. 9. « Here begynneth the boke called the Pype or Tonne, of the lyfe of perfection. The reason or cause whereof dothe playnly appere in the processe. Imprynted at london in Flete strete by me Robert Redman, dwellynge in Saynt 'Dunstones parysshe, next the Churche. In the yere of our lord god 1532, the 23 day of Marche,' 4to. This was a treatise against the Lutherans. 10. 'A dialoge or Communicacion bytwene the curate or ghostly father and the parochiane or ghostly chyld. For a due preparacion unto howselynge,' followed by Nos. 7 and 6, printed by Waylande, 1537, 12mo. 11. ' A Treatise of Patience. Also a work of divers impediments and lets of Perfection,' London, 1540, 4to (perhaps two works). 12. 'An Instruction to avoid and eschew Vices,' Lon- don, 1541, 4to; translated with additions from St. Isidore. 13. ' Of Detraction,' Lon- don, 1541, 4to; translated from St. Chry- sostom. 14. 'The following of Christ, translated out of Latin into English/ 1556, printed by Cawood; a second edition, ' newly corrected and amended/ appeared in 1685, printed probably at Rouen. The trans- lation was founded upon that of the first three books of the ' De Imitatione ' made by Dr. William Atkinson at the request of the Countess of Richmond in 1504. It is Whit- ford's most remarkable work, and may claim Whitford 127 Whitford to be in style and feeling the finest rendering into English of the famous original. It has been ' eaited with historical introduction bv Dom Wilfrid Kaynal, O.S.B.,' London, 1872. 15. ' Certaine devout and Godly petitions commonly called Jesus Psalter. Cum Privi- legio. Anno 1583.' It is very probably con- jectured that this favourite boon of devotion, "known in modern times under the title of ' A Meditation Glorious named Jesus Psalter/ was Whitford's composition. In 1558-9 there is licensed to John Judson in the ' Stationers' Register ' ' The Spirituall Counsaile, Jesus Mattens, Jesus Psalter, and xv Oes.' A manuscript in the library of Manresa House, Roehampton, seems to be the book entered in the ' Stationers' Register,' and is nearly identical with the work published in 1583. There is an earlier edition printed at Ant- werp in 1575, and numerous later editions. The whole question of Whitford's authorship and the relation to each other of manuscript and editions is discussed in ' Jesu's Psalter. What it was at its origin and as consecrated by the use of many martyrs and confessors,' by the Rev. Samuel Heydon Sole, London, 1888. This prints the manuscript of 1571, the edition of 1583, and the modern version of the Psalter. 16. A translation in the Bodleian Library of the ' Speculum B. Marise — The Myrrour of Our Lady,' was almost certainly by Whitford. It was executed at the request of the abbess of Syon, and printed in 1530, 4to. Certain ' Solitary Meditations ' are also ascribed to Whitford by Tanner, without any date or comment. [Wood's Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss, i. 132 ; Tan- ner's Bibliotheca, p. 765 ; Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. i. 79; the introductory matter of 2, 14, and 15 above; Erasmi Epistolae, London, 1642, pp. 287, 1716; Drummond's Erasmus, i. 144, 150; Seebohm's Oxford Keformers, p. 182; More's Life of Sir Thomas More, 1726, pp. 36- 37 ; Jortin's Erasmus, i. 188 ; Letters and Papers, ed. Gairdner, 1534, Nos. 622, 1090; Wright's Letters relating to the Suppression of the Monasteries, pp. 40, 41, 45, 47, 49; Aungier's Hist, of Syon Monastery, 1840 ; Bateson's Cat. of Syon Library, 1898.] R. B. WHITFORD, WALTER (1581 ?-l 647), bishop of Brechin, born about 1581, was the son of Adam Whitford of Milntown (now called Milton Lockhart), by his wife Mary, daughter of Sir James Somerville of Cam- busnethan in Lanarkshire. The family of Whitford derives its name from the estate of Whitford in Renfrewshire on the Cart, which Walter de Whitford obtained for his services at the battle of Largs in 1263. Adam Whitford was accused of being con- cerned in January 1575-G in a conspiracy against the regent, James Douglas, fourth earl of Morton [q. v.] Walter was educated at Glasgow Uni- versity, where he was laureated in 1601, and afterwards acted as regent. On 10 May 1604 he was licensed to preach by the pres- bytery of Paisley, and on 3 Dec. 1008 he was presented by James VI to the parish of Kilmarnock in Ayrshire. In 1610 he was translated to Moflfat in Dumfriesshire, where he was admitted before 8 June. In 1613 he was nominated on the commission of the peace for Annandale (MASSON, Reg. of Privy Council, 1613-16, pp. 162-3, 546-7, 552), and was involved in several of the family feuds with which the county abounded (ib. 1616- 1619, p. 389). On 27 June 1617 Whitford signed the pro- testation to parliament in support of the liber- ties of the kirk, but he suffered himself soon after to be won over by the king, and on 15 June 1619 he was nominated a member of the court of high commission. On 30 Aug. he was constituted minister of Failford in Ayr- shire by James VI, in addition to his other charge. In March 1620 he received the de- gree of D.D. from Glasgow University; and on 4 Aug. 1621 he was confirmed in his ministry by act of parliament. In 1623 his commission of justice of the peace was re- newed, and he was appointed convener of the stewartry of Annandale (ib. 1622-5, p. 344). In the same year James proposed to trans- late him to Liberton in Midlothian, but failed to carry out his intention. On 25 Oct. 1627 he was appointed one of the commissioners nominated by the king for taking measures against the papists (Reg. Mag. Sigil. Regum Scot. 1620-33, p. 356), which on 21 Oct. 1634 was expanded into a high commission to cite and punish all persons dwelling in Scotland concerning whom there were un- favourable reports (ib. 1634-51, p. 94). On 9 Dec. 1628 he was presented by Charles I to the sub-deanery of Glasgow, which after 1670 formed the parish of Old Monkland in Lanarkshire. He removed thither in 1630, a dispute as to the crown's right of patronage preventing him from taking possession before ; and on 21 Oct. 1634 he was nominated to the commission for the maintenance of church discipline. In 1635 Whitford was consecrated by the bishop of Brechin as successor to Thomas Sydserff [q. v.], holding the sub-deanery in commendam until 1639, when he disponed his title to James Hamilton, third marquis (afterwards first duke) of Hamilton [q. v.] On 16 April 1635 he was created a burgess of Arbroath. Whitford used his episcopal authority to support the liturgical changes Whitford 128 Whitford which Charles I had introduced. The new service-book was very unpopular with the multitude, and in 1637. when Whitford an- nounced his intention of reading it, he was threatened with violence. Undeterred he ascended the pulpit, holding a brace of pistols, his family and servants attending him armed, and read the service with closed doors. On his return he was attacked by an enraged mob, and escaped with difficulty. The mini- ster of Brechin, Alexander Bisset, refusing to obey Whitford's commands to follow his ex- ample, the bishop caused his own servant to read the service regularly from the desk. This obstinacy roused intense feeling against him, and towards the close of the year, after his palace had been plundered, he was compelled to fly to England, where, with two other bishops, he violently opposed the Scottish treasurer, Sir John Stewart, first earl of Traquair [q. v.], whose moderation he dis- liked, drawing up a memorial against em- ploying him as a commissioner to treat with the Scots (BAILLIE, Letters and Journals, i. 74). On 13 Dec. 1638 he was deposed and excommunicated by the Glasgow assembly, whose authority, in common with the other bishops, he had refused to recognise. In ad- dition to the ecclesiastical offence of signing the declinature, he was accused of drunken- ness and incontinence, and of 'useing of masse crucifixes in his chamber' (ib. i. 154). On 23 Aug. 1639 he and the other Scottish prelates drew up a protest against their ex- clusion from parliament (Hist. MSS. Comm. 9th Rep. App. ii. 254). On 28 Dec. 1640 Whitford was living in London in great poverty (BAILLIE, Letters, i. 288), but on 5 May 1642, as a recompense for his sufferings, Charles presented him to the rectory of Walgrave in Northampton- shire, where he was instituted. In 1646 he was expelled by the parliamentary soldiery ; he died in the following year, and was buried on 16 June in the middle aisle of the chancel of St. Margaret's, Westminster. He married Anne, fourth daughter of Sir John Carmi- chael of that ilk, and niece of the regent Morton (DOUGLAS, Peerage of Scotland, 1813, i. 753). By her he had five sons — John, Adam, David, Walter, and James — and two daughters — Rachel was married to James Johnstone, laird of Corehead, and Christian to William Bennett of Bains. James re- ceived a commission as ensign in the Earl of Chesterfield's regiment of foot on 13 June 1667 (DALTON, Army Lists, i. 79). David and Walter (d. 1686 ?) are separately no- ticed. In 1660 Whitford's widow peti- tioned for a yearly allowance out of the rents of the bishopric of Brechin in con- sideration of the sufferings of her family in the royal cause (Brit. Mus. Addit. MS. 23114, f. 135). His eldest son, JOHN WHITFORD (d. 1667), divine, was presented in 1641, at the instance of Laud, to the rectory of Ashton in North- amptonshire, and instituted on 17 May. In 1645 he was ejected, and took refuge with his father. lie was reinstated at the Re- storation, and on 5 July 1661 received a grant of 100/. in compensation for the loss of his books and other property (Acts of Parl of Scotl. vol. vii. App. p. 82). He died at Ashton on 9 Oct. 1667. "He married Judith (d. 5 March 1706-7), daughter of John Marriott of Ashton. The third son, ADAM WHITFORD (1624- 1647), soldier, born in 1624, was a queen's scholar at Westminster school, and in 1641 was elected to Christ Church, Oxford, whence he matriculated on 10 Dec., graduating B. A. on 4 Dec. 1646. Like his brother David, he enrolled himself in the royal garrison at Ox- ford, and was killed in the siege. He was buried in the south transept of the cathedral on 10 Feb. 1646-7. [Scott's Fasti Eccles. Scoticanae, i. ii. 655, n. i. 172, in. ii. 889; Wood's Athense Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 1016 ; Keith's Catalogue of Scottish Bishops, 1824, p. 167 ; Registrum Magni Sigilli Regum Scotorura, 1620-33 pp. 243, 513, 1634- 1651 pp. 40, 156, 214, 710; Bridges's Hist, of Northamptonshire, ed. Whalley, i. 284-5, 301, ii. 129-30; Baillie'sLetters and Journals (Banna- tyne Club), vol. i. passim ; Nisbet's Heraldry, 1722, i. 376-7; Spottjswoode's Hist, of the Church of Scotland (Spottiswoode Soc.), i. 44 ; Calderwood's Hist, of the Kirk (Wodrow Soc.), vol. vii. passim; Black's Hist. of Brechin, 1839, pp. 51-2, 303-4 ; Row's Hist, of the Kirk of Scotland (Wodrow Soc.), pp. 269, 342, 388; Balfour's Annales of Scotland, 1825, i. 364, ii. 309 ; Crawfurd's Description of the Shire of Renfrew, ed. Robertson, 1818, pp. 56-7; Me- moirs of Henry Guthry, 1748, p. 16; Irving's Upper Ward of Lanarkshire, 1864, ii. 420 ; Hewins's Whitefoord Papers, 1898; Kennet's Reg. and Chron. 1 728, p. 204 ; Hamilton's Descrip- tion of the Sheriffdoms of Lanark and Renfrew (Maitland Club), pp. 18, 79 ; Pitcairn's Criminal Trials, 1833, i. ii. 70; Munimenta Alme Glas- guensis (Maitland Club), passim ; Grub's Eccle- siastical Hist, of Scotland, 1861, ii. 353, iii. 32, 42, 44, 88 ; Acts of Parliament of Scotland, iv. 688, v. 46, 120, 129. 479, 505, 528, vii. 347; Spalding's Memorials of Trubles (Spalding Club), passim ; Peterkin's Records of the Kirk, 1843, pp. 26-7, 99-106 ; Paterson's Hist, of Ayr and Wigton, 1866, ii. 466 ; Wood's Hist, and Antiq. of the Colleges of Oxford, ed. Gutch, p. 510; Misc. Gen. et Herald. 2nd ser. i. 289; Laud's Works (Library of Anglo- Catholic Theol.), iii. 313, vi. 434-5, 438, 590, vii. 427.] E. I. C. Whitford 129 Whitgift WHITFORD, WALTER (d. 1686 P), soldier, was the second son of Walter Whit- ford (1581 P-1647) [q. v.], bishop of Brechin. He fought on the sicle of the king in the civil war, attained t he rank of colonel, and, on the overthrow of Charles, took refuge in Holland. In 1649 Isaac Dorislaus [q. v.], who had taken an active part in the trial of the king, was appointed English envoy in Holland, and reached The Hague on 29 April. Among the followers of Montrose who swarmed in the streets of The Hague the feeling against the regicide was especially bitter, and a scheme was laid among them to murder the new envoy. On the evening of 12 May, as Dorislaus was sitting down to supper at the Witte Zwaan, six men burst into his rooms, and while some of them secured his servants, Whitford, after slashing him over the head, passed a sword through his body, and said, 'Thus dies one of the king's judges' (WooD, Athena Oxon. ed. Bliss, iii. 666). The whole party, leaving their victim dead upon the ground, made their escape, and Whitford succeeded in crossing the frontier into the Spanish Netherlands, where he was in perfect safety. All royalists re- ceived the news of the murder with un- bounded satisfaction. Even the staid and kindly Nicholas wrote of the assassination as ' the deserved execution of that bloody villain ' (CARTE, Letters and Papers, i. 291). Whitford accompanied Montrose in his last Scottish expedition in 1650, and was taken prisoner after the battle of Carbisdale on 27 April (HEWINS, Whitefoord Papers, p. x). He was to have been beheaded on 8 June with Sir John Urry [q. v.], Sir Francis Hay, and other royalist officers, but, while being led to execution, exclaimed that he was condemned for killing Dorislaus, who was one of those who had murdered the last king. One of the magistrates present, hear- ing this, ordered him to be remanded, and, inquiry confirming his statement, * the coun- cil thought fit to avoid the reproach, and so preserved the gentleman.' The part he had taken in the murder of Dorislaus was 1 counted to him for righteousness ' ( WISH ART, Deeds of Montrose, 1893, pp. 298, 496), and he was given a pass to leave the country on 25 June (Acts of Par/, of Scotl vi. ii. 575, 580, 588, 594). In August 1656 he was at the court of Charles (THURLOE, State Papers, v. 316), and ten years later Downing wrote to Thurloe : * As for Whitford, I did give De Witt two or three times notice of his lodging, and he must have been taken, but that it was always twenty-four hours ere an order could be had ; and he removed his lodging every night, and now he has gone VOL. LXI. to Muscovy, in a ship loaded with ammuni- tion ' (id. vii. 429). He entered the Russian service (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1663-4, f. 156), but returned to England before 666, and on 14 July of that year petitioned for the post of town-major of Hull (ib. 1665-6, p. 532). He subsequently petitioned for ' aid to keep his family from starving/ stating that he was disabled by old wounds (ib. Addenda, 1660-70, p. 632). Eventually he received a commission in the guards, and his paternal coat-of-arms was charged with three crosses patee, ' being added at bis majestie's speciall command' (STODDART, Scottish Arms, ii. 213). He was dismissed from the guards as a papist in 1673 (WoD- ROW, Hist, of the Sufferings of the Church of Scotland, ii. 232). James II granted him a pension on 31 Dec. 1686 (Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1689-90, p. 382). During- his wanderings on the continent he entered the Duke of Savoy's service, and was there when the last massacre of the Vaudois was perpetrated. At the close of his life the remembrance of these atrocities preyed upon his mind. Bishop Burnet says ' he died a few days before the parliament met (in 1686), and called for some ministers, and to them he declared his forsaking of popery, and his abhorrence of it for its cruelty' (BURNET, Hist, of his Own Time, p. 433). But according to Wood he was still living in Edinburgh in 1691 ( WOOD, Athena Oxon. iii. 1015). His son Charles was principal of the Scots College in Paris in 1714 (Brit. Mus. Cat. Addit. MS. 28227). [Balfour's Annales of Scotl. iv. 60 ; Claren- don's Hist, of the Rebellion, 1888, v. 121 ; Gary's Memorials of the Civil War, 1842, ii. 131 ; Gardiner's Hist, of the Commonwealth and Protectorate, i. 73 ; Nisbet's Heraldry, 1722, i. 377; Stoddart's Scottish Arms, ii.213; White- locke's Memorials, p. 460; notes supplied by Hugh T. Whitford, esq.] WHITGIFT, JOHN (1530P-1604), arch- bishop of Canterbury, was eldest son of Henry Whitgift, a well-to-do merchant of Great Grimsby, Lincolnshire, and Anne [Dynewell] his wife. According to Francis Thynne he was born at Great Grimsby in 1533, but he himself declared that in 1590 he reached the age of sixty. In childhood he attracted the favour of his uncle, Robert Whitgift, abbot of the Augustinian monastery at Wellow. The abbot was a liberal-minded ecclesiastic, and no blind opponent of the Reformation. Noticing his nephew's literary promise, he undertook the direction of his education. By his advice the boy was sent to St. Anthony's school in London, which had already numbered many distinguished Whitgift 130 .Whitgift men among its scholars. He lodged in St. Paul's Churchyard with his aunt, the wife of Michael Shaller, one of the cathedral ver- gers. She was a bigoted Romanist. Whit- gift was out of sympathy with her views, and she finally drove him from the house. In due time he proceeded to Queens' College, Cambridge, but soon migrated to Pembroke Hall, where he matriculated as a pensioner : in May 1550. At Pembroke Hall his predi- ( lection for the reformed religion was rapidly confirmed. Nicholas Ridley [q. v.] was the master, and his first tutor was the convinced protestant John Bradford (1610? -1555) fq. v.], who afterwards suffered martyrdom. He was appointed a bible-clerk, and gra- duated B.A. in 1553-4 and M.A. in 1557. Meanwhile his attainments were rewarded by his election on 31 May 1555 to a fellow- ship at Peterhouse. Andrew Perne [q. v.], the master, showed much liking for him, and although Perne's own religious views were pliant, he respected Whitgift's adherence to the principles of the Reformation. During the visitation of the university by Cardinal Pole's delegates in 1557, Perne screened him from persecution. Throughout Mary's reign Whitgift pursued his studies while engaged in college tuition. It was not until the position of the pro- testant reformation was assured in England by the accession of Queen Elizabeth that Whitgift definitely entered the service of the church. He did not take holy orders until 1560. His first sermon was preached soon afterwards at Great St. Mary's, the university church, on the text ' I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ ' (Rom. i. 16). His delivery was admirable, and his reputation as a preacher was made. In the same year Dr. Richard Coxe, bishop of Ely, invited him to become his chaplain, and also collated him to the rectory of Teversham, Cambridgeshire. In 1563 he proceeded B.D., and was appointed Lady Margaret professor of divinity in the university. His first lecture dealt with the identity of the I pope and Antichrist. Calvinistic views were in the ascendant in the university, and 1 Whitgift throughout his career adhered to the doctrinal theories of Calvin; but he never approved the Calvinist principles of church government. In matters of ritual, however, he seemed for a time inclined to accept the views of the Calvinists. At first he shared the doubts of his future foe, ' Thomas Cartwright, the leader of the Cal- / vinists in the university, as to the surplice. On 26 Nov. 1565 he signed the petition to Sir William Cecil, chancellor of the univer- sity, entreating him to withdraw his recent edict enjoining the use of surplices in col- lege chapels. But these objections reflected a passing phase of Whitgift's opinions, and he was soon as convinced an advocate of Anglican ritual as of the episcopal form of church government. On 10 June 1566 he was licensed to be one of the university preachers. On 5 July following the university marked their esteem for his lectures as Lady Margaret professor by raising his salary from twenty marks to 20/. Academic preferment flowed steadily towards him. On 6 April 1567 he left Peter- house on his election to the mastership of Pembroke Hall. At the same time he was created D.D. But he remained at Pembroke Hall barely three months. On 4 July he was admitted master of Trinity College, and shortly afterwards he exchanged his Margaret two years— till October 1569. Within the same period, on 5 Dec. 1568, he was collated to the third prebendal stall at Ely, and his name reached the court. He was summoned to preach before the queen. She was deeply impressed by his sermon, punningly declared him to be her ' White-gift,' and gave order that he should be sworn one of the royal chaplains. But his chief energies were ab- sorbed by his academic duties. He sug- gested a revision of the statutes of the uni- versity, with a view to increasing the powers of the heads of houses. To them was to be practically entrusted the choice of vice- chancellor and of the ' caput,' a body which was to exercise supreme authority. The * caput ' was to be elected annually, and to consist of the chancellor and a doctor of each of the three faculties, with a non-regent and a regent master of arts (MTTLLINGER, pp. 222 seq.) The statutes passed the great seal in the form that Whitgift designed on 25 Sept. 1570. The internal affairs of his college also exercised his constant atten- tion. The Calvinistic leader Cartwright was , a fellow of Trinity ; Whitgift was by nature ) a disciplinarian, and, while sympathising ( with the leading doctrines of Calvinism, / made up his mind to extend no toleration ) to Genevan principles of church govern- ment. Cartwright had of late powerfully S denounced episcopacy, which Whitgift re- ( garded as the only practicable form of church I government, and had divided the college and the university into two hostile camps. Whitgift believed that peace could best be restored by the removal of Cartwright. In November 1570 he was elected vice-chan- cellor. Taking advantage of the new uni- versity statutes, he induced his fellow-mem- Whitgift Whitgift bers of the 'caput' in December 1570 to deprive Cartwright of the Lady Margaret professorship of divinity, which he had held for a year. This decisive step he followed up in September 1571 by decreeing Cart- wright's expulsion from his fellowship at Trinity, which he had held for more than nine years. Whitgift's pretext was that Cart wright had not taken priest's orders within the statutory period. Such displays of resolution, while they increased his repu- tation with one section of the university, roused a storm of protest on the part of another. Whitgift retorted by threatening to resign the mastership and withdraw from the university. Six heads of houses on 28 Sept. appealed to Burghley to show Whitgift some special mark of favour. They declared that Whitgift's disciplinary mea- sures were wise and beneficial, and that the university owed to him ' the repressing of insolence and the maintaining of learning and well-doing.' For the time his enemies acknowledged their defeat. M fan while he was preparing for with- drawal if the need arose. On 19 June 1571 he was elected dean of Lincoln, and was in- stalled in the cathedral on 2 Aug. On 31 Oct. Archbishop Parker granted him a faculty authorising him to hold with the deanery the mastership of Trinity College, the canonry at Ely, the rectory at Teversham, and any other benefice he chose. He had no scruples about taking full advantage of so valuable a dispensation. On 31 May 1572 he was col- lated to the prebend of Xassington in the church of Lincoln, and, although he resigned the rectory of Teversham about August 1572, he at once accepted the rectory of Laceby, Lincolnshire (Notes and Queries, 8th ser/i. 433). The clergy of the Lincoln diocese, with which he was thus associated in many capacities, returned him as their proctor to convocation, and towards the end of 1572 Archbishop Parker nominated him to preach the Latin sermon. On 14 May 1572 he was chosen prolocutor of the lower house. Whitgift took wide views of the service he owed the church both inside and outside the university. He seized every opportunity that offered of championing its organisation against attack. In 1572 two violent tracts (each entitled ' An Admonition to the Par- liament') recommended the reconstitution of the church on presbyterian lines. The first ' Admonition ' was by two London clergy- men, John Field and Thomas Wilcox [q.v.], and the second was by Whitgift's former op- ponent Cartwright. Whitgift at once took up new cudgels against Cartwright, and issued a pamphlet which was entitled ' An Answere to a certen Libel intituled An Admonition to the Parliament. By John Whitgifte, D. of Diuinitie ' (London, 1572, by Henrie Bynneman for Humfrey Toy; black letter). Whitgift's tract had a wide circulation, and reappeared next year 'newly augmented by the authour.' He wrote with force of his conviction that the episcopal form of church government was an essential guarantee of law and order in the state. Cartwright readily crossed swords with the master of his college, to whom he owed his expulsion, and his 'Replye' to Whitgift's 1 Answere ' overflowed with venom. Whit- gift returned to the charge in his ' Defense of the Answere to the Admonition ' (Lon- don, 1574, fol.) * I do charge all men before God and his angels,' he solemnly warned ' the godly reader ' at the conclusion of his preface, 'as they will answer at the day of judgment, that under the pretext of zeal they seek not to spoil the church ; under the colour of perfection they work not con- fusion ; under the cloak of simplicity they cover not pride, ambition, vainglory, arro- gancy ; under the outward show of godli- ness they nourish not contempt of magi- strates, popularity, anabaptistry, and sundry other pernicious and pestilent errors.' Cart- wright again answered Whitgift in both a 'Second Replie' (1575) and 'The Rest of the Second Replie' (1577), but Whitgift deemed it wise to abstain from further direct altercation with his obstinate enemy. In 1573 Whitgift was for a second time elected vice-chancellor of Cambridge Uni- versity. On 26 March 1574 he preached about church government before the queen at Greenwich, and his sermon was printed and published. In 1576 he was a commis- sioner for the visitation of St. John's Col- lege, and in the same year entreated the chancellor of the university to take effective steps to prevent the sale of fellowships and scholarships (28 March 1576 ; STRYPE, Life, bk. i. cap. xiii ; MTJLLINGER, p. 269). But Whitgift's activities were now to find a wider field for exercise than was offered by aca- demic functions. On 17 March 1574-5 Arch- bishop Parker suggested his appointment to the see of Norwich, but the recommendation was neglected. Parker's second suggestion of a like kind was successful. On 24 March 1576-7 Whitgift was nominated to the bishopric of Worcester; he was enthroned by proxy on 5 May 1577, and had restitu- tion of the temporalities on the 10th. Next month he resigned the mastership of Trinity, which had prospered conspicuously, as his successor Dr. Still eloquently acknow- ledged, during his ten years' vigorous rule. K 2 Whitgift 132 Whitgift His pupils included many men who were to win distinction in after life — among them Francis Bacon and Robert Devereux, second earl of Essex ; but the latter only formally entered the college a month before Whitgift left it. Whitgift stoutly protested against the claims of Westminster school to a prac- tical monopoly of scholarships at Trinity, after the manner in which the endow- ments of King's College were monopolised by Eton, and those of New College, Oxford, by Winchester. Whitgift secured a modi- fication of the Westminster monopoly, but that only proved temporary. Macaulay in his ' Essay on Bacon ' misrepresented the effect, though not the spirit, of Whitgift's action, and erroneously assigned the distinguished part that Trinity College has played in the educational history of the country to WThit- gift's opposition to the Westminster mono- poly CMULLINGER, pp. 272-7). After preach- ing farewell sermons at Great St. Mary's and in Trinity College chapel, the new bishop was escorted to his home at Worcester by a cavalcade of university friends. Whitgift discharged his episcopal func- tions with characteristic zeal. Every Sunday he preached either in his cathedral or in a parish church of his diocese. He cultivated the society of the gentry, and employed his influence to allay disputes among them. The story is told that two of his neighbours, Sir John Russell and Sir Henry Berkeley, be- tween whom there long existed a deadly feud, on one occasion arrived in Worcester each at the head of an armed band of friends and followers. Whitgift ordered the leaders to be arrested by his guard and to be brought to his palace. There he discussed with them their points of disagreement for two hours, •with the result that they left his presence as friends. His judicial temperament caused him to be nominated a royal commissioner to visit the cathedrals of Lichfield and Here- ford. In both chapters serious quarrels were rife, and WThitgift succeeded in ter- minating them. The queen proved her respect for him not merely by foregoing her first-fruits, but by resigning to him, so long as he remained at Worcester, the right, hitherto exercised by the crown, of filling the prebends in his cathedral church (4 Aug. 1581). But marks of royal favour did not imperil his indepen- dence or his sense of the duty he owed the church. The queen's favourite, the Earl of Leicester, showed little respect for church property, and he and his friends were in the habit of diverting to themselves the incomes of vacant sees. Leicester had shown sym- pathy with Cartwright, and had no liking for Whitgift. Whitgift now solemnly pro- tested against this misappropriation of eccle- siastical revenues, and in an elaborate and dignified speech which he pronounced before the queen solemnly warned her that her future salvation depended on the security she gave the inherited estates of the church (WALTON, Life of Hooker). The queen ac- knowledged the justice of the rebuke. But it was not solely ecclesiastical work that occupied him while he was bishop of Wor- cester. Soon after his elevation he was appointed vice-president of the marches of Wales in the absence in Ireland of the pre- sident, Sir Henry Sidney. He held the office for two years and a half, and performed multifarious administrative dutieswith bene- ficial energy and thoroughness. On 6 July 1583 Edmund Grindal, arch- bishop of Canterbury, died at Croydon. On 14 Aug. Whitgift was nominated to succeed him. He was enthroned at Canterbury on 23 Oct. Unlike his three immediate pre- decessors— Cranmer, Parker, and Grindal — he took part in the ceremony in person instead of by proxy. His father had left him a private fortune, which enabled him to restore to the primacy something of the feudal magnificence which had characterised it in earlier days. He maintained an army of retainers. He travelled on the occasion of his triennial visitations with a princely retinue. His hospitality was profuse. His stables and armoury were better furnished than those of the richest nobleman. The queen approved such putward indications of dignityin her officers of state, and the friendly feeling which she had long cherished for him increased after he was installed at Lambeth. She playfully called him 'her little black husband,' and treated him as her confessor, to whom she was reported to reveal * the very secrets of her soul.' The whole care of the church was, she declared, delegated to him (t'A.) She was frequently his guest at Lambeth, and until her death the amity between them knew no interruption. Whitgift held the primacy for more than twenty years. His predecessor Grindal, owing in part to feebleness of health and in part to personal sympathy with puritanism, had outraged the queen's sense of order by tolerating much diversity of ritual among the clergy. Such procedure in Elizabeth's) eyes spelt ruin for the church and country.' The queen eagerly promised Whitgift a free hand on the understanding that he would identify himself unmistakably with the cause of uniformity. Whitgift had no hesitation in accepting the condition. From the first he concentrated his abundant energies on Whitgift 133 Whitgift regulating and rigorously enforcing disci- pline throughout thechurch's boun. Puri- tan doctrine was not uncongenial to him, but with puritan practice wherever it con- flicted with the Book of Common Prayer or the Act of Uniformity he resolved to have no truce. To Roman Catholicism he was directly opposed in regard to both its doctrine and practice, but , like all the states- men of the day, he regarded Roman Catholi- cism in England chiefly as a political danger, and while supporting with enthu- siasm penal legislation of an extreme kind against catholics, he was content to let others initiate schemes for repressing the exercise of the papist religion. The stifling of puritanisra, especially in the ranks of the clergy, he regarded as his peculiar function. He not merely devised the practical mea- sures for the purpose, but refused to allow the queen's ministers to modify them, and closed his ears to arguments, however in- fluential the quarter whence they came, in favour of laxity in the administration of a coercive policy. His first step was to draw up in 1583 a series of stringent articles which, among other things, prohibited all preaching, read- ing, or catechising in private houses, and forbade any one to execute ecclesiastical functions unless he first subscribed to the royal supremacy, pledged himself to abide in all things by the Book of Common Prayer, and accepted the Thirty-nine Articles. The articles received the queen's sanction, and were put into force during AVhitgift's first visitation. All clergymen who hesitated to assent to them were suspended from their duties. On the anniversary of the queen's accession (17 Nov. 1583) the arch- bishop preached at St. Paul's Cross, and took for his text (1 Cor. vi. 10) ' Railers shall not inherit the kingdom of God ' (the sermon was published in 1589). At the same time he successfully recommended that the liipli commission court should be granted greatly augmented powers. By his advice the en >\vii delegated to the court, which was thence- forth to consist of forty-four commissioners, {twelve of them to be bishops), all its powers in the way of discovering and punishing heretics and schismatics. In 1584 Whitgift drew up a list of twenty-four articles, or interrogatories, which were to be adminis- tered by the amended court of high commis- sion to any of the clergy whom the court, of its own initiative, thought good to ques- tion. The new procedure obliged a sus- pected minister to answer upon oath (called the oath e.r officio) whether he was in the habit of breaking the law, and thus he was forced to become evidence against himself. Burghley doubted the wisdom of such courses, which he explained to Whitgift ' too much savoured of the Romish inquisition, and [were] rather a device to seek for offenders than to reform any.' Whitgift replied at length that the procedure was well known to many courts of the realm, but promised not to apply it except when private remon- strances had failed. The clergy and many inlliiential sympathisers protested against Whitgift's procedure with no greater effect. Such ministers of Kent as were suspended from the execution of their ministry ad- dressed a strong remonstrance to the privy council. The ministers of Suffolk followed the example of their Kentish colleagues. Leicester and other members of the council urged the archbishop to show greater modera- tion. Whitgift peremptorily refused. He asserted that the puritan ministers were very few in number. He knew only ten nonconformist clergy of any account in his own diocese of Kent, where sixty ministers enthusiastically supported his policy at all points. The House of Commons joined in the attack on the ex-officio oath and the new articles of subscription that Whitgift imposed on the clergy, but Whitgift retorted that the complaints came from lawyers whose learning was too limited to warrant any attention being paid to it. He declined to be moved from any of his positions, and in order to crush adverse criticism he caused to be passed in the high commission court on 23 Jan. 1586 an extraordinarily rigorous decree — known as the Star-chamber decree — which seemed to render~pirt>lic criticism impossible. No manuscript was to be set up in type until it had been perused and licensed by the archbishop or the bishop of London. The press of any printer who dis- obeyed the ordinance was to be at once destroyed ; he was prohibited from following his trade thenceforth, and was to suffer six months' imprisonment (ARBER, Transcript of Stationers' Company, ii. 810). Elizabeth's faith in the archbishop was confirmed by his rigorous action. He was admitted a mem- ber of the privy council on 2 Feb. 1585-6, and regularly attended its meetings thence- forth. The absence of Leicester in the Low Countries during 1586, and his death in 1588, deprived the puritans of a powerful •' advocate, and the archbishop of a powerful ' critic. The patriotic fervour excited by the Spanish armada also strengthened Whitgift's hands, and officers of state prew less in- clined to question the wisdom of his policy. In 1587, on the death of Sir Thomas Brom- ley, he was offered the post of lord chancel- Whitgift 134 Whitgift lor, but declined it in favour of Sir Chris- topher Hatton, whose attitude to purit:ml>m coincided with his own and rendered him a valuable ally. In government circles AY 1 1 i t - gift's relentless persistency silenced all active opposition. The archbishop was not indifferent to the advantage of effectiv* literary support. Early in 1586 he recommended Richard Hooker [q. v.] for appointment to the mastership of j the Temple, and next year he silenced Walter Travers [q. v.], the puritan champion, who was afternoon lecturer at the Temple, and ' had violently denounced Hookers theo- logical views. Hooker dedicated to Whit- gift his 'Answer' to charges of heresy which Travers brought against him, and the archbishop evinced the strongest interest in Hooker's great effort in his ' Ecclesiastical Polity ' to offer a logical justification of the Anglican establishment. Meanwhile the activity of the archbishop exasperated the puritans, and, in spite of his enslavement of the press, they for a time triumphantly succeeded in defying him in print. John Penry [q. v.l and his friends ar- ranged for the secret publication of a series of scurrilous attacks on the episcopate which appeared at intervals during nearly two years under the pseudonym of ' Martin Mar- Prelate.' The fusillade began in 1588 with the issue of Martin Mar- Prelate's * Epistle,' and was sharply maintained until the end of 1589. Throughout, Whitgift was a chief object of the assault. ' The Epistle ' (1588), the earliest of the tracts, opened with the taunt that Whitgift had never replied to Cartwright's latest contributions to the past controversy. Penry's address to parliament in 1589 was stated on the title-page to be an exposure of 'the bad & injurious dealing of tVArchb. of Canterb. & other his colleague! of the high commission.' In the ' Dialogue of Tyrannical Dealing ' (1589) Whitgift was denounced as more ambitious than Wolsey, prouder than Gardiner, more tyrannical than Conner. In the ' Just Censure and Reproof ' (1589) the pomp which characterised Whit- gift's progresses through his diocese was boisterously ridiculed : 'Is seven score horse nothing, thinkest thou, to be in the train of an English priest?' Elsewhere the arch- bishop was described as the 'Beelzebub of Canterbury,' ' the Canterbury Caiaphas,' ' a monstrous Antichrist,' and ' a most bloody tyrant.' The attack roused all Whitgifts resentment. He accepted Bancroft's pro- posal that men of letters should be induced to reply to the Mar-Prelate tracts after tin ir own indecent fashion, but he deemed it his personal duty to suppress the controversy at all hazards. lie personally directed the search for the offending libellers, and pushed the powers of the high commission court to the extremest limits in order first to obtain evidence against suspected persons, and then to secure their punishment. In his exami- nation of prisoners he showed a brutal inso- lence which is alien to all modern concep- tions of justice or Religion. He invariably argued for the severest penalties. Of two of the most active Mar-Prelate pamphleteers, Penry died on the scaffold, and Udal in prison. Nor did he relax his efforts against older offenders. In 1590 Cartwright was committed to prison for refusing to take the ex-officio oath. In all parts of the country's] ministers met with the same fate. But W7hitgift reached the conclusion that more remained to be done. In 1593 he induced the queen to appeal to parliament to pass an act providing that those who refused to at- / tend church, or attended unauthorised reli- j gious meetings, should be banished. In the ! result the church's stoutest opponents left their homes and found in Holland the liberty denied them in their own country. By such means Whitgift was able to boast that he put an end for a season to militant noncon- formity. After the crisis Whitgift showed with bold lack of logical consistency that he re- mained in theory well disposed to those portions of Calvinist doctrine which did not touch ritual or discipline. Cambridge was still a stronghold of Calvinist doctrine, and the Calvinistic leaders of the university begged Whitgift in 1595 to pronounce autho- ritatively in their favour. He summoned William Whitaker [q. v.], the professor of divinity, and one or two other Cambridge tutors to Lambeth to confer with him in conjunction with the bishops of London and Bangor and the dean of Ely. As a result of the conference Whitgift drew up on 20 Nov. 1595 the so-called Lambeth articles, nine in number, which adopted without qualification the Calvinist views of predestination and election. The archbishop of York (Hutton), who was not present at the conference, wrote to express approval. Whitgift in a letter to the vice-chancellor and heads of colleges at Cambridge, while strongly urging them to allow no other doctrine to be taught pub- licly, stated that the propositions were not laws or decrees, but mere explanations of the doctrine of the church (24 Nov.) The queen did not appreciate Whitgift's attitude, and for the first time complained of his action. Through Sir Robert Cecil, her secre- tary, she bade the archbishop ' suspend ' his pronouncement (5 Dec.) Three days later Whitgift 135 Whitgift Whitgift confidentially informed l>r. master of Trinity, that the articles must not be formally published owing to the queen's dislike of them. He had only in- tended to let the Cambridge Calvinists know that ' he did concur with them in judgment and would to the end, and meant not to su'i'er any man to impugn [those opinions] openly or otherwise.' There the matter was allowed to drop. For the remaining years of ;he queen's reign Whitgift mainly con- / fined his attention to administrative reforms. ' Order was taken to secure a higher standard of learning among the inferior clergy (WiL- KINS, Concilia, iv. 321 ; CARDWELL, Synodalia, ii. -V 52), and canons were passed in 1597 to prevent the abuse of non-residence. It is said by his biographer Paule that he sought a reconciliation with Cartwright. But Whit- gift still fought hard for the independence of ecclesiastical courts, and, while revising their procedure, he protested in 1600 against the growing practice in the secular courts of law of granting ' prohibitions ' suspending th3 ordinances of the court of high com- mission. On the occasion of Essex's rebellion in January 1600-1, Whitgift, despite his per- sonal friendship for the earl, who was his old pupil, showed the utmost activity in anticipating an attack on the queen. He sent from Lambeth a small army of forty horsemen and forty footmen to protect the court in case of need. The archbishop's troop of footmen secured Essex's arrest at Essex House, and conducted him to Lam- beth before carrying him to the Tower. Whitgift attended Queen Elizabeth during her last illness, and was at her bedside when she died at Richmond on 23 March 1602-3. He acted as chief mourner at her funeral in Westminster Abbey. Meanwhile he was not neglectful of his relations with her suc- cessor. He attended the council at which James VI of Scotland was proclaimed king, and at once sent Thomas Neville, dean of Canterbury, to Edinburgh to convey his congratulations. He employed terms of obsequiousness which have exposed him to adverse criticism, but he was merely follow- ing the forms in vogue in addressing sove- reigns. At the king's invitation he forwarded a report on the state of the church, and re- ceived satisfactory assurances that the king would prove his fidelity to the Anglican establishment. In May Whitgift met the king for the first time at Theobalds on his way to London, and on 25 July celebrated his coronation. The puritans hoped for new liberty from the new regime, and Whitgift found himself compelled to adopt the king's suggestion of a conference with the puritan clergy, in order that the points of difference ; between them might be distinctly stated. The conference was opened at Hampton Court on 16 Jan. 1603-4. The king pre- sided. Whitgift attended as the veteran champion of orthodoxy, but it was left to Richard Bancroft, bishop of London, to take the leading part in the discussions. The archbishop was placed in an embarrassing position by the importunity of John Rai- noldes, the leader of the puritan disputants, in urging the formal adoption by the heads of the church of Whitgift's Lambeth articles. James I finally decided the main points in the bishops' favour. Whitgift was feeling the inconveniences of old age. In February 1604 he caught cold while travelling on his barge from Lambeth to the bishop of London's residence at Ful- ham to consult with the bishops on church business. A few days later — the first Sun- day in Lent — he went to dine at Whitehall, and while at dinner was stricken with para- lysis. He was removed to Lambeth. The king paid him a visit a few days later, but his power of speech was gone. He could only ejaculate at intervals the words ' Pro ecclesia Dei.' He died — ' like a lamb,' ac- cording to his attendant and biographer, Paule— on 29 Feb. 1603-4. The next day his body was carried to Croydon, and his funeral was solemnised there on 27 March 1604 in great state. A sermon was preached by Gervase Babington, bishop of Worcester. In the south-east corner of the chantry of St. Nicholas in the parish church of Croy- don there was set up a monument on which lay his recumbent effigy, with his hands in the act of prayer ; the decoration included his armorial bearings as well as those of the sees of Canterbury and Worcester, the deanery of Lincoln, and the colleges of Peterhouse, Pembroke Hall, and Trinity, at Cambridge. The monument was much in- jured in the fire which nearly destroyed the church on 5 Jan. 1867. Thomas Churchyard [q. v.] issued on Whitgift's death a poem called ^Churchyards Good Will, sad and heavy Verses in the nature of an Epitaph ' (London, 160^ *o; reprinted in Park's 4 Heliconia,' vti. iii.) Another ' epitaph' in the form of a pamphlet appeared anony- mously in the same year from the pen of John Rhodes, and a eulogistic life by the controller of his household, Sir George Paule [q. v.], was published in 1612. With his contemporaries Whitgift's cha- racter stood very high, in spite of the rancour with which he was pursued by puritan pamphleteers. The poet Thomas I Whitgift 136 Whitgift Bastard, in his ' Chrestoleros ' (1598), apo- strophised his ' excelling worth ' and purity (cf. GAMAGE, Linrie Wookie, 1621). Ac- cording to John Stow, who dedicated his 'Annals 'to him in 1592, he was 'a man born for the benefit of his country and the {rood of his church.' Camden asserts that • he devoutly consecrated both his whole life to God ana his painful labours to the good of his church.' Sir Henry Wotton terms him ' a man of reverend and sacred memory ; and of the primitive temper, as when the church did flourish in highest example of virtue.' Fuller pronounces him 'one of the worthiest men that ever the English hierarchy did enjoy/ Izaak Walton asserted that ' he was noted to be prudent and affable, and gentle by nature.' Hooker credited him with patience. Despite the pomp which he main- tained at Lambeth and on his visitations, he was not personally self-indulgent. When master of Trinity he usually took his meals with the undergraduates in the college hall, and shared 'their moderate, thrifty diet.' In his latest years he frequently dined witli his poor pensioners at his Croydon hospital, and ate their simple fare. But the ani- mosities which he excited by his rigorous coercion lived long after him, and such fea- tures in his character as these were over- looked or denied. Prynne, in his ' Antipathy of the English Lordly Prelacy' (1641), con- demned him not only for his oppression, but for his lack of spiritual temper, as evidenced by the magnificence of his household and his maintenance of a garrison of retainers. Macaulay, echoing the views of the puritan historians, calls him ' a narrow-minded, mean, and tyrannical priest, who gained power by servility and adulation, and em- ployed it in persecuting both those who agreed with Calvin about church government and those who differed from Calvin touching the doctrine of reprobation.' Whitgift's public work can only be fairly 3^ed in relation to his environment. The ern conceptions of toleration and com- prehension, by which Macaulay tested his conduct, lay outside his mental horizon. He conceived it to be his bounden duty to enforce the law of the land in ecclesiastical matters sternly and strictly. The times were critical, and he believed the Anglican establishment could not resist the assaults of catholics on the one hand and puritans on the other unless they were repressed sum- marily and by force. His personal accep- tance of the doctrinal theories of some of the revolting clergy went in his mind for nothing when he was engaged in the practi- 1 cal business of governing the church. The passive obedience of the clergy to the bishops in all matters touching discipline and ritual was in his eyes the fundamental principle of episcopacy. Active divergence from disci- pline or ritual as established by law, of which the bishops were sole authorised ia- \ terpreters, placed the clergy in the position \ of traitors or rebels. Much cruelty marked his administration, and he gave puritanism something of the advantage that comes of persecution. The effect of his policy was to narrow the bounds of the church, but within the limits that lie assigned it he made the Anglican establishment a stubbornly power- ful and homogeneous organisation which proved capable a few years later of main- taining its existence against what seemed to be overwhelming odds. Wrhitgift was unmarried. Throughouthis life he encouraged learning and interested himself in education. At Lambeth, as at Trinity College, Cambridge, he took charge of young men to whose training he devoted much attention. According to his earliest biographer, Sir George Paule, 'his home, for the lectures and scolastic exercise therein performed, might justly be accounted a little academy, and in some respects superior and more profitable — viz. for martial affairs and the experience that divines and other scholars had, being near, and often at the court and chief seats of justice, from whence they con- tinually had the passages and intelligences both for matters of state and government, in causes ecclesiastical and civil.' While rector of Teversham Whitgift and Margaret, widow of Bartholomew Fulnetby of that place, founded a bible clerkship at Peterhouse. They also settled 31. per annum for the relief of poor widows of the parish of Clavering in Essex. He gave to Trinity College a piece of plate and a collection of manuscripts. He also gave a manuscript of the Complutensian bible to Pembroke Hall, and a hundred marks to the city of Canter- bury. Under letters patent from Queen Elizabeth, dated 22 Nov. 1595, he founded at Croydon a hospital and a free school dedicated to the Holy Trinity, for a warden, schoolmaster, and twenty poor men and women, or as many more under forty as the revenues would admit. The structure, a brick edifice of quadrangular form, was finished on 29 Sept. 1599, at a cost of 2,716/. 11*. Id., the revenues at that period being 18o/.4s.2d. per annum. Whitgift's statutes, from a manu- script at Lambeth, were printed in Ducarel's 'Croydon,' 1783, and separately in 1810. The foundation is still maintained, and the endowment is now worth 4,000/. a year. The hospital maintains thirty-nine poor per- Whithorne 137 Whithorne eons, each male inmate receiving 40/. a year j and each female 30/. Two schools are now j supported out of the benefaction. The ori- j ginal school was removed to new buildings at Croydon in 1871, and in addition there has been opened the ' Whitgift Middle School.' The chief tracts and sermons published by Whitgift in his lifetime have been men- tioned. A. collection of these works, with much that he left in manuscript, was edited for the Parker Society by the Rev. John Ayre, Cambridge, 1851-3 (3 vols. 8vo). These volumes contain his tracts against Cart-wright, sermons, letters, and extracts from his determinations and lectures. Many notes by Whitgift remain in manuscript at Lambeth, in the Tanner manuscripts at the Bodleian Library, and in various collections at the Public Record Office and the British Museum. Portraits of Whitgift are at Lambeth Palace, at Knole, in the Whitgift hospital at Croydon, Durham Castle, the University Library, Cambridge, Trinity College, and Peterhouse, Cambridge, and the picture gal- lery at Oxford. His portrait has been en- graved in the ' Herooologia,' and by R. White, George Vertue, Thomas Trotter, and J. Fittler. [The earliest biography was the sympathetic Life ' written by Sir George Paule, knight, comptroller of his Graces Householde' (London, printed by Thomas Snodham, 1612; another edit. 1699); reprinted in Wordsworth's Ecclesi- astical Biography, vol.iv. There is a good sketch of the archbishop in Izaak Walton's Life of Hooker. But the fullest account is Strype's Life and Acts of Whitgifr, London, 1718, fol., with an engraved portrait by Vertue (1822, 3 vols. 8vo, with an engraved portrait by J. Fittler). See also Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury, vol. v. ; Cooper's Athense Cantabr. vol. ii. ; Cooper's Annals of Cambridge ; J. Bass Mullinger's University of Cambridge from 1535 to 1625, Cambridge, 1884, passim; Maskell's Martin Marprelate Controversy; Arber's In- troduction to the Martin Marprelate Contro- versy; Acts of the Privy Council; Cal. State Papers, Dom. 1576-1604; Collier's Eccles. Hist. ; Soames's Elizabethan Hist. ; Fuller's Church History; Ducarel's Croydon and Lambeth ; Hallam's Constitutional Hist. ; Garrow's Hist, and Antiq. of Croydon, with a Sketch of the Life of Whitgift, Croydon, 1818.] S. L. WHITHORNE or WHITEHORNE, PETER (/. 1543-1563), military writer, is described on the title-pages of his*books, first as student and then as 'fellow 'of Gray's Inn; but his name does not occur in the registers unless he be the P. Whytame who was ad- mitted a student in 1543 (FOSTER, p. 16). About 1550 he was serving in the armies of the emperor Charles V against the Moors, and was present at the siege and capture by the Spaniards of ' Calibbia,' a monastery in Africa. He also speaks of having been in Constantinople. While in Africa he trans- lated into English from the Italian Ma- chiavelli's treatise on the art of war, but it was not published till ten years later, when Whitehorne terms it ' the first fruites of a poore souldiour's studie.' It was dedicated to Queen Elizabeth and was entitled ' The Arte of Warre written first in Italian by Nicholas Machiauell and set forthe in Eng- lishe . . . with an addicion of other like Marcialle feates and experiments . . .,' Lon- don, 4to. The title-page is dated 'Anno MDLX. Mense Julii,' but the colophon has 1 MDLXII Mense Aprilis.' Other editions appeared in 1573-4 and 1588, both in quarto. Whitehorne next produced an English trans- lation of Fabio Cotta's Italian version of the Greek ' Strategicus ' by Onosander, a writer of the first century A.D. It was entitled ' Onosandro Platonico, of the General Cap- taine, and of his office . . . imprinted at London by Willyam Seres. Anno 1563,' and was dedicated to the earl marshal, Thomas Howard, duke of Norfolk, to whom Whitehorne 'wysheth longe life and per- petuall felicitie.' [Works in Brit. Mus. Library; Tanner's Bibl. Bnt.-Hib.] A. F. P. WHITHORNE, THOMAS (Jl. 1590), musical amateur, published in 1571 * Songes of three, fower, and fiue partes, by Thomas Whythorne, gent.' The collection consists of seventy-six pieces, mostly to devotional words, in'five part-books. They were well printed by John Day, the words in black letter. There are copies at the British Mu- seum, Bodleian, and Christ Church libraries. As was usual, Whithorne wrote both the words and music. Complimentary Latin verses, different in each of the part-books, are prefixed; and Whithorne is duly pro- mised immortality. In 1590 he published another collection entitled ' Duos,' contain- ing fifty-two pieces, some for treble and bass, some for two trebles or two cornets, and fif- teen canons. It is dedicated to the Earl of Huntingdon from London ; it was printed by Thomas East, and Whithorne's portrait, at the age of forty, is at the end of each part-book. The first twelve pieces are an- thems ; only the opening words of all the others are given. Whithorne was an amateur with an inor- dinate belief in his own powers. His works are ignored in the theoretical treatises of \Yhiting 138 Whiting Morley, Ravenscroft, and Campion ; nor were they mentioned by any critic until Burney described the 4 Songes,' dismissing both words and music as * truly barbarous.' 1 I imbault, Rockstro, Husk, Davey, and Nagel all speak of them with contempt. The 4 Duos ' are less bad, but are unknown to bibliographers, and are not mentioned even in Grove's * Dictionary.' In Brown and Stratton's 'British Musical Biography 'they are absurdly entitled * Bassavo.' A portrait of Whithorne, dated 1569, is in the possession of Mr. W. H. Cummings (cf. BROMLEY, p. 43). [Whithorne's Works in British Museum Li- brary; Burner's History of Music, iii. 119; Rim- bault's Bibliotheca Madrigaliana, p. vii ; Grove's Dictionary of Music and Musicians, ii. 191, iv. 454, 817; Davey's History of English Music, p. 138; NageFs Geschichte der Musik in Eng- land, ii. 288.] H. D. WHITING, JOHN ( 1656-1 722), quaker, son of John Whiting of Nailsea, near Bristol, where his yeoman ancestors had long owned a small estate, was born there in 1656. His mother Mary, daughter of John Evans of the same parish, and his father were converted to Quakerism in 1654 by John Audland and John Camm [q.v.] At their house were held the first meetings in Somerset. Whiting's father died in 1658. His mother in December 1660 was sent with two hundred others to Ilchester gaol for refusing the oath of alle- giance. Released at the spring assizes at Chard, she married in 1661 Moses Bryant of Nailsea; by him she had three sons, and died in November 1666. Whiting was educated at a grammar school, but was brought up as a quaker. At his stepfather's death in 1672 he went to live with his new guardian, Edmond Beaks, at Portishead, and met there Charles Marshall (1637-1698) [q. v.] His sister Mary, born in 1654, was now a quaker preacher, and in August 1675 set out on a preaching journey towards London. In No- vember he joined her in Buckinghamshire. They visited quakers in Reading gaol, and reached London in December. Thence he returned home, while she travelled north- ward. ( >n 1 April 1676 he rejoined her at Norton, Durham, and found her ill ; she died there on 8 April 1676, aged twenty-two. Some time after, while in prison, he wrote 4 Early Piety exemplified in the Life and Death of Mary Whiting, with two of her Epistles' (1(384 ?,4to; 2nd edit, 1711, 12mo). Soon after his return to Nailsea, Whiting was cited to appear in the bishop's court at Wells (28 May 1678) for not paying tithes. He was. however, appointed overseer of his parish, and was unmolested through the winter, but on 28 Jan. 1679 he was arrested and carried to Ilchester gaol. After eighteen months he was removed to the Old Iriary, allowed to walk out, and sometimes to visit Nailsea. Many other quakers were prisoners, and on Sundays they held meetings, which outsiders attended, in the great hall or in the walled orchard. Whiting- was in fre- quent correspondence with London Friends, who sent him books. He wrote much, and read the works of Boehme, Sir Walter Ralegh, and other authors. On James II's accession Whiting vainly tried to obtain his release. 4 Liberty of conscience was in the press,' he says, 4 for it was so long in coming out.' When Monmouth arrived in Taunton, Whiting and his sister-in-law, Mrs. Scott, in- terviewed him. Considering the state of the country, Whiting thought best to surrender himself at Ilchester. There he was speedily thrust into irons among Monmouth's men, and spent six weeks chained to John Hips- ley, another quaker. He was allowed to go to his own room after thirteen weeks, in time to be an eye-witness of some of the atrocities of the ' Bloody assize ' (/Some Memoirs, pp. 152-3). He remained a close prisoner until the king's proclamation about the end of March 1686. Whiting married Sarah Hurd on 20 May 1686, and two years after moved to a shop at Wrington. There Penn often visited him, and held meetings. Whiting's autobiography ends in 1696. The remainder of his life was largely spent travelling in various counties in the south of England and in London, where he died in the parish of St. An- drew, Holborn, on 12 Nov. 1722. He was buried in the now vanished quaker burial- ground in Hanover Street, Long Acre, on the 16th. Many of Whiting's manuscripts remained unpublished. His 'Catalogue of Friends' Books '(London, 1708, 8vo), the first attempt at quaker bibliography, and his 4 Persecution Exposed, in some Memoirs of the Suffer- ings' (London, 1715, 4to; reprinted 1791, 8vo), hold important places in quaker an- nals. He also wrote, besides smaller works : 1. ' An Abstract of the Lives, Precepts, and Sayings of Ancient Fathers,' London, 1684, 4to. 2. ' Judas, and the Chief Priests,' Lon- don, 1701, 4to (this was in answer to George Keith). 3. ' Truth and Innocency defended,' London, 1702, 8vo (in answer to aspersions on the quakers in Cotton Mather's 'His- tory '). 4. 4 Memoirs of Sarah Scott ' (his niece), London, 1703, 12mo; 2nd edit. 1711, 8vo. 5. 4 The Admonishers admonished,' Whiting 139 Whiting London, 1765, 4to. 6. ' Truth, the strongest of all,' London [1706], 4to ; 2nd edit. 1709, 4to. 7. ' The Rector corrected, or Forgery dissected,' London, 1708, 8vo. 8. 'Christ Jesus owned as he is God and Man,' London, 1709, 8vo. He also edited 'Strength in Weakness,' memoirs of his fellow prisoner, Elizabeth Stirredge (London, 1711, 12mo; other editions, 1746, 1772, 1795 ; reprinted in the ' Friends' Library,' vol. ii. Philadelphia. 1838); and the ' Journal of John Gratton,' (London, 1720, 8vo; 1779, 1795, and Stock- port, 1823 ; republished in the ' Friends' Library/ 1845, vol. ix.) [Memoirs above named ; Besse's Sufferings, 5. 611, 612, 613, 641, 644, 647, 648 ; Smith's Cat. ii. 917-22.] C. F. S. WHITING, RICHARD (d. 1539), abbot of Glastonbury, graduated M. A. at Cambridge in 1483 and D.I), in 1505, and became a monk at Glastonbury (where he may previously have been a scholar) during the abbacy of Richard Bere (for conjectures, more or less plausible, of the date and place of birth, see GASQUET, The Last Abbot of Glastonbury, pp. 14, 19). He was admitted to the order of acolyte in September 1498, sub-deacon in 1499, deacon in 1500, priest 6 March 1601 (GASQUET, p. 28, quoting register of Bishop King of Bath and Wells). He held for some time the office of camerarius in the abbey. On the death of Bere in February 1525 forty-seven of the monks gave their rights of electing into the hands of Wolsey, and on 3 March 1625 the cardinal appointed Whiting to the vacant abbacy (document in ADAM OF DOMERSHAM, ed. Hearne. vol. i. pp. xcvii sq.) After canonical investigations, &c., on 5 April 1525 he received restitution of the temporalities of the abbey (Letters and Papers of Henry VIII, iv. i. 548). While abbot he appears frequently in the state papers as presenting Christmas gifts to the king, providing hawks, &c., negotia- ting concerning advowsons, and engaging lay clerks and organists. The property of the abbey was very large, and the abbot kept great state, bringing up nearly three hundred sons of the nobility and gentry besides other meaner folk ; he entertained sometimes five hundred persons of quality at once, and every Wednesday and Friday fed the poor of the neighbourhood. When he went abroad he was attended by over a hundred men. He entertained Leland, who in his first draft spoke of him as ' homo sane candidissimus, et amicus meus singulars' (Collect, vi. 70). In 1534 he took the oath of supremacy with his prior and fifty monks (Letters and Papers, vii. 296, 473 ; the oath was signed 19 Sept., but had apparently been taken on 1 June). The early investigations spoke well of the state of Glastonbury. Layton, writing to Cromwell 24 Aug. 1635, says that the monks are there 'so strait kept that they cannot offend, but fain they would ' (ib, ix. 50) ; and it has been suggested that the gladness with which the monks departed on the dissolution (WRIGHT, Dissolution of the Monasteries, p. 298) is evidence of the strict- ness of Whiting's rule (R. W. Dixon in English Historical Review, October 1897, p. 782). The abbot seems to have been anxious to be on good terms with Cromwell. He thanks him 'for his goodness to this house/ grants him a corrody formerly en- joyed by Sir Thomas More, ' wishing it a better thing' (Letters and Papers,'^.. 59, 105). Nevertheless the jurisdiction of the abbey over the town and district was suspended (ib. p. 231), and strict injunctions as to the management of the property and observance of the rules were given by the visitors (ib. p. 85). It was announced, however, that there was no intention of suppressing the abbey (ib. x. 180). In 1536 a friar preaching in the abbey de- nounced the ' new fangylles and new men ' (ib. p. 121), and this appears to have directed the attention of the court to alleged sedition in the house (ib. xii. 264). The property of the abbey was constantly being granted on leases to courtiers (ib. passim), andWhit- ing, writing from his castle of Sturminster- Newton, Dorset, 26 Jan. 1538, complains that his ' game in certain parks is much decayed by despoil ' (ib. vol. xiii. pt. i. p. 50). He appears to have been reassured about the same time by Cromwell against any ' fear of suppression or change of life' (ib. pp. 211-12, and see Mr. GAIRDNER'S note), and at Christmas 1538 his servants received the usual present from the king (ib. pt. ii. p. 538). At the beginning of 1539 Glastonbury was the only religious house left untouched in the county. In September a new visitation was determined on. On 16 Sept. Layton wrote to Cromwell that Whiting, whom he had formerly praised, ' now appears to have no part of a Christian man ' (ib. xiv. ii. 54). On 19 Sept. Layton, Pollard, and Moyle arrived at Glastonbury, but, not finding the abbot, went to Sharpham, one of his manors, where they found and examined him, ap- parently touching the succession. He was then taken back to Glastonbury, and thence to the Tower. There has been much discus- sion as to the charge on which the abbot was arrested (see SANDERS, De Schismate, p. 135, ed. 1628 ; BURNET, Hist, of the Re- Whiting 140 Whitlock formation, p. 239; GODWIN, Annals, pp. 167- 168; Letter* ami /'«/«•/•. Xov. 1641 the king passed through his grounds at Balmes in Hackney on his return from Scotland. In 1642 he was imprisoned in Crosby House as a delinquent (ib. 1641-3, p. 403), and, although he was shortly re- leased, he was reimprisoned on 20 Jan. 1642- 1643 for refusing to pay the taxes levied by parliament. His estate was sequestered for some time, but he finally obtained his dis- charge from the committee of sequestrations, and on 22 Oct. 1651 was commanded to lay his discharge before the committee for com- pounding (Cal. Comm. for Compoundiny, p. 491). He died at Balmes on 12 Dec. 1654, and was buried at St. Mary Magdalen, Milk Street, on 6 Jan. He married Mary (1616- 1657), eldest daughter of Richard Daniel of Truro. By her he had three sons — Charles, George, and William — and four daughters : Elizabeth, married to Sir John Weld of Willey; Anne, married to Sir John Robin- son, lord may or of London; Margaret, married to Sir Charles Kemys ; and Mary [Boase and Courtney's Biblioth. Cornub. 1874 ; Brown's Genesis of the United States, 1890, i. 228, ii. 1052 ; Whitmore's Notes on the Manor and Family of Whitmore, 1856, pp. 8, 9 ; Robin- son's Hist, and Antiq. of Hackney, 1842, i. 154- 162; Courtney's Guide to Ponzance, 1845, App. p. 80; Gent. Mag. 1826, i. 131 ; Pepys's Diary and Corresp. ed. Braybrooke, ii. 293, 377, iv. 442 ; Funeral Sermon by Anthony Farindon, appended to his Thirty Sermons, 1657.] E. I. C. WHITNEY, GEOFFREY (1548 ?- 1601 ?), poet, the son of a father of the same name, was born at, or near, Coole Pilate, a township in the parish of Acton, four miles from Nantwich in Cheshire, in or about 1548. His family, probably sprung from the Whitneys of Whitney in Herefordshire, had been settled on a small estate at Coole Pilate since 1388. Educated at the neigh- bouring school of Audlem, he afterwards proceeded to Oxford, and then for a longer period to Magdalene College, Cambridge ; but he seems to have left the university without a degree. Having adopted the legal pro- fession, he became in time under-bailiff of Great Yarmouth. He heldthis post in 1580 (how much earlier is not evident), retaining it till 1586. In 1584 the Earl of Leicester, high steward of the borough, made an un- successful attempt to procure the under- stewardship for Whitney, but the place was given to John Stubbs [q. v.] After some litigation with the corporation, by which he seems to have been badly treated, the dis- pute was settled by a payment to the poet of 45/. (MANSHIP, Yarmouth, vol. ii.) During his residence at Yarmouth Whit- ney appears to have had much intercourse with the Netherlands, and to have made the acquaintance of many scholars there. On the termination of his connection with the town, he proceeded to Leyden, * where he was in great esteem among his countrymen for his ingenuity.' On 1 March 1586 he be- came a student in its newly founded univer- sity, and later in the year he brought out at Plant in's press his ' Choice of Emblems,' the book which has preserved his name from oblivion. Of the duration of his sojourn on the continent there is no evidence. He sub- Whitney Whitshed sequently returned to England, and resided in the neighbourhood of his birthplace. At Ryles (or Royals) Green, near Combermere Abbey, he made his will on 11 Sept. 1600, which was proved on 28 May 1601. He seems to have died unmarried. Whitney's reputation depends upon his celebrated work, entitled ' A Choice of Em- blemes and other Devises, for the moste parte gathered out of sundrie writers, Eng- lished and moralised, and divers newly devised, by Geffrey Whitney. A worke adorned with varietie of matter, both plea- sant and profitable: wherein those that please maye finde to fit their fancies : Be- cause herein, by the office of the eie and the eare, the minde maye reape dooble-delighte throughe holsome preceptes, shadowed with pleasant devises : both fit for the vertuous, to their incoraging ; and for the wicked, for their admonishing and amendment ' (2 pts., Leyden, 1586, 4to). The book was dedi- cated to the Earl of Leicester from London on 28 Nov. 1585 with an epistle to the reader dated Leyden 4 May 1586. The author speaks as if this were a second edition ; if so, the first was written only, and not printed. His emblems, 248 in number, generally one or more stanzas of six lines (a quatrain followed by a couplet), have a device or woodcut prefixed, with an appropriate motto. Being addressed either to his kinsmen or friends, or to some eminent contemporary, they fur- nish notices of persons, places, and things not elsewhere readily to be met with. Of the devices twenty-three only are original, while twenty-three are suggested by, and 202 identical with, those of Alciati, Paradin, Sambucus, Junius, and Faerni. The work was the first of its kind to present to Eng- lishmen an adequate example of the emblem books that had issued from the great conti- nental presses ; and it was mainly from it, as a representative book of the greater part of emblem literature which had preceded it, that Shakespeare gained the knowledge which he evidently possessed of the great foreign emblematists of the sixteenth century. Whit- ney's verses are often of great merit, and always manifest a pure mind and extensive learning. The only other works which can be posi- tively assigned to Whitney are: 1. 'An Ac- count in Latin of a Visit to Scratby Island, off Great Yarmouth,' 1580, a translation of which is printed in Manship's ' History of Great Yarmouth.' 2. Some verses in Dousa's ' Od» Britannic®,' Leyden, 1586, 4to. Isabella Whitney, a sister of the poet, was likewise a writer of verses. Her principal work, ' A Sweet Nosegay, or Pleasant Posye, contayning a Hundred and Ten Phylosophi- call Flowers/ appeared in 1573. [Green's facsimile reprint of the Choice of Em- blems, 1866, and the same writer's Shakespeare and the Emblem Writers ; Melville's Family of Whitney; Wood's Athenae Oxon. i. 527 ; Ritson's Bibl. Anglo-Poetica ; Corser's Collectanea ; Cooper's Athenae Cantabr. ii. 23-4.] F. S. WHITSHED, SIR JAMES HAWKINS (1762-1849), admiral of the fleet, born in 1762, was third son of James Hawkins (1713-1805), bishop of Raphoe, and in 1773 was entered on the books of the Ranger sloop, then on the Irish station. He was afterwards borne on the books of the Kent, guardship at Plymouth, and first went afloat in the Aldborough, serving on the New- foundland and North American stations, till, on 4 Sept. 1778, he was promoted to the rank of lieutenant. During 1779 he was in the Amazon, on the home station, and in December he joined the Sandwich, flagship of Sir George Brydges (afterwards Lord) Rodney [q. v.], with whom he was present in the action off Cape St. Vincent on 16 Jan. 1780. At Gibraltar he was made commander into the San Vincente sloop, and, going out to the West Indies with Rodney, was present in the action of 17 April 1780, and on the next day, 18 April, was posted to the Deal Castle, which, in a violent hurri- cane in the following October, was blown from her anchorage at St. Lucia, and wrecked on the coast of Porto Rico. The crew hap- pily escaped to the shore, and Hawkins, after recovering from a dangerous fever brought on by the exposure, was honourably ac- quitted by a court-martial of all blame, and was sent to England with despatches. In July 1781 he was appointed to the Ceres frigate, in which, in the following spring, he took out Sir Guy Carleton (afterwards Lord Dorchester) [q. v.] to New York, and brought him back to England in December 1783. For the next three years Hawkins com- manded the Rose frigate at Leith and on the east coast of Scotland. He then studied for three years at Oxford, attending lectures on astronomy, and travelled on the continent, mainly in Denmark and in Russia. In 1791 he assumed the name of Whitshed, that of his maternal grandmother, in accordance with the terms of a cousin's will. In 1793 he was appointed to the Arrogant of 74 guns, one of the squadron under Rear- admiral George Montagu [q. v. ] in May and June 1794. In 1795 he was moved into the Namur, one of the ships which in January 1797 were detached from the Channel fleet with Rear-admiral [Sir] William Parker Whitson 144 Whittaker (1743-1802) [q. v.] to reinforce Sir John Jervis (afterwards Earl St. Vincent) [a. v.] at Lisbon, and to take part in the battle of Cape St. Vincent, for which Whitshed, with the other captains engaged, received the gold medal and the thanks of both houses of par- liament. He afterwards commanded suc- cessively the Ajax and the Formidable in the Channel fleet, and on 14 Feb. 1799 was promoted to be rear-admiral. In April, with his flag in the Queen Charlotte, he com- manded a squadron of four ships of the line which was sent as a reinforcement to the Mediterranean fleet, on the news of the French fleet having escaped from Brest. In the pursuit he returned off Brest with Lord Keith [see ELPHINSTONE, GEORGE KEITH, LORD KEITH]. He continued in the Chan- nel till 1801, and in 1803, on the renewal of the war, was appointed naval adviser to the lord lieutenant of Ireland, to superintend the arrangements for the defence of the Irish coast and to organise the sea fencibles. He became vice-admiral on 23 April 1804, and in the spring of 1807 was appointed com- mander-m-chief at Cork, where he remained for three years. On 31 July 1810 he was promoted to the rank of admiral. lie was nominated a K.C.B. on 2 Jan. 1815, was com- mander-in-chief at Portsmouth from January 1821 to April 1824, was made a G.C.B. on 17 Nov. 1830, a baronet on 16 May 1834, baron of the kingdom of Hanover in 1843, and admiral of the fleet on 8 Jan. 1844. He died at his house in Cavendish Square, Lon- don, on 28 Oct. 1849. Whitshed's portrait, by F. Cruikshank, is in the Painted Hall at Greenwich. Whitshed married, in 1791, Sophia Hen- rietta, daughter of Captain John Albert Ben- tinck of the navy (f founders, had advanced 30/. to young Whittingham on commencing business, and )>y this time his annual bill tor type, much ! ofr which he sold at a profit, came to 500/. In 1794, 1795, and 1796 he produced books of specimen types for Caslon. In 1795 he print.'d tlit> title-page and preface to the second part of Paine's ' Age of Reason ' and 'The Tomahawk' (27 Oct. 1795), a fiercely patriotic daily paper which was killed by the stamp duty in its hundred and thirteenth number. Whittingham is said to have been the first English printer to produce a ' fine ' or ' India paper' edition in the shape of an issue of Tate and Brady's ' Psalms' in 1795 or 1796. This was followed by a prayer-book for John Reeves of Cecil Street, Strand. In 1797 he removed to larger premises, No. 1 Dean Street. For Heptinstall, a bookseller of Fleet Street and subsequently of Hoi born, Whittingham produced editions of Boswell's 'Johnson,' Robertson's ' America ' and ' Charles V,' and Rogers's * Pleasures of Memory.' His first example of a book illustrated with wood- cuts was l Pity's Gift : a Collection of in- teresting Tales,' printed for Thomas Long- man in 1798, followed by two companion volumes, 'The Village Orphan' and 'The Basket Maker.' The business increased, and he took a second house in Dean Street and became tenant of a private residence at 9 Paradise Row, Islington. In 1799 he printed Gray's ' Poems ' ' in a more elegant state of typography than they ever before assumed,' and sold the whole edition to Miller of Old Bond Street, and James Scatcherd of Ave Maria Lane. This work seems to have brought the Rivingtons, John Murray, and all the leading publishers to him. He introduced the plan of printing neat and compact editions of standard authors in rivalry with tho more expensive editions issued by the bookselling trade. The booksellers threatened to withdraw their patronage, but he took a room at a coffee-house and sold the books himself by auction. With John Sharpe of the Strand, and afterwards of Piccadilly, he brought out a series of the essayists, in twenty-two neat volumes, called 'The British Classics' (1803). Sharpe's ' British Theatre' was the next joint venture, and in 1805 came the ' British Poets,' not to be confounded with the Chis- wick edition brought out some years later. In 1803 he took another workshop at 10 Union Buildings in Leather Lane, and adopted the sign of the 'Stanhope Press, after the first press designed by Lord Stan- hope, which he had purchased. In 1807 the whole business was transferred to Goswell Street. Two years later he started a paper- pulp manufactory at Chiswick under the superintendence of Thomas Potts. ThU business grew rapidly, and Whittingham found it necessary to live at Chiswick. He leased in 1810 the High House in Chiswick Mall, leaving the London business in the charge of Robert Rowland, who had been his foreman since 1798; the style of the firm was Whittingham & Rowland. The High House was fitted up as a printing office and became the famous Chiswick Press, this name being first used on an im- print of 1811. His speculations increased ; he bought leasehold property, and was partner with John Arliss as stationer and bookseller at Watling Street. Between 1810 and 181 5 he was elaborating his methods as a printer of illustrated books, was ' the first printer to develop fully the overlaying of wood engravings for book illustration,' and was the first to print woodcuts perfectly (WARREN, The Charles Whittinghams, pp. 50-2). His inks were of peculiar excellence and brilliancy. About 1814 Triphook, the bookseller, and Samuel editor of old An edition 1815) is a charming specimen of this period. In 1816 he began to be ' eminently successful in small editions of Common Prayer' (TIMPERLEY, Encyclopedia, p. 864). He moved from the High House in 1818 to more commodious premises, College House, Chiswick Mall, which had been occupied in 1665 by Dr. Busby and the Westminster boys during the plague. From 1819 to 1821 he was asso- ciated with William Hughes in an engrav- ing business at 12 Staining Lane, London. The well-known Chiswick edition of the ' British Poets ' (1822), in a hundred small volumes, was planned and entirely carried out by him. In 1824 his nephew Charles (1795-1867), who is separately noticed, be- came a partner in the Chiswick Press ; they dissolved partnership four years afterwards, but remained on friendly terms. Among the masterpieces of Whittingham's later period are Northcote's ' Fables ' (1829), second series (1833), the 'Tower Menagerie' (1829), and companion volumes describing the birds and animals at the Zoological Gardens (1830-1). The engravings were after the drawings of William Harvey. John Thompson, Jackson, Branston, Thomas Williams, and others, worked for him as engravers. He produced a great variety of albums, keepsakes, and IW14 Triphook, tne bookseller, an Weller Singer [q. v.], the edit authors, began to use his press, i of the 'Vicar of Wakefield' (1 Whittingham 147 Whittingham annualsfor John Pooleand Sut lal.y. • l'uckl.-'> Club ' (1834) is a fine specimen of liis typo- graphy. Early in 1838 his health began to fail, and by June the nephew took over the control at Chiswick, where the uncle died on 5 Jan. 1840. He left, among other legacies, one to the Company of Stationers and one to the Printers' Pension Society, by which special pensions bearing his name were founded. He married Mary Mead, who predeceased him. He had no children. His portrait, painted by Thomas Williams, now at Sta- tioners' Hall, is reproduced as a frontispiece by Warren (The Charles Whittinghams). He devoted himself to fine printing with ardour and success, and dabbled in many commercial speculations. All mechanical novelties attracted him. He was one of the first in England to use a steam engine in making the paper-pulp, and to warm his workshops with steam pipes. He never had an engine for printing, as he believed the hand press produced a better result. [Information from Mr. B. F. Stevens. See also Warren's The Charles Whittinghams, Prin- ters (Groliert5lub), New York, 1896, where all the available facts are recorded, with many por- traits, autographs, woodcuts, blocks, and other illustrations. See also Not.es and Queries, 3rd ser. x. 91, 5th ser. v. 359, 8th ser. ix. 367, 414, 472; Faulkner's Hist, of Chiswick, p. 459 ; Nichols's Literary Anecdotes, iii. 689, and Illus- trations, viii. 462, 512; Bigmore and Wyman's Bibliogr. of Printing, vol. iii. ; Linton's Masters of Wood Engraving, 1889, pp. 181-2; British Bookmaker, September 1890.] H. K. T. WHITTINGHAM, CHARLES (1795- 1876), 'the nephew,' printer, nephew of Charles Whittingham (1767-1840) [q. v.], was born at Mitcham, Surrey, on 30 Oct. 1795. His father, Samuel, brother of the elder Charles, was a nurseryman. Young Whittingham, alwaysknown as 'the nephew,' was apprenticed at the age of fifteen to his uncle, who had paid for his education under the Rev. John Lvans of Islington. He was made a freeman of the Company of Stationers in 1817, and the following year his uncle sent him to Paris with letters of introduction to the Didots. One result of the visit was the production on his return of Whitting- han/s 'French Classics' by the Chiswick Press. A series of ' Pocket Novels' was also issued under his supervision. In 1824 his uncle took him into partnership, and they printed 'Knickerbocker's New York' (1824), Pierce Egan's 'Life of an Actor' (1825), Singer's ' Shakespeare,' in ten volumes (1825), and many other books. The partnership was dissolved in 1828, and the younger Whit- tingham started a printing office at 21 Took's Court, Chancery Lane. His first work, ' A Sunday Book,' bears the date of 1829. He j shortly afterwards made the acquaintance of j Basil Montagu, through whom he knew Wil- | liam Pickering [q. v.J, the bookseller, a life- long friend and associate in the production of many choice volumes. They now lie side by side at Kensal Green cemetery. Among the earliest of his books were Peele's ' Works' (1829), ' The Bijou, or Annual of Literature and the Arts,' Walton's ' Angler/ the ' Canter- bury Tales,' Bacon's ' Works,' and Holbein's 'Dance of Death.' In conjunction with Pickering he had many woodcut initial letters and ornaments designed or adapted. He did not attempt to rival his uncle as a printer of illustrated books, but aimed at distinction in letterpress and originality in woodcut ornaments and initials, in the em- ployment of fine ink and hand-made paper, and in the artistic arrangement of the pages and margins. Some books illustrated by George and Robert Cruikshank came from Took's Court between 1830 and 1833. On the death of his uncle in 1840 the entire business passed into the hands of the younger Whittingham, who carried on the works at Chiswick as well as at Took's Court until 1848, and the books printed at both places bear the imprint of Chiswick Press. In 1840 he commenced block colour printing in Shaw's ' Elizabethan Architecture published in 1842. Some of the finest specimens of his work are to be found in Shaw's publi- cations. Pickering issued from his new premises at 177 Piccadilly in 1841 a prayer- book, one of the first of the many fine orna- mental volumes printed for him by Whit- tingham. Samuel Rogers came to the Chis- wick Press for the 'Notes' to his 'Italy' (1843). The years 1843 and 1844 were of great importance in the annals of the Chiswick Press, as they marked the introduction of the old-fashioned style of book production for which Whittingham and Henry Cole were chiefly responsible. In 1843 Whit- tingham persuaded Caslon to revive an old- faced fount of great primer cut in 1720, and an Eton prize 'Juvenal' was printed for Pickering and the ' Diary of Lady Wil- loughby' for Longman in this letter (1844 ; see art. RATHBONE, HANNAH MABY; cf. REED, Old English Letter Foundries, 1887, p. 255 ; Notes and Queries, 8th ser. ix. 415, 472). He printed Pickering's fine repro- ductions of the first editions of the ' Com- mon Prayer ' in 1844. In 1848 he became a liveryman of the Company of Stationers. The lease at Took's Court expired in 1849, L 2 Whittingham 148 Whittingham and for three years all his printing was carried on at Chiswick. In 1862 he returned to the premises at Took's Court, which have remained the Chiswick Press down to the present day. Among the later fine works there printed may be mentioned the volumes of the Philobiblon Society, Lord Vernon's * Dante' (1854), and the ' Breviarium Aber- donense' (1864). In 1864 Whittingham lost his -wife and his friend Pickering, and in 1860 took his manager, John Wilkins ( matter was arranged by Sir liufane Donkin. In October 1836 Whittingham was appointed to the command of the forces in the Windward and Leeward Islands of the West Indies. He sailed for Barbados on 22 Dec., with the local, exchanged in a few months for the substantive, rank of lieu- I tenant-general. In September 1839 he was : given the command of the Madras army ; \ he arrived at Madras on 1 Aug. 1840, and '• died there suddenly on 19 Jan. 1841. He I was buried with military honours at Fort ; George on the following day, salutes being i fired at the principal military stations of the presidency. A tablet to his memory was placed in the garrison church, Madras. Whittingham married at Gibraltar, in January 1810, Donna Magdalena, elder of j twin daughters of Don Pedro de Creus y | Xirnenes, intendant of the Spanish royal armies, by whom he had a large family, and ! several of his sons were in the army. Whittingham published in 1811 'Primera • Parte de la Tactica de la Caballeria Inglesa traducida,' 8vo, and in 1815 ' A System of Manoeuvres in Two Lines ; ' also ' A System of Cavalry Manoeuvres in Line,' London and Madrid, 8vo. He was the author of several unpublished papers on military and political subjects, which are in possession of the family. A list of them is given in the 'Memoir of Whittingham's Services ' (1868), which has as frontispiece a portrait engraved by H. Ad- lard from an original miniature. [War Office Records ; Despatches ; Royal Military Gal. 1820; Gent. Mag. 1841 ; Memoir of the Services of Sir Samuel Ford Whitting- ham, &c., edited by Major-general Ferdinand Whittingham, C.B., 8vo, London, 1868, new edit, same year ; Southey's Peninsular War ; Watt's Bibl. Brit,; Allibone's Diet, of English Lit.; Cannon's Regimental Records of the 7 1st High- land Light Infantry.] R. H. V. WHITTINGHAM, WILLIAM (1524?- | 1579), dean of Durham, born at Chester about 1524, was son of William Whitting- | ham, by his wife, a daughter of Haughton j of Haughton (Hoghton) Tower, Lancashire, j a county from which the Whittinghams ori- ginally came ( Visitation of Cheshire, Harl. Soc. p. 248). In 1540, at the age of six- teen, he entered Brasenose College, Oxford, i as a commoner, graduating B.A. and being ' elected fellow of All Souls' in 1545. In 1547 he became senior student of Christ Church, commencing M.A. on 5 Feb. 1547-8, and on 17 May 15«50 he was granted leave to travel Whittingham Whittingham for three years. He went to France, where he spent his time chiefly at the university of ( >rlt'ans,but he also visited Lyons and studied at Paris, where his services as interpreter were often required by the English am- bassador, Sir John Mason fq. v.] or Sir Wil- liam Pickering [q. v.] lowards the end of 1552 he visited the universities in Ger- many and Geneva, and, probably at the close of his three years' leave, returned to Eng- land in May 1553. Whittingham had adopted extreme protestant views, and the accession of Queen Mary ruined his prospects for the time. Late in August, however, he made intercession, which was ultimately success- ful, for the release of Peter Martyr [see VERMIGLI, PIETRO MARTIKE] ; but after a few weeks he himself escaped with difficulty by way of Dover to France. In the spring of 1554 the project was started of making Frankfort the ecclesiasti- cal centre for the English exiles on the con- tinent, andWhittingham was one of the first who reached the city on 27 June 1554, and at once sent out invitations to exiles in other cities to join them [see WHITE HEAD, DAVID]. Difficulties soon arose between those who wished to use Edward VI's second prayer- book without material modification and those led by Whittingham and Knox, who con- sidered Calvinism the purest form of Chris- tianity, and insisted on revising the prayer- book in that direction. Whittingham was one of those appointed to draw up a service- book, and he procured a letter from Calvin, dated 18 Jan. 1554—5, which won over some of the wavering adherents of the prayer-book; but the compromise adopted was rudely dis- turbed by the arrival of Richard Cox [q.v.], who was an uncompromising champion of the prayer-book. In the ensuing struggle be- tween Knox and Cox Whittingham was Knox's chief supporter, but he failed to pre- vent Knox's expulsion from Frankfort on 26 March, and is thereupon said to have given in his adhesion to the form of church government established at Frankfort under Cox's influence. He was, however, pro- foundly dissatisfied with it, and about 22 Sept. in the same year he followed Knox to Geneva (Original Letters, Parker Soc. p. 766). He was himself probably the author of the detailed account of the struggle, en- titled 'A Brieft' Discours off the Troubles begonne at Franckford in Germany, anno Domini 1554. Abowte the Booke off Com- mon Prayer and Ceremonies, and continued by the Englishe men theyre tothende oll'Q. Maries Raigne,1 1 575, -Ito. It bears no place or printer's name, but was printed probably at Geneva, and in the same type as Cart- wright's tracts; one copy of the original edit ion is dated MDLXXIV. It was reprint • •4, 8vo. An earlier edition of this last is said to have appeared in 1/513:3 (Bibliotheca Erasmiana, 1893, p. 29). [Editions of Why tynton's Works in Brit. Mus. and Bodleian Libraries; Wood's Athense and Hist, et Antiq. ii. 4, 5 ; Warton's English Poe- try, sect. xxv. ; Boase's Register of the Univ. of Oxford, 1885, i. 85 ; Foster's Alumni Oxon. ; W. Carew Hazlitt's Schools, Schoolbooks, &c., 1 888, pp. 60-8 ; Briiggemann's View of the Eng- lish Editions, 1797, pp. 500, 651.] J. H. L. WHITTLE, PETER ARMSTRONG (1789-1866), Lancashire antiquary, was born at Inglewhite in the parish of Goosnargh, Lancashire, on 9 July 1789, and was edu- cated at the grammar schools of Goosnargh, AValton-le-Dale, and Preston. He began business as a bookseller and printer at Pres- ton in 1810, and became an active contri- butor to various journals. He was intelli- gent but ill-educated, and his works, though not without value, abound in errors. He styled himself F.S.A., but was not a fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. In 1858 Lord Derby, as prime minister, gave him a pension of 60/. a year for ' literary services.' After giving up business in 1851, he lived at Bolton for some years, and then removed to Mount Vernon, Liverpool. Whittle, who was a Roman catholic, died on 7 Jan. 1866. He married, in October 1827, Matilda Henrietta Armstrong, and had two sons : Robert Clau- dius, author of 'The Wayfarer in Lanca- shire,' and Henry Armstrong. He was the author of the ^following local histories: 1. 'A Topographical Account, &c., of Preston,' 1821; vol. ii. 1837, 12mo (the first volume was published under the pseu- donym of 'MarmadukeTulket'). 2. 'Marina; or an Historical and Descriptive Account of Southport, Lytham, and Blackpool,' Preston, 1831, 8vo (anon.) 3. ' Architectural Descrip- tion of St. Ignatius's Church, Preston,' 1833. 4. ' Description of St. Mary's Cistercian Church at Penwortham,' 8vo. 6. ' Historical Notices of Hoghton Tower,' 1845. 6. * An Account of St. Marie's Chapel at Ferny- halgh/ 1851, 8vo. 7. ' Blackburn as it is/ 1862. 8. ' Bolton-le-Moors and the Town- ships in the Parish,' Bolton, 1855, 8vo. [Whittle's Preston, ii. 336 ; Men of the Time, 1865, p. 825; Johnstone's Religious Hist, of Bolton, p. 177 ; Fishwick's Lancashire Library.] c. w. s. WHITTLESEY or WITTLESEY, WILLIAM (d. 1374), archbishop of Can- terbury, though doubtless a native of the Cambridgeshire village whose name he bore, studied at Oxford, where he to icre he took his doctor's Whittlesey 159 Whittlesey degree in canon and civil law (WooD, i. 183; GODWIN). His choice of university must have been decided for him by his maternal uncle, Simon Islip (afterwards archbishop of Canterbury) [q. v.J, to whom Whittlesey owed his education and much ecclesiastical promotion. He was collated archdeacon of Huntingdon in June 1337, according to a record quoted by White Kennett ; but if this be correct, he was re- appointed by letters patent on 20 June 1343 (LE NEVE, ii. 50). In the plague year (1349), when his uncle became archbishop, Whittlesey was made (10 Sept.) ' custos' of Peterhouse at Cambridge, but held this posi- tion only until 1351 . lie was a prebendary of Lichfield from 1350, and of Chichester and Lincoln from 1356, retaining the last down to his appointment as primate (ib. i. 626, ii. 106). He had also a prebend at Hastings (TANNER, p. 784). Along with his arch- deaconry and prebends Whittlesey held the benefices of Ivychurch,near Romney (1352), Croydon (1353), and Cliffe, near Rochester (ib. ; Anf/lia Sacra, i. 535). He is said to have acted for a time as his uncle's proctor at the papal court, and was certainly sent on a mission there by the king in 1353 (ib. ; Rot. Part. ii. 252 ; Fcedera, v. 747). Islip made him first his vicar-general, then dean of the court of arches, and finally secured his election (23 Oct. 1360) to the dependent see of Rochester, not, it would seem, with- out a bargain with the monks (Lfi NEVE, ii. 564 ; Registrum Roffense, p. 181 ; HOOK, iv. 224). The pope gave his consent by way of provision on 31 July following, and, owing to Islip's infirmities, Whittlesey 's con- secration was quietly performed in the chapel of the archbishop s manor-house at Otford, not a single diocesan bishop being present (ib. iv. 225 ; LE NEVE, u.s.) Two years later (6 March 1364) he was trans- lated by Islip's influence to the richer see of Worcester, but does not seem to have re- sided (ib. iii. 58 ; cf. HOOK, iv. 226). After his uncle's death in 1366 Whittlesey can hardly have looked for further promotion, but fortune still stood his friend. Langham, Islip's masterful successor, accepted a cardi- nal's hat without the royal permission, and had to resign. A more colourless and pliant primate being desiderated, the choice fell upon Whittlesey, who was accordingly translated to Canterbury by a papal bull, dated 11 Oct. 1368 (LE NEVE, i. 19). He received the temporalities on 15 Jan. 1369, the pallium on 19 April, and was enthroned on 17 June, the usual feast being dispensed with on account of the plague. Whittlesey would hardly have made his mark in the primacy, even if lie had not very soon be- come a confirmed invalid. lie was unable in consequence to take part in the defence of the church in the memorable parliament of 1371, and rarely left his quiet refuge at Otford (WILKINS, iii. 89; HOOK, iv. 228). But the pressure of taxation upon the clergy became so heavy that he dragged himself up to London for the meeting of convoca- tion in December 1373, and ascended the pulpit of St. Paul's to make his protest; but he had not proceeded far when he swooned in the arms of his chaplain, and was carried out and rowed to Lambeth (PARKER, p. 380 ; WILKINS, iii. 97). He lingered until 5 June, when he made his will, bequeathing his books to Peterhouse, and the residue of his property to his poor relations. His register appears to give this as the day of his death (Anfflia Sacra, i. 794 ; LE NEVE, i. 20). But the record of Canterbury obits places it on the 6th (Anfflia Sacra, i.*61). The date in Walsingham (i. 317) — 5 July — though the month is obviously wrong, rather con- firms the former statement. Perhaps he died in the night between the two dates. His remains were taken to Canterbury and buried in the cathedral near the tomb of Islip, between two pillars on the south side of the nave (SoMNER, Antiquities of Canter- bury, pt. i. p. 134). His epitaph, inscribed on brass, remained legible about 1586, when it was read by Godwin; but only a fragment survived when it was seen by Weever, who published his 'Funerall Monuments' in 1631. .... tumulatus Wittelcsey natus gemmata luce. It was Whittlesey who obtained from Ur- ban V a bull exempting the university of Oxford from the jurisdiction of the bishop of Lincoln. The story in the 'Continuation of the Eulogium ' (iii. 337-8) of the great council of prelates and lords called after Pentecost (20 May 1374) to discuss a papal demand for a subsidy to be used against the Floren- tines, in which the Black Prince is repre- sented as calling Whittlesey an ass, is dis- posed of, so far as the latter is concerned, by the fact that he was on his deathbed at Lambeth when the scene is supposed to have taken place at Westminster. Nor is this the only incredible feature of the incident as there related. [Rot. Parl., Rymer's Fcedera, original edit., Walsingham 's Historia Anglicana and the Eulo- gium Historiarum (in Rolls Ser.) ; Anglia Sacra, ed. Wharton ; Godwin, De Praesulibus Anglise, ed. 1743 ; Wilkins's Concilia Magnae Britanniae et Hiberniae ; Tanner's Bibliotheca Scriptomm Whitty 160 Whitty Britannico-Hibernicu; Le Neve's Fasti Kcclesise Anglicanse, ed. Hardy ; Parker, De Antiquitate Ecclesiae et Privileges Ecclesiae Cautuariensis ; Hook's Lives of the Archbishops of Canterbury.] J. T-T. WHITTY, EDWARD MICHAEL (1827-1860), journalist, son of MichaelJames Whitty [q. v.J, was born in London in 1827. He was educated at the Liverpool Institute and at Hanover. About 1844 he became a reporter on the provincial press, and from 1846 to 1849 he was the writer of the parliamentary summary of the ' Times.' He was the London correspondent of the ' Liver- pool Journal,' and for several years served with George Henry Lewes, E. F. S. Pigott, and other distinguished writers on the staff of the ' Leader.' His great powers of sarcasm were first conspicuous in the singularly vivid and vigorous sketches of the proceedings in parliament which he con- tributed to the ' Leader.' The preliminary essays began in its columns on 14 Aug. 1852, and the first description of the debates by * The Stranger in Parliament ' appeared in the number for 13 Nov. in that year. A selection from them was published anony- mously in 1854 as the ' History of the Ses- sion 1852-3: a Parliamentary Retrospect.' These articles originated the superior kind of parliamentary sketch, and for pungency of expression and fidelity of description have never been surpassed. A volume entitled he was sent from his father's school to WTilliam Vint's academy at Idle, near Leeds, where he re- mained until he was fourteen, being then placed with his uncle, a cotton-spinner in Derbyshire. He mastered the construction of every machine in the place, but, like Watt and Babbage, he found that the machinery was very imperfect, and true workmanship in consequence very rare. The prospect of a regular business partnership was not allur- ing to him ; he was already conscious of the true bent of his genius, and, being unable to emancipate himself in a more regular manner, he ran away to Manchester. There in 1821 he entered the shop of Crighton & Co., ma- chinists, as a working mechanic. His first ambition was to be a good workman, and he often in later years said that the happiest day he ever had was when he first earned journeyman's wages. In February 1825 he married Fanny, youngest daughter of Richard Ankers, a far- Whitworth 167 Whitworth merof Tarvin in Cheshire, and shortly after- wards entered the workshop of Maudslay & Co. in the Westminster Bridge Road, London m ' • M .VUDSLAY, HENRY]. Maudslay soon re- cognised his exceptional talent, and placed him next to John Hampson, a Yorkshireman, the best workman in the establishment. Here Whitworth made his first great discovery, that of a truly plane surface, by means of which for all kinds of sliding tools frictional resistance might beTeduced to a minimum. After intense and protracted labour at the pro- blem Whitworth ended by completely solving it. The most accurate planes hitherto had been obtained by first planing and then grind- ing the surface. ' My first step,' he says, * was to abandon grinding for scraping. Taking two surfaces as accurate as the planing tool could make them, I coated one of them thinly with colouring matter and rubbed the other over it. Had the two surfaces been true the colouring matter would have spread itself uniformly over the upper one. It never did so, but appeared in spots and patches. These marked the eminences, which I removed with a scraping tool till the surfaces became gradually more coincident. But the co- incidence of two surfaces would not prove them to be planes. If the one were concave and the other convex they might still coin- cide. I got over this difficulty by taking a third surface and adjusting it to both of the others. Were one of the latter concave and the other convex, the third plane could not coincide with both of them. By a series of comparisons and adjustments I made all three surfaces coincide, and then, and not before, knew that I had true planes ' (Brit. Assoc. Proc. 1840 ; Inst . Mechan. Engineers Proc. 1856 ; Presidential Address at Glas- ffow). The importance of this discovery can hardly be overestimated, for it laid the foundation of an entirely new standard of accuracy in mechanical construction. On leaving Maudslay'sWhitworth worked at Holtzapffers, and afterwards at the work- shop of Joseph Clement, where Babbage's calculating machine was at that time in pro- cess of construction [see BABBAGE, CHARLES]. In 1833 he returned to Manchester, where he rented a room with steam power in Chorl- ton Street, and put up a sign, 'Joseph Whit- worth, tool-maker, from London,' thus found- ing a workshop which soon became a model of a mechanical manufacturing establish- ment. The next twenty years were devoted mainly to the improvement of machine tools, including the duplex lathe, planing, drilling, slotting, shaping, and other machines. These were all displayed and highly commended at the Great Exhibition of 1851. A natural sequel to the discovery of the true plane was the introduction of a system of measurement of ideal exactness. This was effected be- tween 1840 and 1850 by the conception and development of Whitworth's famous measur- ing machine. A system of planes was so arranged that of two parallel surfaces the one can be moved nearer to or further from the other by means of a screw, the turns of which measure the distance over which the moving plane has advanced or retired. Ex- perience showed that a steel bar held be- tween the two planes would fall if the dis- tance between the surfaces were increased by an incredibly small amount. For mov- ing the planesWhitworth used a screw with twenty threads to an inch, forming the axle of a large wheel divided along its circum- ference into five hundred parts. By this means if the wheel were turned one division, the movable surface was advanced or retired 5^ °f a turn of the screw — that is by TITBIT °f an inch. This slight difference was found successfully to make the differ- ence between the steel bar being firmly held and dropping. A more delicate machine, sub- sequently made and described to the In- stitution of Mechanical Engineers in 1859, made perceptible a difference of one two- millionth of an inch. By means of this gradually perfected de- vice was elaborated Whitworth's system ot standard measures and gauges, which soon proved of such enormous utility to engineers. But of all the standards introduced byWThit- worth, that of the greatest immediate prac- tical utility was doubtless his uniform system of screw threads, first definitely sug- gested in 1841 (cf. Minutes of Proc. Inst. Civil Engineers, 1841, i. 157). Hitherto the screws used in fitting machinery had been manufactured upon no recognised principle or system : each workshop had a type of its own. By collecting an extensive assortment of screw bolts from the different English workshops, Whitworth deduced as a com- promise an average pitch of thread for dif- ferent diameters, and also a mean angle of 55°, which he adopted all through the scale of sizes. The advantages of uniformity could not be resisted, and by 1860 the Whitworth system was in general use. The beauty of Whitworth's inventions was first generally recognised at the exhibition of 1851, where his exhibit of patented tools and inventions gained him the reputation of being the first mechanical constructor of the time. In 1853 Whitworth was appointed a mem- ber of the royal commission to the N ew York Industrial Exhibition. The incomplete state of the machinery department prevented his Whitworth 168 Whitworth reporting upon it, but he made a journey through the industrial districts of the United States, and published upon his return, in conjunction with George Wallis (1811-1891) [q. v.], ' The Industry of the United States in Machinery, Manufactures, and Useful and Ornamental Arts,' London, 1854, 8vo. Whit- worth's share consisted of the twelve short but interesting opening chapters devoted to machinery. In 1856 he was president of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, and at the Glasgow meeting delivered an address in which his favourite projects were ably set forth, lie deplored the tendency to excessive size and weight in the moving parts of machines and the national loss by over-multiplication of sizes and patterns. He contemplated the advantage that might be derived from de- cimalising weights and measures, a subject which led in 1857 to his paper ' On a Standard Decimal Measure of Length for Engineering Work.' His papers, five in number, each one of which signalises a revolution in its subject, were collected in a thin octavo as 1 Miscellaneous Papers on Mechanical Sub- jects, by Joseph Whitworth, F.R.S.,' Lon- don, 1858. Whitworth had been elected to the Royal Society in 1857 ; he was created LL.D. 'of Trinity College, Dublin, in 1863, and D..C.L. Oxford on 17 June 1868. In the meantime, as a consequence of the Crimean war, Whitworth had been requested by the board of ordnance in 1854 to design and give an estimate for a complete set of machinery for manufacturing rifle muskets. This Whitworth declined to do, as he con- sidered that experiments were required in order to determine what caused the diffe- rence between good and bad rifles, what was the proper diameter of the bore, what was the best form of bore, and what the best mode of rifling, before any adequate ma- chinery could be made. Ultimately the go- vernment were induced to erect a shooting- S tilery for Whitworth's use at Fallowfield, anchester, and experiments began here in March 1855. They showed that the popular Enfield rifle was untrue in almost every par- ticular. In April 18o7 Whitworth submitted to official trial a rifle with an hexagonal barrel, which in accuracy of fire, in penetra- tion, and in range, ' excelled the Enfield to a degree which hardly leaves room for com- parison ' (Times, 23 April). Whit worth's rifle was not only far superior to any small arm then existing, but it also embodied the principles upon which modern improvements have been based, namely, reduction of bore (•45 inch), an elongated projectile (3 to 3£ calibres), more rapid twist (one turn in 20 inches), and extreme accuracy of manu- facture. This rifle, after distancing all others in competition, was rejected by a war office committee as being of too small calibre for a military weapon. Ten years later, in 1869 (that is, just twelve years after Whitworth had first suggested the '45 calibre), a similar committee reported that a rifle with a '45 inch bore would ' appear to be the most suitable for a military arm ' (the Lee-Metford arm of to-day has a *303 bore). The inventor found some consolation for the procrastinations of official procedure in the fact that at the open competition promoted by the National Rifle Association in 1860 the Whitworth rifle was adopted as the best known, and on 2 July 1860 the queen opened the first Wimbledon meeting by tiring aWh it- worth rifle from a mechanical rest at a range of four hundred yards, and hitting the bull's- eye within 1^ inches from its centre. The new rifle was adopted by the French govern- ment, and was generally used for target- shooting until the introduction of the Martini- Henry, a rifle in which several of W^hit- worth's principles were embodied. In the construction of cannon he was equally successful, but failed to secure their adoption. In 1862 he made a rifled gun of high power (a six-mile range with a 250-lb. shell), the proportions of which are almost the same as those adopted to-day. But this gun, despite its unrivalled ballistic power, was rejected by the ordnance board in 1865 in favour of the Woolwich pattern, whereby the progress of improvement in British ord- nance was retarded for nearly twenty years. It was after the termination of this ' battle of the guns ' that Whitworth made the greatest of his later discoveries. Experience had taught him that hard steel guns were unsafe, and that the safeguard consisted in employing ductile stesl. A gun of hard steel, in case of unsoundness, explodes, whereas a gun of ductile steel indicates wear by losing its shape, but does not fly to pieces. WThen ductile steel, however, is cast into an ingot, its liability to ' honeycomb ' or form air-cells is so great as almost to neutra- lise its superiority. Whitworth now found that the difficulty of obtaining a large and sound casting of ductile steel might be suc- cessfully overcome by applying extreme pres- sure to the fluid metal, while he further discovered that such pressure could best be applied, not by the steam-hammer but by means of an hydraulic press. Whitworth steel, as it was styled, was produced in this manner about 1870, and its special applica- tion to the manufacture of big guns was de- scribed by Whitworth in 1876 (Proc. Inst. Whitworth 169 Whitworth M ech. Enrj. 1875, p. 268). In 1883 the gun- foundry board of the United States, after paying a visit to Whitworth's large works at < >i>.Tisli!i\v,near Manchester, gave it as tin -ir opinion that the system there carried on surpassed all other methods of forging, and that the ' experience enjoyed by the board during its visit amounted to a revelation ' (Report, October 1884, Washington, 1885, 8vo, p. 14). At the Paris exhibition of 1867 Whit- worth was awarded one of the five ' grands prix' allotted to Great Britain. In Sep- tember 1868, after witnessing the perform- ance of one of the Whitworth field-guns at Chalons, Napoleon III sent him the Legion of Honour, and about the same time he re- ceived the Albert medal of the Society of Arts for his instruments of measurement and uniform standards. On 18 March 1868 he wrote to Disraeli, offering to found thirty scholarships of the annual value of 100/. each, to be competed for upon a basis of proficiency in the theory and practice of mechanics. Next year his generous action and his merits as an inventor were publicly recognised by his being created a baronet (1 Nov. 1869). His first wife died in October 1870, and on 12 April 1871 he married Mary Louisa (b. 31 Aug. 1829), daughter of Daniel Broad- hurst, and widow of Alfred Orrell of Cheadle. Shortly before his second marriage (though etill retaining the Firs, Fallowfield, as his Manchester residence) he purchased a seat and estate at Stancliffe, near Matlock. There upon an unpromising site, amid a number of quarries, he constructed a won- derful park, and he acauired much local celebrity for his gardens, his trotting horses, and his herd of shorthorns. His iron billiard- table, too (remarkable for its true surface), his lawns, cattle pens, and stables were all ' models.' His interest in artillery was still unrelaxed, however, and he was continually making new experiments. He was the first to penetrate armour-plating upwards of four inches in thickness, and the first to demon- strate the possibility of exploding armour- shells without using any kind of fuse. In 1873 he gave to the world his own version of the points at issue with the ordnance department in ' Miscellaneous Papers on Practical Subjects: Guns and Steel' (Lon- don, 8vo). The unfortunate treatment to which he was subjected was due in part, no doubt, to his plain and inflexible determina- tion. ' He would not modify a model which he knew to be right out of deference to committees, who, ne considered, were in- comparably his inferiors in technical know- ledge, and who, being officials, were liable to take offence at the plain speaking of one who regarded official and infallible as far from synonymous.' In 1874 he converted his extensive works at Manchester into a limited liability company. Whitworth, his foremen, and others in the concern, twenty- three in number, held 92 per cent, of the shares, and had practical control ; no good- will was charged, and the plant was taken at a low valuation. At the same time the clerks, draughtsmen, and workmen were encouraged and assisted to take shares (25/. each). On 1 Jan. 1897 the firm was united with that of Armstrong's of Elswick, with an authorised capital of upwards of 4,000,000/. As he advanced in age Whitworth formed the habit of wintering in the Riviera : but he was not fond of going abroad, and in 1885 he made for himself at Stancliffe a large winter-garden, hoping that he might thus be able to spend the winters at home. He passed one winter successfully in Derby- shire, but in October 1886 he went out to Monte Carlo, and there he died on 22 Jan. 1887. Lady Whitworth died on 26 May 1896, and, there being no issue by either wife, the baronetcy became extinct. The second Lady Whitworth was buried beside her husband in a vault in Darley churchyard. For many years before his death Whit- worth made no secret of his intention to devote the bulk of his fortune to public and especially educational purposes, but died without maturing any scheme. By his will and codicils, after giving a large life interest both in real and personal estate to his widow, and making both charitable and personal legacies, he devised and bequeathed his residuary estate to his wife and his friends, Mr. Richard Copley Christie and Mr. Robert Dukinfield Darbishire, in equal shares for their own use, ' they being each of them aware of the general nature of the objects for which I should myself have applied such property.' After paying 100,000/. to the Science and Art Department in fulfilment of Whitworth's intention expressed in 1868 of permanently endowing thirty scholarships, the legatees have, during the twelve years that have elapsed since the testator's death, devoted sums, amounting in all to 594,416/., to educational and charitable purposes. Of this amount 198,648/. has been given to the Whitworth Park and Institute, Manchester ; 118,815/. to the Owens College (besides an estate of the value of 29,404/. given to the college for hospital purposes) ; 60,1 10/. to the Manchester Technical School; 30,407/. to the Baths, Library, and other public pur- Whitworth 170 Whorwood poses at Openshaw ; 25,218/. to other Man- chester institutions and charities; 104,9667. to an institute, baths, and hospital at Darley Dale (in which Whitworth's seat of Stan- rliffe was situate) ; 12,000/. to the Technical Schools and other institutions in Stockport ; and 14,848/. to charities and institutions else- where. Whitworth's mind was not that of a logician, but that of an experimentalist. A man of few words, he encountered each problem in mechanics by the remark ' Let us try.' His experiments with rifles are a striking example of the manner in which a mind of the highest inventive order gradually and surely advances towards its object. Tyndall said that when he began to work at firearms he was as ignorant of the rifle * as Pasteur was of the microscope when he began his immortal researches upon spon- taneous generation.' In the matter of gun- nery (like Darwin in some of his special investigations) he may be said to have proved all things in order to hold fast that which was good. The patience, the step-by- step progress of investigation, the certainty with which conclusions once fairly reached are grasped as implements, the systematic form in which facts are marshalled and results arranged, all indicate, as in the case of a Darwin or a Pasteur, the capacity for taking pains over trifles, and the mastery of large principles, which go to make up a genius. An excellent full-length portrait of Whit- worth by L. Desanges is in the Whitworth Institute at Darley Dale; in the grounds adjoining stands a monolithic obelisk (seven- teen feet high), erected by the inhabitants in memory of Whitworth, and unveiled on 1 Sept. 1894 ; upon the pedestal are portrait and other medallions. Portraits of Whit- worth appeared in the ' Illustrated London News ' on 16 May 1868 and on 5 Feb. 1887. Whitworth's exceptionally fitting motto was ' Fortis qui prudens.' [Memoir of Whitworth in the Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, 1887-8, vol. xci. pt. i. ; Instit. of Mechanical Engineers Proc. February 1887 ; Manchester Literary and PhiloBOph. Soc. Proc. 19 April 1887 ; Nature, 27 Jan. 1887; Biograph,H.465; Eclectic Engin. Mag. New York, ii. 42, xiv. 196 (by Tyndall); Eraser's Mag. Ixix. 639 ; Trans, of the Royal Soc. 1887; Sir J. Emerson Tennent's Story of the Guns, 1864; Foster's Alumni Oxon. 1715- 1886; Smiles's Industrial Biogr. ; Button's Cat. of Lancashire Authors; Times, 24 Jan. 1887; Manchester Examiner and Times, 24 Jan. 1887 ; Illustrated London News, 1887, i. 149; Debrett's Baronetage, 1887, p. 539 ; private information.] T. S. WHOOD, ISAAC (1689-1752), portrait- painter, born in 1689, practised for many years as a portrait-painter in Lincoln's Inn Inelds, and was a skilful imitator of the style of Kneller. He was especially patro- nised by the Duke of Bedford, for whom he painted numerous portraits of members of the Spencer and Russell families, now at Woburn Abbey; some of these were copied by Whood from other painters. At Cam- bridge there are portraits by Whood at Trinity College, including one of Dr. Isaac Barrow, and at Trinity Hall. His portraits of ladies were some of the best of that date. There is a good portrait of Archbishop Wake by Whood at Lambeth Palace, painted in 1736. Some of his portraits were engraved in mezzotint, notably one of Laurent Delvaux the sculptor, engraved by Alexander Van Haecken. Whood's drawings in chalk or blacklead are interesting. In 1743 he exe- cuted a series of designs to illustrate Butler's 1 Hudibras.' Whood died in Blooinsbury Square on 24 Feb. 1752. The portrait of Joseph Spence [q. v.] prefixed to his ' Anec- dotes' was engraved from a portrait by Whood. [Walpole's Anecdotes of Painters ed. "VVor- num, with manuscript notes by G. Scharf; Scharf's Cat. of the Pictures at Woburn Abbey ; Redgrave's Diet, of Artists ; Chaloner Smith's British Mezzotinto Portraits.] L. C. WHORWOOD, JANE (ft. 1648), royalist, was the daughter of one Ryder or Ryther of Kingston, Surrey, sometime sur- veyor of the stables to James I (CLARK, Life of Anthony Wood, i. 227)/ In September 1634, at the age of nineteen, she married Brome Whorwood, eldest son of Sir Thomas W^horwood of Holton, Oxfordshire (CHESTER, London Marriage Licenses, p. 1460 ; TURNER, Visitation of Oxfordshire, p. 242). In 1647 and 1648, when the king was in captivity, Mrs. Whorwood signalised herself by her efforts to communicate with him and to arrange his escape. She conveyed money to him from loyalists in London when he was at Hampton Court in the autumn of 1647, and consulted William Lilly the astrologer as to the question in what quarter of the nation Charles could best hide himself after his intended flight. Lilly recommended Essex, but the advice came too late to be acted upon (LILLY, History of his Life and Times, p. 39; cf. WOOD, p. 227). Mrs. Whorwood consulted Lilly again in 1648 on the means of effecting the king's escape from Carisbrooke, and obtained from a IOCK- smith whom he recommended files and aqua- fortis to be used on the window-bars of the king's chamber, but through various acci- Whvte 171 Whyte dents the design failed. She also assisted in providing a ship, and on 4 May 1048 Colonel Hammond, the governor of the Isle of Wight, was warned that a ship had sailed from the Thames, and was waiting about Queen- borough to carry the king to Holland. ' -Mrs. Whorwood,' adds the letter, 'is aboard the ship, a tall, well-fashioned, and well- languaged gentlewoman, with a round visage and pockholes in her face' (Letters between Colonel Robert Hammond and the Committee at Derby House, 1704, 8vo, pp. 43, 45, 48 ; LILLY, p. 142 ; HILLIER, Charles I in the Isle of Wiyht, pp. 147, 155, 159). Wood, who had often seen her, adds to this de- scription that she was red-haired (Life, i. 227). After the frustration of this scheme Mrs. Whorwood continued to convey letters to and from the king during the autumn of 1648, and to hatch fresh schemes. She is often referred to in the king's letters under the cipher ' N.' or ' 715 ' (HiLLiEK, p. 240; WAGSTAFFE, Vindication of Kiny Charles the Martyr, 1711, pp. 142, 150, 152-7, 161-3). ' I cannot be more confident of any,' says the king in one of his letters, and in another speaks of the ' long, wise discourse' she had sent him. Wood identi- fies Mrs. Whorwood with the unnamed lady to whom the king had entrusted a cabinet of jewels which he sent for shortly before his execution, in order that he might give them to his children (Athence O.vonienses, ii. 700, art. * Herbert'). But a note in Sir Thomas Herbert's own narrative states that the lady in question was the wife of Sir W. Wheeler (HERBERT, Memoirs, ed. 1702, p. 122). The elate of Mrs. Whorwood?s death is un- certairir^Her eldest son, Brome, baptised on 29 Oct. 1635, was drowned in September 1657, and buried at Holton (Wooo, Life, i. 226). Her daughter Diana married in 1677 Edward Masters, LL.D., chancellor of the diocese of Exeter (ib. ii. 331, iii. 403). Her husband represented the city of Oxford in four successive parliaments (1661-81), but, becoming a violent whig, was put out of the commission of the peace in January 1680. He died in Old Palace Yard, Westminster, on 12 April 1684, and was buried at Holton on 24 April (ib.'i. 399, ii. 439,460,476, 523, iii. 93). [Turner's Visitations of Oxfordshire (Harl. Soc.), 1871, p. 242; Life of Anthony Wood, ed. Clark; Athenae Oxon. ed. Bliss; Lilly's Hist. of his Life and Times, ed. 1822.] C. H. F. WHYTE. [See also WHITE.] WHYTE,SAMUEL(1733-1811), school- master and author, born in 1733, was natural son of Captain Solomon Whyte, deputy- ^ She died 24 Sept. 1684, according to R. Rawlinson. governor of the Tower of London. In a note to verses on himself Whyte says that ' he was born on ship-board approaching the Mersey [and] Liverpool was the first land he ever touched' (Poems on Various Subjects, 3rd ed.) His mother died after giving birth to him. Whyte's first cousin, Frances Chamberlain (her mother was sister of Whyte's father), became the wife of Thomas Sheridan [q. v.] The Sheridans were very kind to WTiyte; indeed, he termed Mrs. Sheridan ' the friend and parent of my youth.' He was placed as a boarder in Samuel Edwards's academy in Golden Lane, Dublin (GILBERT, Dublin, iii. ! 200). His father died in 1757, and his estate i passed to his nephew, who was Mrs. Sheri- ! dan's elder brother, Whyte receiving a legacy I of five hundred pounds. On 3 April 1758 ; he opened a ' seminary for the institution of youth' at 75 (now 79) Grafton Street, Dublin. He described himself as ' Principal of the English Grammar School.' Mrs. Sheridan persuaded her husband's sisters, Mrs. Sheen and Mrs. Knowles, and other ladies to send their children to be taught, and, 'thus favoured, young Whyte had a handsome show of pupils on first opening his school ' (Memoirs of Frances Sheridan, p. 83). Her own three children, the eldest not seven, were among them. Charles Fran- cis remained a few weeks only, while Richard Brinsley and his sister Alicia were under Whyte s care as a schoolmaster for upwards of a year. Whyte was proud of having had the famous Sheridan as a pupil. But in a footnote to page 277 of the third edition of his poems he made a fanciful statement which is the origin of the myth about Sheridan and his brother being styled by him ' impenetrable dunces.' He repeated the footnote story to Moore in after years, and Moore aided in diffusing it (Memoirs, i. 7). Miss Lefanu has exposed Whyte's inaccuracy (Memoirs of Frances Sheridan, p. 85), while Sheridan's elder sister, writing to Lady Morgan in 1817, charges the schoolmaster of her child- hood with wilful misrepresentation (LADY MORGAN, Memoirs, ii. 61). On the other hand, Whyte was grateful for the kindness he received from Thomas Sheridan and his wife, and made a substantial return when fortune frowned upon them. His first work was a 'Treatise on the English Language,' which, though printed in 1761, was not published till 1800. He wrote two tragedies and put them in the fire after Thomas Sheridan had undertaken to get them represented. He was a fluent versifier, and some of his verses appeared in Whytehead 172 Whytehead 1772 in & quarto entitled ' The Shamrock, or Hibernian Cresses,' practical proposals for a reform in education being appended (another edit. 1773, 8vo). His reputation had led to the offer in 1759 of the pro- fessorship of English in the Hibernian Aca- demy; but, thinking that Thomas Sheridan had been unfairly overlooked, he declined it. His custom was to make his pupils represent a play at the annual examination, and some became actors in consequence. Being blamed for this, he wrote in self-defence a didactic poem, ' The Theatre,' which was published in 1790. Whyte's son, Edward Athenry, who had become his partner, collected his works in 1792, of which four editions were printed. Copies were given as prizes to the pupils who distinguished themselves, while each one who fell short of the required standard received his engraved portrait. After the union between Great Britain and Ireland the attendance at Whyte's school diminished owing to Irish parents sending their children to England for their education. He died at 75 Grafton Street, Dublin, on 11 Oct. 1811. His son conducted the school till 1824, when he migrated to London and afterwards died there. Whyte's works, in addition to those named above, included : 1. * Miscellanea Nova, with Remarks on Boswell's " John- eon" and a Critique on Burger's "Leonora,"' 1801, 8vo. 2. 'The Beauties of History.' 3. * The Juvenile Encyclopaedia.' 4. An edition of ' Matho.' 5. An edition of ' Hoi- berg's Universal History.' 6. ' A Short System of Rhetoric.' 7. ' Hints to the Age of Reason.' 8. ' Practical Elocution.' [Gilbert's History of Dublin, iii. 200-10; Gentleman's Magazine, 1811, ii. 486; Alicia Lefanu's Memoirs of Mrs. Frances Sheridan, pp. 82-6 ; The Junto, or the Interior Cabinet laid open.] F. R. WHYTEHEAD, THOMAS (1815-1843), missionary and poet, born at Thormanby in the North Riding of Yorkshire on 30 Nov. 1815, was the fourth son of Henry Robert Whytehead (1772-1818), curate of Thor- manby and rector of Goxhill, by his wife Hannah Diana (d. 21 Nov. 1844), daughter and heiress of Thomas Bowman, rector of Crayke in Yorkshire. On the death of Henry Robert Whytehead on 20 Aug. 1818, his widow removed to York with her young family. After attending the grammar school at Beverley, and reading privately along with his elder brother Robert (1808-1 863), Thomas was entered as a pensioner at St. John's Col- lege, Cambridge, in October 1833. His uni- versity successes were remarkable. In 1834 he was first Bell scholar, in 1835 and 1836 he won the chancellor's English medal with poems on the death of the Duke of Gloucester and < The Empire of the Sea.' In 1835 he won the Hulsean prize, with an essay on 'The Resemblance between Christ and Moses ;' in 1836 he obtained Sir William Browne's gold medal for Latin and Greek epigrams; on 4 Feb. 1837 he was placed second in the classical tripos, and in March he was chosen senior classical medallist. On 13 March he was elected to a fellowship at St. John's Col- lege, which he retained until his death. He graduated B.A. in 1837, and M.A. in 1840, and was admitted at Oxford ad eundem on 4 Dec. 1841. In December 1839 he was or- dained to the curacy of Freshwater in the Isle of Wight. During 1841 he composed an ode for the installation of the Duke of North- umberland as chancellor of Cambridge Uni- versity, which was set to music by Thomas Attwood Walmisley [q. v.], and performed at the senate house on 5 July 1842. From childhood Whytehead had been re- markable for his earnest piety, and after long consideration he resolved to devote him- self to mission work. In 1841 he accepted the post of chaplain to George Augustus Sel- wyn [q.v.], recently appointed bishop of New Zealand, and sailed on 26 Dec. 1841. He reached Sydney on 14 April 1842, but his health completely broke down, and, though he reached New Zealand, he died at Waimate, in the Bay of Islands, on 19 March 1843. He was unmarried. A memorial stone was placed over his grave at Waimate, and a marble tablet erected to hiin by his friend the Earl of Powis in the chapel of St. John's College, near the city of Auckland. In the ne\y chapel of St. John's College, Cambridge, which was completed in 1869, a full-length figure of Whytehead appears on the roof of the choir (WiLLis, Architecture and Hist. of the University of Cambridge, 1886, ii. 335. 343). Whytehead was a poet of some merit. The widely known hymn, ' Sabbath of the saints of old,' is one of seven hymns written by him for holy week. Almost his last act was to translate this hymn and Ken's lines, * Glory to Thee, my God, this night,' into Maori rhyming verse. A collection of his 'Poems' was published in 1842 (London, 8vo). A second edition, entitled ' Poetical Remains,' with a memoir, including many of his letters, was prepared by his nephew, Thomas Bowman Whytehead, and appeared in 1877, with a preface by Bishop Howson (London, 8vo). In 1841 a series of epistles on 'College Life: Letters to an Undergra- duate,' were published at Cambridge after Whyte-Melville 173 Whyte-Melville his death in 1845, under the editorship of Thomas Francis Knox [q. v.] A second edi- tion by William Nathaniel (Jrillin appeared in London in 1856. Whytehead's two prize poems were also printed in 1859, in ' A Col- lection of the English Poems which have ob- tained the chancellor's gold medal,' Cam- bridge, 8vo. [Memoir prefixed to Whytehead's Poetical Remains, 1877 ; Pref. to College Life, 1845 ; Mission Life, 1873, pp. 375-90 ; Tucker's Life of Selwyn, 1879; Burke's Landed Gentry; Julian's Diet, of Hymnology, 1892; Foster's Alumni OXOD. 1715-1886; Stock's Hist, of Church Missionary Soc. i. 430.] E. I. C. WHYTE - MELVILLE, GEORGE JOHN (1821-1878), novelist and poet, born on 19 June 1821, was son of John Whyte- Melville of Strathkinness in Fifeshire, by his wife Catherine Anne Sarah, youngest daugh- ter of Francis Godolphin Osborne, fifth duke of Leeds. Robert Whyte [q. v.] was his great-grandfather. The novelist was edu- cated at Eton under Keate, and in 1839 re- ceived a commission in the 93rd highlanders. Exchanging in 1846 into the Coldstream guards, he retired in 1849 with the rank of captain, but on the outbreak of the Crimean war in 1854 he volunteered for active service, and was appointed major of Turkish irregu- lar cavalry. After peace was restored he devoted himself to literature and field sports, especially fox-hunting, on which he soon came to be regarded as a high authority. He married, on 7 Aug. 1847, Charlotte, daughter of William Hanbury, first lord Bateman, by whom he had one daughter; but his mar- ried life was unhappy. To that misfortune perhaps may be traced the strain of melan- choly which runs through all Whyte-Mel- ville's writings. His literary powers, which he himself was always inclined to underrate, were considerable, and would have brought him greater fame had circumstances required him to put them to more diligent use. As Locker-Lampson remarks : * This notion of the smallness of his gift may have been fos- tered by his never having been a really needy man : he could alwavs afford to hunt the fox, so the excitement of the chasse aux pieces de cent sous, which stimulates most authors, was denied him.' As it was, Whyte-Mel- ville devoted all the earnings of his pen, which must have been considerable, to phi- lanthropic and charitable objects, especially to the provision of reading-rooms and other recreation for grooms and stable-boys in hunting quarters. Locker-Lampson observes in ' My Confidences ' (p. 382) that Whyte- Melville never sought literary society, pre- ferring the companionship of soldiers, sports- men, and country gentlemen. Perhaps, had he been more assiduous in cultivating lite- rary men, his reputation as an author might have stood higher with the general public, though he could scarcely have been a greater favourite with readers of his own class. From his intimate acquaintance with military, sporting, and fashionable life, Whyte-Melville could deal with it in fiction without any risk of falling into the ludicrous exaggerations and blunders which beset many writers who attempt to do so. After his marriage in 1847 Whyte-Mel- ville lived for some years in Northampton- shire, and then removed to Tetbury in Glou- cestershire. An acknowledged arbiter of hunting practice and a critic of costume, he was careless to a fault in his own attire. Most of Whyte-Melville's works were novels, though his volume of 'Songs and Verses ' contains some lyrics of charming vivacity and tenderness, and all his writings, though appealing chiefly to sporting men, have attractions for general readers also, owing to the lofty tone of chivalry which pervades them and the reverent devotion expressed for the fair sex. Throughout all his works there is evident also an affection for classical lore, reflecting the training which Whyte-Melville received at Eton in the days of Dr. Keate. Whyte-Melville was very fond of making young horses into finished hunters, but it was on an old and favourite horse, the Shah, that he met his death. On 5 Dec. 1878 he was hunting in the Vale of White Horse, the hounds had found a fox, and Whyte- Melville was galloping for a start along the grass headland of a ploughed field. His horse fell and killed him instantaneously. He was buried at Tetbury. A bust was executed by Sir Edgar Boehm ( Cat . Victorian Rrhib. No. 1075). Whyte-Melville's father, who is men- tioned in Locker-Lampson's 'Confidences,' survived him for five years, dying in 1883 ; Strathkinness then passed to his kinsman, Mr. James Balfour, who assumed the name of Melville in addition to his own. Whyte-Melville's published works are as follows: 1. 'Captain Digby Grand: an Autobiography,' 1853. 2. ' General Bounce ; or, The Lady and the Locusts,' 1854. 3. ' Kate Coventry : an Autobiography,' 1856. 4. 'The Arab's Ride to Cairo,' 1858. 5. 'The Interpreter: a Tale of the War,' 1858. 6. 'Holmby House: a Tale of Old Northamptonshire,' I860. 7. ' Good for Nothing; or, All Down Hill,' 1861. 8. 'Market Harborough,' 1861. 9. 'Tilbury Nogo: an Unsuccessful Man,' Whytford 174 Whytt 1861. 10. ' The Queen's Maries : a Romance of Holyrood,' 1862. 11. 'The Gladiators: a Tale of Rome and Judaea/ 1863. 12. ' The Brookes of Bridlemere,' 1864. 13. ' Cerise,' 1866. 14. 'The White Rose,' 1868. 15. ' Bones and I ; or, The Skeleton at Home,' 1868. 16. 'M. or N.,' 1869. 17. 'Songs and Verses,' 1869. 18. 'Contraband; or, A Losing Hazard,' 1870. 19. « Sarchedon : a Tale of the Great Queen,' 1871. 20. ' The True Cross' (a religious poem), 1873. 21. ' Satanella : a Story of Punchestown,' 1873. 22. 'Uncle John: a Novel,' 1874. 23. ' Riding Recollections,' 1875. 24. ' Ka- terfelto,' 1875. 25. 'Sister Louise; or, Woman's Repentance,' 1875. 26. ' Rosine,' 1875. 27. ' Roy's Wife,' 1878. 28. 'Black but Comely,' 1879 (posthumous). [Burke's Landed Gentry ; Allibone's Diet. ; Annual Register ; Baily's Magazine ; Locker- Lampson's Confidences ; private information.] H. E. M. WHYTFORD, RICHARD ( rf. 1495- 1555?), author. [See WHITFORD.] WHYTT, ROBERT (1714-1766), presi- dent of the Royal College of Physicians, Edinburgh, second son of Robert Whytt of Bennochie, advocate, and Jean, daughter of Antony Murray of Woodend, Perthshire, was born in Edinburgh on 6 Sept. 1714, six months after his father's death. Having gra- duated M.A. at St. Andrews in 1730, he went to Edinburgh to study medicine. Two years before this he had succeeded, by the death of his elder brother George, to the family estate. Whytt devoted himself in particular to the study of anatomy under the first Monro. Proceeding to London in 1734, Whytt became a pupil of Cheselden, while lie visited the wards of the London hospitals. After this he attended the lectures of Wins- low in Paris, of Boerhaave and Albinus at Leyden. He took the degree of M.D. at Rheims on 2 April 1736. On 3 June 1737 a similar degree was conferred on him by the university of St. Andrews, and on 21 June he became a licentiate of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh. On 27 Nov. 1738 he was elected to the fellowship, and commenced practice as a physician. In 1743 Whytt published a paper in the 'Edinburgh Medical Essays' entitled 'On the Virtues of Lime- Water in the Cure